Fortune Teller.

Chapter 465 No one will give you glory and wealth

Chapter 465 No one will give you glory and wealth
"A teenage boy went to visit a wise old man. The boy asked, how can I become a person who can please myself and others? The old man smiled and said, child, if you have this wish at your age, it will come true. It’s rare, let me give you four sentences.”

"Which four sentences?" Ye Dacheng couldn't help interjecting.

"The first sentence: Treat yourself as someone else." Shi De nodded to Ye Dacheng, "The young man thought for a while and said, when I am in pain and sorrow, treat myself as someone else, and the pain will naturally ease. When I'm ecstatic, I think of myself as someone else, and then the ecstasy becomes a little bit more peaceful, doesn't it?"

"The old man nodded in approval, and then said, the second sentence, treat others as himself. The young man pondered for a while, and said, in this way, he can truly sympathize with others' misfortune, understand their needs, and give them appropriate help, right? The old man smiled and said nothing, nodded to the young man, and then continued, the third sentence, treat others as others."

"The young man pondered silently for a long time, finally figured it out, then looked up at the old man, does this sentence mean that everyone's independence must be fully respected, and the core territory of others must not be violated under any circumstances. The old man smiled gratifiedly, "Very well, that's it! The fourth sentence is, treat yourself as yourself."

"Seeing that the young people seem to understand but don't understand, the old man said gently and patiently, this sentence may be too difficult to understand, save it for you to savor it slowly later! The young man pondered for a long time, thought it through, and said, I think, it at least contains There is such a meaning, that is, we must be responsible for ourselves. The old man smiled and did not comment. The young man asked again, how can these four sentences be unified? The old man said, it is very simple, and it takes a lifetime of time and experience. "

"Taking yourself as others is open-mindedness, treating others as yourself is tolerance, treating others as others is wisdom, and treating yourself as yourself is enlightenment. The biggest trouble for a person, or the root of trouble and pain, may be that sometimes he takes himself too seriously. and sometimes I don’t take myself too seriously.” After Shi De finished telling the story, he looked up at Ye Dacheng, “I don’t know my story, can you satisfy Director Ye?”

"Haha." Ye Dacheng laughed loudly, "You mean, you are the young man in the story, and I am the wise old man in the story?"

"It can be understood in this way." Shi De also smiled humbly.

"Tell me, what kind of help do you want from me." Although Ye Dacheng does not trust Shi De [-]% now, he is at least willing to cooperate with Shi De. "Compared to you, Mu Jinnian is much shallower. I put forward conditions when I came up, and I didn’t forget to step on you a few times. I don’t like people who step on others to get to the top. If you have the ability to climb up by yourself and step on other people’s shoulders, what kind of hero is you? Xiao Shi, you come to me It's been a long time, and I haven't even said a bad word about Mu Jinnian, just focusing on this, I approve of you."

"I came to see Director Ye just to chat with him, talk about life, and tell stories." Shi De laughed.

"There are still stories? Well, you tell, I'll listen." Ye Dacheng got up and walked towards the vegetable field in the yard, "Come, talk while you work, you can do both."

Ye Dacheng picked up a hoe and started digging, and Shi De also picked up a shovel to help.

"Nowadays many young people don't understand a truth. They want to make a lot of money as soon as they go to work. They always feel that the wages given by their bosses are too low, but they don't understand a truth-no boss will give you glory and wealth for nothing. In the hand. Once upon a time, there was a stall selling fruit. The owner was too old to stand and greet customers all the time, so he posted a note to recruit a clerk. A few days later, a young man came and asked the owner how much he needed for a month. Qian asked him to help, the boss said with a smile, our small stall business, how can we pay a monthly salary, of course it depends on your hard work, how much fruit you can sell in a day, and you will give you one-tenth of the money you receive, and you will be paid every day. Knot."

"The young man listened, looked up and down the dilapidated stall in front of him, and said no, it was too insecure, and turned around and left after speaking. A few days later, another young man came and asked the boss how to calculate his salary. The boss said again about getting a daily salary. The young man thought about it and asked again, it doesn’t matter if you get a daily salary or a monthly salary. , The business is also divided into low and peak seasons. If it is good, it can charge 5 yuan, and if it is not good, it may only be 1 yuan. After hearing this, the young man yelled, saying that this kind of business will never lead to prosperity and wealth in his life, and only fools will come to sell fruit. Likewise, he left after speaking."

What does Shi De want to express?Ye Dacheng listened with relish, and while he was digging hard, he smiled and listened to Shi De's non-stop talk.He patiently waits for Shide to reveal his true intentions at the end of the story.

"A few days later, another little boy came and asked the boss how to calculate the salary. The boss also said that he would receive the daily salary. The little boy smiled when he heard this, and asked the boss, can you pay during festivals and weekends? Increase the percentage of the daily salary, and receive two tenths of the daily income, and if the income exceeds 1 yuan, three tenths. The boss laughed and patted the little boy's head and said, you are so smart, I also know that business is better during festivals and weekends, so I will do what you say! However, even if it is a festival or weekend, it is not easy to have an operating income of more than 1 yuan!"

"The little boy didn't care what the boss said. After he took over, he started to work. He washed the fruit with clean water every morning, and then kept changing the position of the fruit every day. During festivals or weekends, he posted a few pictures. The poster says that if you spend 1000 yuan or more, you will get 3 yuan of fruit for the customer to choose. Unexpectedly, in the first month, the little boy received a salary of more than 1000 yuan, which is equivalent to an average daily salary of more than [-] yuan. Although the fruit stall owner The little boy was paid a lot of salary, but he was also happy to sit in the rocking chair every day and watch the little boy run in and out, earning him more money than before."

"A few years later, the little boy bought enough money to buy the boss's fruit stand. After his ingenuity, he designed more promotional plans, the business was better than before, and the profit was of course higher, so He opened a second store. A few months later, he opened a third store. By the time the little boy grew up, he had become a billionaire, and he was rich and prosperous before the age of 30." Shi Decha Wipe the sweat off his head, "According to the survey, more than 70.00% of office workers around the world are dissatisfied with the salary given by the boss. Even though they know that the boss's business has declined and their income has decreased, these people still advocate that the boss should pay more. .Obviously, these 70.00% of the people are the first young people to apply for the fruit shop. All they want is a guarantee, no matter whether they have full strength to work, or whether their work can really help the boss , They just want the boss to give themselves a stable salary that cannot be discounted."

Seeing that what Shi De wanted to express gradually became clear, Ye Dacheng also straightened up and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"At the same time, there are reasons to believe that among the 70.00% of the office workers, there are many young men who come to the fruit shop to find a job for the second time. These office workers all think that the boss in the world is stuffed in his pocket when he is born. A lot of prosperity and wealth, living in a mansion, driving a good car and eating delicious food, if the boss doesn’t give you more benefits, he will be stingy, or a narrow-minded miser. Therefore, as long as you work for a while, you will find that the boss is not very generous, or feel that you are engaged in If there is no prospect of development in the industry, he immediately quits and leaves, and the result is that he keeps changing jobs, and then keeps cursing the old boss in front of the new boss for being stingy and wrong, and until he is old, he still can’t find glory and wealth.”

It's a bit interesting, Ye Dacheng smiled slightly.

"There is no boss in the world who will give you glory and wealth. The boss can only give you opportunities. Only when you grasp the opportunity at hand, create wealth for the boss, increase income, and make more profits for the company, can you borrow it in turn. The resources of the company and the boss make yourself soar. Whether you are selling fruit or computers, whether you are in a hot or unpopular industry, as long as you can figure this out, you can take over more from the boss like a little boy. The glory and wealth." Shi De stretched out his hands and spread them in front of Ye Dacheng, "Ye Dong, I am the little boy who sells fruit."

"Hahahaha..." Ye Dacheng was amused by Shi De's appearance, "Are you still a little match seller? But don't say it, Shi De, your story seems simple, but it actually has a lot of meaning. I understand you You mean, if I give you resources and channels, while you will bring wealth to me, you will benefit yourself at the same time."

"The boss must benefit first before I can benefit. This is the most critical premise." Shi De put down the shovel and looked at Ye Dacheng, "Ye Dong, I wonder if you like my story?"

"My child is about the same age as you. You can just call me Uncle Ye." Ye Dacheng also put down his hoe and walked towards the tables and chairs. "The story is good and it makes sense. I only have one last question."

"Uncle Ye, please tell me." Shi De was secretly happy, Ye Dacheng's approval of him had reached 80.00%.

"Do you really believe in karma and reincarnation?"

"Believe!" Shi De said firmly, "The Buddha said that even after hundreds of kalpas, the work will not perish. When karma meets, the retribution will be repaid. This is the Buddhist view of cause and effect. But the concept of cause and effect is all taught by Buddhism. Did you come here? No, according to the Book of Changes, if you accumulate good deeds, there will be lingering celebrations; …The above are all the inherent concepts of cause and effect of the Chinese nation.”

(End of this chapter)

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