alone mountain and river

Chapter 31 Examiner and Comprehension

Lan Xiaofeng interrupted: "Dandan, don't have such thoughts for the time being, I have told you the reason several times!" The voice was unusually calm, and there was no emotion fluctuation, as if Lan Dan had expected it. Dan would have suggested that, and she was just responding according to the formula now.

Lan Dandan turned away unwillingly, and stopped looking at Nan Xinghun. The end point was not far away, but for her, it had nothing to do with her, because her exam was over.

In the last part of the journey of the actual combat test, Feng Qinglang and the others walked without any surprises. Master Situ was very disappointed. He felt that his strength had not been fully displayed, and the purpose of the journey had not been achieved, and his relationship with Nan Xinghun seemed to be alienated. A little, so looking at the bustling crowd in front of the finish line, his emotions were not as high as his companions.

The end point, before sunset, is always the busiest place. The transactions of various task items, as well as the shouts of selling and buying, make people wonder whether they have come to a certain hypermarket.

But this is all tacitly approved by the academy, and this is also a point for you to show your talent, but Feng Qinglang and his group have no desires, no desires, and all the quest items have been obtained, so they can go straight to the finish line.

When walking through the crowd, Situ Weiyang was unwilling to think that he had already prepared to show off his business talents here, but unfortunately there was no room for it.

Along the way, they met familiar people and greeted each other. Nan Xingsoul was always generous and didn't care about anything. Even if he just nodded and handed in, he would give away the extra quest items in his hand, wishing the other party a pass.

Feng Qinglang was very happy to see this, Xinghun had one more friendship fulcrum, and the probability of trouble would be reduced a little in the future, so he gave the extra mission items he had to Nan Xinghun as a favor.

After arriving at the check-in area, the next thing is to formulate the academy’s formalities, register the candidates’ names and numbers, then count your task items, measure the percentage of blood bars on the protective clothing, etc. After all this is done, you will You can do whatever you want.

However, most candidates will enter the cheap dormitories provided by Mingguang and live there temporarily, because the transcripts are often issued a day later, and it is clear at a glance who will stay and who will stay.

Candidates who pass can officially enter Mingguang Academy. They only need to pay a reasonable fee, and they can get the distribution of official dormitories, relevant school uniforms, teaching materials, etc., but they usually have to wait another half an hour for their current semester to officially start. Moon, why is this so?Because this period of time is for sponsored students, look, you have not passed the assessment, you want to enroll, please contact the admissions office of the college quickly, um, remember to bring money.

Beside the Green Bamboo Garden at the finish line, there is a row of inconspicuous bungalows, but all the candidates look at this place with awe in their eyes, because this is the place where the tasks are counted and graded.

One of the larger bungalows is where the examiner who marks the question of copying the magic pattern is located.

But the atmosphere inside was very dignified. Several young and middle-aged instructors who graded the papers looked serious, and the students below them who helped grade the papers were even more silent and solemn. The character in the movie, Master Gu Ruofei, the dean of the Magic Pattern Institute, came in person.

This is a big man who has been famous for more than a hundred years. He has already ignored the affairs of the courtyard and only devoted himself to studying his own knowledge. Why did he come here today on a whim?It made everyone present very uneasy.

In fact, the older instructor knew very well that Mr. Gu Ruofei had been studying the cliff magic pattern for many years, and he heard that he had reached a bottleneck. Whenever there was a cliff imitating the magic pattern in the exam questions, he would come and take a look.

It just so happened that this year there were three questions about copying magic patterns, one of which was the legendary cliff magic pattern. In memory, everyone copied different cliff magic patterns.

All the test papers will be handed over to Gu Ruofei in the end, but he often throws aside the other two questions, and only concentrates on the question about the magic pattern on the cliff. Expressionless, the ending was thrown aside casually in the end.

It was already late at night, but for those reviewers who had to review the papers all night, this time had just begun...

An older examiner, he is one of the examiners who are in charge of the magic pattern on the cliff. He grades the papers very quickly. As a magic pattern master in the real martial arts state, he is qualified to be so fast.

For some reason, he made a big cross on the paper, and commented: No potential, failed.

This is not bad, it should have the potential of the law of the water system, the first few paintings are a bit interesting, the comment, the introduction to the water system, is not bad.


He took a sip of the strong tea and glanced at the next test paper, but his gaze was so fixed that he didn't even put down the teacup.

At first glance, it is just a mess, a mess, if you don't look carefully, it should be a comment: rubbish, failed, no thanks.

But in the center of the mess, there was another small mess, which immediately lit up the entire magic pattern copying map, as if bringing order to the chaos, bringing light to the darkness, and making troubles clear...

Carefully identify the strokes, it should be made by the same person, then, he did it on purpose, well, this is a talent, with the potential of quite powerful metal law.

He glanced at the candidate's name, Situ Tuo, a name he didn't have the slightest impression of, and he wasn't one of the list of seed candidates given by the academy.

It seems that there is something interesting among the candidates this time, at least one person can be recruited this year.

This exam paper was exactly the exam paper of the first person in Situ's camp to ask Feng Qinglang to rewrite it.

The examiner quickly wrote a comment: Very good perception of the gold system.Excellent, it is recommended that the academy focus on training.

After finishing writing, he took the examination paper and walked quickly to Gu Ruofei.

When he got closer, he bowed and said in a low voice: "Teacher, you said you saw a particularly interesting paper and I'll give it to you right away. I don't know if this counts."

"Huh?" Gu Ruofei, who was closing his eyes to rest his mind, opened his eyes, put his reading glasses back on, took the test paper, took a look, and his eyes lit up immediately.

After watching for a while, he had already captured the train of thought of the imitator, and began to draw in front of him with his fingers, trying to restore the examinee's train of thought at that time.

While painting, he frowned. The examinee's comprehension is not so high. Why did he suddenly have such a high level of performance later? Could it be that he had a sudden epiphany later?

The examiner knew his teacher's temper, and seeing him thinking deeply, he didn't dare to disturb him any more, and silently returned to his original place.

But as soon as he sat down, his eyes froze again. The test paper in front of him is definitely better than the previous one. At first glance, one would think that this is just an excellent painter drawing the exact same pattern according to the brush strokes of the cliff. The writing is very precise. If it's just like this, whether you can pass the test really depends on the examiner's mood.

Of course, it is often given to pass the level. After all, the writing is so precise, it must be familiar with the magic pattern, but it is lack of understanding of the magic pattern that needs to be copied, but it will definitely not get a high score.

But this magic pattern, in addition to the precise painting, the last few strokes are extremely ingenious, as if the entire magic pattern has been wiped out, the feeling that you are in the game before you are out, makes the examiner's hand also excited Followed Xuhua a few times.

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