alone mountain and river

Chapter 33 This group is legendary

In front of Gu Ruofei, there were nine magic patterns lined up, which were the examination papers of the [-] group.

Situ Weiyang's mediocre paper is also in it, because he is also a member of the [-] group, but it is very obtrusive, making the powerful people who were summoned by Gu Ruofei frown one by one when they glanced at it .

Gu Ruofei's face is calm, but his heart is full of turmoil. He knows that the bottleneck period that he has been occluded for many years is finally loosened by a special magic pattern. As long as he can take this step, he will go to the next level. The fluctuation in the body is a double-edged sword. If it is not handled properly, the possibility of his promotion will be even more remote, and even hopeless for life.

So, in the middle of the night, he summoned all the elders of the magic pattern courtyard to this bungalow. When I rolled it, all the impatient colors disappeared.

Wei Qiuyang, as Gu Ruofei's disciple and Bole of the [-]th Group, was the first to discover them during the examination process, and was also fortunate to attend this temporary meeting. I didn't dare to take a breath. Many great talents who had been in seclusion for many years were lucky enough to see it tonight.

Wei Qiuyang was still like this, but the rest were even more restless. After the elders entered, many people peeked at their corner from time to time. Although the sound-proof magic pattern prevented them from hearing the content of the powerful meeting, it did not prevent them from staying far away. The mood of admiration from afar.

It wasn't until Gu Ruofei glared at them impatiently that everyone reluctantly withdrew their presumptuous gaze.

From the looks of the elders, it is easy to tell the change of their mood. Looking all the way, from the admiration on Beatrice and others' papers to the contempt of Situ Weiyang's papers, it's like eating delicious food and suddenly eating flies. The expression on her face, and the excitement when she saw Nan Xinghun's law of time and space, but in the end they all condensed on Feng Qinglang's imitation magic pattern.

Gu Ruofei's expression was as shocking as when he first saw it. Only those who have copied the magic pattern on the cliff countless times can especially feel this shock.

Gu Ruofei didn't interrupt their thoughts, and didn't look at the paper in front of him any more. In the past few hours, he had read it countless times, especially the last one. Now he could only wait patiently and silently. Need someone of sufficient level to discuss with him.

After a long time, small gray dots gushed out of the dark sky, and then gradually became brighter. An old man who seemed to be older than Gu Ruofei finally came out of contemplation. His vocal cords had been damaged and he could speak With a buzzing sound like metal colliding: "These two are basically geniuses, and the rest are uncertain."

Gu Ruofei's eyes lit up when he heard his senior brother's comment. This inference coincided with his own. The two papers that his senior brother pointed to were the two papers of Feng Qinglang and Nan Xinghun. Feng Qinglang completely imitated the cliff demon. The essence of the pattern is likely to be 100% restored, and that talent is absolutely amazing, while Nan Xinghun completely jumped out of the framework of the cliff magic pattern, and independently outlined his own time and space routes, with amazing potential.

But the rest of the magic lines are mostly extended from Feng Qinglang's paper, or more are extended from the cliff magic lines... How likely is it that so many geniuses are suddenly gathered in the same group?It was very small, but if the candidate named "Feng Qinglang" had helped them add a few strokes, it would be more reasonable.

The others were still silent, so Gu Ruofei said to his disciple, "Qiuyang, what do you think?"

Wei Qiuyang is now secretly regretting that he wrote comments on the first paper in front of him privately. Now, every time these seniors glance over there, his face feels hot. Hearing the teacher's question, he hurriedly He said: "Teacher, if Elder Lin's judgment is correct, then Feng Qinglang's talent in magic patterns is really...too monstrous."

Being able to accurately describe the same thing from different angles, and being able to say something about the world on the basis of others, even on the wrong path of others, this kind of talent, Wei Qiuyang couldn't find anything for a while. Vocabulary can only be described as monstrous.

Another elder also sighed with emotion, and interjected: "It's really too monstrous." But his eyes still didn't leave Feng Qinglang's paper, as if he still wanted to find something a little different from the magic pattern on the cliff.

A shadow broke into this bungalow at an extremely fast speed, almost in the blink of an eye, it had arrived not far from Gu Ruofei. Outside the barrier, bowed and saluted without making a sound.

It wasn't until Gu Ruofei nodded that he stepped into the barrier. All the great masters were still obsessed with their own thoughts, and not many eyes were cast on the shadow.

The shadow bowed again and said, "Master Gu Ruofei, you commissioned Anbu to investigate Feng Qinglang and his [-] team, and the preliminary results have already been obtained."

Gu Ruofei was shocked, and praised: "Anbu is still efficient as always, thank you for your hard work. Let me know the result."

The shadow said: "Feng Qinglang, the important follower that the Nan family cultivated for the future Patriarch Nan Xinghun, is the No. 1 of the new generation dark line of the Nan family. If there is no accident, it should be the right hand of the future Nan Xinghun..."

Gu Ruofei nodded to express his understanding. Each generation of the Nan family was divided into bright and dark, and the followers of the dark line also surfaced, proving that the Nan family is bound to win the bright light of this enrollment.

The shadow continued: "The Nan family has done a very good job of keeping Feng Qinglang secret. According to the intelligence analysis, Feng Qinglang should have been training outside until recently, and was called back urgently to assist Nan Xinghun through the current semester..."

If Feng Qinglang is also listening, he must have greatly appreciated His Excellency Nan Ling. In a short period of time, his identity has been confirmed, and he has done it speciously, full of mystery, as if he is indeed a dark thread cultivated by the Nan family. .1, if there is no accident, his name should also exist on the genealogy of the foreign surname of Nan's dark thread.

"...The following part is the information disclosed by the Nan family to the academy. Feng Qinglang's specialties are geography and humanities, alchemy, magic pattern, etc. She has talents in many aspects, multi-line development is possible, and she has good potential for martial arts. It is very likely that she can break through in the near future. To a new level..."

Gu Ruofei frowned when he heard that, the person who can almost perfectly copy the magic pattern on the cliff, the magic pattern is only ranked third among his specialties, what kind of messy information is this?Is the Nan family trying to cover up on purpose?Still fooling us?Hmph, if the magic pattern is not Feng Qinglang's main talent, then, what is the old man?

In fact, Patriarch Nan Ling reported this information to the academy just based on Feng Qinglang's random dictation, but unexpectedly made Master Gu Ruofei very upset unintentionally.

The shadow noticed that Gu Ruofei's expression was wrong, so he hurriedly stopped and said, "My lord, I have doubts."

Gu Ruofei waved his hand and said, "The Nan Family reports the information, just give a brief description. Let's talk about his performance in the past few days."

The shadow said: "Yes, my lord! Feng Qinglang has been performing well since the interview, but there is nothing too outstanding, until the magic pattern is copied. Because there were many college invigilators who observed secretly at the time, after many evidences , Feng Qinglang did help her companions to write magic patterns, but each time it ended quickly..."

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