alone mountain and river

Chapter 11 The Magic Steel Stone and Fingers

Fire-breathing dragon?It's still mother's!Feng Qinglang's chewing speed also slowed down a little, and then he felt the gaze of his eyes, and when he turned his head, he could see Nan Xinghun's burning gaze.

The two just looked at each other, and then turned their eyes away.

There is a son who was silent before, and finally couldn't help saying: "I tell you, don't listen to those rumors. I heard from a distant relative that the poisonous dragon army was wiped out that night. It was done by one person, single-handedly, using magic The pattern diagram blocks the exit of the poisonous dragon, and then... slaughter!" In order to strengthen the persuasiveness, when speaking of "slaughter", he even gestured at his own throat vigorously.

Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted, the young master smiled with satisfaction, and continued: "Later, Luo Minhao, the guardian of Ruifeng, led more than [-] real martial arts experts, and went to rescue together. broke through the siege, and made Luo Minhao very embarrassed..."

Finally someone couldn't help asking: "How does your distant relative know so clearly?"

The young master said: "Because his ancestor was one of the great powers who rushed away later."

"..." This immediately elicited a small boo.

This statement is too unrealistic and not in line with everyone's aesthetics, so the point of view returns to the fire-breathing dragon and continues to improve the details of the various parts of the dragon.

The topic of Dulong being wiped out continued for quite a while, and another person said: "Actually, some time ago, there was also a very sensational incident. You have all heard of the Innocence City in the Fenglin District of St. Mark, right?"

"Of course, that's where all the scumbags gather!"

"Well, it can be called a terrifying place with no lower limit of personality and no upper limit of force value."

"Very good, that's right, I've heard of it! The latest news has come from over there recently, that Innocence City was almost massacred!"

Everyone gasped for it immediately, and even the surrounding area was instantly quieter. The Innocence City Alliance is a well-known force on the mainland, and Innocence City itself is composed of various wanted criminals, bounty hunters, etc. , was almost massacred...

The man was very satisfied with the effect of the scene, and continued: "That's right! This thing is definitely true, and it must be done by one person, because too many people have witnessed it with their own eyes. Known as the number one true martial artist in Fenglin District, Fenglin is innocent Cheng Siwei, the guardian of the city, was chased and beaten by that man in the air during the massacre of the city, and he was powerless to fight back!"

Everyone was in an uproar again, even if Cheng Siwei was on their side, he could be considered a somewhat famous figure.

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. Our family is engaged in intelligence, especially the news on the west side. It's all first-hand. You will hear it soon..."

"What then?"

"Later, many organizations and institutions intervened in this incident to conduct investigations, and it turned out that that person was the most wanted criminal of multiple forces! Hey, the most wanted criminal, he can still live happily for so long, what kind of strength does that have?"

"Is there any force comparable to the City of Innocence?"

The man looked disdainful, and said in a low voice: "Innocence City? In the long list of wanted forces, it would be good to be in the middle! In that list, the Di Dynasty and the Dragon Clan ranked first and second. alliance!"

Everyone gasped again. Even though these two forces came from very distant continents, using thunderous words to describe the feeling when they heard their names was not enough to express their one-tenth of the shock. legend.

"What about that person?"

"Who knows? I'll get rich if I know!"


Feng Qinglang couldn't help smiling, thinking, that person is eating with you, and he's listening to your nonsense!

Mingguang Academy is located in the Luoyun Mountains in the southeast of the Obsidian Principality. The rugged mountain roads in this mountain range seem to be like the winding lifeline of the Academy...

Thousands of years ago, it was the first academy of the Guangming Dynasty. With the disintegration of the Guangming Dynasty, it also went into decline.

From a dynasty-level college, downgraded to an imperial-level college, then downgraded to a kingdom-level college, and then to nearly a hundred years, now the principality-level...

The rating of the Stigmata Academy Alliance has also dropped from the sky level to the earth level, and then to the human level...

Only the dazzling five stars in the column of humanistic evaluation can remind people that in the past, Mingguang Academy also produced countless famous people who moved the world.

With the process of decline, the most legendary is the sculpture of Zuo Mo, the founder of Mingguang Academy. The [-]-meter-tall marble statue was constantly relocated during the process of Mingguang Academy’s continuous relocation. Usually, in order to save manpower and material resources, all At that time, the dean brought two or three great talents, carried the sculpture across the mountains, and flew thousands of miles, which often became a joke for a while. Porters above the Zhenwu rank are really rare.

Today, this huge sculpture is at the foot of Luoyun Mountain, in front of all candidates.

Nan Xinghun sighed softly: "Qing Qing, do you think today will be a memorial day after many years?"

Feng Qinglang smiled, he understood Xinghun's train of thought, but was too lazy to follow, instead Nan Yong responded: "Why, young master?"

Nan Xinghun was very satisfied with Nan Yong's succession, turned his head and squinted his eyes and smiled: "Because today is the day to enter their Mingguang Academy! Perhaps, their history will be different from now on. If we say that the day Zuo Mo founded Mingguang, For their school celebration, then, Star Soul enters their bright day, for their revitalization. Maybe in the future, today will be called Revitalization Festival..."

The more Nan Xinghun talked, the more intoxicated he became, Feng Qinglang had already run to the front to read the words on the sculpture base, while Nan Yong tried to blink his eyes, trying to keep up with the young master's train of thought.

At this time, Situ Weiyang strode over and said with a smile: "It's all arranged, our names are already in the interview queue!"


The surrounding area was crowded with people, especially in the area around the sign-up point. It can be seen that Situ Weiyang really put in a lot of effort. Nan Xinghun nodded his thanks, then turned to look for Feng Qinglang, and found that he had already squeezed into the depths of the crowd at the base of the sculpture.

The main text of the base is ordinary, nothing more than describing the earth-shattering deeds of Zuo Mo's sages in extremely gorgeous words. In such an expression, Zuo Mo has been a person who respects the old and loves the young and has a heart for the common people since he was a child, and his force value has reached the limit early He has almost never made a mistake in his life, and the model of a perfect person is basically like this.

Feng Qinglang quickly skimmed it, he never believed that such a perfect person existed, Zuo Mo would not be, and all great men would not be.

His focus is on the line of small characters in the lower right corner, which is very inconspicuous, and the font is not colored, and the handwriting is completely different from the beautiful calligraphy of the main text. Such characters can even be said to be a bit ugly, but the font is extremely deep, with iron and silver hooks Naturally, there was a sturdy and domineering atmosphere.

Most of the examinees only focused on the text, and some even stepped up their feet and tried to touch the toes of Zuo Moxian, so not many people were interested in the small corner in the lower right corner of the base.

Feng Qinglang looked intently, and saw that the line of words was very simple:

If you look up, the law is above your head; if you bow your head, the law is under your feet.

Feng Qinglang's heart moved slightly, the meaning was very close to a certain rebellious thought in his heart, when you piously raised your head and begged for a certain law to come and resonate, the law would only dismiss you, but in fact, as long as you use a normal heart To face it, the law is always by your side, even under your feet, and you can sense it at any time, without humility or looking up.

This line of words is different from the end of the main text introduction. The end of the main text is signed by a certain literary master, but there is nothing at the end of this line of words. At first glance, it looks more like the graffiti of the engineering team who made this sculpture to resolutely leave a name .

But the more Feng Qinglang looks at it, the more interesting it is. This principle can even be extended to life. Many illusory pursuits, you raise your head, they are out of reach, but when you lower your head and keep your feet on the ground, maybe one day, they will come naturally. Around you, fame, wealth and power are all crawling under your feet.

But soon, Feng Qinglang laughed dumbly again. It is indeed possible that this line of words was written by the sage Zuo Mo himself, but it may also be that the sculptor was dissatisfied with this huge project, so he specially found an inconspicuous place to carve it, so as to Come vent your anger.

Huh, no!

Feng Qinglang squatted down and traced the font with his fingers. With each stroke, he understood in his heart that the font of the main text was carved, but this line of words was handwritten.

Being able to write on marbles can be easily done by masters of all the laws of the true martial arts class, but it depends on personal attainments to be able to do so smoothly.

Feng Qinglang couldn't help pecking the stone with his fingers, but there was no trace, which really shocked him.

"This is the magic steel stone. Even if it is a true martial arts, you can only leave a little trace with all your strength." A female voice calmly introduced it in Feng Qinglang's ear.

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