"Your Excellency Qinglang, in this operation of the magic pattern, you have shown extremely dazzling talents and abilities. May I ask who taught you the magic pattern?"

This question made Feng Qinglang startled, yes, how did my magic pattern get to where it is today? Is it the enlightenment of Nebula Academy on the Immortal Peak, or the identification of the type of magic pattern in the genius training camp, huh, but those are all It's just the most basic entry, and the real world of magic patterns, it should be in the illusion world of the millennium in a blink of an eye...

I'm self-taught, what a shitty answer that sounds...

Of course, when the words came out, they changed to: "That's when Patriarch Nan Ling discovered that I have this talent, so he asked someone to teach me."

The Nan family is a former super wealthy family that is still alive, but anyone with a little knowledge knows how terrible the background of this dying wealthy family is. Feng Qinglang's answer is not detailed, but the recorders dare not go into detail. I asked, after all, this is related to the inheritance of other people's families.

"Your Excellency Qinglang, according to everyone's introduction, you have your own unique understanding of the guidance of laws and the combination of laws. How did you achieve this?"

"Your Excellency Nan Ling asked someone to teach me..." Feng Qinglang continued to move out Nan Ling's shield, and found that this shield was really easy to use.

"I heard from everyone that Your Excellency Qinglang has injuries on his body, so he usually keeps his strength in the awakening period, is that true?"

Feng Qinglang doesn't like this question very much. Do I want to tell you that this is the aftereffect of a few peerless powerhouses teaming up and almost killing herself to scum?

He resolutely replied: "In fact, to be precise, it's not an injury, but a hidden danger. A unique skill taught by Patriarch Nan Ling himself, before it reaches a great level, you need to suppress your strength and fight in order to train yourself better."

In this trial space, he has already performed too brightly, and the college alliance will publicize this matter, which is both a bad thing and a good thing.

The bad thing is that he will become famous and attract a lot of attention, including his wanted people, but the good thing is that the pronunciation of Feng Qinglang's name is only close in the common language of Alan Stone and the common language of Stigmata. There are too many names with similar pronunciations. If you are alone with your magic pattern talent, those wanted people will probably look away temporarily, because in your wanted information, you don't have the special ability of magic pattern.

Then, Feng Qinglang has a good chance to become the guardian of the new generation of dark lines of the Nan family, a future power with great magic pattern talent.

But in any case, in the mainstream media, you must not be labeled as hurt, that will make the wanted people stay longer, and the intensity of related investigations will increase accordingly.

While thinking about these questions, Feng Qinglang responded cautiously, waving Lord Nan Ling's flag, covering left and right.

"By the way, Your Excellency Lan Xiaofeng, according to the information we have obtained, you have always shown the strength of the awakening period. Why did your strength reach the real martial arts realm in the trial space?"

Lan Xiaofeng responded blankly: "People can always burst out with even more astonishing power at critical moments. I advanced at critical moments."

Once this hot beauty showed a tone consistent with her appearance, the glamorous index was very embarrassing. The recorder was stunned, and recorded it truthfully. Concealing one's strength is really not in line with the main theme. I believe that after their later processing and production, Lan Xiaofeng's short sentence just now will develop into a rich story.

Lao Wugong and the others couldn't help but took the opportunity to look at Lan Xiaofeng more, this girl was talking nonsense, she was no worse than them, but Lan Xiaofeng stared back directly: "What are you looking at, how can you be blind?"

Lao Wugong and the others could only laugh in embarrassment. The recorders were very witty and automatically ignored this type of conversation.

In the next few days, some survivors also survived the trial space one after another, but such lucky people are still too few, so the atmosphere of the entire camp gradually became gloomy, especially Guo Xuanyi, who was slightly wrinkled. The brows basically never loosened.

In the past few days, Yun Yu, as the technical advisor for this qualifier, took the initiative to approach Feng Qinglang. After all, Feng Qinglang once showed the extraordinary talent of space magic pattern in the trial space, and hoped that Feng Qinglang could join him temporarily. The technical team re-strengthened the seal of this folding space.

Feng Qinglang agreed, and he also hoped that the ominous thing inside could be sealed up for a longer period of time. It would be good to have one less enemy.

Mingguang's sunny is a new star in the magic pattern world. His magic pattern collection has even been published and sold well. His arrival is naturally welcomed by the alliance's technical team.

Before they knew it, the seven days had come, and Yun Yu said clearly that they could only last for half a day at most, and by then no matter what, the door of space would be closed.

Guo Xuanyi also nodded and agreed blankly. In the past day, there were only two survivors, and he didn't believe that if he stayed for a long time, there would be some miracle.

The investigation team sent by the top management of the alliance has arrived. Guo Xuanyi knows that this qualifier is over, but his troubles have just begun.

Mingguang is undoubtedly the biggest winner in this qualifier, and finally qualified No.1 with a high score, becoming the biggest dark horse in this competition.

When this news came back to Mingguang, Mingguang was equally excited. The humiliating record that had oppressed them for a hundred years was finally brought to an end. As long as their results in the future races were not bad, they would have a good chance to return to the kingdom-level evaluation colleges. , the former No.1 school with stigmata is expected to be revitalized.

The genius magic pattern master Qinglang's extremely dazzling performance in this qualifier, using another system of magic patterns to re-open the space channel and save countless lives, is also spreading enthusiastically, which makes the number of Feng Qinglang's fans once again. Rising sharply, the reputation is unparalleled for a while.

Nan Xinghun was also very happy for Mingguang and Qinglang, but at this time she had a bitter face, because Nan Yong who was sitting opposite her whispered: "Master, what should we do?"


This incident happened more than half a month ago. Not long after Feng Qinglang left, Nan Xinghun and his rookie team of Magic Weave Law Blessing Masters unexpectedly ushered in a big deal. A batch of equipment blesses the law of time.

That batch of equipment included five long swords, five daggers and three barrels of sharp arrows. Undoubtedly, for a rookie studio like them, it was definitely an earth-shattering deal. I feel that a future magic pattern blessing master is taking the first step to shake the mountains and rivers, and the whole world is lit up.

The most beautiful thing when eyes are sleepy is when someone gives you a pillow. Nan Xinghun and the others felt that this happened to them. The material store where Nan Yong worked, a seller came to his door eager to sell a large number of blank magic pattern scrolls. Nan Xinghun needs magic patterns to bless the first step of imprinting the blank scroll into the law. The price is [-]% lower than the market price, but the quantity is a bit high. There are a total of [-] volumes. It's outrageous, but Blessing's current equipment doesn't need so much...

But the price is really attractive, and this seller has been to the door several times before, and has always had a good reputation. Nan Yong immediately ran back to discuss with Nan Xinghun, and Nan Xinghun decisively issued an order. Anyway, their studio also needs long-term development, and the extra can be reserved for the future. Yes, it's a bargain.

Therefore, the deposit of the mysterious customer in front must be spent, but it is not enough. They have to take out their savings. Of course, this purchase almost uses up all their savings.

At that time, Nan Xinghun smiled optimistically: "As long as the batch of equipment is completed, all costs will be returned."

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

Fail, fail, fail!And it has been like this for two consecutive weeks. Nan Xinghun used those cheap blank magic pattern scrolls, but failed again and again, and occasionally succeeded, and there was no pattern to be found. This is an unprecedented thing. You know, even if she just When I started to practice blessing the magic pattern, I didn't have such a low success rate. Now I burned four or five thousand scrolls, but I only succeeded two or three times...

This really made Nan Xinghun a little anxious and even depressed, but she was not an idiot after all. At the same time, her partner Lianzheng, who really couldn't see it anymore, also reminded her, is there something wrong with those scrolls?

Nan Yong also felt that something was wrong, so he immediately picked up a few of them and went to the mission center to find an evaluation expert to test them, only to find that these so-called blank scrolls were all defective products that failed to be produced. As far as the soul is concerned, it is extremely difficult to succeed in blessing the law.

Only then did they realize that they might have been deceived. At the time of the transaction, the samples given to them were indeed fine, and the scrolls for sampling inspection were also fine. Anyway, they did not know how to deceive them. Now, only I know that the seller is nowhere to be found, and he is not from Mingguang. At the same time, such a large batch of blank magic pattern scrolls in my hand are all defective products. I can't blame the shop where Nan Yong works. It's too big, and the seller couldn't tell the reason this time, so he didn't consider charging it. It was Nan Yong who took it privately...

They no longer had the money to buy more blank magic pattern scrolls, and Nan Xinghun's stubborn side broke out. Although it was a defective product, didn't it mean that there was still a chance of success?There are still so many scrolls, I don't believe that I can't complete the task.

Although Nan Xinghun's talent is very high, she is only a magic pattern blessing teacher who has just started. Even if she gritted her teeth and squeezed out all her spare time, and even asked for a few days off work, she still only succeeded in making ten law scrolls. The magician Lianzheng who blessed the weapon with the law scroll is already very competitive, with a [-]% success rate.

But today is the delivery date, and there are only three long swords and two daggers to bless success, which is far from enough.

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