At sea, on a stormy afternoon, black clouds covered the blue sky. When thunder and lightning led to huge waves, Feng Qinglang's ship swayed in the storm.

Wumanela looked at the windy and rainy scroll stretching straight into the sky, and said sadly: "I'm so scared, luckily you are by my side!"

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly for it, and felt that he had chosen a very inappropriate time to communicate with Wumanela, so he had no choice but to seriously say: "Wumanela, when you pretend to be scared, can you stop putting your finger on the What about drawing circles on my palm?"

"Isn't that how you tease men? It's always said in the books..."

"..." Feng Qinglang coughed twice, and said seriously, "Umanela, I have received a reply letter from your father, Lord Weilin..."

The distress on Umanela's face disappeared immediately, replaced by a dissatisfied irritability, and said: "He is going to send someone to pick me up, right? Is there anything worse than this?"

Feng Qing said: "No, he will come personally and pick you up!"

Umanela said distressedly: "It turns out that there are really worse ones. Well, Qingqing, can't you refuse him?"

Feng Qinglang laughed and said, "Why should I refuse him?"

Umanela was indeed a competent hostage, and he came up with an idea: "You can greatly increase the ransom to discourage the Zasding family! Then I can stay!"

Feng Qinglang shook her head and said, "But Tang Xuan has already said, end the kidnapping of you..."

Umanela immediately became angry: "Is this old lady so unpleasant? When Tang Xuan made such an unscrupulous decision, did he discuss it with me? Uh, can still marry me Ah, I don't mind the existence of Nan Xinghun, well, I will get along well with her!"

Feng Qinglang felt that her head suddenly got a little big, and explained with a wry smile: "Dear Umanela, thank you very much for your wrong love! But, have you ever thought that the Zasding family you belong to is an important member of the Di Dynasty? , and Xingqing and I are the most important enemies of the Di Dynasty?"

Umanela nodded seriously and said, "Yes, when I think of this, I feel extraordinarily romantic and vigorous."

Feng Qinglang finally couldn't help laughing, but soon stopped laughing, because Wu Mannela stared at herself, obviously thinking that this was nothing funny, and said angrily: "Qing Lang, you are trampling on a young girl!" Is it a voice?"

This is really a serious accusation. Feng Qinglang raised her hands in surrender, and looked at the girl in front of her. There is no doubt that this is the most beautiful and artistic work belonging to the Zasding family, whether it is the long brown curly hair or the jade-like The crystal clear skin, not to mention the exquisite facial features, are all shockingly beautiful. Feng Qinglang suddenly remembered that in the illusion world, during the bonfire night in Umanela's memory scroll, the girl once exhausted her voice. Protecting himself fiercely, not hesitate to turn against all his friends and playmates, and also defending his honor...

A warm current surged through Feng Qinglang's heart, and a few traces of melancholy also floated through her. The feelings of a girl are like wine, strong and easy to get drunk, but once she sobers up, that feeling will slowly dissipate.For Umanela, she is wine, she is drunk, but she always wakes up.

He said softly: "Umanela, you have not yet completed your studies in Alans. In the future, you can still come to Xingqing to see me during the holidays of Xingyun Academy!"

The corners of Wuman Neila's mouth drooped infinitely, like the undulating arc of the stormy sea outside the window, and said quietly: "Qing Lang, do you think I'm a fool? With the relationship between you and the Di Dynasty, once you really part, how can it be so easy to reunite?" ?”

Feng Qinglang smiled and said: "But don't forget, we are the ones who control the dark red vortex, not them, so as long as you are willing to come, I can arrange it for you!"

"Is this a promise?"


The girl's mood is like the weather on the sea. The dark clouds on the sky are gradually dissipating, and the rain is gradually slowing down. When the first ray of sunshine breaks through the surrounding of the dark clouds, Wumanela also smiled and said softly: "Okay, let's It's settled! But sunny, before my father comes, I will still try to make you change your mind."


The first port of Xingqing is surrounded by endless ribbons and fireworks at this time. The 21 consecutive welcome salutes represent the highest standard of welcome and respect, which shows that the pagans and Xingqing are the most honeymoon moment.

The messenger of the pagans was actually a woman. Although she was wearing the male military uniform of the Herodia family, she did not hide her beautiful face, healthy wheat-colored skin, and a clear outline like a knife. The most unique thing is that , a one-eyed eye patch was lifted above her forehead, which became a very different decoration.

Nan Xinghun looked at the other party carefully, and it was difficult to judge the other party's real age for a while. He only knew that according to the rumors, she and the pagan legend, His Majesty Bluefield, went through the entrepreneurial stage together until they became members of the Herodia family. Nowadays, the important figures in the military should not be too young...

The two sides gradually walked in amidst the sound of drums and zithers in the etiquette. Nan Xinghun saw the gorgeous epaulets of the other party clearly. If I remember correctly, it should be the marshal's epaulettes representing the highest status in the Herodia military... But The other party's chest was surprisingly clean, and it was not covered with a dazzling array of medals like ordinary meritorious soldiers.

The woman was also staring at Nan Xinghun attentively. As the distance approached, she smiled. When she smiled, her eyes curved like crescent moons. She was as kind as a long-lost old friend. Nan Xinghun didn't need to pretend to be infected. Dee showed a bright smile, the two sides embraced lightly, and the surroundings suddenly burst into cheers.

Taking this opportunity, Nan Xinghun saw the corners of the other party's eyes clearly, and there were already faint crow's feet, which were traces of time that could not be concealed by elegance and strength, and only heard the other party greet him in his ear: "Master Nan Xinghun, Nuo'er. Irene salutes you! You are like the legend, more beautiful than all the flowers in Tomana put together!"

"Master Nuo'er, Nan Xinghun pays tribute to you! Your beauty makes the colorfulness here lose its color!"


In this series of cumbersome diplomatic ceremonies, the greetings of the dignitaries of both sides, as well as the appropriate politeness, have become the mainstream voice in the music.

Nan Xinghun paid special attention to a young man. Apart from being extremely handsome and beautiful, his eyes were also particularly unscrupulous. Generally, when Nuoer's entourage kissed him, they were full of restraint and respect. , only this young man not only stared straight at him, but also unabashedly showed appreciation, admiration... and even the desire to possess in his eyes!

This made Nan Xinghun feel a little uncomfortable. After finishing all the ceremonies with great difficulty, Nan Xinghun recalled that during the ceremony, this young man still dared to stare into his eyes unabashedly. On the return carriage, Nan Xinghun couldn't help He whispered to Nan Yong: "The young envoy next to Lord Nuo'er just now, yes, is the one who claims to be the staff officer of the military department. I know his name is Hydes! Nan Yong, what you need to do is, before the banquet tonight , Hand over all the information on this person to me!"

"Understood, Master Xinghun! You shouldn't be suspecting that he is Bluefield himself?"

"It's possible, but he's too young, more likely to be his nephew..."


In another carriage not far behind Nan Xinghun, when there was no one else, Nuo'er.Erin's smile gradually faded, she looked at the young man named Hydes coldly, and said calmly, "Do you know what the look in your eyes means?"

Hydes was lazily leaning on the fluffy cushion, crossed his legs, and looked out of the window with his head tilted. In some places, there were still heads that had not been removed, and their crimes were clearly annotated with stigmata: treason!

Hydes said casually: "Aunt Nuoer, don't be too nervous. When you see beautiful things, you can't help but appreciate them. That is the power bestowed on us by the Sea God. You can't blame me for this!"

Nuo'er said in a deep voice: "Your unwise appreciative eyes will be seen by many caring people. This is not a barbarian. They are also full of wisdom. They will determine the future of us according to your attitude! Look around Look at everything along the way, what do you see?"

Hydes was still casual: "Heads, all kinds of heads! The heads were taken off under the pretext of rebellion!"

Nuo'er scolded: "Stupid! It's their prosperity! Can you imagine that this place was a barren land more than a year ago?! Feng Qinglang is your father's highly valued partner. If you stare stupidly, you may be shocked. There is an irreparable rift between Feng Qinglang and your father, because that Nan Xinghun is Feng Qinglang's woman!"

Hydes couldn't help whistling, and said frivolously: "That's right, it's the woman of the legendary rebel, and also the number one hostess of Xingqing in name, I don't know if she is lying on her back on the bed, is she as she looked just now?" So dignified and ladylike? I am looking forward to it..."

A crisp sound of "slap" interrupted Hydes' reverie. Nuoer didn't sit down after the slap, and stared at Hydes indifferently. Hydes looked back angrily at first, but the hatred in his eyes was very strong. It was soon replaced by another emotion called cowardice. The role of this woman in the rise of Protestantism, as well as her various legends, passed through his mind.

The moment he lowered his eyelids, Nuoer spoke, his voice was as calm as it was at the beginning: "You are indeed the eldest son of Bluefield and the first heir to Herodia, but it's best not to forget , Bluefield has many sons!"

Nuoer gently turned the sapphire ring on her little finger, and continued: "Your father asked you to come here for experience and insight! If you bring the bad style from the sea here and cause any accidents, then your younger brothers , will be happy to see it happen!"

"..." On a stormy afternoon at sea, black clouds covered the blue sky. When thunder and lightning led to huge waves, Feng Qinglang's ship was swaying in the storm.

Wumanela looked at the windy and rainy scroll stretching straight into the sky, and said sadly: "I'm so scared, luckily you are by my side!"

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly for it, and felt that he had chosen a very inappropriate time to communicate with Wumanela, so he had no choice but to seriously say: "Wumanela, when you pretend to be scared, can you stop putting your finger on the What about drawing circles on my palm?"

"Isn't that how you tease men? It's always said in the books..."

"..." Feng Qinglang coughed twice, and said seriously, "Umanela, I have received a reply letter from your father, Lord Weilin..."

The distress on Umanela's face disappeared immediately, replaced by a dissatisfied irritability, and said: "He is going to send someone to pick me up, right? Is there anything worse than this?"

Feng Qing said: "No, he will come personally and pick you up!"

Umanela said distressedly: "It turns out that there are really worse ones. Well, Qingqing, can't you refuse him?"

Feng Qinglang laughed and said, "Why should I refuse him?"

Umanela was indeed a competent hostage, and he came up with an idea: "You can greatly increase the ransom to discourage the Zasding family! Then I can stay!"

Feng Qinglang shook her head and said, "But Tang Xuan has already said, end the kidnapping of you..."

Umanela immediately became angry: "Is this old lady so unpleasant? When Tang Xuan made such an unscrupulous decision, did he discuss it with me? Uh, can still marry me Ah, I don't mind the existence of Nan Xinghun, well, I will get along well with her!"

Feng Qinglang felt that her head suddenly got a little big, and explained with a wry smile: "Dear Umanela, thank you very much for your wrong love! But, have you ever thought that the Zasding family you belong to is an important member of the Di Dynasty? , and Xingqing and I are the most important enemies of the Di Dynasty?"

Umanela nodded seriously and said, "Yes, when I think of this, I feel extraordinarily romantic and vigorous."

Feng Qinglang finally couldn't help laughing, but soon stopped laughing, because Wu Mannela stared at herself, obviously thinking that this was nothing funny, and said angrily: "Qing Lang, you are trampling on a young girl!" Is it a voice?"

This is really a serious accusation. Feng Qinglang raised her hands in surrender, and looked at the girl in front of her. There is no doubt that this is the most beautiful and artistic work belonging to the Zasding family, whether it is the long brown curly hair or the jade-like The crystal clear skin, not to mention the exquisite facial features, are all shockingly beautiful. Feng Qinglang suddenly remembered that in the illusion world, during the bonfire night in Umanela's memory scroll, the girl once exhausted her voice. Protecting himself fiercely, not hesitate to turn against all his friends and playmates, and also defending his honor...

A warm current surged through Feng Qinglang's heart, and a few traces of melancholy also floated through her. The feelings of a girl are like wine, strong and easy to get drunk, but once she sobers up, that feeling will slowly dissipate.For Umanela, she is wine, she is drunk, but she always wakes up.

He said softly: "Umanela, you have not yet completed your studies in Alans. In the future, you can still come to Xingqing to see me during the holidays of Xingyun Academy!"

The corners of Wuman Neila's mouth drooped infinitely, like the undulating arc of the stormy sea outside the window, and said quietly: "Qing Lang, do you think I'm a fool? With the relationship between you and the Di Dynasty, once you really part, how can it be so easy to reunite?" ?”

Feng Qinglang smiled and said: "But don't forget, we are the ones who control the dark red vortex, not them, so as long as you are willing to come, I can arrange it for you!"

"Is this a promise?"


The girl's mood is like the weather on the sea. The dark clouds on the sky are gradually dissipating, and the rain is gradually slowing down. When the first ray of sunshine breaks through the surrounding of the dark clouds, Wumanela also smiled and said softly: "Okay, let's It's settled! But sunny, before my father comes, I will still try to make you change your mind."


The first port of Xingqing is surrounded by endless ribbons and fireworks at this time. The 21 consecutive welcome salutes represent the highest standard of welcome and respect, which shows that the pagans and Xingqing are the most honeymoon moment.

The messenger of the pagans was actually a woman. Although she was wearing the male military uniform of the Herodia family, she did not hide her beautiful face, healthy wheat-colored skin, and a clear outline like a knife. The most unique thing is that , a one-eyed eye patch was lifted above her forehead, which became a very different decoration.

Nan Xinghun looked at the other party carefully, and it was difficult to judge the other party's real age for a while. He only knew that according to the rumors, she and the pagan legend, His Majesty Bluefield, went through the entrepreneurial stage together until they became members of the Herodia family. Nowadays, the important figures in the military should not be too young...

The two sides gradually walked in amidst the sound of drums and zithers in the etiquette. Nan Xinghun saw the gorgeous epaulets of the other party clearly. If I remember correctly, it should be the marshal's epaulettes representing the highest status in the Herodia military... But The other party's chest was surprisingly clean, and it was not covered with a dazzling array of medals like ordinary meritorious soldiers.

The woman was also staring at Nan Xinghun attentively. As the distance approached, she smiled. When she smiled, her eyes curved like crescent moons. She was as kind as a long-lost old friend. Nan Xinghun didn't need to pretend to be infected. Dee showed a bright smile, the two sides embraced lightly, and the surroundings suddenly burst into cheers.

Taking this opportunity, Nan Xinghun saw the corners of the other party's eyes clearly, and there were already faint crow's feet, which were traces of time that could not be concealed by elegance and strength, and only heard the other party greet him in his ear: "Master Nan Xinghun, Nuo'er. Irene salutes you! You are like the legend, more beautiful than all the flowers in Tomana put together!"

"Master Nuo'er, Nan Xinghun pays tribute to you! Your beauty makes the colorfulness here lose its color!"


In this series of cumbersome diplomatic ceremonies, the greetings of the dignitaries of both sides, as well as the appropriate politeness, have become the mainstream voice in the music.

Nan Xinghun paid special attention to a young man. Apart from being extremely handsome and beautiful, his eyes were also particularly unscrupulous. Generally, when Nuoer's entourage kissed him, they were full of restraint and respect. , only this young man not only stared straight at him, but also unabashedly showed appreciation, admiration... and even the desire to possess in his eyes!

This made Nan Xinghun feel a little uncomfortable. After finishing all the ceremonies with great difficulty, Nan Xinghun recalled that during the ceremony, this young man still dared to stare into his eyes unabashedly. On the return carriage, Nan Xinghun couldn't help He whispered to Nan Yong: "The young envoy next to Lord Nuo'er just now, yes, is the one who claims to be the staff officer of the military department. I know his name is Hydes! Nan Yong, what you need to do is, before the banquet tonight , Hand over all the information on this person to me!"

"Understood, Master Xinghun! You shouldn't be suspecting that he is Bluefield himself?"

"It's possible, but he's too young, more likely to be his nephew..."


In another carriage not far behind Nan Xinghun, when there was no one else, Nuo'er.Erin's smile gradually faded, she looked at the young man named Hydes coldly, and said calmly, "Do you know what the look in your eyes means?"

Hydes was lazily leaning on the fluffy cushion, crossed his legs, and looked out of the window with his head tilted. In some places, there were still heads that had not been removed, and their crimes were clearly annotated with stigmata: treason!

Hydes said casually: "Aunt Nuoer, don't be too nervous. When you see beautiful things, you can't help but appreciate them. That is the power bestowed on us by the Sea God. You can't blame me for this!"

Nuo'er said in a deep voice: "Your unwise appreciative eyes will be seen by many caring people. This is not a barbarian. They are also full of wisdom. They will determine the future of us according to your attitude! Look around Look at everything along the way, what do you see?"

Hydes was still casual: "Heads, all kinds of heads! The heads were taken off under the pretext of rebellion!"

Nuo'er scolded: "Stupid! It's their prosperity! Can you imagine that this place was a barren land more than a year ago?! Feng Qinglang is your father's highly valued partner. If you stare stupidly, you may be shocked. There is an irreparable rift between Feng Qinglang and your father, because that Nan Xinghun is Feng Qinglang's woman!"

Hydes couldn't help whistling, and said frivolously: "That's right, it's the woman of the legendary rebel, and also the number one hostess of Xingqing in name, I don't know if she is lying on her back on the bed, is she as she looked just now?" So dignified and ladylike? I am looking forward to it..."

A crisp sound of "slap" interrupted Hydes' reverie. Nuoer didn't sit down after the slap, and stared at Hydes indifferently. Hydes looked back angrily at first, but the hatred in his eyes was very strong. It was soon replaced by another emotion called cowardice. The role of this woman in the rise of Protestantism, as well as her various legends, passed through his mind.

The moment he lowered his eyelids, Nuoer spoke, his voice was as calm as it was at the beginning: "You are indeed the eldest son of Bluefield and the first heir to Herodia, but it's best not to forget , Bluefield has many sons!"

Nuoer gently turned the sapphire ring on her little finger, and continued: "Your father asked you to come here for experience and insight! If you bring the bad style from the sea here and cause any accidents, then your younger brothers , will be happy to see it happen!"


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