Chapter 84
Unexpectedly, Shi De disappointed Xia Hua, and Shi De shook his head helplessly and said, "I can only calculate that Secretary Huang lost a daughter, but where she is now, or even whether she is still alive, can't be calculated. If I want to find her, I can't do it with my current ability."

Huang Zixuan's rekindled hope was suddenly dashed, and he slumped back to his seat: "I thought I would see her again in my lifetime."

Shi De couldn't bear to see Huang Zixuan's grief. The experience of being separated from his parents when he was a child allowed him to deeply appreciate a father's deep yearning for his daughter, and said: "I only say that I can't do it with my current ability, but I dare not say that after the last year and a half, when my realm has broken through, maybe things will have a good turn. If Secretary Huang provides me with a photo of her when she was a child, maybe I can calculate her approximate location. ."

"Really?" Huang Zixuan was overjoyed. He finally knew now that even if a high-ranking official is in power, one should always be in awe. After all, there are too many problems in life that can't be solved no matter how hard you try, and there are too many that can't be saved. Helplessness and regret, no one's life is perfect, and there are shortcomings that want to make up for.

"I have always been very grateful to Secretary Huang for his high regard for me. If one day my ability is achieved, I will definitely help Secretary Huang to make up for the shortcomings." Seeing that the time was ripe, Shi Dezhi put forward the main purpose of today's meeting in time, "If it's convenient, let's get to know Huang Botao first. From his appearance, I can deepen my impression of your daughter... What's your daughter's name?"

"The small name is Fufu, and the big name is Huang Duckweed."

"If you're not afraid to offend Secretary Huang, Fufu's name is not good, his life experience is ups and downs, and his life is alive, who wants to drift like duckweed?" Shi De said sincerely, and what he said was not a lie, sometimes It is true that a name has a great influence on a person's fortune. Many celebrities have changed their names or even changed their surnames after their debut, but they have received guidance from experts behind their backs.

Huang Zixuan is now convinced of Shi De, although his education makes it difficult to accept Shi De's theory, but the facts do not allow him to disbelieve Shi De's magic, he nodded sadly and said, "I didn't understand this before, but now Sorry, it's too late."

"Actually..." Shi De hesitated, but still said, "Huang Botao's name is not very good."

"Oh... how do you say it?" Huang Zixuan was no longer a matter of believing or not, but was completely led away by his amazing ability.

"People want peace and security in their life, and don't want stormy waves. The word Tao in Huang Botao's name has brought waves to his life." the conclusion drawn.

"Then what should I do?" Huang Zixuan, who had never believed in fate in his 50s, now has [-]% trust in Shi De. People always have a mind of blind reverence when facing the unknown. Mystery is the same as revering authority. In front of a high-ranking official, people will blindly trust every word he says, and unconditionally believe in his greatness, glory and correctness.

"Rename." Shi De said calmly.

The next thing is logical, Huang Zixuan made a phone call immediately, and a few minutes later, Huang Botao came.

The 27-year-old Huang Botao has an old face. At first glance, he looks like a 35-year-old man. He is half a head taller than Huang Zixuan. He has slightly higher cheekbones and slightly deeper eye sockets. But it's far from what Xia Hua said is extremely handsome. Shi De doesn't have to compare with Huang Botao, but from his point of view, to be honest, Huang Botao is really not as handsome as him.

Huang Botao's eyes lit up as soon as he entered the door: "Xia Hua? Is it really you? You are my idol. I didn't expect to see you in person. It's amazing."

It turned out that Huang Botao was really an admirer of Xia Hua, Huang Zixuan didn't tell any lies, Shi De smiled silently, to see how Xia Hua would deal with it.

Xia Hua smiled sweetly, and Luoluo stretched out her hand generously: "Hello, Huang Botao, it's a pleasure to meet you." Her attitude was neither cold nor warm, her expression neither surprised nor happy.

Huang Botao took the initiative to shake hands with Shi De again: "You are good Shi De, I have heard Dad talk about you a long time ago. He admires you very much."

"Thank you." Shi De nodded politely, "It's my honor to know Mr. Huang."

After a face-to-face meeting, Shi De had a general understanding of Huang Botao's face and pattern.

Strange to say, after Xiao Muchen called him to tell him that a piece of top-quality jadeite had been sold, Bi Wentian personally called and asked him about his current situation implicitly. Now, he felt that his realm was slowly recovering, and his eyes were full. Also much brighter.Could it be that there is nothing to do with it?But now is not the time to think deeply about this issue, so Shi De will put it aside and stop thinking about it.

Huang Botao's appearance and pattern are not as good as Huang Zixuan's, or even Zhao Subo's. It's a pity that his fate can only be regarded as a medium level, and it is far from being a person who is not rich or noble.Small nose, poor fortune, small ears, lack of good fortune, among the three stops, the middle stop and the lower stop are slightly narrower, only the forehead is broad and flat, the fortune is in the early years, and the middle-aged is lost in the evening.

It is true that just looking at appearance is not enough to determine the trend of a person's life, but Huang Botao has a weak temperament and a small overall pattern. The innate strength in appearance, and there is no acquired pattern to make up for it, his fate is worrying. .

Compared with Huang Botao's extremely general pattern, Huang Zixuan's innate pattern is good, and there is a bright spot in the acquired pattern. The Lord will have a noble person to help him, and the noble person is the closest person to him.The fate of an individual is the individual, and the fate of a family is the whole. Among the family, some mothers value their children, some sons value their fathers, and some fathers value their sons. Judging from Huang Zixuan's age, the person closest to him should not be. It's Huang Botao, whose fortune is worse than him, and it won't be his wife, so who will it be?

Shi Deyou further thought of the fate of the Huang family from the face of Huang Botao, and from Huang Zixuan's experience of losing a daughter, he had a sudden decision in his heart!

After they took their seats again, the atmosphere became much warmer.Huang Botao is a businessman. He has been struggling in shopping malls for many years. It is easier than Huang Zixuan to accept the story of ups and downs. After several conversations, he and Shi De had a good conversation and asked many questions of concern.

Knowing that he could change his name to improve his luck, Huang Botao was very interested: "Mr. Shi, what would be a better name for me to change? When I first started doing business in Beijing, a friend told me that it was a master who said it. , My name is not very good, and it is easy to lose money. I didn’t believe it at the time, thinking that with my own hands, I would definitely be able to break into the world. As a result, alas, I won’t say it... Now I believe it, but I can no longer find the person I used to be. Master, once the opportunity is missed, there is no going back. It is my blessing to meet Mr. Shi."

For a person whose fortune has fallen to the bottom, it is also a fate if he does not believe in fate. After all, under the mercy of the ruthless giant of fate, it is easier to turn around.

"Actually, it's simple, just change the name to Huang Haitao." Shi De had long been concerned about it, and waited for Huang Botao to take the initiative to ask for it.

"How?" Huang Botao was stunned for a moment, thinking for a while, puzzled.

"No matter how big the waves are, for the sea, they are not so big as to overturn the river and the sea. Use the word 'sea' to suppress the stormy waves, no matter how big the wind and waves are, in front of the unfathomable sea, it's just a small fight There will always be times when things are calm." Shi De further explained the reason for Huang Botao.

"Okay, very good." Huang Botao slapped the table with joy, "Listening to Mr. Shi's words is better than reading ten years of books, thank you Mr. Shi for his guidance."

Huang Zixuan smiled slightly. Xia Hua also used the action of drinking tea to cover up her inner joy. Today's meeting, the harvest far exceeded expectations, and Shi De's ability was greater than she imagined.

Xia Hua secretly squinted at Shi De, and at the same time was secretly comparing Shi De and Huang Botao, she was suddenly surprised to find that Huang Botao, who she always thought was unparalleled handsome in the past, is now compared with Shi De, not only is there a lot of difference in appearance, Even the temperament is far less calm than Shi De's calmness, what's going on?Could it be that her vision was too bad in the past, or that Huang Botao was too depressed now, or that she never found Shi De's handsome?
No, I can't tell Shi Deshi how good he is, so that he can be complacent, yes, that's it, Xia Hua smiled in his heart, and when he looked at Shi Deshi's eyes, he became more cunning and proud.

Shi De didn't notice Xia Hua's abnormality, and his attention was all on Huang Botao and Huang Zixuan.For the provincial TV station project, he can only exert his strength from the side. After all, his foundation is still in Shancheng, and he has no network in Shimen. In Shimen, the frontal battlefield is dominated by Xia Hua.In the old city renovation project of Fuyang District in Shancheng, he can charge ahead, and he can and must play a leading role.

Don't look at the provincial TV station's project is a one-hundred-million-dollar project, but if Mr. He has a correct view of the future situation, then he will hoard a few more plots of land in the old city renovation project in Fuyang District. After the real estate booms in the future, the value may double. It will even be much more profitable than the family hospital project of the provincial TV station.

"Brother Huang, you're welcome. The last time I met Secretary Huang in the hospital, it was fate, and if we have the opportunity to sit together today, the opportunity is ripe." When speaking, Shi De looked at Huang Zixuan again, "Actually, Secretary Huang's name is very good. Yes, but if you understand it with reverse thinking, you can get even more unexpected effects."

"Oh..." Huang Zixuan's meeting with Shi De today cannot be said to have benefited him a lot, at least it has subverted the fixed thinking he has formed over the years, allowing him to experience a real and amazing reality that he has never encountered before. It only took less than an hour to go from disbelief to belief, and then from belief to deep belief. Now, his feelings about Shi De are very complicated.How many unknown secrets are hidden under Shi De's maturity and knowledge that are not commensurate with his age?

(End of this chapter)

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