alone mountain and river

Chapter 32 My Name

He murmured: "Talent, great talent! I can't judge this person's level, Beatrice, I have never heard of this person's name..."

This kind of admiration came from a usually very proud mouth, and the examiner beside him couldn't help but look over his head, and couldn't help being stunned after a glance.

As Mingguang's magic pattern instructor, he must have visited the cliff magic pattern, but this way of thinking completely jumped out of his original thinking, and he couldn't even determine which law this person was inclined to. He seemed to be neutral in everything. outside the rules, but it happens to swim between all the rules...

The other examiner agreed with the examiner's words in his heart, and it may take that adult to evaluate this person's level.

He was still waiting to take a closer look, but saw that the paper had been moved away from his eyes, and the person holding the paper was walking away quickly. As a magic pattern master, he was somewhat paranoid about learning, and his first reaction was very angry, but seeing the holding The direction that Juanren was heading towards was Gu Ruofei's place, and all the inexplicable anger was suppressed immediately, thinking, I can only find a way to borrow this paper in the future and ponder it carefully...

He sighed, and was about to return to the original boring examination paper, but his eyes stopped on the next magic pattern on the stack of cliff examination papers again, and he could no longer move his eyes away. It happened to be Nan Yong's paper. Because it was too simple, Feng Qinglang added the most strokes in this paper.

Gu Ruofei was thinking deeply, but was interrupted, and was about to get angry, but his student said earnestly: "Teacher, don't rush to get angry. Take a look at this one, it is definitely better than the last one."

Gu Ruofei looked at it according to his words, his annoyance suddenly disappeared, his eyes became extremely bright, and he didn't let go of the paper after holding it.

Seeing that Gu Ruofei liked the teacher, the examiner was also very happy, but when he returned to his seat, he immediately became unhappy. His colleague left his post without permission and sat in his seat unceremoniously. As it should be.

As a senior, he was about to reprimand him, but when he saw the magic pattern on the new exam paper, he was also stunned. His thoughts were extremely clear, and his writing was extremely precise, without any hesitation. When will our Mingguang attract so many talents? up?

His heart moved, and he looked at the candidate's name, Nan Yong?Another unknown name.

But this time, the range of his gaze increased. The [-] group, if I remember correctly, the two people in front seem to be also the [-] group. Could it be that this is a special group composed of a group of talents?

He bluntly pushed away the fascinated examiner, and directly turned to the next exam paper, which was still very good, name: Situ Lei, group: [-]

Sure enough, it was Group [-] again!

He even turned over several copies, all of them were from the same group, they were all of such a high standard, they were all absolute talents!

The examiner suddenly became inexplicably excited, Ming Guang has been silent for many years, is it finally ushering in a blockbuster moment?

He went all the way to Situ Enquan's copy, and there was a slight pause. Although this person's strokes are neat, but there is a haze hidden in it. If he checked the papers by himself, he would definitely make malicious comments, but I believe the teacher can read it. Come out, or leave it to the old man to criticize.

When it came to Master Situ Weiyang's share, the examiner stopped again, not too good, but too ordinary, there are such low-level people in the [-] group... Well, it should be a group of young talents who sympathize with a down-and-out person Boy, the one who let him join the team was not someone from the same group...

If Situ Weiyang was here and could still hear the examiner's voice, he might vomit blood and die.

When it came to Nan Xinghun, the examiner couldn't help but stop again. Although the strokes were not precise, the sense of time and space that almost broke out of the paper completely shocked the examiner's vision. He couldn't hold back his excitement, and growled: " My God, it turned out that the law of time and the law of space appeared on the same person, and our academy is hopeful for revitalization!"

This time, everyone was shocked. The laws of time and space are legendary laws, and it is rare for the same person to appear. Could it be that such a darling of the gods really appeared in their world, and people flocked to the examiner? , and couldn't help but exclaim in shock, all kinds of complex emotions such as excitement, excitement, envy, and jealousy collided in this small space.

Time and space?Gu Ruofei was also alarmed. He kept his identity and walked slowly towards the crowd.

But his lover obviously didn't focus entirely on this. After the previous shocks, although the shock this time was even bigger, he quickly held on. He immediately looked at the group, and it was indeed the [-] group. Well, there are already eight copies before, and the following should be the last one of this group.

He turned over Nan Xinghun's paper and went directly to the next one. The crowd couldn't help condemning him for flipping through the masterpiece without permission, but just as the condemnation sounded, it stopped abruptly, because the next magic pattern felt too weird to them up.

Because this copy of the magic pattern is exactly the same as the magic pattern on the cliff, and it is not even a little bit different. Moreover, for professionals like them, it is easy to see that this is not a copy of those outstanding painters. .

This magic pattern seems to have completely moved the magic pattern on the cliff. It seems that he is not in this small one-story house, but has come under the huge cliff, and what he is looking at is the original painting of the cliff magic pattern.

Because this feeling was so weird, people didn't even make admiration or other excited sounds.

Gu Ruofei squeezed into the crowd. He felt very displeased with the impoliteness of these juniors. He even asked my old man to squeeze in. But when he saw this magic pattern, he couldn't help but trembled all over his body. It was a feeling from the depths of his soul Shocked, the fact that he couldn't do it after countless times of copying, unexpectedly someone did it, and it was only a candidate for admission.

The lines that cannot see the direction of the law and the way back, the flowing arcs that seem uncertain like water, and the inexhaustible light of the wisdom of the predecessors are all reflected on this magic pattern...

In the past, he could only see it on the cliff, but now, someone successfully copied it and put it in front of him.

His students were not as shocked as him, and they went to see the name of this paper specifically:

Phoenix is ​​sunny.

Although the name is written casually, it has the illusion of being ripped out of paper. The name itself is like a magic pattern.

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