alone mountain and river

Chapter 388 Death Canyon

The Death God Mountain Range is located in the westernmost part of Stigmata, facing the sea, and stretches for thousands of miles. It is a famous forbidden place for life on the Stigmata Continent, a paradise for adventurers!There are rare monsters and their various precious materials, as well as countless death traps. In addition to the murders from nature such as miasma, mud, piranhas, etc., there are also various murders from the animal kingdom such as ferocious monster attacks. Regardless of man-made murders such as seeking wealth, robbing food, revenge, etc... This is the land of legends, and it is also the place where the god of death loves to settle.

Death Canyon is a legend among legends, a restricted area within a restricted area!Legend has it that the blades of the gods fell from the mortal dust and hit the Death God Mountain Range, creating a huge gully that almost runs through the entire Death God Mountain Range...

It is said that there are countless rare treasures below, and of course there are infinite dangers that rise geometrically. For thousands of years, countless adventurers have slept in this canyon forever!

The west end of Death Canyon is the sea. Later, because of the doomsday dragon entrenched here, the reputation of Death Canyon has been further improved, and it has become a place that can make ordinary people look different.

Now, Kufixi is in the depths of the Death God Mountains, at the entrance of the Death God Canyon!

It was a red mud path, not man-made, but too many people walked by, forming such a mountain road, it meanders and circles, straight into the depths of the mountains, with a red steep cliff on one side, slightly towards the middle of the road Tilting, as if about to fall down at any time, on the other side is a cliff of ten thousand feet, and below the cliff is the legendary Death Canyon.

Ku Feixi couldn't help but frowned. At first glance, this road really looked like a road stained with blood!

Beside the entrance path, a huge stone pier stands on the edge of the cliff, with several hideous characters written on it:

Danger!stop!Ahead is Death Canyon!

After Ku Feixi identified it, he determined the target to follow. The masked man and Tang Xuan walked into the Death Canyon area along this path not long ago. She immediately left a mark on the cliff. I believe that the Sap duo will lead the rebels into the Canyon of Death in the near future, following in their own footsteps.

What touched Ku Feixi's heart slightly was that there were countless marks and messages on the cliff at the entrance. For thousands of years, before entering the canyon, countless people left behind for their friends or enemies. sign or manifesto.

Some marks and fonts have been dried by the years and become blurred. Some seem to have just been left, but on the high place of the cliff, there is a line of words carved on the granite, which is preserved with magic patterns. , which attracted Ku Feixi's attention, wrote:

If he traded your blue hair for white hair, it would not be in vain for me to walk the world alone.

Ku Feixi vaguely remembered that this was a sentence from an ancient poem. I saw it for the first time many years ago and didn't notice it at all, but when I read it now, I just feel inexplicably touched...

She couldn't help but think of Nan Xinghun again, that handsome man at first, the dignified figure that appeared many times in midnight dreams...

Ku Feixi, who once thought that protecting the shrine and the Xia Dynasty was his lifelong goal, has been thinking about that person from the moment he met Nan Xinghun, so Ku Feixi realized that she is still an ordinary girl...

When the accident happened in Nan's house, she and the Sap duo rushed over immediately, called to investigate the clues of the rebels, but in fact, she hoped to see her again and help her!

I remember at the time that the rumor that Nan Xinghun was a girl, Ku Feixi only felt it was ridiculous, but later the rumor was no longer a rumor, when the pictures of the stunningly beautiful Nan Xinghun and the rebel walking together became the headlines of various magazines and newspapers with stigmata, It turned out that Kufixi was the one who felt ridiculous.

That beautiful girl was vaguely similar to the handsome man in the dream, but they were not brother and sister, they were the same person.

Thinking of this, she often felt inexplicable pain in her heart, as if it was a very rare treasure, which she had lost before she had it, and that sense of loss made her look full of bitterness and hatred, and added endless resentment.

I thought that time is the best antidote, but who knows that time is like brewing wine, and it keeps brewing this special emotion for her. We will help the disadvantaged, step by step to achieve today.

She was willing to accept such a commission, not for the bounty reported by Tang Xuan, let alone for the rebels, but for Nan Xinghun!

Ku Feixi stared blankly at the line for a while, and finally sighed silently. With a flash of his figure, he shot into the path. Just when he stepped on the red soil, his whole body became much heavier, as if his whole body was instantly crushed. Hang countless small sandbags, this is a rare forbidden area in the Stigmata Continent.

The trail could barely accommodate the two of them walking side by side. The gust of wind whizzed past his ears. Ku Feixi looked down sideways. The white mist was vast, and there was a faint hostility in the tumbling, as if there were some fierce beasts hiding in it. , rushing out from the mist at any time.

This made Ku Feixi even more depressed. After thinking about it, she suddenly stopped, took a step back towards the cliff, used it as a run-up distance, trotted two steps towards the cliff, and then spat fiercely at Bai Wu.

As if hitting the ferocious beast hidden in the white mist, Ku Feixi nodded in satisfaction before moving on.

The fog gradually thickened, flooding the red soil road and covering the surrounding space. If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely walk slower and slower, lest he make a wrong step and fall into the infinite abyss. However, Ku Feixi still galloped fast, and the terrain It is getting lower and lower, it is clearly midsummer, but it is getting a bit chilly, and it is rare to see a few plants along the way, but they are all withered and yellow.

It wasn't until she got to the bottom of the cliff that the scenery suddenly changed. Maybe it was because the fog gradually dispersed, and a small green forest came into view, especially the bright red and ripe berries dotted the forest, which looked extraordinarily vivid, as if suddenly coming to a forest. A mysterious wonderland outside the world.

But soon a man with an obscene appearance appeared in the forest, reminding Ku Feixi that this place is still secular, with a flattering smile on his face: "This beautiful lady, this is your first time visiting Death Canyon, you need a guide Is it? I am a professional..."

Ku Feixi frowned slightly. Is there a tour guide in Death Canyon... She cast her eyes on the forest, and there were still a few figures vaguely. , and I can’t come to you first! Miss, it’s almost night, and the miasma will be very heavy, why don’t we go to the canyon camp to rest for a while, and then talk slowly.”

"Canyon Camp?"

"Hey, it's just through the forest, it's very close! There are magic pattern protection, and there are people to protect your safety."

"..." The corners of Ku Feixi's mouth were originally bent down to both sides, but now the curve is even bigger. Is there a safe place in Death Canyon?This wretched man rolled his eyes and kept looking at himself from the beginning to the end. If he was a fledgling, would it be his fate to be murdered for money in the woods?

Ku Feixi identified her surroundings. Since she entered the Death God Mountain Range, she has not dared to get too close to the target. Now the aura left by the other party is very weak, almost invisible... She walked towards the forest and asked : "Did a masked man come here with a man and two women today?"

The wretched man shrugged and said: "I said beautiful lady, there are quite a few people wearing masks who come here every day, and they all come in groups. I don't know who you are referring to! Hey, but I tell you You, I have a nickname called 'Baodiao', as long as you can afford the price, I can find the person you want..."

He chattered to Ku Feixi, but Ku Feixi had a cold face and refused to respond. In the forest, the companion of the wretched man gave a questioning look, and the wretched man quickly shook his head, indicating that they couldn't eat this fish. Can only be received normally.

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