Fortune Teller.

Chapter 464

Chapter 464
Mu Jinnian was petrified, his mind went blank.

"You're dead!" Hu Shuyi punched and kicked Mu Jinnian while hysterical.Mu Jinnian didn't fight back, his eyes were dull, almost collapsed.

"Someone jumped off the building." The waiter realized the situation and shouted in panic.

Afterwards, a waiter also appeared in the corridor, and when he saw the tragic situation of Shangkai, he was so frightened that he exclaimed again and again: "Killed, killed."

Things are getting bigger...

At the same time that Yue Qingying's accident happened, Shi De accepted Ye Dacheng's appointment and came to Ye Dacheng's villa in the suburbs.

Ye Dacheng lived alone in the outskirts far away from the busy city, and built a huge villa in the middle of a forest, like a palace.When Shi De arrived, it was just around dinner time.

Ye Dacheng was doing Tai Chi alone in the yard. He was practicing Tai Chi for fitness. Although each move and posture was in place, compared with Shi De's actual Tai Chi, he looked elegant and calm on the surface, but in fact he looked good. useless.

If you have to give an evaluation, four words - show your fists and embroider your legs.

Of course, with Ye Dacheng's status, he doesn't need actual Tai Chi techniques to improve his martial arts skills, he just needs to strengthen his body.Taijiquan with flowery boxing and embroidered legs is also enough for him.

"Chairman Ye." Shi De greeted respectfully.

Ye Dacheng nodded slightly towards Shi De, and did not stop the moves in his hand, he still punched seriously. He walked towards Shi De intentionally, stretched out his right hand, and punched Shi De unexpectedly.

The last time when Shi De and Xia wanted to teach Jia Chenmo a lesson together, Ye Dacheng and Li Changfeng saw Shi De's skills from a distance, and he was amazed that Shi De's Taijiquan method was so superb. In his opinion, Taijiquan It's radio gymnastics for physical fitness, how can it be practical?
So he deliberately tested Shi De.

Shi De didn't expect that when he met Ye Dacheng, Ye Dacheng greeted him with his fist. Although he was not Tian Nan's opponent yet, it was still a piece of cake to deal with Ye Dacheng's flamboyant fists and legs.But then again, he really couldn't compete with Ye Chengcheng. At Ye Chengcheng's age, accidents might happen if he meets Ye Chengcheng.

Taking a wrong step back, Shi De got out of Ye Dakai's blow, and smiled lightly: "Ye Dong, are you welcoming me, or are you trying to drive me out?"

Ye Dacheng laughed: "Originally, I wanted to fight you, but I thought that you are too young, and if you win, it would be useless to win. If you lose, it would be embarrassing, so forget it, come and sit down."

Seeing that Ye Dacheng was straightforward, Shi De was no longer polite, and sat on a chair in the courtyard.

The yard is not small, full of flowers, rockery, flowing water, and trees. The layout is very delicate, and it also has the essence of Feng Shui.Shi De nodded in praise and said: "Dong Ye, your yard has good Fengshui, do you have any expert advice?"

"What's wrong with Xiao Shi, you also know Fengshui?" Ye Dacheng's eyes lit up, "I don't have any expert advice on the layout of my yard, I just fiddled with it according to my own preferences."

"Blessed people live in blessed places. If you don't know Fengshui, you can make such Fengshui casually. Director Ye, you are a blessed person." Shi De's words were not intentional flattery, but the truth.

But Ye Dacheng heard it as flattery, and said with a smile: "I have always admired people with real skills and smooth words, and I have never liked them in front of me. Xiao Shi, tell me about Feng Shui, I don't believe it. "

Sitting in the courtyard of the breezy suburban villa, the spring is just right, neither cold nor hot, making people feel comfortable physically and mentally. Shi De stretched his muscles and bones. He knew that the next thing he had to do was to try his best to convince Ye Dacheng.

Ye Dacheng is different from Li Changfeng. Although Ye Dacheng believes in Buddhism, he is not as elegant as Li Changfeng. Shi De can also tell that, compared with Li Changfeng's easy-going personality, although Ye Dacheng believes in Buddhism, his personality is still stubborn and unchangeable.To convince Ye Dacheng, he knew that he had to come up with something.

After thinking about it for a while, Shi De had an idea in his mind: "What will happen to Sichuan, where the gods and beasts of the water town have been dug? Why did the Xiajiang Viaduct have the only dragon column with a dragon-shaped relief on its appearance? Why is it so small? The Beiding Niangniang Temple can actually force the Olympic Bird’s Nest to move a hundred meters away? And why did Beijing build Metro Line 5 to avoid an ancient well and change the line? Fengshui has been circulating in China for a long time, and it is also regarded as a symbol of good omen. No matter what Believe it or not, Feng Shui is real."

Shi De's strategy worked, and Ye Dacheng became interested immediately. The main reason was that Shi had chosen the events that happened now very wisely, and they were all well-documented real events.

"Go ahead." Ye Dacheng took a sip of tea, looked at Shi De with interest, and thought that Shi De was an interesting young man. He was young, but he knew a lot about some strange things.

"At the beginning of last year, at the construction site of the Sichuan Grand Theater in Tianfu Square, the center of CD City, a mysterious stone beast was born, causing quite a stir. According to the investigation of many archaeological experts, its production date is about 2000 years ago It is said that the mythical beast was discovered as early as 1973. It was not dug out at that time and continued to be buried on the spot. Decorated with a cirrus cloud pattern. At that time, many people said that it was Li Bing’s water-suppressing beast, which could not be dug, but the official said it was a superstition, what kind of water-suppressing beast, washed it and moved it to the Jinsha Site Museum.”

"According to historical records such as "The Chronicle of the King of Shu", "Huayang Guozhi? Shu Zhi", when Li Bing, the governor of Shu in the Qin Dynasty, was building Dujiangyan, he ordered people to make five stone rhinoceros as the stone gods of water town. Placed in different positions, they form a feng shui array of divine beasts, suppressing water essence. Rhinoceros, according to legend, have the function of diverting water. Li Bing built Dujiangyan, mainly to divert water. In addition, the space helps to divert the flow. Since ancient times, mythical animals have been an important element affecting Fengshui, ranging from the stone lions in the town houses of wealthy families to various auspicious animals in the palace, as well as the tiles and eaves of various ancient buildings. Fengshui can be seen everywhere The figure of the beast."

"Yes, this divine beast can ward off evil spirits, I believe." Ye Dacheng interjected.

"What will happen if you dig up the beast? It will be fulfilled in less than half a year. At this time, many people understand and shout to put the beast back, because the places that have not seen floods for more than ten years are all flooded! 90 people were affected by the rain! According to statistics, more than ten bridges in Sichuan Province collapsed on the same day, especially the Baocheng Railway Bridge in Guanghan was washed away and two carriages fell into the river. Many cities in Sichuan suffered At the same time as the flooding, Chengdu was also besieged by heavy rain. The whole of Sichuan has become a country of Ze.”

"After talking about Sichuan, let's talk about the Bird's Nest in the capital." Shi De saw that Ye Dacheng listened in, not with a repulsive attitude. It was planned to demolish the building, but later it became the object of cultural relics protection in Beijing, but because of a major event that shocked many people, the original decision had to be changed.”

"Just after several workers demolished the two temple gates of the Beiding Niangniang Temple, a rare tornado blew near the Bird's Nest. According to the "Beijing Chronicle" report, a swirling black column of wind swept across the entire country in mid-air The center is the construction site of the Water Cube. The wind column is seven to eight meters high and three to four meters thick. The whirlwind sandwiched yellow sand and rolled up the iron sheet of the construction site fence to a height of more than ten meters. Almost all objects were destroyed, the entire construction site was razed to the ground, and the site was paralyzed. Immediately, 44 workers were injured and 2 people died."

"According to meteorological experts, there is no record of dust devils in the meteorological data of the capital. Although Cyclonus razed the entire stadium construction site to the ground, the Beiding Niangniang Temple located in the area hit by the tornado was intact. Everyone felt very It was miraculous and frightening, and everyone started to murmur. Many people left the construction site for fear of offending the gods. But the next day, a more bizarre news came from the construction site: the construction of the Water Cube At the site, a huge cave was excavated, and several workers sneaked into it curiously, and found that it was full of live snakes! The construction was stopped immediately, and on the day of the shutdown, an unexplained accident occurred at night at the Bird’s Nest and the construction site. When there was a power outage, everyone looked into the distance during the power outage and found that the Niangniang Temple on the north top was brightly lit, as if there were tens of thousands of electric lights, but the actual situation was that there were no electric lights in the Niangniang Temple at all!"

"Hehe." Ye Dacheng smiled, "I've heard about this too."

"The chief engineer convened a meeting overnight to study, and according to the advice of Feng Shui experts, the authorities finally decided to retain this cultural relic value of the Ming Dynasty Niangniang Temple and allocate funds for restoration. For this reason, the Bird's Nest was forced to move northward on the basis of the original plan. 100 meters. The authorities called it a measure to protect the cultural relics of the Olympic Games, and specially invited overseas journalists to visit. Although a lot of financial and material resources were spent, the subsequent construction was relatively smooth. That is to say, today we saw the Olympic Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube. The stadium was not at the originally decided place, but was moved to the north by more than 100 meters under the instructions of the dark. All kinds of strange things happened behind the scenes, although they were not reported in the newspapers, they spread by word of mouth. .”

"One more thing is the rerouting of Metro No. 5 in Beijing. There is a legend in Beijing that there is a Suolongjing in Beixinqiao, and there is a sea eye at the bottom of the well. What is a sea eye? As the name suggests, the sea eye is the eye of the sea. There is a hole on the ground like It is a well with unfathomable depth and gurgling water. It is said that it goes all the way to the bottom of the sea. This is the eye of the sea extending to the land. It is said that in the past, the old dragon king wanted to flood the capital, but was chained here by Liu Bowen with a big iron chain. In the well."

(End of this chapter)

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