alone mountain and river

Chapter 122 Forest of Life

When Tang Xuan uttered this passage in his unique poetic pronunciation, Feng Qinglang felt very uncomfortable. This is indeed Tang Rui's way of speaking.

Tang Xuan couldn't help laughing and said: "Hey, Qingliang, don't put on such a look of pity for me! Well, her original words are'Everyone must pay the price for their own destiny, but friendship can become the balance of fate Your weight!', she suggested that I must ensure your safety, even if I sacrifice my own life, it doesn't matter if a depraved young master of the Tang family like me dies, if I can use my death to exchange for a safe Feng Qinglang's return to the Di Dynasty and re-washing the dust there is really a good deal..."

While talking, he found out from the lake that Feng Qinglang's gloomy expression from before had come to his face, and he couldn't help complaining: "Hey, do you think she is my biological sister? Every time I talk to her, whether it's a letter , or the interview in memory, she always hoped that I would die soon, if death had such a little value, then it would be completely perfect."

Feng Qinglang accompanied Tang Xuan and sighed. The eldest lady of the Tang family in memory also inherited the best lineage of the Tang family, but she had a crazy side in her bones. She vowed to restore the glory of the Tang family, and she disdained her brother Tang Xuan's depravity .The obsession of vowing to restore glory became Tang Rui's shackles for the first half of her life, but it also became her motivation to move forward!

He could only comfort him: "Without her existence, the pressure on your shoulders would have crushed you long ago..."

Tang Xuan nodded approvingly, pointed to the pine trees on the opposite bank, and commented: "Tang Rui is like the tallest pine tree, it is indeed the most emerald scenery in this area..."

Then, he couldn't help but add another sentence: "But that's all, she shouldn't think that this can change the entire snowy winter that is coming."

Tang Xuan looked far and wide, which represented his existence. The group of dark clouds had reached the end of the horizon. Presumably, the turbulent thick clouds had frightened many people and flowers and plants along the way. He stood up slowly, and threw the cigarette butt into the On the withered grass, I crushed it with my leather boots, and said in my mouth: "My storm barrier has reached a critical point, tell me, bastard Qingliang, what do you want to do this time?"

Feng Qinglang said: "Create the illusion that I am going to the Northern Kingdom, I want to perform undead rituals, aspire to become a high-level undead demon... Don't use this kind of strange eyes, it's just an illusion, I'm afraid I will have to live in the next two years or so." Stay in the day-by-day area."

"Understood, leave it to me!"

Tang Xuan was waiting for the extremely windy sky to catch up with his own storm law, but Feng Qinglang suddenly said: "Wait!"


"Is she okay?"

Tang Xuan couldn't help showing a playful smile, and said, "Is my sister Tang Rui? It's pretty good. I still miss you very much, but I'm too obsessed with the surname Tang itself. Didn't I tell you just now?"

"I know!" The smile on Feng Qinglang's face became a bit bitter.

Tang Xuan suddenly realized: "Oh, you mean Anu, a genius girl of the Dragon Clan, she is also very good, the most radiant star in the Dragon Clan, the suitors behind her are like gravel by the lake, I don't know how much, but she Still single, young man, you work hard, you still have a chance to come back!"

Anu is doing well and will release her own radiance. Feng Qinglang is not surprised at all, but what he wants to ask is another person, and his wry smile widens: "So, what about her?"

"That stormy night, isn't it unforgettable enough? Didn't she betray you, and you fell into such a state? I thought you understood, but you never understood!" Tang Xuan's voice didn't change, but he kicked hard, The countless gravels under the feet seemed to be injected with souls, and they rushed to jump onto the lake, like a group of frightened deer, bouncing around, and only stopped in shock when they reached the other side.

"She is now the princess of the Di dynasty, give up, idiot!"

Tang Xuan soared into the sky and merged into the blue sky. The dark cloud at the end of the horizon was quickly injected with new vitality, and rushed towards the north while roaring.

Feng Qinglang gently pressed his heart, as if doing so would prevent the cold current rushing through his body from invading there. He remembered an old proverb: I have missed a lot, and I am always sad alone.

Sun Chasing District, Forest of Life.

For ordinary people, this is just a vast, peaceful and quiet forest area, a scenic area that makes people linger and forget to return.But for the big forces in the Sun Chasing District, this place represents a relic of an ancient inheritance, a fault in a forgotten history.

As long as hundreds of real martial arts join forces and cast the power of law in the remains of the altar in the center of the forest, the folding space belonging to the forest of life can be opened for a short time. It is a middle-to-low level, but there are a lot of rare raw materials, as well as some rare ancient martial arts inheritance and precious props with lost craftsmanship.

The most mysterious and weird thing about this folding space lies in its restrictive rules, people with a bone age over 25 years old will not be able to enter this space.

Therefore, it is generally believed that this is a training place for ancient forces, mainly open to young people to hone themselves. No matter how powerful the forces are, they cannot stand the wind and rain of time. In the dust of history, even when people can no longer remember its name, the folding space has undoubtedly become a piece of public property.

Because of the mysteries inside, all the major forces are attracted to it, ignoring the frighteningly high death rate, recruiting outstanding young people everywhere to enter the folding space to conquer, conflicts and bloodshed naturally spread inside and outside the space, It once made the forest of life become smoky...

It wasn't until the Stigmata College Alliance took over here that rules and order were gradually re-established.

Under normal circumstances, the folding space of the Forest of Life is only open to colleges and universities in the alliance. In the past two decades, it has gradually become an important assessment site for the quadrennial qualifiers in the Daily District. Although the death rate is a bit scary, each The wealth brought by the students of the colleges and universities from the folding space, as well as the astonishing growth obtained by the survivors, put the college alliance under pressure and insisted that this place continue to be the venue for the qualifiers of this year's Stigmata Contest.

Now is the time to assemble.

In the area of ​​the forest ranger to the west of the Forest of Life, you can usually listen to the harmony and tranquility of nature here, but now you can only hear the boiling voices and noises.

It's the last day of the assembly day, and the 370 seven colleges and universities that are eligible to participate in the Zhuri District have arrived one after another, filling the green butter grass around the forest protection station.

It's almost the deadline for registration, Xia Kuangtu is still looking around, the dark green virgin forest and bright wild flowers have made him tired, what he wants to see is a person, Feng Qinglang hasn't arrived yet, damn it, The officials of the college alliance came to urge themselves again.

His deputy, Li Ge, had to remind: "If the deadline comes, we will have to give up on Qingming."

Xia Kuangtu sighed dejectedly: "That's the only way to go." But he thought in his heart, without Feng Qinglang, does Mingguang still have a chance to qualify?Maybe the final grades will once again become a joke among schools in Zhuri District.How many of the youthful and energetic faces around me can reproduce the light...

In the midst of distress, a sharp male voice came to my ears at an inappropriate time: "Old friend of the madman, your hesitant expression is engraved on your face, but what is bothering you?"

There was no consolation in this voice at all. If the sentence was changed to "Why are you not dead", it would be more suitable for this yin and yang tone.

Xia Kuangtu's two thick black eyebrows frowned towards the center of his brows, and two bone-piercing cold lights flashed from his eye sockets, and he said coldly: "Your Excellency Lin Weiyuan, I can't remember when I climbed up to someone like you Friends?"

Such an unceremonious response, the man named Lin Weiyuan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and he laughed: "Old friend, your team has not been wiped out yet, why are you still so angry?"

As soon as these words came out, the Mingguang team members who were listening attentively to the conversation between the two suddenly changed their colors. Since they were stationed in the past few days, they have watched the leaders of the nearby colleges visit each other for secret talks. Only Mingguang himself rarely cared. Occasionally, a familiar school leader passed by, and they just smiled friendly, without any intention of talking to the leader Xia Kuangtu, as if they wanted to draw a line with Mingguang.

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