Fortune Teller.

Chapter 83 1 All Idealism

Chapter 83

"Secretary Huang, Binsheng is a real estate company jointly established by Yue Qingying, I and Xia Hua. It is based in a single city, faces the whole province, and radiates to the whole country. Its business involves real estate development, commercial operation, capital investment, and property management. Binsheng Real Estate Co., Ltd. has a complete industrial chain of residential development, commercial investment and operation, and has been committed to professional and refined enterprise management for a long time. The expansion project of the Family Court has initially completed based on Shancheng and Shimen, relying on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, expanding from the Bohai Rim region, and gradually realizing the strategic layout of expanding to the Yangtze River Delta region, laying a solid foundation for the realization of the grand blueprint for the future… ..." Shi De didn't go around the corner, and came up to introduce the current situation of Binsheng.Of course, most of these introductions are fictitious.

Of course, I believe that Huang Zixuan can also understand that the focus of Shi De's report is on two points, one is who the joint venture partner is, and the other is which projects are currently in operation.Huang Zixuan, a provincial TV station family hospital project, should not know the inside story, but he definitely knows the old city renovation in Fuyang District.

After listening to Huang Zixuan, he nodded and said, "Yes, Xiao Shi, you are more energetic and enterprising than I imagined. I am happy for you. I hope you will use your ingenuity and work hard to let Binsheng work hard. The real estate company has grown and become a banner in the real estate industry of Shancheng, and as a parent official of Shancheng, I will also have a bright face.”

Huang Zixuan also said some clichés, without any positive statements, and not what Shi De wanted - what Shi De wanted was Huang Zixuan's inclination towards the renovation of the old city of Fuyang District - the ownership of the Provincial TV Station Family Court Project, Huang Zixuan He has no right to speak, but in the renovation of the old city in Fuyang District, if he can say a few words, the situation will change immediately.

The authority of the city's high-ranking officials is irresistible to anyone in a single city.Even if Fu Rui and Zhao Haiyang join forces, this is the principle of the boss above the officialdom. Besides, the secretary has the right to veto, even if everyone is against it, Huang Zixuan can veto it on the spot!

However, Huang Zixuan's lack of a clear statement immediately is also in line with his identity. He can't be superficial enough to express his position in a few sentences, and there is no basis for mutual trust between him and Shi De.

"Thank you Secretary Huang for your encouragement." Shi De changed the topic in time, "However, no matter how busy work is, Secretary Huang should also take care of his body. You have a slightly worried look between your eyebrows, your cheeks are dark, and your nose is black. It seems that your family has Risk of bankruptcy?"

Huang Zixuan was taken aback, and then he said with a slight dissatisfaction, "Shi De, I am very disgusted with the feudal superstition."

"Secretary Huang, if I'm not afraid of your anger, science is not necessarily a superstition after being brainwashed. I used to stubbornly believe that face-to-face and fortune-telling are feudal superstitions. Later, my personal experience told me that in my limited life, more than ten Compared with the long and splendid history of human beings, the knowledge learned and the aspects that I have come into contact with are too short and too narrow.” Shi De is not trying to convince Huang Zixuan theoretically, it is not necessary, he just needs a foreshadowing Let Huang Zixuan have a mental preparation for acceptance.

"That said, how can a person's life and destiny be limited by appearance? It's completely nonsense." Huang Zixuan's decades of education did not allow him to believe Shi De's statement, so his explanation for Shi De was also If you don't listen to it, it's still an attitude of rejection.

"In the Tang Dynasty, even if you were admitted to the jinshi examination, you had to pass the test of your body, words, and writing. The body test was to look at how he looked, and he would not be awarded an official position, no matter how good his literary talent was. In ancient times, officials were the herdsmen for the emperor. , is the face of the emperor, and it must look like Zhou Zheng. Besides, now, the officials at all levels who appear on TV do not have sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks. It can be seen that appearance is very important. It's a bit of luck." Shi De continued to give Huang Zixuan psychological hints, so as not to miss the opportunity because he was too contradictory to the profound traditional culture.

"Haha, if you have to say that, there is some truth to it, just like if a girl is not beautiful, she will definitely not be a TV host." Huang Zixuan smiled and added, "But according to the appearance of a person. A conclusion is still too idealistic.”

"Secretary Huang, I don't want to discuss the truth of idealism and materialism. I just want to ask you one thing, and speak with facts-are you in a dilemma right now?" A truly profound person understands all the truth of idealism. ——One should observe the nature of the dharma realm, everything is created by idealism—of course, the realm of application is not enough, but slowly I believe in the truth of all idealism. If you want to die, you will commit suicide, and if you want to succeed, you will change your life.The rewriting of life and the creation of destiny are all in the mind, what is it if it is not idealism?
As a high-ranking city official, Huang Zixuan's years of experience in the officialdom have made him invulnerable. He will not reveal his true thoughts in front of others, nor let others capture his true feelings. There was a big wave in his heart, and he was stunned for a while, not knowing how to answer.

"However, I think that Secretary Huang has three stops and equals, rich and honorable. It should be smooth sailing from the beginning to middle age and old age. Even if there are occasional small winds and waves in the middle, it will be safe and sound. Secretary Huang has a long nose. Well, the nose is in charge of wealth, and I will not worry about money in my life. Although there is a slight gloom and worries about bankruptcy, the rain will soon pass." Seeing that Huang Zixuan was being told by him, Shi De continued to increase his attention. Offensive, in order to break through Huang Zixuan's psychological defense line in one fell swoop.

Even if he stubbornly believes that Xiangmian is a feudal superstition, he is willing to listen to good words, especially Huang Zixuan is in a difficult time, and it is a time of dilemma. If you pass the test, you will feel at ease.However, he was a person who had seen the wind and waves in the officialdom for a long time. He just smiled and didn't say anything about Shi De's empty words that were raised high but didn't come true.

However, Shi De's next sentence shocked Huang Zixuan!

"Secretary Huang is supposed to have a son and a daughter, but it seems that the balance of fate has shifted. Now there should be only one son, but if you calculate it carefully, it is not that there is no daughter in the fate, it seems that... the daughter is lost?" Shi De We know that in the face of the truth, any so-called science with strong words and ignorance covered up under the pretext of feudal superstition will show timidity.

"Ah!" No matter how reserved Huang Zixuan was, he couldn't calm down. He stood up, he could hardly believe his ears, and asked in a trembling voice, "Shi De, where did you know about my family affairs?"

"I figured it out from Secretary Huang's face and pattern. What's the matter, what am I saying?" Shi De smiled, calmly.In fact, just now, he was not sure about the correctness of his calculations. Now, seeing Huang Zixuan's gaffe and shock, he is no longer worried. There is no doubt that he said it.

Xia Hua on the side was also stunned and dumbfounded. She always thought that she only knew some fur and knew some face-to-face techniques, that is, to coax middle-aged women, deceive old men and ladies, and fool people with low IQs. Unexpectedly, even the dignified secretary Huang Zixuan and Huang Da was deceived by Shi De!

Small scams defraud money, medium scams deceive power, big scams deceive what?Xia Hua didn't dare to think deeply, and looked at Shi De with disbelief. She didn't even know how to describe Shi De's current image of a master of magic.

Huang Zixuan stared at Shi De for a long time, and the strong suspicion in his heart gradually disappeared. Shi De could not inquire about his deepest secrets from others, and the past of a lost daughter was buried deep in his heart, never to the outside world. Speaking of people, the people around him include those who know him, and almost no one knows that he once had a daughter who was lost when he was five years old.Not to mention the city committee of the bill of lading, and no one knows his family affairs.

But how could Shi De know about his family affairs?how is this possible?Unless it is his closest relatives, but even if there are only a handful of relatives, no more than five people know about it.Among the five people, none of them intersected with Shi De, so if Shi De learned the fact that he once had a daughter from an inquiring channel, it would be impossible.

Could it be that Shi De is really a so-called master who can cut straight to the point and point people's fate?But... Huang Zixuan's heart turned upside down, and he had long been characterized as a feudal superstition, a method of reckoning, how could he have such a miraculous and accurate judgment on the fate of life?Is the knowledge he learned wrong, or is his vision limited?
Daughter... When he thinks of his daughter, Huang Zixuan feels heartbroken and uncomfortable. Daughter is the pain in his heart forever!

For so many years, he thought that no one would ever know his secret, and he had no extravagant hope of reuniting with his daughter, but suddenly he was shattered by an outsider who had never entered his life. Suddenly, a strong desire rose up in my heart!Since Shi De can calculate that he once had a lost daughter, then he will definitely be able to help him find his daughter who has been missing for more than ten years!

"Shi De, I don't care if you really know about face-to-face, or if face-to-face is a feudal superstition, as long as you can help me find my daughter, you will be my benefactor of Huang Zixuan, no, the benefactor of our whole family!" Huang Zixuan's longing and the love of his father's love for his daughter made it difficult for Huang Zixuan to restrain himself.

Xia Hua's heart surged when she heard it, and she almost blurted out that Shi De would quickly agree to Huang Zixuan. If Shi De really had the ability to find a daughter for Huang Zixuan, let alone the renovation of an old city in Fuyang District, even if it was the renovation of all the old cities in a single city, As long as Shi De wanted, Huang Zixuan would stay for him without saying a word.

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(End of this chapter)

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