alone mountain and river

Chapter 384 Follow

There are very few storm hunters who don't drink. Since they all used to be storm hunters, and now they are destined to drink together again. Driven by the alcohol, the atmosphere gradually becomes harmonious, as if the unhappiness and estrangement that happened in the past have been completely eliminated, at least temporarily.

The tall man looked at Xingqing Seven Harbors with the help of alcohol, at this time the sunset was fading away, the lights were just coming on, the port looked very charming, even the sound of the waves beating, it was all comfortable and lazy at this time, the tall man couldn't help being lazy Said: "Hey, rebel, I didn't expect you to become a big money maker so soon!"

"No, no, it's just a small business!" Although Feng Qinglang drank a lot, she was not drunk, and she was not happy to see the price increase happen.

Now that the timing was almost the same, the banknotes came to him and pushed them in front of the crazy and angry wolves. He said in a sincere voice: "Your Excellency Luri, Your Excellency Di Norrence, this is a million dollars." The gold coin note is issued by the Stigmata Bank Association, check it out!"

The dwarf smiled and said: "Your Excellency, Rebel, in fact, your Xingqing Treasury is becoming a new signboard in the world banking industry. The gold coin bills you issue are now on the southeast coast of the Stigmata, and their credibility is no less than that of the Stigmata Bank Association. It's over!"

The tall man also smiled cheerfully: "Yes, yes, in fact, if you give us the Xingqing treasury bill, we will be happy to accept it as well."

Now that the money was in their hands, the two of them tried their best to say some good things. This was the biggest fortune they had gained in recent years.

Feng Qinglang watched them put the money into their pockets with a smile, and finally felt relieved, at least the incident of raising prices on the ground did not happen.

Facing the smiling and silent gaze of the rebel, the two quietly changed their sitting positions, and the dwarf said with a serious face: "Your Excellency, Rebel, we are entrusted by His Excellency Tang Xuan to come to Xingqing to look for you. Your Excellency Tang Xuan needs you." s help!"

Feng Qing said: "I would like to hear the details!"

The tall man said: "About a month ago, we saw Tang Xuan in the headquarters of Innocence City in the southeast of Stigmata. Of course, they were not the only ones..."

The dwarf continued: "And Beatrice, the beautiful girl Umanela of the Zasding family..."

From this sentence alone, Feng Qinglang knew that the Sap duo had investigated everything that happened to him in Mingguang, and when they called out those names, they all revealed a sense of familiarity.

The dwarf paused, and continued: "There is another terrible guy. Anyway, we estimated that Kufeixi and the two of us would not be able to take him down. Besides, we have no reason to take this risk!"

Feng Qinglang's heart trembled, she could only be a peerless powerhouse.With a considerate look on his face, he said, "Forgive me, please continue!"

The tall man said: "This scary guy pretends to be very mysterious, and his whole body is hidden in a hooded black cloak. Of course, my eagle-like eyes can see clearly, the face under the brim of the hat... damn it , it’s just a black metal mask, double-covering the appearance, is this necessary?”

Feng Qinglang frowned and said, "Your Excellency Di Norrance, please clarify the important points!"

The tall man said: "Well, they were sitting in the box on the second floor of the restaurant by the window, and we passed by outside the restaurant, we found them, and His Excellency Tang Xuan by the window also found us. If it is Normally, Tang Xuan would laugh when he saw us, but he would never laugh like that...uh..."

He looked at his partner for help, and the dwarf expressed it accurately for him: "Tang Xuan is smiling for help, a little helpless, a little flattering, anyway, it doesn't have the usual cynical taste."

Facing the thumbs up from the tall man, the dwarf was a little proud, and added: "It's like a stray puppy who wags its tail desperately when it sees a kind person!"

Feng Qinglang rolled her eyes involuntarily, and raised her voice, "Your Excellency Lu Li, please tell me the important points!"

The dwarf shrugged and said, "Well, instead of entering the restaurant, we went to the second floor of the opposite teahouse, found a box at a similar location, and began to observe them secretly."

The tall man smiled and said, "Then my hawk-like gaze is naturally not difficult to detect. In fact, they are being held hostage!"

Feng Qinglang frowned again, and the dwarf explained: "Because Tang Xuan and his breath are very weak, as if they were suppressed by some kind of secret technique, although they ate at the same table, they clearly distanced themselves from the man in the black metal mask. , and their behavior, their looks..."

The tall man added: "The key point is that a guy wearing the uniform of an official from the City of Innocence entered the box and said something in the masked man's ear. The masked man went out immediately! Tang Xuan immediately turned his head and spoke to us. Mouth and say, we are being held hostage!"

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth. It turns out that your hawk-like gaze is how you discovered that they were being held hostage!

The tall man continued with no shame on his face, "I am proficient in lip language. Although Tang Xuan is only lip-syncing, I can still tell what he is saying. He told us, please go to Xingqing Sandao to find Feng Qinglang as soon as possible. Tell him the following key words, Sun Chasing Area, Forest of Life, Folding Space, Yanlong Volcano, the big devil in the volcano! He will be willing to pay you 100 million gold coins... He still plans to say something more, but the metal mask man Came in again..."

The dwarf continued: "Next, we don't have any chance to communicate again! They obviously live in this restaurant. After leaving the box, we didn't see them leave the restaurant. We waited for a long time, but there was still no clue. Xuan hopes that we will find you as soon as possible, so we will accept this commission. Anyway, our original plan was to go to Xingqing to try our luck again. Give up your commission, and part ways with Ms. Kufixi when the time comes."

The tall man said: "Since we have this new entrustment, we will choose to divide the work and cooperate. I will go to Xingqing to find you with Crazy Maniac, and Ku Feixi will continue to follow them at the same place. We have our own set of contact methods with Ku Feixi , we can guarantee that we can lead you to find Ku Feixi and the client she is following."

Feng Qinglang raised her glass slowly, took a sip of the wine, it was impossible for the Sap duo to know what happened in the folded space in the forest of life, this ruled out that they wanted to trick themselves into leaving Xingqing, so they had other plans Maybe... He said in a deep voice, "How do Tang Xuan and the others look?"

"I'm a bit depressed, but it doesn't look like a serious problem. Those two beauties, observed with my hawk-like eyes, are still virgins. The man in the metal mask seems to have some kind of dysfunction."

"Your Excellency, Rebel, we have our own rules. Since we have taken your money, we will definitely take you to the target location! However, if we need our help at that time, it will be another entrustment. Do you understand what I mean? ?”

Feng Qinglang understood that if she wanted to deal with that masked man, she would have to pay extra.

He coughed lightly, and tentatively said, "Your Excellency Luli, about your joining Xingqing..."

Lu Li said with a simple and honest smile: "That matter, we have to wait until this matter is over."

Feng Qinglang said helplessly: "Okay...thanks to the two of you who delivered the letter from thousands of miles away, please rest at ease at Xingqing tonight, you will receive the best hospitality, and we will set off immediately tomorrow morning!"

Outside the door of the banquet hall, Feng Qinglang told Jeffrey: "I instruct the Foreign Affairs Office to give the two distinguished guests the highest standard of entertainment. Go and inform the parliament that I will hold a cabinet meeting immediately, and you should make preparations immediately. In addition, tell Xinghun, she must be there, I have something to tell her after the meeting! Also, try to find Master Ditian, and just say that I want to talk to him..."

Feng Qinglang rubbed the center of his brows again wearily, Dongdi was haunted by ghosts, and he was often not in the amber garden on the top of the peak. Sometimes he would search for something in the attic space of Xingqing Mishima, and sometimes he would mix with the folks, as if feeling the various states of life , and it seems that he is still looking for... But no matter what, Feng Qinglang still feels uneasy if she doesn't see him before leaving.

After Feng Qinglang left in a hurry, the duo of Sap continued to drink, but the topic was completely focused on the rebels. The tall man counted out ten gold coins, reluctantly handed them over to the dwarf, and said sternly : "Luri, you win!"

The dwarf laughed loudly and said triumphantly: "It is said that he will leave everything behind and go with us! You insist on betting, why bother?"

The tall man sighed dejectedly, drank himself a few glasses of wine, and said, "Partner, what do you think of the traitor?"

The dwarf thought for a while and said, "You are kind and righteous, capable, talented, and your temper is not too bad, which is pretty good!"

The tall man wondered: "But, their Xingqing is still in its infancy. As a soul figure, if he leaves without hesitation, can he become a great weapon? Is it really worth our pursuit?"

The dwarf couldn't help laughing: "I said partner, do you want to become a peerless powerhouse?"

The tall man smiled and said, "Of course I want to, even in my dreams."

The dwarf shrugged and said: "That's fine. At least the rebel said that he is sure to help us become a peerless powerhouse. Just say that, and it is worth following. As for becoming a master, do you have the appearance of a king? I said partner, when will you I also think so far, how tiring."

The tall man was still not relieved: "Hey, if you follow him, we will become public enemies too."

The dwarf stared and said: "We are also public enemies in the Storm Mountain Range, and there are still many people looking for us."

The tall man laughed loudly, and finally clinked glasses with the dwarf: "That's right, cheers to Public Enemy!"

The dwarf also laughed and toasted, and said calmly: "Actually, we don't need to make a decision in a hurry. In the past, we always heard his stories from other people's mouths. We will have time to get along next time. If you have observed him closely, what do you think?" If you really don’t like it, let’s let it go. I’ll let you decide this time!”



Xingqing Administration Building.

The cabinet meeting was held in a harmonious atmosphere. Now Xingqing, like a red sun jumping out of the sea, is rising with the momentum of ruling the world. Almost every important member of the cabinet is recruited by Feng Qinglang himself. He led everyone forward on the high-speed passage. At this time, it was a period when the new forces were most united!

But Feng Qinglang didn't tell them that he would leave Xingqing temporarily, but claimed that his martial arts had reached the bottleneck, and he would be in retreat for a period of time in the future, and hoped that all of you must work harder.

All the important members were also excited. Master Qingming is already in the realm of chaos. If he encounters a bottleneck, it will naturally be a hurdle for the peerless powerhouse. Your Excellency the great rebel, will he return to the ranks of the peerless powerhouse?

After the meeting ended, Feng Qinglang whispered to Nan Xinghun: "Xinghun, we want to talk!"

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