alone mountain and river

Chapter 144 Aftermath

Everyone continued to set off, the rumbling sound of the volcanic eruption was coming to an end, and the ominous atmosphere finally dissipated, Feng Qinglang couldn't help but look back, the red torrent that pierced the sky and the earth had disappeared, only the hundreds of meters of lava fountains were left as the afterglow, The smell of sulfur was slowly fading, he smiled bitterly, and said that the evil thing was thinking of Zhong Ming, it was just to scare the other party, in fact, the evil thing was targeting himself.

However, there are so many peerless powerhouses chasing and killing him, even if one more is added, it is not too heavy a burden...

They returned all the way, and Feng Qinglang found many valuable gadgets. They all appeared before the eyes of the world in this disaster. Feng Qinglang smiled and said that she couldn't bear them to be wasteful, so she took them away, and the accompanying people could only promise.

At the same time, once the surviving contestants were found, Feng Qinglang would pull them all into the mask, and the voice of thanks kept ringing out.

When they returned to the teleportation formation, there were nearly a hundred people in a mighty manner.

The leader of the law enforcement officer in black asked nervously: "How is it?"

Feng Qinglang replied with a smile: "Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life!"

The whole platform suddenly burst into cheers.

The brilliance of the portal flickered on and off several times, but it still couldn't be re-lit. Everyone knew that the efforts of the outside world had failed again and again, and now they finally waited for a clear voice: they can leave.

The next thing is not difficult for Feng Qinglang. Reactivate the space magic pattern, the original large-scale space blockade has been broken, and the magic pattern is easily lit up.

Under the arrangement of the law enforcement officer in black, people left the trial space in an orderly manner. Before going out, Feng Qinglang sensed Zhong Ming's eyes full of hatred, and couldn't help turning her head to look, only to see Zhong Ming and Lao Wugong, the brothers , Standing together, relatively speaking, the resentment in Lao Wugong's eyes was much less.

Feng Qinglang said lightly: "If you want to do something, what are you waiting for? We still haven't left the trial space."

Zhong Ming immediately withdrew his gaze, didn't even dare to put aside a word on the scene, turned around and walked into the portal.

Forest of Life, on the teleportation platform, watched the contestants walk out of the void one by one, the cheers immediately rang out enthusiastically, and even Guo Xuanyi, who was full of thoughts, came to the edge of the platform and gave warm applause.

When Lin Weiyuan, the team leader of Lingxiao Academy, watched his team members Zhong Ming and Lao Wugong come out, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out. Most importantly, they even lost their rucksacks, which meant that they did not qualify at all. hope.

Compared to other teams, the team leader and surviving members gave up their usual respectful and warm hugs, and Lin Weiyuan just asked them coldly: "What's going on?"

Lao Wugong was about to tell the story he and Zhong Ming had made up in advance, but Lin Weiyuan couldn't suppress his anger anymore, especially in front of that flickering gaze, he slapped fiercely, and a red slap was immediately branded on Lao Wugong's face. Gong's face.

Lao Wugong hurriedly lowered his head, lest Lin Weiyuan see the resentment and contempt in his eyes.

"What's going on?" Lin Weiyuan turned his gaze to Zhongming. Before Zhongming made a sound, he slapped him again, but to his surprise, the slap failed to reach the opponent's face, and Zhongming stretched out a hand. He grabbed Lin Weiyuan's hand.

Lin Weiyuan felt a rush of heat rushing to his brain, and even his voice trembled: "Zhongming, do you know what you are doing?"

Zhongming just grasped this hand tightly, and said coldly: "At that time, there was an accident, the volcano erupted, we chose the wrong path, and we couldn't live together at all, so Lao Wugong and I ran away, and that's it. Simple, do you understand?"

Lao Wugong turned his head in surprise, this is not the story they agreed upon at all.

Lin Weiyuan said in a trembling voice, "Okay...okay... you can speak so confidently about betraying your companion!"

Because he was too angry, he didn't care that the surrounding voices suddenly became quieter, and everyone was watching this impromptu farce.

Zhong Ming snorted and said: "Lin Weiyuan, you were also pretended to be noble. Many years ago, in your qualifying round, you were doing the same thing as me. You forgot that the bird that suddenly appeared on the Flying Fish Islands Is it a sea monster..."

Lin Weiyuan's expression changed drastically again. This was one of the stains in his life. The location of the qualifiers that year was the Flying Fish Islands. At that time, he resolutely abandoned his companions and even plotted to leave some powerful players behind to provide the sea monsters with enough food to escape...

No one should know about this!At that time, he told another story when he went back, why...

Zhong Ming said indifferently: "My grandfather is another survivor. I don't have to explain to you how he survived, but I still have a certain understanding of your despicableness, so you are not worthy of blaming us..."

The flames of shame and anger rushed to Lin Weiyuan's forehead again, and his other fist suddenly turned into a heavy fist, trying to hit Zhong Ming's eye socket fiercely, to prevent the other party from continuing, and cursed in a low voice: "Bastard boy, it seems that you are I don't want to hang out in Ling Xiao anymore!"

Zhong Ming turned his head slightly to avoid it, and he punched Lin Weiyuan's nose with his other hand. Amidst the gushing blood, Zhong Ming sneered, "You guessed it, Lao Tzu Quit school, don't plan to hang around in Lingxiao anymore!"

Lao Wugong couldn't help persuading: "Zhongming, you will graduate next year!"

But Zhong Ming said indifferently: "Shut up!" He didn't appreciate it at all.

He only stared at Lin Weiyuan, whose nose was broken and bloody, and continued: "I wanted to choose another time to make your scandal public, but it seems that today is also very good!"

Lin Weiyuan was stunned, not to mention that Zhong Ming dared to punch him again, and hit his eye socket hard again, only to hear Zhong Ming continue: "I have always hated you, but today, I suddenly realized that It turned out that I hated a person, but it was because there was something in this person that I hated myself, which made me feel very embarrassed and embarrassed." With a final punch, Lin Weiyuan fell to the ground directly.

Although the onlookers were very happy to see such a farce happening, under the hint of the officials, some staff members had already stepped forward to stop the farce from continuing.

Zhong Ming glanced back at the portal. Many players who just came out are also joining the ranks of onlookers. According to the order, Feng Qinglang and the others will come out soon...

Zhong Ming spat at Lin Weiyuan who was on the ground, soared into the sky, and flew to the north quickly.

Guo Xuanyi's deputy glanced at his boss, asking for instructions on whether to stop Zhong Ming, but Guo Xuanyi didn't say anything, and the deputy knew in his heart that in such a situation, it would be better to have more than one thing less.

Li Ge couldn't help curling his lips, and sighed: "Lin Weiyuan is finished. No matter how he beautifies such a scandal in the future, he can't change it." Usually Lin Weiyuan is a bit hypocritical and wretched, but he is still a person in Zhuri District after all, but With the witness of so many people today, his reputation will fall to the bottom.

Xia Kuangtu didn't see how happy he was, and he just sighed: "I hope this bastard will take care of his heart and mind, and just don't vent his anger on his wife and children when he goes back..."

Lao Wugong hesitated for a moment, and stepped forward to help Lin Weiyuan up, but Lin Weiyuan pushed him away, stumbled and walked down the platform quickly, took the towel from his assistant hand in embarrassment, covered his nose, and fled back to himself. in the tent.

At this time, Feng Qinglang and the others finally came out, and found that the expected cheers were not as loud as they had imagined. Everyone was watching Lin Weiyuan's leaving back, as if they were watching a character from the Chasing Sun District leave the stage of history. Feng Qinglang couldn't help but wondered. : "Are we missing something?"

"A clown jumping off the beam finally jumped off the beam, it's nothing!" A tall figure appeared in front of him and gave Feng Qinglang an extremely warm hug. Xia Kuangtu laughed loudly: "Welcome back, Qinglang."

Qing Lang protested, "Have you not showered for a few days?"

Xia Kuangtu had already let go of him, and patted Qing Lang on the shoulder twice before walking to the next person, hugging his team members one by one.

Guo Xuanyi kept smiling, tilted his head slightly, and said in a tired tone: "Get ready to start counting points, and follow up with follow-up matters."

"Yes, my lord!"

This is undoubtedly the most beautiful day for Mingguang, and it is also the happiest day for Xia Kuangtu. Not only did all their team members come back alive, they even suffered minor injuries at most. The number one suspense is far ahead of No.2. If there is no accident, they will qualify with a high score, sweeping away the decadent situation of not qualifying for a century.This is still when Feng Qinglang did not hand over the points of his private collection. Feng Qinglang has already made up his mind. The first point in history since then is also guaranteed to qualify.

After listening to the team members' descriptions, Xia Kuangtu was even more satisfied with Feng Qinglang. If Feng Qinglang hadn't sternly refused, he really wanted to hug Feng Qinglang and kiss her fiercely.

He greeted everyone with a smile, and his injured eyes looked so energetic and friendly in the sun.

Feng Qinglang, who thought she could have a good rest, only slept until dusk but was woken up by someone. Upon hearing the intention of the staff member, Feng Qinglang immediately understood that in this catastrophic event, the Alliance needed to bring out a few heroes, and he was selected. As one of them, it is also the most important one.

He had no choice but to smile bitterly, so he had no choice but to follow the staff to a big tent and accept interviews in order to enrich the hero's profile.

After entering the tent, I saw that Lan Xiaofeng, Lao Wugong, and Chang Kun were already there. Surprisingly, the little elephant was also invited. As one of the "culprits" of the volcanic eruption, of course the little elephant also He understood what the staff meant, so he looked extremely embarrassed.

Of course, Captain Zhong Ming, a member of the original hero plan, was bound to be absent.

Guo Xuanyi came forward in person, had dinner with them, and praised them a lot before politely leaving.

When the chief official left, a group of recorders appeared, and the real theme came, what was the deeds of the heroes like?

Of course, most of the interview process was unremarkable, and only when the bright spots appeared did the corners of Feng Qinglang's mouth twitch dramatically.

"Your Excellency Lao Wugong, when Your Excellency Qinglang invited you to go to the depths of the volcano to set up magic patterns, what did you think?"

Your Excellency Lao Wugong immediately fell into silence. When he interviewed him about his life earlier, he said it quite complacently, and even temporarily put aside today's unhappiness, but this question... I remember that at that time, he was very kind in his heart Greetings to Feng Qinglang's family and their ancestors for generations.

The recorder reminded: "Your Excellency Lao Wugong..."

Lao Wugong could only cough lightly, and said solemnly: "At that time, what I thought about was everyone's safety and the heavy sense of responsibility. When I heard Your Excellency Qinglang's call, I just felt a surge of heat in my chest. After hesitating, I agreed, because it was an opportunity to change everyone's destiny, yes, I felt extremely honored at the time, um, yes, it was like this at the time..."

The recorder recorded with satisfaction that this statement fits the mainstream aesthetics very well.

Who knew it was a young man, Chang Kun finally couldn't help it, and burst out laughing. Lao Wugong turned his head and saw that those temporary companions at that time were full of uncontrollable smiles, and felt that he was It's not that he said it a bit too much, and he couldn't help but become angry from embarrassment: "You wool, what about you, what did you think at that time?"

Another recorder hurriedly said: "That's right, Your Excellency Chang Kun, what did you think at that time?"

This time it was Chang Kun's turn to be silent, and I thought that what I was thinking at the time must be similar to what Lao Wugong was thinking...

But he didn't need to be urged by the recorder, and smiled wryly: "To be honest, I hesitated at that time..."

The companions couldn't help turning their heads, and couldn't help but look at Chang Kun differently. Could it be that he really dared to confess his feelings.

However, Chang Kun continued: "Yes, each of us has such moments in our lives when we feel hesitant and hesitant, but in the face of most people's lives, these must be overcome, so I agreed to Your Excellency Qingqing's call, I think I should be able to contribute my own strength, so throughout the mission, I rushed to the forefront to overcome the fear in my heart..."

It was so passionate, the recorders couldn't help giving a burst of applause, but the temporary companions couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, this fellow's face is really thick, he opened his eyes and told nonsense, he was designated to stand at the end Before, it was still Feng Qinglang's order. I remember that he complained many times at that time, but now it has become his subjective heroic will.

Faced with the shock of his companions, Chang Kun didn't dare to stare at Feng Qinglang, but immediately stared back at Lao Wugong, "What are you looking at, isn't it similar to what you thought?"

Lao Wugong could only say in shame: "No, no, it's far worse than you."


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