alone mountain and river

Chapter 123 Bone Age Examination

Everyone knows that everyone is looking for an ally, or they have already concluded a covenant, and now they are just discussing the details of the alliance, so that after entering the folded trial space, they can take care of each other. I don't even notice it.Now it is rare for someone to take the initiative to come to say hello, which is hopeful, but who knows that the person didn't say a few words, and directly asked you if Mingguang was ready for the group's destruction, which really made them very angry...

A student with some knowledge said in a low voice: "That guy is Lin Weiyuan, the leader of Lingxiao Academy from a kingdom-level institution. Hey, I heard that Lingxiao Academy was the mastermind behind the annihilation of our last competitive team..." Wang Guo An academy with a high-level evaluation means that the evaluation of Mingguang's current Principality-level academies is a big step higher.

Another person also said: "Lin Weiyuan has served as the leader of Ling Xiao for three terms, and has always had old grievances with our leader Xia..."

"What old grudges."

"When they were young, they fought for the same woman."

"What's the final result?"

"That woman became Lin Weiyuan's wife." This answer did not meet the expectations of the public, and it certainly did not meet the expectations of Xia Kuangtu, so his voice became low and inaudible.

But Xia Kuangtu still heard the voice of the discussion below, and he was even more irritable. He looked at Lin Weiyuan with contempt. This guy was like a woman under the pale eyebrows, and those black grape-like eyes were always rolling around. Xia Kuangtu suppressed his voice and said, "Your Excellency Lin Weiyuan, if you are just talking nonsense, I really don't mind smashing your nose into pieces with one punch. "

Lin Weiyuan was about to sneer at something more, when the registrar of the College Alliance visited again, and seemed to be afraid of the Xia Kuang who had been procrastinating. The registrar directly moved his boss this time. The disciples are also old acquaintances, so he laughed loudly from a distance: "Xia Kuangtu, what the hell are you doing, we are going to the forest altar soon, and now you have not registered."

Xia Kuangtu said helplessly, "We still have a member who hasn't arrived yet."

The official smiled and nodded at Lin Weiyuan, and when he came close to Xia Kuangtu, he said in a low voice: "I said Xia Kuangtu, isn't there a substitute member? You can't let the whole world wait for you before you can move forward, you said right."

Lin Weiyuan interjected inappropriately: "Old friend madman, do you still care about one more or one less?"

Kuangtu Xia suddenly moved, and the whole world was instantly plunged into a brilliant light. A glittering and translucent dragon swept towards Lin Weiyuan with a berserk aura.

Lin Weiyuan didn't panic either. Sure enough, it was impossible for the officials standing very close to let Xia Kuangtu smash Lin Weiyuan's nose with a single punch. Concerned, he said in a low voice: "Madman, even if you vent your anger, it won't change anything, and it may even make you Mingguang lose the qualification for this competition."

The violent light disappeared in a flash, Xia Kuangtu took a deep breath, and finally said slowly: "Okay, sign up!"

The official also breathed a sigh of relief, and winked behind him, and the registrar hurried forward to handover with Mingguang's deputy team leader, Li Ge.

At this time, a fat man with glasses was rushing to Mingguang's residence, pushing through the crowd of spectators, and said very apologetically, "I'm sorry, Team Leader Xia, I'm late for something!"

Xia Kuangtu couldn't hide his surprise, but he cursed angrily, "Bastard Qinglang, you almost caused us to be disqualified."

The league officials also smiled in relief, so everyone is happy, which is naturally the best.

Only Lin Weiyuan commented in a strange way: "Old friend, this kind of rural non-mainstream, is the core team member you expect? Haha..."

Feng Qinglang was furious. He thought that the four-eyed fat man was the worst comment he had ever heard. He didn't expect to hear such a rural non-mainstream today, but his angry eyes were covered by glasses. , but with a simple and honest face.Seeing that the official also nodded secretly, thinking that this fat man is really well-mannered, his emotions and anger are invisible.

Xia Kuangtu didn't bother to argue with this person anymore, he waved his hand and said, "Lin Weiyuan, stop talking nonsense, let's see the truth with our results."


Bone age examination is an essential part of entering the trial space.

The item to be inspected was an exquisite ancient magic tool, like copper but not copper, iron but not iron, shaped like an arc ferrule, with beautiful patterns imprinted on it, and time could not erode the precision scale on it.

The staff of the league has adjusted the scale to 25, which means that once the age exceeds 25, the bone age tester will send out an alarm, and all contestants must line up and walk through the arc ring to ensure that they meet the competition requirements.

As the Mingguang representative team who registered at the last minute, it is of course the last in line. Xia Kuangtu watched from afar and explained to Feng Qinglang by the way: "In the previous sessions, there were many over-agers. As a result, after opening the space, these over-agers could not Entering, but wasting energy, so this time the alliance has added this thing and this link..."

While speaking, the inspection instrument continued to flash red light, and the alarm sounded like a buzzer at the same time. A strong contestant was immediately picked out, and the person immediately called out: "I will only turn 26 in a few days. I'm still 25 now!"

The staff explained blankly: "Perhaps your family members misremembered your date of birth."


Xia Kuangtu said: "Here, this is the lucky one. Hey, they are people from Taoling Academy. Last year, they had the most overage people."

Feng Qinglang's focus was not here, she said, "Leader Xia, are you not kind?"

"how do I say this?"

"You have been instilling in me before that the awakening period of the regional qualifiers is often the peak combat power of the contestants, but now, I can see at a glance that there are indeed some real martial arts, not to mention the hidden ones..."

Xia Kuangtu coughed twice before responding: "Oh, the strength of this year has been greatly improved. This is an unexpected thing. I said it's sunny. You don't want to be ashamed of such a shameless thing as temporarily asking for additional compensation. It won't work, will it?"


In the blink of an eye, he had arrived at the Mingguang team. Xia Kuangtu consciously avoided the inspection instrument and passed through the teacher's passage. But on the other side, when Feng Qinglang walked past the inspection instrument, a red light flashed across the instrument. According to the previous practice, That's a sign of overage.

Kuangzi Xia, who was watching closely from the side, immediately sank in his heart. Oops!Ching-Ling, isn't this kid overage?

But the strange thing is that the alarm did not go off, nor did the red light keep flashing like those overage people before, but it just disappeared in a flash.

The person in charge not only frowned, but raised his hand to signal Feng Qinglang to stop, and looked at the ancient magic expert beside him with a puzzled expression. How could he know that the expert looked more confused than himself, and even bowed down to carefully observe the lines on the scale, But couldn't see any difference.

He could only say: "It should be an intermittent failure, please allow it."


After the bone age examination, more than 40 people were disqualified from the competition, and then it was time for each school to leave a spiritual imprint on its team members.

This moment is often more tragic. When the spiritual imprint you leave is extinguished, it means that you yourself will die with it.In particular, the spirit brand magic pattern box issued by the alliance looks very much like a beautifully crafted urn.

Xia Kuangtu finished reading the names of the main list of 15 people, and Li Ge held the "urn" and asked everyone on the list to inject a trace of spiritual marks into the box. He explained: "This belongs to the category of spiritual magic patterns. The spiritual imprint will not cause any loss to you, but it will allow us to pay the slightest attention to your safety..."

In the opened box, it is like light weaving narrowed and steep mountain peaks into a folding fan, which is slightly gorgeous. When you inject spiritual imprints, a bean-shaped light spot will light up on the joints of the "folding fan".

Seeing the fifteen light spots light up one by one, Xia Kuangtu was in a daze. Four years ago, he was the deputy leader of the team, standing in Li Ge's position, watching the same scene, and then looking at them again. One by one extinguished, heartbroken.

The seven substitutes, looking at those light spots, couldn't hide their envy in their eyes. According to the rules of the competition, when one light spot goes out, the next substitute will immediately replace it, light it up again, and then enter the trial space .

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