alone mountain and river

Chapter 151 The Magic Pattern Competition

Feng Qinglang's heart moved, and she said with a smile: "How do you want to compare?"

Yun Jialuo said: "I heard that your mission center is very interesting, why don't we choose some topics from it to compare?"

Jiang Shanyin reminded: "Young Master Yun Jialuo, if this is the competition, the magic pattern appraiser in our mission center will be the only referee, and the subjectivity will be quite strong!"

Yun Jialuo proudly said: "Are you referring to the reputation of the magic pattern master Qinglang?" Any appraiser at the Mingguang Mission Center, if they see Qinglang's name, will take Qingliang's answer as the first priority of course.

Feng Qinglang looked at this face that was so proud that he was able to be unmanned in the world, and thought that his next sentence would say, I don't care, and so on.

Unexpectedly, Yun Jialuo continued: "We can all remain anonymous."

This really made Feng Qinglang couldn't help but laughed, maybe this smile stimulated Yun Jialuo, and he said again: "Feng Qinglang, if you lose to me in your best field, I think you should You will seriously consider my suggestion, take back your affection for Beatrice, and stop liking her, right?"

Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "Then what if I don't lose?"

Yun Jialuo frowned slightly, wondering: "This is impossible."

Jiang Shanyin coughed lightly for such an arrogant attitude, and then reminded: "Mr. Yun Jialuo, there will be winners and losers in everything, even if you have the confidence to win, even if you are one of the four hermit families. Li recognizes the genius of the magic pattern once in a thousand years, but if you ask what the opponent's bet is, then you should also place your own bet."

Yun Jialuo thought for a while, then raised his head again, and the two of them understood it. To him, this really meant nodding, and he said, "Well, this is what you people mean by fairness." Well... Well, if I lose, I will disobey the family's orders and give up my engagement with Beatrice. Anyway, I have already seen that she is very resistant to such restraints, so I will pursue her again at that time gone."

Feng Qinglang laughed and said, "Actually, you don't need to tell us your future plans." He gradually understood that this Yun Jialuo son was a son of a hermit family who rarely had contact with the world. In his world, he is regarded as the proud son of heaven, and he is used to even talking to himself, and others regard him as the highest order. Unfortunately, he didn't realize that this is not his world.

After thinking about it for a while, Yun Jialuo frowned slightly again, raised his head higher, and was sure that there was indeed a reason for the contempt and dislike for Feng Qinglang that he had already felt in his heart.

He said: "Senior Jiang Shanyin, can you be the judge of this bet?"

"My pleasure!"


The mission center, the building as bright as a crown, will always maintain its peak popularity and enough topics.

In a VIP room on the third floor of the mission center, Feng Qinglang and Yun Jialuo sat on both sides of the room, facing each other far away, with a black crystal in front of each of them.

Even when Yun Jialuo was sitting, his head was still raised slightly, but his face was not good-looking, because when he walked in, many people in the mission center saw Feng Qinglang, they seemed to be crazy, and called out enthusiastically, almost madly. With Feng Qinglang's name, some people even shouted their mission number or name code, begging Feng Qinglang to give priority to their mission. It felt... like a king came to his territory...

This made Yun Jialuo unaccustomed to disgust. He rarely felt that the center of the world was not necessarily himself.

A place as famous as Mingguang Mission Center, Yun's hermit family, naturally has its own account here.

When the names of both parties landed in the mission center, they received different reactions. Even though the name of the Yun family had existed for thousands of years, it was just an inconspicuous existence here. There were cheers from all over the mission center. Even the appraisal center on the top floor of the mission center, the row of magic pattern appraisal offices, would whistle a few times to show their excitement.

Dongfang Haoran, the supervisor on duty today, even clenched his fist lightly. Qinglang finally reappeared. He came back this time, and the two of them haven't met formally yet. I heard that he went back to the mission center two days ago. , but it is also for exchanging points and taking away the task point rewards of the relevant qualifiers.What masterpiece will he make a stunning debut today?Dongfang Haoran was full of anticipation, and the originally boring work seemed to be full of life.

Jiang Shanyin pushed the door open and entered, saying: "I have already asked, today's supervisor on duty is Dongfang Haoran."

Yun Jialuo raised his head and said, "Well, the young genius of Dongfang Pei's family is pretty good in this generation."

These words are old-fashioned, quite like the comments of a senior expert, which makes Jiang Shanyin couldn't help but look at Yun Jialuo more. In his opinion, Yun Jialuo and Dongfang Haoran are about the same age and seniority, even when he is older. In the hearts of the older generation, they may feel that they are quite capable. If it is only about fame, Dongfang Haoran might be able to beat Yun Jialuo by a few blocks. I really don't know why Yun Jialuo has such condescending self-confidence and style.

But Yun Jialuo just took Jiang Shanyin's extra glance to heart, and said proudly: "Senior Jiang Shanyin, contemporary scholars, in terms of magic patterns alone, perhaps only Dongfang Pei can be comparable to me." Well, I even glanced at Feng Qinglang, the meaning is the most obvious, but people say that you may become him in the future, which means that he is far inferior to him now, and I have already walked side by side with him, maybe half a head behind.

Jiang Shanyin really didn't know how to respond properly, so he said in a bad mood: "... let's start! According to the agreement, you will take turns to choose the topic. Please consciously control the time of topic selection. It's sunny, and you will choose first."

In the sea of ​​missions covered with stars, Feng Qinglang already had her own mode of selecting topics, either with high scores or named missions.

Just in front of you, there is such a high-score roll call task that comes into view. The title is very simple:

Sunny, please help me!Remember it forever!

Mission Issuer: Lost Captain

Mission reward points: 350

Therefore, Feng Qinglang said: "Mission number, 86322145, mission announcer, Captain Lost, I will choose this question."

On Yun Jialuo's side, he immediately searched and entered this task according to the number. Jiang Shanyin, as the referee, sat between the two of them. There was also a black crystal in front of him, and he also entered this task. He did not forget to remind Yun Jialuo: "The rules of our mission center, in many cases, the side that submits the mission first will often have an advantage."

Yun Jialuo raised his head slightly, expressing his gratitude to Jiang Shanyin for his impartial attitude.

For Yun Jialuo, the task person's explanation was passed by. He has no interest in the stories of these secular people. All he needs to do is to complete this task as soon as possible.

But Feng Qinglang was different, he read the story of the lost captain with great interest.

The Flying Fish Islands, many islands are densely covered with stars, have experienced dynastic wars, used to be one of the main battlefields in the wars, and also experienced the era of dark witchcraft, used to be an important base for dark wizards, and was later occupied by pirates for a period of time , after being recaptured by the authorities, this place has been designated as the venue for several league qualifiers...

Undoubtedly, this is a land of legends, full of various legends about treasure treasures, as if every island and every stone had its own story.

The task announcer, that is, the fleet of the lost captain, was lost because of a storm when passing through the Flying Fish Islands. They were forced to temporarily park the fleet on a small island. A sailor accidentally discovered A secret passage on the island...

Thus, tragedy happened.

There is no treasure inside, only various terrible traps. When they wanted to escape, the door of the dungeon suddenly fell down, and only the lost captain and a few people escaped.

In order to save the companions inside, Captain Lost had no choice but to imprint the pattern on the gate with a special wax paper, and after consulting some people, he knew that it was an ancient magic pattern lock.

Then, Captain Lost found this place, and now in the Sun Chasing District, the most famous distribution point for magic pattern missions is Mingguang's mission center, and the most famous one for unlocking magic pattern locks is Feng Qinglang...

Feng Qinglang finished reading carefully, and could not help but twitch the corners of her lips. In fact, the lost captain was vague in many places during the whole incident, such as why the storm lasted so long, so long that the sailors could leave the ship and go deep into the island to find the secret passage. , and for example, that dungeon is full of traps, no one would be so bored to make such a dungeon...

Then, the truth may be that they found a treasure map, so they went deep into the Flying Fish Islands to search for treasure, but found that the treasure was not so easy to get, so they came to Mingguang for help.

That treasure may be the small treasury of a certain army commander in the Guangming Dynasty, or it may be the inheritance of a certain dark wizard, or the collection base of a certain pirate group...

But what does that have to do with me?Feng Qinglang glanced at Yun Jialuo's direction, the fellow was already answering the question with his head up, but although the pen in his hand was moving on Heijing, his brows were still frowning, so Feng Qinglang had every reason to believe that this question The question is definitely not easy.

He returned his eyes to his black crystal. The magic patterns on the gate of the dungeon were ancient and unusual. The way of starting and ending the brush had the unique gorgeousness of the Guangming Dynasty. Some strokes always seemed too redundant, but Added in order to highlight a well-proportioned aesthetic.

But after taking a few more glances, Feng Qinglang couldn't help but frowned. There was indeed a space in the center of these gorgeous magic lines, which gave room for unlocking, but these magic lines couldn't be connected together at all... …

Such magic pattern locks, once most magic pattern masters start thinking, most of them will fall into a misunderstanding, that is, they will be regarded as mother and child magic patterns, or to solve the magic patterns in series... Then, they will gradually walk into a dead end. Can't find the right way out.

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