alone mountain and river

Chapter 152 It's Your Turn

Therefore, Feng Qinglang was different from Yun Jialuo, he didn't write at all, and was still staring at these complicated magic lines.

It just so happened that Yun Jialuo also looked at Feng Qinglang at this time, and he couldn't hide the smug look in his eyes. His brows had already been loosened, and he asked himself that he was getting better, and he quickly solved the problem.

After a while, Feng Qinglan's eyes finally lit up. After staring at these patterns for a long time, they looked like a continuous coastline. Although there were occasional faults, wasn't this just the characteristic of some archipelago coastlines?

He directly entered the database on Heijing, and searched for the map of the Flying Fish Islands, which was not free and required a point to redeem it. Feng Qinglang had to spend a little point to redeem the map.

The Flying Fish Islands are like crystal emeralds, dotted across the inland sea of ​​Flying Fish. The whole map looks lifelike. Feng Qingming's eyes suddenly become brighter. The coastline patterns in many places are all in line with the magic pattern. The magic pattern strokes on it correspond to the...

But after looking at it carefully for a while, Feng Qinglang couldn't help but frowned again, why was there a small part that couldn't be matched at all...

Could it be that the lost captain copied it incorrectly, or the map was wrong...

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he asked Jiang Shanyin: "Dean, have any natural disasters occurred in the Flying Fish Islands in the past thousand years?" As for the Stigmata Continent and the Zhuri District, he is just an outsider after all, and there are many geographical changes. You also need to ask the locals who are born and bred here.

Jiang Shanyin only knew a thing or two about the magic pattern, and was facing the test question of Hei Jing, and fell asleep after watching it. Hearing Feng Qinglang's question, he was slightly refreshed, and after thinking for a while, he answered: " I remember about 600 years ago, there was a small-scale tsunami in the Flying Fish Islands, and several small islands were sunk because of it."

"That's right!" Feng Qinglang replied quickly, her eyes returning to Heijing.

The question and the answer to this question were thoughtless, and Yun Jialuo snorted disdainfully. He felt that this was Feng Qinglang's interference tactic, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

Feng Qinglang stretched out her fingers and gestured on those magic lines. If some islands sank, and some other islands changed the curve of the islands, it would make sense. Unfortunately, there is no Flying Fish Islands Millennium in the database of the mission center. The ancient map from before, otherwise it can completely confirm my own thoughts.

For this magic pattern question, the assessment is not magic pattern at all, and the correct answer is not considered magic pattern, it is a geographical puzzle at all.

Fortunately, on the current map, the blank spot still exists. You only need to copy the lines of those coastlines, and this problem will naturally be solved.

As for Yun Jialuo, he was walking into a dead end. He answered the question as a series of magic patterns, and naturally he couldn't find a way out when he walked to the back.

Annoyed, he threw the pen on the table, just in time to see Feng Qinglang just starting to write.

Yun Jialuo was even more irritable, re-observing the direction of the magic pattern, confident that even if he took a detour, he would still be able to surpass Feng Qinglang and return to the front.

Regrettably, Feng Qinglang didn't give him this chance at all. After just a short while, the answers were filled out and submitted.

On the top floor of the mission center, Dongfang Haoran is paying close attention to each mission submitter, and he has not seen Qingming for a long time. He is wondering if he has another visitor today, but suddenly sees an anonymous mission submitter. It is rare to submit tasks anonymously in the tattoo category.

Dongfang Haoran couldn't help opening this task, and saw the geographical puzzle Feng Qinglang answered, after reading Feng Qinglang's analysis, and the comparison between the map and the magic pattern, plus the statement that the tsunami caused geographical changes, Dongfang Haoran couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

He had thought about this question before, and found that he couldn't find the correct answer in several ways of solving the problem, so he specially recorded it, and asked Feng Qinglang for advice when he came. Unexpectedly, an anonymous answerer now wrote down the correct answer.

He gave a perfect evaluation and classified this task as a completion category.

At this time, in the corner of the lobby on the first floor of the mission center, Gong Suisheng was sitting in a daze in distress. The black crystal he rented was being controlled by his nephew. What he was looking at was not the content of the magic patterns, but the free information for entering the mission center. Area, reading some strange stories about Stigmata, giggling from time to time.

This made Gong Suisheng couldn't help asking: "Has anyone completed our task?"

His nephew had no choice but to say: "Uncle, when someone finishes, Hei Jing has a special reminder in the upper right corner, didn't he tell you?"

Gong Suisheng sighed in distress, and his thoughts couldn't help but return to half a month ago...

As the captain of a smuggling fleet, he wondered if his heart was too big, so that after accidentally obtaining the treasure map, he was so confident that he would be able to swallow that treasure.

As a veteran smuggler on the Flying Fish Sea, he thought he was very familiar with the Flying Fish Islands. He felt that the lush and green islands, big and small, he knew clearly and was full of confidence. The early stage was really smooth, and he found the treasure map without much effort. The island marked above.

Even the process of entering was not too difficult. At that time, I was very optimistic that the layout of those institutions must have been in disrepair for a long time. The golden treasures inside, those ancient gold coins of the Guangming Dynasty, blinded everyone's eyes. Fanatical cheers, throwing gold coins into the sky, embracing each other forgetfully...

Maybe it was because they were too complacent that they touched some mechanism, or maybe they didn't enter correctly at all. Anyway, when a certain time came, the gate would automatically close...

When the small treasury suddenly rumbled, many people didn't realize that a tragedy was about to happen, and they were still immersed in the huge wealth in front of them. They could only hold their nephew by themselves, and a few other sailors escaped.

When they entered the dungeon, they were prepared for a long-lasting expedition. Everyone had prepared a lot of dry food and water. Now, these will become the basis of their survival.

As long as the door is reopened as soon as possible, these old fellows can still be rescued.

Therefore, Gong Suisheng went to the Navigation Guild to look for capable people, but the Navigation Guild could only provide limited help for magic pattern puzzles. The tattoo artist is sunny.

Gong Suisheng immediately rushed to Mingguang. For outsiders, Mingguang's exchange rules were extremely harsh. Gong Suisheng had no choice but to grit his teeth and sell more than half of his family property in exchange for Mingguang points. He waited for the legendary clearness to come to answer.

However, as time passed day by day, Qingming never showed up, only people said that he went to participate in some qualifiers, but he should be back...

Moreover, I heard that Mingguang has many other talented magic pattern masters...

He has even started counting the time. If he can't get an answer before tomorrow, then even if he rushes back, those old guys may not be able to survive...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help urging his nephew again. Unexpectedly, his nephew shouted happily: "The task is completed, but the name of the person who completed it is not Qingming."

Gong Suisheng couldn't help frowning and said, "Isn't it sunny?"

"Well, it's a guy named Anonymous."

"...Stupid, that's what it means to hide the name..." Gong Suisheng said nothing more, his eyes were fixed on the black crystal, and he never moved away. He naturally recognized the map of the Flying Fish Islands, but he never I never thought that this map would be combined with the magic pattern...

Now that the two pictures are put together and accompanied by text descriptions, he already understands that the answer given by this anonymous person should be the correct answer, and his old buddies can be saved!

He excitedly said: "Quickly copy the answer down, hurry up!"

Gong Suisheng's nephew quickly took out a special pen and paper and pasted it on the black crystal, and said happily: "Uncle, we finally got those treasures... Hey, uncle, have you ever thought that we can go back later!" When these words were said, the voice was as gentle as possible, and he carefully looked around to make sure that no one else was caring for them.

Gong Suisheng scolded angrily: "Bastard boy, just thinking about such an idea is a sin. You'd better put away this shameless idea."

His nephew quickly stuck out his tongue and said, "Uncle, don't do this, I was just joking."

Gong Suisheng sighed, he has no heirs, this nephew is all his hope for the future, he said in a slow tone: "When we reopen that door at that time, let the old guys escape as soon as possible. No matter how much you take away, you will never go deeper, there is always a gloomy atmosphere inside, and you don't know what crisis will be waiting for us..."

His nephew shook his head violently, and said in a low voice: "Uncle, the money outside is so amazing, maybe below..."

Gong Suisheng said in a deep voice: "Boy, since the outside is enough for us to spend a lifetime, don't think too much."

His nephew didn't say anything more, but stared at Hei Jing with all his strength, imitating the magic pattern even more forcefully, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Perhaps the pair of uncles and nephews will turn against each other in the near future, or the sailor who rescued him may be happy, or there may be other accidents... But these have nothing to do with Feng Qinglang, he calmly looked at Yun Jialuo opposite , Young Master Yun's face was a bit ugly, because he found that he had taken another detour, and still couldn't get the correct answer. Just when he thought that Feng Qinglang should naturally fall into a predicament, the referee Jiang Shanyin told him that the mission problem had already been solved. There is a correct answer, and the winner of the first question is Feng Qinglang.

Yun Jialuo stared at the final answer. He really wanted to point out that there was something wrong with it. It was just that your crappy magic pattern appraiser of Mingguang made a mistake, but this answer made him unable to point out any mistakes.

He could only say in a slightly angry and mocking tone: "Oh, so you chose the geography question, not the magic pattern question."

Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing and said: "Your Excellency Yun Jialuo, if you think this question is not a magic pattern question, then it doesn't matter if this question is not."

Yun Jialuo immediately shook his head and said, "Of course, I'm just commenting." He asked himself that he couldn't do such a degrading thing.

Jiang Shanyin smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Yun Jialuo, it's your turn to choose a topic."

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