alone mountain and river

Chapter 121 Tang Xuan

Beside a mirror-like azure lake, Feng Qinglang stopped in his tracks. He thought he had already got rid of most of the pursuers. Even the menacing dark cloud seemed to have lost its target, and it just swept towards the north in a daze. and go.

But Feng Qinglang waved at the dark cloud, and shouted: "Don't really get into the drama, it's almost enough. I'll wait for you here!"

He sat down by the lake, the Goddess of Winter flapped her long sleeves, making the place cold and windy, and everything here looked deserted and desolate, with the withered yellow grass trembling. However, on the hillside not far away, there was A few pine trees still proudly display a piece of green life, bringing a rare green landscape to the wilderness.

"I said Qingming, are you really not worried that I'll take you back on a whim?" The visitor spoke with a sense of rhythm, as if he was reciting a poem, and his thick voice was quite pleasant.

Feng Qinglang didn't need to turn her head, the lake surface had already reflected that person's appearance, not to mention handsome, but the contours on his face were as clear as a sculpture, with edges and corners.Many so-called prodigal sons would like to put their debauchery on their faces and clothes, but this man, although his clothes are meticulous, has a prodigal temperament in his bones, and his clean-shaven beard has turned into a A layer of pitch, densely deposited on the lips and around the chin.

Feng Qinglang smiled brightly at him reflected in the lake water: "Don't say the same disappointing things every time we meet, it's so boring!"

The man also came to the lake, and carefully fiddled with his thick black hair. After confirming that it was the best effect in his mind, he grinned and said, "Don't make such a shocking hair to me every time." Dazzling smile, sunny! I think I'm getting tired of women, and I'm trying to develop in the direction of men."

Feng Qinglang was still smiling, but consciously moved a little to put some distance away.

The man also sat down, and very cheekily sat a little closer, looked around, and suddenly sighed: "I said it's clear, the place you're looking for a meeting this time is really a bit like our Tang's, it's all withered, There are only a few pine trees left to support the scene, hey, if these pine trees are used to support the winter, and the surrounding flowers and plants must also survive the winter smoothly, do you think they will be crushed?"

The Tang family, in the silent era of Alans thousands of years ago, was a peerless and famous family of the Dragon Empire!

However, in the era of the Di Dynasty a thousand years later, it gradually withered. Although it was not as complete as the Nan family on the Stigmata Continent, it was not far behind. Generation after generation, many geniuses have died under heavy pressure.

At this moment, Tang Xuan beside Feng Qinglang is the best among the descendants of the Tang family in this generation. , Since then, he has been caught in the act of drinking, if he can die of drinking, this is the ending that many people would like to see.

But it definitely does not include Feng Qinglang, he calmly said: "There is no invincible glory, no immortal family, you can't be the savior, but you can be the best Tang Xuan."

Tang Xuan's chaotic eyes, which seemed to be full of wine, lit up, and then laughed loudly: "Qing Lang, I was bewitched by your tricks in the talent training camp back then, heh..."

After all, his eyes couldn't help flashing nostalgia. He still remembered that in the talent training camp that year, shortly after reporting for duty, he received the sad letter of his mother's death. At that time, he pretended to be strong in front of others. He secretly ran to a place where no one was around and cried loudly, but was seen by a group of dragon teenagers who were also in the training camp, and laughed at them. The conflict was inevitable, and then he was beaten up by the other party without any suspense.

After Feng Qinglang found out about this, he single-handedly killed the group of dragon teenagers at the camp, and single-handedly overthrew a group of dragon geniuses. Kicked off the altar.

From that day on, Tang Xuan and Feng Qinglang formed a friendship.

Looking at Tang Xuan's expression, Feng Qinglang naturally guessed that he recalled the past again, so she couldn't help smiling peacefully, picked up a flat stone in her hand, and threw it into the lake. It sank with a plop.

But Tang Xuan looked sad. If Feng Qinglang was willing to use a little power of the spiritual sea, the stone would definitely keep dancing until the other side. He sighed: "Oh, I really hope you can recover your strength, I miss you so much. That arrogant and domineering you, hey, in retrospect, those girls who fell in love with you back then must have fallen in love with your chin that never wants to lower!"

Feng Qing said angrily: "Nonsense, I still have many advantages, okay?"

Tang Xuan laughed, feeling inexplicably better, took out a box of cigarettes and handed it over: "Comrade comrade, how about a cigarette?"

The long-lost Alans is really popular. Feng Qinglang took out one, and his index finger randomly slid across the air, drawing out flames, lighting the cigarette, he took a deep breath, and said with emotion: "The taste of my hometown that I haven't seen for a long time."

Tang Xuan obviously didn't focus on this, and said jealously: "This trick is really good, but unfortunately I don't have magic talent, otherwise it would be even more disadvantageous to pick up girls..."

Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "How are you doing recently?"

Tang Xuan lazily said: "Very good, continue to travel at public expense, eat, drink and have fun at public expense, but **** has questioned the consumption situation of my group, I will push them back with one word, there is Kind of called me back, ha, and they just gave in."

Feng Qinglang also laughed at it. Back then, in order to hunt her down, Di Dynasty’s elite sent out all the elites. Of course Tang Xuan was one of them, and he was also the leader of one of the teams, but Di Dynasty underestimated the friendship between the two. This side has basically become Feng Qinglang's informant, and is also responsible for laying out the maze and distracting the main force.

Tang Xuandao: "What about you? How are you? I haven't seen you for half a year. Could it be that you are made up as a woman? You can't hide your bad breath even if you are made up as a woman. How did you do it? The few of us The people in the group can only judge based on some clues, you are likely to be in these several regions, and Daily is one of them."

Feng Qinglang was dissatisfied and said, "Hey, can you talk properly? I sneaked into Mingguang Academy with the help of an ancient magic weapon."

Tang Xuan's eyes brightened, as if he could already see all kinds of youthful breath on the green grass, and exclaimed: "What a blessing, I didn't expect you to hide secretly, Mingguang? I have to visit if I have a chance. visiting you..."

Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "Would it be too ostentatious for you to come in person?"

Tang Xuan waved his hand and said: "I will deal with this myself. No matter what, nothing can stop my determination to get together with my best friends. Of course, I have to talk to the young female students by candlelight at that time..."

Seeing the light flashing in his eyes, Feng Qinglang could only smile helplessly, feeling that she couldn't go deeper into this topic, so she asked, "How is Alans?"

Hearing that it was related to the business, Tang Xuan's energy suddenly seemed to be emptied by half, and he flicked his bangs a few more times in front of the lake, and said flatly: "Don't worry, your people are still not affected, probably it is Feng Shi, even if it’s just a collateral lineage, what’s more important is that you’re not dead... As for the political situation, hmph, they don’t really want me to know about the situation, and they provided me with quite limited information about it. I only know that there was a slight inadvertence, Civil war will break out at any moment."

Feng Qinglang was silent for a while, then asked again: "How is your sister Tang Rui?"

In memory, Tang Rui's stubborn face came to mind, those eyes shining like black jewels, and that straight nose bridge...

Tang Xuan's well-defined mouth drew an ambiguous arc, and said: "She recently sent me a personal letter, which is really rare, but you must not be happy to read what she said."


"She suggested that when I met you, don't be merciful. Everyone must pay the price for their own destiny. Friendship should not be a weight on the balance of fate! If I can bring you back to Alans, she will Feeling very happy and relieved.”

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