At this time, the boos of the arena gradually increased, which could not be suppressed by the power of the rebels. Many rich and nobles from the coast came to the scene. They paid a lot of money to watch the challenge day, just to watch the rebellion The wonderful duel between challengers and people is not about watching you chatting with the challengers, let alone hearing what you are talking about!

Feng Qinglang nodded and said: "Okay, Your Excellency Luli, I promise you a reward of 100 million gold coins! Next, we need to complete today's performance!"

The dwarf shook his head and said, "Your Majesty the Rebel, this is not a performance. I am going to have a serious fight with you. Anyway, you are also Chaos now! But, you must not take this opportunity to seriously injure us!"

These words were said with great momentum, but at the last sentence, it was like a deflated ball, but the dwarf still felt that it was not enough, and added another sentence: "If we are seriously injured, we will not have the energy to introduce the client's instructions to you. "

Feng Qinglang couldn't help rolling her eyes. After all, it was the legendary duo of Storm Sap. Even if she wanted to compete with the strong and gain the opportunity and inspiration to break through, the first thing she thought of was not to put her life in danger, and it was best not to get injured.

The dwarf's face suddenly changed, he looked behind Feng Qinglang, and said angrily: "Rebel, what do you mean?!"

Feng Qinglang was taken aback, and turned her head hastily. It was the security guards maintaining the order of the commotion. There were impatient faces in the auditorium, as if they were blowing colorful balloons and ribbons to sway in the wind... ...But there is nothing unusual.

Behind the neck, there is already a gust of wind blowing violently!

Feng Qinglang already understood in her heart, how could there be any unexpected situation?It's just that your Excellency Luli has committed an old problem. He said it was a fair and good contest, but in the end he directly looked for an opportunity to surprise himself.

I also didn't see how Feng Qinglang used his toes so hard that he had already slid ten meters backwards. The dwarf had already conjured up a big stick in his hand. He breathed heavily and kept pressing each other closely. I didn't know how he could push such a big thing , Storing it on her body, Feng Qinglang could only guess that this Alans famous sap should be a retractable and foldable weapon.

When guessing like this, the dwarf turned his wrist, and countless spikes popped out from the big wooden stick, instantly changing from a sap to a mace. If you are not fully prepared for the enemy's weapons, it is just In an instant, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss.

The dwarf took advantage of this opportunity, as if he wanted to use the setting sun in the sky at this time to turn a little sunlight into endless brilliance, and chased Feng Qinglang fiercely. He wanted others to be merciful, but he went all out, as if Feng Qinglang is the murderer of her father and her enemy, and she points to insidious and vital points everywhere. Suddenly, it seems that Lu Li has the upper hand and suppresses the rebel majestically.

The audience finally burst into cheers, and of course there were also many boos about buying dwarves who were eliminated in seconds. Anyway, the arena finally became completely lively. As for the fact that the rebels were rarely suppressed, it was really worth the price of admission.

In just a few minutes, the two had fought at high speed for more than 200 rounds. Sap emphasized fast, accurate and ruthless, but Feng Qinglang's martial arts route also went in this direction, so the two fought very entertainingly, and the entire arena was complete. They ran over and over, moving at high speed every minute and every second.

From when Feng Qinglang was suppressed, until Feng Qinglang gradually suppressed the dwarf, Lu Li was already sweating profusely, and gradually became embarrassed. He did not show the awareness of the spirit of a warrior. He obviously surrendered, but cursed: "Stop fighting, you are completely playing me like a monkey!"

But how could Feng Qinglang let him get what he wanted, she pressed her tightly, and didn't even give him a chance to put down the sap stick, and forced him to reveal himself, so she went around behind him, kicked his ass, and kicked him off The Arena responded, "Your Excellency Luli, this is my home stadium. You actually want to steal my limelight. You are not kind!"

The dwarf got up from the stage in a panic, and was about to yell at Feng Qinglang for being shameless, but the thunderous cheers of the audience had already soared into the sky, and he didn't even have the slightest chance to speak out.

The dwarf was moved and puzzled by the popularity of the Xingqing Arena before, but now he understands that the rebel has the ability to force others into the game, whether you want to compete in a dignified manner or fight to the death, he has the ability to win this competition Guiding becomes acting.

The staff in the audience gestured to ask Feng Qinglang if she needed to take a rest. Feng Qinglang shook her head slightly, saying no, and the staff immediately gestured to the supervisor in the contestants' booth to continue.

The supervising officer was full of ambition, and looked at the tall man with a smile. His expression suddenly changed. He was not prepared to make a fool of himself on the court at all. His strength was about the same as that of his partner Lu Li.

At this time, the dwarf was walking back to the player's bench helplessly, and the tall man hurriedly asked, "Is it settled?"

The dwarf nodded and said: "It's settled, the rebel agreed very readily! And you guessed it, he is really happy to recruit us!"

The tall man finally had a smile on his ugly face, and asked again: "What kind of strength is he now?"

The dwarf said bitterly: "I can't see it at all. I wanted to prove myself, but..." He looked around, and the crazy spectators in the stands were already clapping their hands, shouting "Next game—next game!" a-"

The dwarf continued: "It turned out to be his box office success!"

The tall man still wanted to talk, but the supervising officer smiled kindly and said, "Your Excellency Diorence, it's your turn. Are you ready?" This tone sounded like greeting a child.

The tall man only felt that this was an unprecedented humiliation in his life. Only by beating Feng Qinglang hard on the stage could he vent his anger and prove that he was a peerless man!So, he said harshly: "I... abstain!"

It was the first time for the supervisory officer to say abstention in such a fierce tone. He was really stunned, and then remembered that he had to be full of sarcasm.

Soon, the Taigu Magic Dao broadcast at the venue announced that the No. [-] player Di Norrence had abstained. The audience booed immediately, and a lot of sundries and rubbish slammed down towards the players' seats, and countless middle fingers were compared with each other. In the position of the tall man, even the other contestants around him who were implicated had no choice but to raise their eyebrows at the tall man.

In any case, with the passage of time, today's performance in the arena has finally come to an end. The rest of the players who performed well will be contacted by officials from the personnel department. Feng Qinglang must cheer up and face the two The guy who has been hunting him down for years.

The top floor of the Xingqing Administration Building by the sea, the luxurious reception room, is facing the Seventh Port of Xingqing, because the Seventh Port has just been built, it is not full of goods and people like other piers, so the pier looks exceptionally clean Refreshing, but the continuous flow of ships entering and leaving the port still shows an astonishing throughput...

A flock of seagulls was passing by at high speed on the top of the wharf podium filled with the atmosphere of ancient magic. Qia Fengqing opened the window on the side above the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

The refreshing sea breeze was blowing in, and the table was already filled with rich and delicious food. Feng Qinglang smiled at Crazy Angry Wolf and invited a cup, saying: "Yesterday, we were enemies who met each other in life and death, but today we can sit at the same table and raise our glasses." Drink freely, the magic of fate is nothing more than this."

Thinking of the various encounters they had with each other over the years, the two couldn't help sighing along with them, and toasted.

But the tall man added: "Hey, actually, rebels, we used to sit at the same table. I forgot the ice and snow town in the Northern Kingdom. It's just that you were wrapped in gauze dumplings and kicked at the side of the table."

After all, remembering the smug mood at that time, the tall man couldn't help laughing out loud, and what's rare is that the rebel also laughed cheerfully: "Yes, I remember that His Excellency Lu Li said at that time that youth seems to be because of me. Woolen cloth……"

Lu Li hurriedly raised his hand and said, "This is what Ms. Kufeixi said, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Feng Qinglang smiled, and asked seemingly casually: "By the way, where is Ms. Ku Feixi? Why didn't you see her? Could it be that you two went your separate ways?"

The tall man shook his head and said, "It's not breaking up, it's just that she wants to follow the target, we're here to find you, we're working together!"

The dwarf winked at the tall man, saying don't say so much, you haven't received the money yet, but you can't get carried away just because the rebel makes you feel like a spring breeze.

The tall man suddenly came to a sudden, and hurriedly made a movement of zipping his mouth, which really made Feng Qinglang laugh.

Seeing that his companion was being too deliberate, the dwarf hurriedly remedied: "Actually, when we were discussing, we planned to let Kufeixi come to Xingqing, but she immediately refused. Hey, Your Excellency, Rebel, your fiancée Nan Xinghun is actually a girl, But Ms. Kufixi has been sad for many days..."

Feng Qinglang couldn't help being a little silent. Compared to Huayue's world-famous "love affair" with her full of joy, Ku Feixi's love for Xinghun is much more low-key and sad...

Ku Feixi is a member of the temple, serving the gods all her life and protecting the Xia Dynasty is her future destiny. However, when she met Nan Xinghun, she thought it would be a bitter love. At worst, it should be an unforgettable and worthwhile love. The secret love that I recalled for a lifetime, but I didn't expect that Nan Xinghun was a girl at all, so the memories were shattered, and the most beautiful picture in the midnight dream turned into nothingness. I don't know that Ku Feixi's emotions for Nan Xinghun are still full of complicated feelings. Love, or full of complex hate.

The tall man obviously talked about this matter very much, as if he had been looking forward to this happy moment on the top of the bell tower in Tianshui Town last year, and through the drunkenness, he couldn't help singing: "Let's get drunk on the fleeting years, and put on the green silk Memories can't be trapped in the world, I stared at it carefully, I thought I could see your face clearly, but unexpectedly it was your back..."

The dwarf also said with emotion: "How many sincere loves have been lost to sex, she forgot to remember, and she forgot to forget..."

Feng Qinglang blinked vigorously and toasted with them again. These two guys tried their best to mourn, but they couldn't hide the restless joy in their bones.

Just when the door knocked, Jeffrey gestured to Feng Qinglang asking for instructions, and Feng Qinglang took the opportunity to walk out.

Seeing the rebel frowned, Jeffrey said with concern, "My lord looks a bit tired."

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly and said, "Facing the two psychopaths, do you think I will be mentally ill?"

Jeffrey smiled bitterly with Feng Qinglang, and said in a low voice: "My lord, the bank notes you need are ready, and I have prepared ten extra notes for one hundred thousand gold coins..."

"very good!"

"..." At this time, the boos of the arena gradually increased, which could not be suppressed by the power of the rebels. There were many rich and nobles from the coast who came to the scene, and they paid a lot of money to watch the challenge day. It's just to watch the wonderful duel between rebels and people, not to watch you chat with challengers, let alone hear what you guys are talking about!

Feng Qinglang nodded and said: "Okay, Your Excellency Luli, I promise you a reward of 100 million gold coins! Next, we need to complete today's performance!"

The dwarf shook his head and said, "Your Majesty the Rebel, this is not a performance. I am going to have a serious fight with you. Anyway, you are also Chaos now! But, you must not take this opportunity to seriously injure us!"

These words were said with great momentum, but at the last sentence, it was like a deflated ball, but the dwarf still felt that it was not enough, and added another sentence: "If we are seriously injured, we will not have the energy to introduce the client's instructions to you. "

Feng Qinglang couldn't help rolling her eyes. After all, it was the legendary duo of Storm Sap. Even if she wanted to compete with the strong and gain the opportunity and inspiration to break through, the first thing she thought of was not to put her life in danger, and it was best not to get injured.

The dwarf's face suddenly changed, he looked behind Feng Qinglang, and said angrily: "Rebel, what do you mean?!"

Feng Qinglang was taken aback, and turned her head hastily. It was the security guards maintaining the order of the commotion. There were impatient faces in the auditorium, as if they were blowing colorful balloons and ribbons to sway in the wind... ...But there is nothing unusual.

Behind the neck, there is already a gust of wind blowing violently!

Feng Qinglang already understood in her heart, how could there be any unexpected situation?It's just that your Excellency Luli has committed an old problem. He said it was a fair and good contest, but in the end he directly looked for an opportunity to surprise himself.

I also didn't see how Feng Qinglang used his toes so hard that he had already slid ten meters backwards. The dwarf had already conjured up a big stick in his hand. He breathed heavily and kept pressing each other closely. I didn't know how he could push such a big thing , Storing it on her body, Feng Qinglang could only guess that this Alans famous sap should be a retractable and foldable weapon.

When guessing like this, the dwarf turned his wrist, and countless spikes popped out from the big wooden stick, instantly changing from a sap to a mace. If you are not fully prepared for the enemy's weapons, it is just In an instant, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss.

The dwarf took advantage of this opportunity, as if he wanted to use the setting sun in the sky at this time to turn a little sunlight into endless brilliance, and chased Feng Qinglang fiercely. He wanted others to be merciful, but he went all out, as if Feng Qinglang is the murderer of her father and her enemy, and she points to insidious and vital points everywhere. Suddenly, it seems that Lu Li has the upper hand and suppresses the rebel majestically.

The audience finally burst into cheers, and of course there were also many boos about buying dwarves who were eliminated in seconds. Anyway, the arena finally became completely lively. As for the fact that the rebels were rarely suppressed, it was really worth the price of admission.

In just a few minutes, the two had fought at high speed for more than 200 rounds. Sap emphasized fast, accurate and ruthless, but Feng Qinglang's martial arts route also went in this direction, so the two fought very entertainingly, and the entire arena was complete. They ran over and over, moving at high speed every minute and every second.

From when Feng Qinglang was suppressed, until Feng Qinglang gradually suppressed the dwarf, Lu Li was already sweating profusely, and gradually became embarrassed. He did not show the awareness of the spirit of a warrior. He obviously surrendered, but cursed: "Stop fighting, you are completely playing me like a monkey!"

But how could Feng Qinglang let him get what he wanted, she pressed her tightly, and didn't even give him a chance to put down the sap stick, and forced him to reveal himself, so she went around behind him, kicked his ass, and kicked him off The Arena responded, "Your Excellency Luli, this is my home stadium. You actually want to steal my limelight. You are not kind!"

The dwarf got up from the stage in a panic, and was about to yell at Feng Qinglang for being shameless, but the thunderous cheers of the audience had already soared into the sky, and he didn't even have the slightest chance to speak out.

The dwarf was moved and puzzled by the popularity of the Xingqing Arena before, but now he understands that the rebel has the ability to force others into the game, whether you want to compete in a dignified manner or fight to the death, he has the ability to win this competition Guiding becomes acting.

The staff in the audience gestured to ask Feng Qinglang if she needed to take a rest. Feng Qinglang shook her head slightly, saying no, and the staff immediately gestured to the supervisor in the contestants' booth to continue.

The supervising officer was full of ambition, and looked at the tall man with a smile. His expression suddenly changed. He was not prepared to make a fool of himself on the court at all. His strength was about the same as that of his partner Lu Li.

At this time, the dwarf was walking back to the player's bench helplessly, and the tall man hurriedly asked, "Is it settled?"

The dwarf nodded and said: "It's settled, the rebel agreed very readily! And you guessed it, he is really happy to recruit us!"

The tall man finally had a smile on his ugly face, and asked again: "What kind of strength is he now?"

The dwarf said bitterly: "I can't see it at all. I wanted to prove myself, but..." He looked around, and the crazy spectators in the stands were already clapping their hands, shouting "Next game—next game!" a-"

The dwarf continued: "It turned out to be his box office success!"

The tall man still wanted to talk, but the supervising officer smiled kindly and said, "Your Excellency Diorence, it's your turn. Are you ready?" This tone sounded like greeting a child.

The tall man only felt that this was an unprecedented humiliation in his life. Only by beating Feng Qinglang hard on the stage could he vent his anger and prove that he was a peerless man!So, he said harshly: "I... abstain!"

It was the first time for the supervisory officer to say abstention in such a fierce tone. He was really stunned, and then remembered that he had to be full of sarcasm.

Soon, the Taigu Magic Dao broadcast at the venue announced that the No. [-] player Di Norrence had abstained. The audience booed immediately, and a lot of sundries and rubbish slammed down towards the players' seats, and countless middle fingers were compared with each other. In the position of the tall man, even the other contestants around him who were implicated had no choice but to raise their eyebrows at the tall man.

In any case, with the passage of time, today's performance in the arena has finally come to an end. The rest of the players who performed well will be contacted by officials from the personnel department. Feng Qinglang must cheer up and face the two The guy who has been hunting him down for years.

The top floor of the Xingqing Administration Building by the sea, the luxurious reception room, is facing the Seventh Port of Xingqing, because the Seventh Port has just been built, it is not full of goods and people like other piers, so the pier looks exceptionally clean Refreshing, but the continuous flow of ships entering and leaving the port still shows an astonishing throughput...

A flock of seagulls was passing by at high speed on the top of the wharf podium filled with the atmosphere of ancient magic. Qia Fengqing opened the window on the side above the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

The refreshing sea breeze was blowing in, and the table was already filled with rich and delicious food. Feng Qinglang smiled at Crazy Angry Wolf and invited a cup, saying: "Yesterday, we were enemies who met each other in life and death, but today we can sit at the same table and raise our glasses." Drink freely, the magic of fate is nothing more than this."

Thinking of the various encounters they had with each other over the years, the two couldn't help sighing along with them, and toasted.

But the tall man added: "Hey, actually, rebels, we used to sit at the same table. I forgot the ice and snow town in the Northern Kingdom. It's just that you were wrapped in gauze dumplings and kicked at the side of the table."

After all, remembering the smug mood at that time, the tall man couldn't help laughing out loud, and what's rare is that the rebel also laughed cheerfully: "Yes, I remember that His Excellency Lu Li said at that time that youth seems to be because of me. Woolen cloth……"

Lu Li hurriedly raised his hand and said, "This is what Ms. Kufeixi said, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Feng Qinglang smiled, and asked seemingly casually: "By the way, where is Ms. Ku Feixi? Why didn't you see her? Could it be that you two went your separate ways?"

The tall man shook his head and said, "It's not breaking up, it's just that she wants to follow the target, we're here to find you, we're working together!"

The dwarf winked at the tall man, saying don't say so much, you haven't received the money yet, but you can't get carried away just because the rebel makes you feel like a spring breeze.

The tall man suddenly came to a sudden, and hurriedly made a movement of zipping his mouth, which really made Feng Qinglang laugh.

Seeing that his companion was being too deliberate, the dwarf hurriedly remedied: "Actually, when we were discussing, we planned to let Kufeixi come to Xingqing, but she immediately refused. Hey, Your Excellency, Rebel, your fiancée Nan Xinghun is actually a girl, But Ms. Kufixi has been sad for many days..."

Feng Qinglang couldn't help being a little silent. Compared to Huayue's world-famous "love affair" with her full of joy, Ku Feixi's love for Xinghun is much more low-key and sad...

Ku Feixi is a member of the temple, serving the gods all her life and protecting the Xia Dynasty is her future destiny. However, when she met Nan Xinghun, she thought it would be a bitter love. At worst, it should be an unforgettable and worthwhile love. The secret love that I recalled for a lifetime, but I didn't expect that Nan Xinghun was a girl at all, so the memories were shattered, and the most beautiful picture in the midnight dream turned into nothingness. I don't know that Ku Feixi's emotions for Nan Xinghun are still full of complicated feelings. Love, or full of complex hate.

The tall man obviously talked about this matter very much, as if he had been looking forward to this happy moment on the top of the bell tower in Tianshui Town last year, and through the drunkenness, he couldn't help singing: "Let's get drunk on the fleeting years, and put on the green silk Memories can't be trapped in the world, I stared at it carefully, I thought I could see your face clearly, but unexpectedly it was your back..."

The dwarf also said with emotion: "How many sincere loves have been lost to sex, she forgot to remember, and she forgot to forget..."

Feng Qinglang blinked vigorously and toasted with them again. These two guys tried their best to mourn, but they couldn't hide the restless joy in their bones.

Just when the door knocked, Jeffrey gestured to Feng Qinglang asking for instructions, and Feng Qinglang took the opportunity to walk out.

Seeing the rebel frowned, Jeffrey said with concern, "My lord looks a bit tired."

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly and said, "Facing the two psychopaths, do you think I will be mentally ill?"

Jeffrey smiled bitterly with Feng Qinglang, and said in a low voice: "My lord, the bank notes you need are ready, and I have prepared ten extra notes for one hundred thousand gold coins..."

"very good!"


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