alone mountain and river

Chapter 12 What do you think of me

It was only then that Feng Qinglang realized that there was another girl squatting beside her, who looked a little familiar, but he quickly remembered that it was in Luoxia Town two days ago, and he saw that elegant and refined woman in gray clothes outside the tavern door.

The woman pointed to the line of words again, there were several deep and shallow fingerprints, but it was really hard to find them without looking closely, she would just think it was the stone pattern on the base, she said: "Here, these should be It is the imprint left by previous tests."

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but compare the position she was pecking at just now. There seemed to be no traces. Although she didn't use all her strength and controlled her strength, it was still a bit shocking.

He turned his head to look at the clear handwriting in the main text, the words carved on the magic steel stone, it needs to be matched with special potions and magic patterns... When thinking about it in his heart, the girl also introduced: "I guess the text of the text It should be sculpted with the help of magic pattern, after all, it is magic steel stone, but such a cost is really extravagant, it can be seen that Mingguang Academy was quite powerful back then!"

With such talk and insight, it is too naive for Young Master Situ Weiyang to want to hook up with someone with just a piece of paper. Presumably, under the witness of Mingyue two nights ago, the self-confidence of his wealthy young master is collapsing.

The girl suddenly smiled, those bright white teeth, and that slightly wrinkled nose made Feng Qinglang dazzled for a while, he firmly believed that if he was just an ordinary person, he should have lost his soul at this time...

The girl said: "I recognize you, you were sitting next to that idiot young master of the Situ family that day, right?"

Feng Qinglang's heart trembled slightly, remembering that the girl just glanced into the tavern at that time, in such a chaotic environment, she was able to remember herself, you must know that the current me is definitely not amazing.

The girl seemed to understand the other party's heart, and said with a smile: "You have a special temperament that makes it easy for people to spot you in the crowd. I'm not the kind of person who can't forget."

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but smiled in satisfaction, um, even if the gorgeous gemstones were covered with dust, they still couldn't hide from the discerning eyes...

Unexpectedly, the girl added: "Maybe you are ugly, or you are ugly, so it is easy to remember."

Feng Qinglang could only reply with a wry smile, and changed the subject: "Did you agree to the appointment that night?"

The girl laughed, and said: "You are so ugly that you are quite upright. Many people don't admit that they are ugly, just like that Young Master Situ... Of course I will accept the appointment and teach him a lesson that he will never forget!"

Feng Qinglang recalled that on the second day of that night, Situ Weiyang was really depressed, as if he had been hit by something, and he didn't speak much all day. Although he didn't know what the lesson was, it must not be some pleasant memory of Master Situ .

He looked back and saw that Master Situ was chatting and laughing happily with Xing Hun, and he couldn't help but secretly admired that Master Situ's recovery ability was pretty good, and he regained his strength quickly, and he was still considered a character.

Facing the girl's unabashed communication, Feng Qinglang couldn't help asking: "You don't worry about me going to inform you, the victim is right there."

The girl smiled and said: "You won't. Although you are ugly, you are an upright person. People and materials are sometimes very similar. I believe I will not be mistaken."

Feng Qinglang had no choice but to smile bitterly again, thinking that if I took off my glasses, I might not be worse than the young talents here...

He was free and easy, so he didn't go into the matter further, and asked again, "Are you an expert in materials science?" You know, the base is magic steel stone, and he knew the material when he asked himself, but he didn't judge it immediately.

The girl proudly said: "Of course, I have spent time in various materials since I was a child, so I can't be called an expert..."

When Feng Qinglang thought she wanted to be modest, she added loudly: "You should call me a master!"

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but laugh. At this moment, Nan Yong's voice came from a distance behind him: "Xinghun, hurry up, it's our turn."

The girl said: "By the way, my name is Beatrice. How about you, Fatty?"

"Fatty" responded to Nan Yong first, and then said: "My name is Feng Qinglang, see you later!"

The girl named Beatrice smiled again, her eyes turned into crescent moons, and waved goodbye to Feng Qinglang.


The location of the entrance interview is just a few brown wooden houses. There is a long queue in front of the wooden house. Feng Qinglang only needs to join the queue under the arrangement of Situ Weiyang. The servants of Situ's family have already lined up for them, just wait After a few people, it was their turn.

Nan Yong looked quite nervous. In his opinion, it is far from enough for a small person like him to enter such a famous school. He is even making the last effort: "Master Xinghun, I think I'll forget it, I'll find a way to find a job in the academy to take care of the young master, it would be more appropriate."

Nan Xinghun smiled and encouraged: "I said Nan Yong, what a great opportunity this is. Are you willing to be an ordinary servant for the rest of your life? There is a family that pays for your tuition, so you don't have to worry about the future! If it weren't for our Nan family members Withered, I am afraid that such a good opportunity will not be your turn."

Exposing himself to his shortcomings, Nan Xinghun opened his mouth and came, not taking it seriously at all, and said: "Like Situ and the others, with such a large group of followers, you can only choose a dozen of them. Our place is so good. Everyone has a chance. This is your chance. Besides, you don’t want to spend some time doing odd jobs in your future memoirs, how disgraceful it is..."

It was quite normal at first, but it started to change again while talking, Feng Qinglang turned her head to the other side, just in time to see Situ Weiyang whispering to a pretty girl in front of him: "Tell you secretly, I It's the young master of the Situ family, the rich one, what's your name, where do you live..."

When Feng Qinglang couldn't help but laugh, the attendants on the stairs of the wooden house read out his name, and with Xinghun's "Come on", he stepped up the steps and walked into the wooden house.

The interior of the wooden house is not particular about the layout, a mahogany table, a mahogany chair behind the table, there is no other decorations.

The skinny old man on the wooden chair was even more careless than the decoration here. He still smelled of alcohol, his beard and hair were disheveled, and he looked at the door with disdain. After closing it, his gaze focused on Feng Qinglang's face, and amidst that disdain, there was undisguised disgust.

Feng Qinglang thought to herself, well, she is so ugly that she will be disliked wherever she goes.

The old man took the topmost copy from the thick stack of documents on the side of the mahogany table, and asked, "Name?" His voice was hoarse, but not unpleasant.

Obviously the interview has already started, and there is no place for her to sit, Feng Qinglang replied honestly: "Feng Qinglang."


Feng Qinglang was dumbfounded. What kind of specialties did she have? Martial arts, magic patterns, magicians, illusionists... Heh, she seemed to know a lot, but the spiritual sea that was drying up day by day, and the lifespan that was not long at that time, could be regarded as being able to do whatever she wanted. App's specialty?

The old man curled his lips, as if he had seen too many uneducated people like this, he hesitated for a long time and couldn't tell what his strengths were, and wrote something on the interview paper mercilessly with the pen in his hand.


Feng Qinglang was startled again, if the years spent in the illusion of "a thousand years in a blink of an eye" were counted, how old would she be now?

The old man immediately became a little impatient: "Boy, I asked you about your strengths and you pretended to be deep. I will bear with you, and asked your age, and pretended to be deep?"

"Twenty!" Feng Qinglang had no choice but to answer according to the understanding of the world.

"Hmph!" The old man snorted, apparently extremely dissatisfied with Feng Qinglang.

I saw that he continued to write something quickly at the bottom of the interview paper. It seemed that Feng Qinglang didn't need to answer the following questions, and the old man gave his comments directly.

Finally, he asked again: "Why did you enroll in Mingguang Academy?"

This is the easiest question to answer. What is the admiration for the sages of Zuo Mo?

But Feng Qinglang just said plainly: "Master Nan Xinghun of the Nan family is going to enroll, and I'm a follower, so I'm here too."

The old man curled his lips again, and asked casually, "Did you fall to the Nan family in Ruifeng Principality?"


The old man's pen finally stopped, and the family was despised, but he could face it calmly, maybe he was broad-minded, maybe he was shameless.

He wanted to determine which kind of obscene fat man in front of him belonged to. Although it seemed obvious that he was the latter, he couldn't make a judgment arbitrarily, so he asked again: "What do you think of me?"

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