The new seat is not bad, it is by the window, and the outside is the sea of ​​clouds outside the Luoyun Mountains. It is very suitable for guiding myself to distract myself during class, but the seat next to it is vacant. I saw the girl sitting in front just looking back at me, so I asked Said: "Whose seat is that?"

"Situ Weiyang, I'm on sick leave, but I heard that I'll be back soon."

Oh, so it's Master Situ, it's been a long time...

During the various basic theory classes, Feng Qinglang was distracted as expected, thinking about all the details of the meditation chapter. If it wasn't for the inappropriate time and place, he must have immediately entered into a state of concentration and entered into cultivation.

When it was almost time for lunch break, suddenly there was a lot of noise around. Feng Qinglang raised her head and couldn't help laughing. She saw the long-lost Master Situ came back. He was wearing a black coat, which was very conspicuous in the snow-white world. The figure is exceptionally slender, standing outside the door, looking like a prince visiting his territory.

The followers following behind him were so insignificant that they almost became a part of Bai Xue.

As always, he tried to make his voice more magnetic: "Sorry, teacher, I'm late."

The middle-aged teacher shrugged: "Situ, if you hadn't reported it, I would have thought the principal was patrolling the hall... Come in!"

Amidst the roar of laughter, Situ Weiyang walked in with four followers, Master Situ pouted in dissatisfaction, and felt that the effect of his appearance was greatly reduced because of a bad joke made by this teacher.

To Feng Qinglang's surprise, there was still Situ Enquan in the entourage, and he didn't know that this guy had used tricks to keep him in Master Situ's study team.

Naturally, there are friendly classmates who guide Situ to the seats with laughter. When Situ Weiyang finds out that the new tablemate is Feng Qinglang, all kinds of demeanors who were smiling and nodding to Nan Xinghun and the surrounding students also froze for a moment. .

It was this unremarkable fat man in front of him who saved himself. He used to look down on him, but now he has become famous in the day-by-day district, and he has shined in the preliminaries. He has even published a book, and he is regarded as the next Dongfang Pei. The Peerless Magic Pattern Master...

Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing and said: "Why, Master Situ, it seems that you are not very happy to see me sitting at the same table... Well, you are welcome back!"

Situ Weiyang responded with a wry smile: "Thank you! It's not that you're unhappy, it's just a little embarrassing and embarrassing."

Feng Qinglang was secretly feeling that after this change, Situ Weiyang had become more mature and open-minded, but he continued to look left and right and said: "Huh? Why didn't you see Beatrice?"

"She asked for leave. There is something at home."

"Oh, it's a pity, she can't see me today... Well, what class is I on, what page is it?"

"There should be nothing to regret... You have to ask someone else the latter question, because I don't know..."


As the bell rang, it was time for lunch break.

The two groups of the Nan family and the Situ family naturally merged together, and Situ Weiyang returned to the spirit of pointing out the country. If everyone knew that he went to recuperate, they would think that he had just returned from saving the world.

The most embarrassing person is Situ Enquan. He was originally a low-key existence, but now everyone knows that he has betrayed the Lord, and there is no lack of contempt in his expression.

Nan Yong also teased: "Your Excellency Enquan, you can still come back. I always thought you would be imprisoned in your family's black water prison?"

Situ Enquan hurriedly lowered his head, not to let others see his current expression, but said calmly: "It has indeed been closed for a long time, which made me determined to change my past. Brother Nan Yong, please don't make fun of me anymore."

Nan Xinghun was also quite curious about this, but she didn't ask, but just expressed the same meaning with her eyes, Situ Weiyang had no choice but to say: "After all, he grew up together, and he also said that he was wrong, so let the matter go first."

Feng Qinglang praised: "I didn't expect that Master Situ also has a broad-minded side."

Situ Weiyang unceremoniously regarded it as a compliment, laughed and said: "Yes, I have always been so broad-minded."


While everyone was chatting and laughing, they had reached the downstairs of the complex, but a handsome man stood in their way.

This is definitely a man who is impressive at first sight, not because of his extraordinarily dark pupils, nor because of his particularly delicate pink and white skin, nor because of the gorgeous and exaggerated dress, but because of his gesture.

He turned slightly sideways, stood facing them at a 45-degree angle, raised his head slightly to look at the sky, did not look at them, but stood in front of them, and asked coldly: "You are Feng Qinglang, right?"

Feng Qinglang asked doubtfully, "Who is this flamboyant Your Excellency?"

The man said: "That's right! Please follow me." After speaking, he continued to walk out with his head slightly raised.

Feng Qinglang was trembling in her heart, followed behind him, waved at Nan Xinghun and the others and said, "Maybe there is something wrong, I'll go and have a look, you guys go eat first."


The man led Feng Qinglang around to the back of the complex. The noon sun after the snow looked particularly bright and dazzling, and the mountains and fields after the snow looked extraordinarily clean and beautiful, like a fairy tale world.

If it wasn't for such a weird person standing beside him, it would feel much better. Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "Now, can you tell me who you are?" He suddenly discovered an interesting thing. Did not look at myself.

The man said indifferently: "My name is Yun Jialuo, Beatrice's fiancé!"

Feng Qinglang frowned slightly, and said curiously, "I never heard Beatrice say that she has a fiancé."

"Whether she admits it or not, I am!" The man named Yun Jialuo's tone remained flat, but there was an indescribable arrogance in it.

Feng Qinglang nodded and said, "Well, what then?"

Yun Jialuo still raised his head slightly, as if he could see a different scenery in the sea of ​​clouds, and then said after a pause, "I heard that you and Beatrice are very close?"

Feng Qing said: "Well, we are good friends."

Yun Jialuo's mouth overflowed with the most proud smile: "Is it just a good friend? I came here in person. I don't want to hear those vague answers. Just tell me, do you like her?"

If it was an ordinary person, they might turn around and leave at this time, or just say "None of your business", but Feng Qinglang thought about it seriously, and said, "I have a good impression, but I can't tell if it's a liking."

Yun Jialuo also seemed to think about it very seriously, and then said: "If I suggest you to take back these good feelings, it is best not to like her, would you agree?" There is no place where there is an air of contempt and contempt for everything.

Feng Qinglang finally couldn't help laughing and said, "Are you trying to change a person's emotional trajectory?"

Yun Jialuo said: "Yes, it's very barbaric, and I don't like me like this, alas..." He was sighing, but there was no sign of sighing.

Feng Qinglang said: "If you ask your two bodyguards to stand behind you for this suggestion, will it be more convincing if you talk about it?"

Yun Jialuo said: "It also makes sense, it doesn't hurt to come out and see."

As soon as he finished speaking, two gray shadows had quietly appeared behind Yun Jialuo. They were all strong in the sky realm. Anyone who ran anywhere would be a well-known figure. Now they are just behaved. Standing behind Yun Gallo, acting as a competent servant.

Feng Qinglang also imitated the other party's appearance, raised her head slightly, looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and said leisurely: "Your Excellency Yun Jialuo, if I say that I don't like your suggestion, what will you do?"

Yun Jialuo frowned rarely, as if he was thinking about a difficult problem, and after a while, he said: "I don't like to force others, if I can't force it, then I have to pretend that person doesn't exist."

With two thugs in the firmament realm, if one person does not exist, then it is very likely that this person really no longer exists.

"Feng Qinglang is our Mingguang's pride, Mr. Yun Jialuo, you want to just ignore him and treat him as if he doesn't exist, isn't that good?" Mingguang's current dean Jiang Shanyin smiled heartily, and he didn't know when he would come. But he stood beside Feng Qinglang quietly, his position was very obvious.Jiang Shanyin didn't release any aura of law, but Feng Qinglang still noticed that the shoulders of Yun Jialuo's two followers in the vault of heaven trembled at the same time, obviously he didn't know when Jiang Shanyin arrived.

Yun Jialuo finally turned around, led the two strong men behind him, and bowed slightly in greeting: "I have seen Senior Jiang Shanyin."

But after the ceremony, Yun Jialuo returned to the original posture, continued to turn sideways, raised his head slightly, looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and said calmly: "Senior Jiang Shanyin, I didn't expect the things about us juniors, I also want to alarm your old man."

Jiang Shanyin didn't care about Yun Jialuo's arrogant behavior, but said gently: "Oh, I just passed by for a walk and heard you young people talking, so I couldn't help but interject."

He paused, and continued: "Mingguang has not changed the rules for thousands of years, and has never been open to the outside world. If Mr. Yun Jialuo just came in for a tour with two followers, Mingguang welcomes you, but if Yun Jialuo has other Thoughts, then, I want to tell young master, even if Ming Guang has become a small pond, he won’t let people jump in it casually.” At the end of these words, the gentle breath gradually dissipated, and naturally there was a sharp breath of iron and blood.

No one can underestimate Mingguang's thousand years of experience, and Yun Jialuo's calm demeanor finally subsided a little.

Feng Qinglang was certain in her heart, knowing that with her performance, she was finally recognized and valued by Mingguang.I heard that Jiang Shanyin has always defended his weaknesses, so if Yun Jialuo wants to make a strong move, he may have to think twice.

Yun Jialuo thought for a while in silence, and finally said: "Feng Qinglang, I heard that you are a magic pattern master? Are you still considered to be another Dongfang Pei in the future?"

Feng Qinglang said: "I don't dare to take the latter sentence. However, I am indeed a magic pattern master." He silently added in his heart that even if he and Dongfang Pei are friends, they are only peers.

Yun Jialuo raised his head, as if nodding, and said, "I can also use magic patterns, how about we have a competition?"

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