alone mountain and river

Chapter 389 1 road has worked hard

It took only a few minutes for Ku Feixi to walk through the woods, and he found at least five groups of small groups with malicious intentions. These desperadoes who had wandered around the Death God Canyon stared at this newcomer with scorching eyes, but who were they? The guys who came out of the pile of dead people were not blind, and none of them chose to do anything.

The wretched man who followed Ku Feixi hurriedly said: "This beautiful lady, you see, this is the advantage of having a tour guide. Usually, these guys are all cannibals, because I am here , they want to show me some face..."

He said complacently, but Ku Feixi didn't bother to respond. If the wretched man could read the expression on Ku Feixi's face, he would read four words: none of your business!

After the woods, is the canyon camp!

This is a habitat where nature bestows life. There are forests on all sides, and a small lake in the middle reflects white mist. It is hard to tell what the water quality is, but there are water sources and forests as barriers. Here In Death Canyon, it is considered a unique existence.

Of course, human beings are domineering beings, and it is impossible to share this place with other monsters or wild beasts, so guards with bows and crossbows are everywhere here, and their clothes are varied, just like the various wooden tents built around the lake, old and new. First, the construction layout was unplanned, and Ku Feixi immediately understood that this was a chaotic place controlled by multiple forces.

A burly man with several steel rings around his neck came to Ku Feixi, stretched out his big rough hand, just stared at Ku Feixi, but said nothing.

The wretched man hurriedly said: "Beautiful lady, outsiders need to pay an entry fee, this is our rule here."

"how much is it?"

"Three gold coins!"

Seeing Ku Feixi's unhappy face, the wretched man also knew that for many people, this must be the most expensive entry fee he has ever paid in his life, so he hurriedly said: "Compared to the outside, the prices here are indeed a bit more expensive. But beautiful lady, if you think about it, at least you don’t have to worry about a wild beast jumping out of nowhere and disturbing your meal or rest. Hey, you only need to pay your share, I’m considered a resident here... ..."

Ku Feixi sensed the aura of tracking the target, and when she arrived at this position, it was even thinner. This reminded her that the coordinates of the target must be determined again in a short time. With a flick of the hand, the three gold coins drew a beautiful trajectory. What is rare is that they fell neatly into the center of the big man's palm and were neatly folded without any difference.

The casual expression of the big man with the steel ring finally changed slightly. He knew that this hand was very beautiful, and it was difficult to do so. He stopped pretending to be dumb and bowed slightly: "Welcome to the canyon camp!"

Ku Feixi nodded and walked over, and also threw a gold coin to the wretched man, who said happily, "Thank you for the reward! Beautiful lady, please come with me, I have a shop I know, and I can get discounts on meals and accommodation!"

By the time they left the woods, Kufixi had left markers along the way for the Sap duo to follow.

A simple wooden house by the lake is obviously much newer than the surrounding area. Ku Feixi asked casually, "The shop you are familiar with looks very new."

The wretched man smiled and said, "That's right. It used to be a big tent, but the current owner and the old owner made a deal and built this wooden house."

Ku Feixi smiled noncommittally. The so-called transaction must be a bloody and violent process.

There were already many people sitting in the wooden house, and almost everyone had a lingering bloody and sturdy aura. The wretched man found a small table by the window for Ku Feixi and sat down, asking in a low voice: What to eat, if there is no special request, I will help you find a combination with the most cost-effective..."

But Ku Feixi was no longer interested in listening to what he said, because she saw the target again diagonally across the window, and they were also sitting by the window, in another big, dilapidated wooden house, damn it, the mask The man seemed to be looking at himself.

She was shocked, could it be that he found himself, and he was rarely so close to the target, so should he retreat temporarily?

Tang Xuan found Ku Feixi the first time she sat down, and the absence of the Sap duo beside her made Tang Xuan very happy, which meant that the Sap duo was probably looking for Feng Qinglang.

But he immediately turned his face away, turned to another place, and found that Umanela was also looking in the direction of Kufixi, knowing that the distance between the two sides is too close now, and Umanela also recognized Kufixi, so he hurried to Wumanela Neila coughed: "Hey, the food here is very expensive, even if it's unpalatable, you have to finish it! You have to be worthy of Lord Fen Tianyan's wallet."

Wu Manela immediately lowered her head knowingly, and continued to eat the crude wheat porridge in small bites.

Unexpectedly, the masked man pointed at Tang Xuan, then at Ku Feixi's position, and said in a deep voice, "Go over and ask her to come and sit here!"

Tang Xuan pretended to be dazed, looked along the other's fingers, and asked in doubt: "Master Fen Tianyan, who are you talking about?"

Fen Tianyan said coldly: "You know who it is!"


Ku Feixi was still hesitating when he saw that Tang Xuan had left his seat and walked straight towards him. The smiling face he tried to force was uglier than crying.

Tang Xuan came to the window and stood still, bitterly said: "Hey, beautiful Ms. Ku Feixi, long time no see!"

Ku Feixi made it clear that he had already been discovered, so he didn't know if he was discovered at this time, or if they chose this time to discover him.

She said in a deep voice, "Can I run away?"

Tang Xuan smiled wryly and shook his head, "I'm afraid it's not possible at this distance. This guy runs faster than a rabbit. I've seen it a few times! He wants you to sit there, so go and sit first. What he's looking for is Qing Lang , we are all useful hostages, we should live without any worries..."

The wretched man was quite at a loss for the conversation between the two, so he couldn't help interjecting: "Beautiful lady, our canyon camp will protect you, you don't need to go anywhere, but you have encountered an enemy? Do you need me to call the guards?"

The corner of Ku Feixi's mouth curved downward heavily, and said: "That's true. I'm going to sit there, I hope you can really protect me!"


Returning to the original seat, Tang Xuan introduced with a bitter face: "This is Ms. Ku Feixi, and this is Lord Fen Tianyan!"

There was no expression on the mask, but Ku Feixi could hear a smile in the other party's voice: "Ms. Ku Feixi, you have worked hard all the way!"

That voice, with the accent of the ancient Guangming Dynasty, made Ku Feixi shudder in his heart. The other party knew that he was following him, and he couldn't help it. What would be waiting for the duo of Sap and Feng Qinglang?

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