Fortune Teller.

Chapter 6 Changes Against Heaven and Changes Fate

Chapter 6 Changes Against Heaven and Changes Fate

He Zitian laughed: "Xiao Shi, stop thinking about it, I set up the stall today, not you, just sit next to it and see it clearly."

Shi De understood something, but still said dissatisfiedly: "I can declare in advance that I also graduated from a famous university, and I can't make a fortune-telling business no matter what. If you say that my rich life is when A charlatan, even a high-level charlatan, I won't do it."

"You will understand in the future." He Zitian didn't explain too much, "When you really understand the truth of life like a play, you will know that everyone in life is a liar, the difference is that there are highs and lows in deception. "

"Crooked and heresy." Shi De murmured, and sat on the side honestly. He was also curious, and wanted to see how He Zitian fortune-telling was for people, and he wanted to know how He Zitian arranged the next step in his life.

He owes millions of dollars, his life has fallen to the bottom of the bottomless bottom, and he is lonely and lonely, and his love has also passed away. His life is completely dark, and there is hardly any light in sight. Unless there is a miracle, how can he completely reverse the current situation? Unfavorable situation?In all fairness, Shi De can't see a shred of hope, let alone love, and no matter what his missing parents are, he is a debt he owes. If there is no special fortune, he probably won't be able to pay it back if he doesn't eat or drink for the rest of his life.

Just when Shi De was confused and thinking about the next step in his life, He Zitian welcomed his first guest.

Not to mention, He Zitian's appearance as a foreigner is indeed very effective. Compared with the image of an abnormal human around him who is either wearing sunglasses or a bamboo pole, I don't know how much stronger he is. He has business before others, and it is true should.

It is the morning of early spring, the weather is slightly cold, and the spring breeze blows, bringing the moisture of the Fuyang River in the distance, with a fresh smell.However, Shi De had no intention of savoring the life style of the ancient city in Shancheng in the spring morning. He just set his eyes on the middle-aged man squatting in front of He Zitian.

He Zitian's first guest was a middle-aged man with a bald head. He was not tall, at most 1.6 meters seven, and he weighed at least 100 kilograms. His waist circumference was obviously longer than his legs. He squatted on the ground in an ugly posture. It seems that the legs cannot bear the weight of the stomach.

"I'll do the math..." Fatty blinked his eyes a few times, then glanced at Shi De, as if he was thinking about something, and said, "If it's not accurate, I won't give you the money."

Shi De has been in Xiajiang for a few years, and he was once a millionaire. He was well-informed. He could see at a glance that Fatty was fussy, but his clothes, shoes, and even belts were all famous brands. worth several thousand dollars.

In the single city in 2000, a person who can wear a dress worth several thousand yuan is definitely not an ordinary person.But a character who was willing to spend thousands of yuan for himself, but he asked the question of a few yuan first, and Shi De could not help but put a question mark on his character.

"The Fuyang River has high waves, and the cross Yamen is rushing..." He Zitian said abruptly, and one sentence hit Fatty's door, "No matter if I'm accurate or not, I won't take a penny, but I want a word from you. !"

The fat man was stunned on the spot.

In He Zitian's words!
The fat man was stunned for a full minute, his mouth could not be closed for a long time, and he stammered: "Old god, your eyes are really poisonous, I am convinced. As long as you solve my problem, whatever you say is fine." What. Don't say a word from me, I will give you as much as you want."

Shi De looked at Fatty again in disbelief, and confirmed again and again that Fatty and He Zitian had never met each other. Today was the first time they met, and it wasn't that the extras that He Zitian had hired deliberately played a double reed in front of him. big touch.

If He Zitian revealed his secrets in one sentence, it was miraculous but not bizarre, Shi De reluctantly accepted it, but he always thought that He Zitian was just observing his appearance. From his downfall and dress, he could see that his situation was not good. Well, if he casually uses a few mysterious words, he will fall into the trap.

Although it is truthful to say that He Zitian has a life-saving grace to him, and he is immortal and knowledgeable, and he has taken in him and recreated him with kindness, he should not have the slightest disrespect to He Zitian.But then again, Shi De, who was educated in materialism since childhood, graduated from a famous university, and was brainwashed by stereotyped education for many years, wanted him to accept unknown and mysterious things, and it seemed that it was not so scientific, but he really accepted it. It is impossible to understand the face-to-face, fortune-telling, and even less to understand the theory of changing one's life.

The facts in front of him made Shi De suspicious of his more than ten years of education. He Zitian revealed his secret to a stranger who he had never met, and it was not something that could be explained by any scientific or rigorous theory. Phenomenon.His heart was first shocked, and then he was looking forward to seeing how He Zitian would play with Fatty next, and how to make a lot of money from Fatty.

Yes, Shi De's eyes are all about money now. A person who is in debt, his favorite thing is a lot of money.

"As I said, I don't take a penny." He Zitian still insisted on the principle of not taking a penny, "As long as your word, or in other words, is a promise."

"Old immortal, tell me quickly, as long as I can do it, I will do it." The weather is slightly cold, and most people are still wearing cotton-padded clothes. ."

As the saying goes, go to the doctor in a hurry, it is true, the fat man now regards He Zitian as a life-saving straw.It's no wonder that anyone will be in awe of anyone who is told the central matter in one sentence by a person who only sees one side and only once, even if he is a so-called firm believer in Marxism-Leninism.

"It's not difficult to save you." He Zitian was very calm and smiled indifferently, "But your current situation has reached a desperate point. If you want to survive in a desperate situation, there is only one way to go, and that is to change your life."

Shi De's heart moved, and he vaguely understood something. He Zitian brought him to return to Che Lane to set up a fortune-telling stall. I'm afraid it was not for making money, but for a deeper purpose.

"Change... life?" Fatty took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat. "Can life be changed? How? How much will it cost?"

"There are two types of life-changing: changing your life against the sky and changing your life according to the sky. Changing your life against the sky is a shortcut, and you can achieve your goal in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. Changing your life according to the sky is a long distance, and it takes a lot of time and energy. It takes months or even years to be successful...Which one do you want?" When He Zitian spoke, he glanced back at Shi De, intentionally or not.Seeing that Shi De was listening intently, he smiled and nodded.

"Of course we have to change our lives against the sky. Everyone wants to achieve the greatest success in the shortest time at the lowest cost." Fatty nodded hastily.

"Okay, first, tell me exactly what kind of difficulties you encountered." He Zitian smiled inscrutable, "After listening, I will show you a clear path."

Tired from squatting, the fat man pulled over a bench and sat down, took out a cigarette from his body, lit it, took a deep breath, was intoxicated for a moment, and said with a long sigh, "To tell the truth, my name is Li. Sanjiang, works at the Fuyang District Government..."

Shi De was startled, He Zitian has good eyesight, no wonder the sentence "Fuyang River is high and waves are high, and the wind at the cross Yamen is urgent" shocked Li Sanjiang. It turned out that one sentence revealed the identity of the other party.He used to think that the sentence He Zitian took with his hands was an allusion, but it turned out to be a tailor-made sentence for Li Sanjiang.

... Li Sanjiang not only works in a government agency, but is also the deputy director of the Fuyang District Government Office, a leading cadre at the sub-section level, with little real power.Originally, Li Sanjiang had a happy family and a successful career. He was originally scheduled to be promoted to be the director of the office within this year. Although he was only promoted by one level from the deputy director to the director, the power in his hands was much greater, and it was equivalent to entering the sequence of a backup leader. .At his current age in his early 40s, it is very likely that the next step will be promoted from the Zhengke to the deputy department. Once he reaches the deputy department, it is equivalent to officially opening the door to officialdom.From then on, the sea and the sky will be brighter, and life will usher in an extremely broad picture scroll.

There have always been many examples of office director being promoted to deputy district head. Li Sanjiang has a bright future. He has great popularity in the district and is followed and flattered by countless people.However, at the juncture that he was about to be promoted to director, a sudden change occurred!
The accident is not one, but two.

First, Li Sanjiang's mother suddenly fell ill and was admitted to Shancheng People's Hospital.Li Sanjiang is a dutiful son. He couldn't ignore his mother's hospitalization. He stayed in the hospital for three days in a row. Finally, he returned to the district government when his mother turned the corner.As soon as he entered the office, he heard bad news—a few days after he left the district government, another deputy director, He Bin, who was ranked lower than him, went around and successfully made the leader change his mind. Sanjiang's promotion has been postponed for further discussion.

It would be dangerous to discuss it after a delay.

Li Sanjiang can be said to have personally experienced the helplessness of blessings and misfortunes.

But things are often like this in officialdom. The leader has changed his mind, and there is no reason for you.If you insist on going to the leader to ask about it, not only will you not get good results, but it may even have the opposite effect, so that the only trace of the leader's goodwill about you will disappear, and you will be completely thrown into the cold palace from now on. .

As an old official for many years, Li Sanjiang is naturally well versed in the twists and turns and tricks behind it, but he is not reconciled to this failure, and has also carried out a lot of activities behind his back, ready to fight back.He is very confident and believes that as long as he makes a move, he will definitely be able to turn the tide again, and once again strengthen the leadership's determination to promote him.

However, what Li Sanjiang didn't expect was that his mother was critically ill again when he just took action.

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(End of this chapter)

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