Fortune Teller.

Chapter 7 Life is like a play

Chapter 7 Life is like a play
One side is the mother's illness, the other side is the future of the self, which is more important, cannot be measured by value, but can only be weighed by the scale of human nature.Li Sanjiang has only one mother, but there may only be one chance for promotion at the moment. If he misses it, he may stop at the level of the deputy department for life, and can only serve as a deputy who is called to and fro.

Li Sanjiang is in a dilemma whether to protect his mother in the hospital or go back to the district.As the mother's only son, he does not perform filial piety before the bed, and is indeed ashamed of being a son of man, and as the only son, his importance to his mother cannot be replaced.Similarly, promotion is also a major event, and you can only come forward to do the activities yourself, and no one else can do it for you.

Li Sanjiang, who had never believed in fate, almost collapsed. Now he finally believes that the saying that man will conquer the sky is nothing but self-comfort from human ignorance. Sometimes, in the face of the cruelty of fate, the power of individuals to control fate is too weak, and there is no way to stop fate. The turning of huge wheels.

After breakfast, he strolled to the carriage return alley, wanting to take a walk at will, but at a glance, he saw He Zitian, who is Daofeng Xiangu.He, who was originally very repulsive of fortune-telling, suddenly came to seek help from the most discriminatory fortune-teller in his decades of life, as if he had seized the last straw.

I just didn't expect that He Zitian would break the secret in just one face-to-face meeting, which made Li Sanjiang feel an unprecedented shock for the first time.

For anyone who is told by a stranger who has never known his experience and predicament in one sentence, everyone will feel awe from the depths of their hearts.

"Old god, what should I do?" Li Sanjiang explained his situation one by one, and asked He Zitian very modestly and sincerely.

"Don't call me an old fairy. I have a name and a surname. What is my surname? Zitian. Most people call me Lord He." Said, "The problem you encounter is your destiny. If you don't meet me, you can only take one of the two, but not both. Since it is destiny, as I have said just now, it can only be resolved by changing your destiny. ."

"Yes, yes, Master He, change your fate, change your fate, I'll listen to you." Li Sanjiang was completely shocked by He Zitian's aura at this time, "I can do whatever I want, as long as my mother and my mother can be preserved at the same time." For Qiancheng, I am willing to offer 1 yuan in money."

Shi De took a breath from the sidelines, 1 yuan, in a single city where the per capita monthly income is less than 1000 yuan, 1 yuan is equivalent to a person's entire income for more than a year without eating or drinking!He Zitian is really formidable, a hexagram is worth a fortune, no, a hexagram is worth a fortune.

It doesn't take much, two or three Li Sanjiangs come to tell their fortunes every day, and they can earn 3 to 100 yuan a day, and tens of millions a year!Shi De almost jumped up. It was really a shortcut to get rich. The 1 million he earned before relied on his high IQ and keen business vision. He also needed good luck and opportunities. It took him more than a year of hard work to earn to hand.However, He Zitian only relied on his slick tongue, and in a few words, he was able to make people obediently spend [-] yuan to give it away, and he didn't need a little capital. How could there be such a big gap in making money between people?

It seems that he doesn't need to let He Zitian help him change his life, as long as he learns He Zitian's ability to know people's faces and cut people's futures, let alone a millionaire, even a multi-millionaire is just something in his pocket.Thinking of this, Shi De was inexplicably excited, almost eager to try, only to realize that seeing He Zitian's hardship and simplicity before was an illusion, the old man might have a deep family background, and he was a hidden rich man.

He Zitian said calmly: "I don't accept a cent for money. I'm not a fortune teller, and I don't show up easily, and I don't come out to make money. Meeting you today is fate and your chance. Here it is. However, I have something to say first, I will help you, not the white gang. "

Where does Li Sanjiang still have the aura of a superior? In front of He Zitian, he is completely the image of a helpless little minion, nodding like a scoop of rice: "Yes, yes, yes, I know, I have it."

"I'm helping you, for him." He Zitian pointed at Shi De behind him, "When I help you change your life and successfully tide over the difficulties, do me a favor and find a job for him."

look for a job?Shi De opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was stopped by He Zitian's stern gaze, and he had to swallow it back when his words reached his mouth.After thinking about it for a while, I figured out something. Today, He Zitian brought him out, not only for the simple purpose of setting up a stall for fortune-telling, but also for Li Sanjiang to change his life against the sky, and let him learn about the technique of changing his life. His intention, the deeper intention is to borrow Li Sanjiang's hand to plan the next step in his life.

So, while changing his life for Li Sanjiang, his life has quietly turned a corner under the impetus of He Zitian and the power of Li Sanjiang?

Shi De became more and more confused, who is He Zitian?What is the purpose of what he did?When everyone does something, there must be one side of the appeal, whether it is seeking fame and fortune, or seeking happiness and well-being. If He Zitian had no desires or desires, he would not help Biyou and come to help him again, and faced with 1 yuan Is it because he is indifferent to fame and wealth, or is he a superb actor who wants to catch big fish with a long line?
Li Sanjiang glanced at Shi De, hesitated for a moment, and nodded suddenly: "Okay, no problem, as long as I pass the customs, it will not be difficult to find a decent job within Fuyang District."

"It won't make you too embarrassed. His name is Shi De, and he is a top student who graduated from Fudan University." When He Zitian said about Shi De, his face was relieved, as if Shi De was really his junior and apprentice.

Li Sanjiang was slightly taken aback. Fudan University is so famous that it is rare to see talents who graduated from Fudan University in Shancheng. Besides, sitting behind the fortune teller, he couldn't help but put several question marks in his heart. .

"Stretch out your hand." He Zitian grabbed Li Sanjiang's left hand, looked at it carefully for a while, and then asked Li Sanjiang's mother's birth date, and then he counted with his fingers. Anyway, the three knives of ordinary fortune-tellers He will, and he will demonstrate it again.

After the demonstration, He Zitian lowered his head and remained silent, apparently thinking about something.

Shi De understands that mastering the aura is very important. He believes that He Zitian has already made up his mind.In fact, just like the people in the official circles are on the air, and the stars need to be called and embraced when they go out, the emphasis is on a style and atmosphere.

After 1 minute, He Zitian said: "You are like this..." He didn't say the following words directly, but waited for Li Sanjiang to lean over.

Li Sanjiang was stunned for a long time before he understood what he was talking about, and then smiled embarrassingly: "Yes, yes, no truth is told." Then he leaned over and after hearing He Zitian's secret words, his expression changed, and he said in surprise, "Master He , is it that simple? Can you really pass the test?"

"Trust me, just do it. If you don't believe me, just do it." He Zitian's face sank, his eyes closed, and he had the expression of an expert indifferent to world affairs.

Li Sanjiang lowered his head and thought for a while, and instantly made up his mind: "Okay, just do as Lord He said."

Seeing that things were done, Shi De was secretly delighted, thinking that it was time for him to appear next. Unexpectedly, after Li Sanjiang got up, he bowed to He Zitian, nodded at him, turned around and left.

Why did you leave?Don't you need him to add more fuel and jealousy, Shi De asked inexplicably: "He, what's going on?"

"It's nothing, everything is under control." He Zitian replied indifferently, getting up and putting away his Maza, "Go, sit down at Biyou's bowl of incense."

The second time I sat in a bowl of incense, the second time I met Bi You face to face, Shi De's mood was completely different.

The difference from sitting in a corner last time is that this time, I sat in the private room, not only with a private seat, but also with a beautiful woman—Bi You sat opposite Shi De after she was busy with her work.

Bi You was still wearing a dress, but compared with the plain colors last time, the colors were much brighter, and she seemed to be in a lot of high spirits.

The last time I saw Bi You, her expression was lonely and indifferent, giving Shi De the impression that she was a woman who didn't eat human fireworks, with a kind of detachment from the world.But today's Bi You brought him a completely different feeling, as if he was different from the last time, and became much more lively and cheerful.

How can there be such a big gap between the front and back of a person?Shi De was very puzzled. He didn't know which was the most real Biyou when they first met Biyou and the Biyou in front of her.

Bi You's attitude towards Shi De is also very different. If last time she thought Shi De was a passerby, now she is sitting in front of Shi De. She is no longer reserved and indifferent, but smiling and bright.* *People, when Shi De is a friend.

Shancheng is an ancient city, and the ancient city has always been rich in beautiful women.Bi You's body has a strong and unrestrained taste of Xiaojiabiyu, which makes Shi De involuntarily think about it - Bi You is definitely the best choice for a good wife and mother.

"Three years." Bi You said leisurely, "I finally waited for this day, Shi De, you are welcome to join us."

"Join? Join what?" Shi De asked in confusion, looking at He Zitian with puzzled eyes.

He Zitian chuckled: "Bi You, you're too impatient, didn't you say you'll tell Shi De after a while?"

"I can't wait, I've been waiting for three years." Bi You showed her naive expression in front of He Zitian, her little daughter's expression was lively, showing a delicacy that Shi De had never seen before, and her movements were gentle and gentle. , like the softness of a classical woman.

"You've only been waiting for three years, and I've been waiting for 20 years." He Zitian looked solemn, his eyes revealing vicissitudes and emotions, "If Shi De doesn't show up again, I'm almost in despair."

Shi De looked at He Zitian and then at Bi You. He really couldn't understand why he was so important?It seems that his appearance is of great importance to Bi You and He Zitian!

(Recommended tickets, collections and rewards, where?)
 During the period of the new book, for the better, faster and stronger growth of "Life Master", brothers, collection, recommendation tickets and rewards, none of them can be missed!

(End of this chapter)

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