alone mountain and river

Chapter 34 Suspicion and Talent

When this sentence was said, those powerful people who seemed to be in a fugue raised their heads one after another, and their eyes were all focused on the shadow. Some people even couldn't help but sigh: "As expected, it makes sense."

"I just said, there won't be so many geniuses popping up at once..."

"But it ends quickly every time? What kind of talent is needed to do it?"

"Could Feng Qinglang have seen this magic pattern before?"

"Ha, don't tell me how high the possibility is? Even if he has learned it and mastered the magic pattern, he can draw inferences from one instance and change other people's magic pattern to a flawless one. Can you do it?"

The person who questioned him earlier was speechless, but another person responded: "Anyway, I can't do it. After all, this is not an ordinary magic pattern."


For a while, the shadow was put aside, until Gu Ruofei asked solemnly, "Has Feng Qinglang changed the magic pattern map of Nan Xinghun?"

Shadow felt that the eyes around him seemed to be getting hotter, and he hurriedly said: "No! At that time, there were two examiners and four examiner assistants nearby. According to the investigation, they gave a unified answer, no!"

Joy immediately climbed up on every old face around. Compared with one genius joining the academy, of course, two geniuses joining the academy are more gratifying.

Gu Ruofei also showed joy, he nodded and said, "Is there any more?"

The shadow continued: "Although Feng Qinglang's appearance is unattractive, there is an element of rebellion in her temperament. Three days ago, after the interview, Li Yulun once bullied others and insulted Feng Qinglang. Although Feng Qinglang didn't fight back at that time, she also died. Don't bow your head..." There were too many witnesses to this incident, so Shadow recounted the conflict on the Mid-Levels Platform that day in detail.

The elder who Gu Ruofei called Senior Brother Lin immediately said angrily: "It's unreasonable. The Li family is going too far. Could it be that the academy is also regarded as Li? I have to teach this little guy a hard lesson."

The shadow's expression suddenly became a little weird, thinking that you old man might not be able to teach him a lesson.

Gu Ruofei also frowned, and said, "I heard that that kid died in the Thousand Snake Cave yesterday."

The shadow bowed slightly, and replied: "Yes! Li Yulun died in the Thousand Snake Cave in the Thousand Snake Cave around noon yesterday."

The name "Thousand Snake Cave" seems to have violated some taboo, and the expressions of several powerful people present also changed.

"Hasn't it been closed for a long time?" Elder Lin's voice contained a suppressed anger.

The shadow replied: "We preliminarily judged that Li Yulun opened the Thousand Snake Cave privately, then fell into the 'egg pit' by mistake, and was eaten by the egg pit guardian snakes..."

Another elder couldn't help but sneered and said: "If I remember correctly, the old man happened to be the chief examiner when that kid Li Yulun entered school. Two people fell into that pit in the team that kid was in. At that time, he had The suspicion of murdering teammates, but there was insufficient evidence later, and the Li family invited their ancestors to put pressure on it, so the matter was left alone. I didn't expect that a few years later, someone fell down again, this time it was himself Huh!" This muffled sound seemed to vent the public anger that had accumulated back then.

Another elder interjected: "It's also because of this that I found out that the monster has mutated, but the great elders in the courtyard don't advocate destroying the monster...just seal it off."

There was a sense of doubt in his words, and he cast his eyes on Gu Ruofei, but Gu Ruofei didn't want to respond to him, just stared at the shadow and said: "So, he committed suicide?"

There was also a bit of confusion in Shadow's eyes, and he replied: "According to the traces at the scene, it is true that Li Yulun fell by himself, but the strange thing is that after Li Yulun fell, there was no trace of struggle. His power seems to be imprisoned, and he is left to be devoured by snakes. Due to the regulations of the academy, we dare not go down to the pit to investigate without permission, so we cannot prove whether there is some unknown power under the pit that imprisoned Li Yulun's power... ..."

Presumably as one of the investigators of this matter, Ying Ying was also very curious about it, so he couldn't help but ask Gu Ruofei with his eyes, is there any unknown power in the pit... Helplessly, Gu Ruofei's eyes only said, you hurry up, the old man is very happy. impatient.

The shadow had no choice but to continue: "According to the traces of the corpse and the scene, Li Yulun had three buddies in the academy, who were also the examiner's assistants for this actual combat test. Shortly thereafter, they also entered the Thousand Snake Cave at the same time, and they also stumbled and fell into the egg pit... ...The weirdest thing is that the magic pattern that seals the cave is sealed from the inside."

From a simple logic point of view, Li Yulun wanted to enter the Thousand Snake Cave to do something, unsealed the magic pattern seal of the Thousand Snake Lair, who knew that something happened to him, his three buddies, who knew the inside story, came to look for him, In order to worry about the incident being known to others, after entering the Thousand Snake Cave, he first sealed the magic pattern, but he also followed in Li Yulun's footsteps.

Of course, there is another possibility. They entered the Thousand Snake Cave at the same time, and after entering, they re-sealed the magic pattern at the entrance of the cave. It's just that Li Yulun died first, so I don't know if it was a murder or an accident, and then the other three, after a while, did the same Drops in the egg pit.

As long as it involves the Thousand Snake Cave and the Egg Pit, it is often related to various mysteries and weirdness. For a while, the atmosphere also became silent.

Gu Ruofei said: "I heard that there was a group of snakes rioting in the snake cave that day?"

Shadow said: "Yes, it may be due to the mutation of the egg pit that day. According to the results of the magic pattern measurement, the dark attribute of the giant egg has been significantly strengthened compared with the test half a year ago. It may also be driven by humans. According to the current investigation, it is driven by humans. It's more likely."

Elder Lin said: "Is Feng Qinglang related to this matter? Where was he at that time?"

Shadow said: "He was chased by a group of snakes and disappeared for a while. If he committed the crime, that is another possibility."

Everyone here naturally speculated another situation. In order to revenge Feng Qinglang, Li Yulun drove the snake to the egg pit of Qianshen Lair, but was killed by Feng Qinglang. Then, his three accomplices came to look for him. He was also killed. Then, Feng Qinglang re-sealed the magic pattern at the entrance of the cave, and then passed through the magic pattern...

But here comes the point!The magic pattern was sealed from inside the hole, if Feng Qinglang was the perpetrator, why did he choose to seal it inside, and how did he get out?

Everyone is a magic pattern master, so they naturally know that the magic pattern seal that seals the Thousand Snake Cave is a death seal. What is a death seal, it must be broken before they can enter.

Of course, if Feng Qinglang is a person who understands the law of time very well, it can also be done. This dead seal was established by himself, and he can travel through the past by using the superb law of time.

But this possibility is very small.

With the power to master the laws of time and such high attainments, he would not spend so much effort to kill people.

Shadow paused for a while before slowly adding: "So, our Anbu's preliminary judgment is the former possibility, and this matter should have nothing to do with Feng Qinglang."

Gu Ruofei saw that the atmosphere was getting serious, so he couldn't help waving his hands and said, "Tell me about the rest of the group."


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