In the evening, the sky full of sunset glow interweaves psychedelic patterns, just like the imaginative buildings along the Xingqing Coast.

Feng Qinglang's ship was sailing into Xingqing's Seventh Harbor near the northwest. Beatrice looked at the magnificent buildings along the coast, and the endless stream of people on the coastline, and she couldn't help sighing softly: "Qingqing, You are no longer the poor boy you were when we first met."

Feng Qinglang also thought of the moment at the foot of Mingguang Academy, when the two met for the first time, whether it was an encounter between a man and a woman down in the world, or an encounter that was written into fate, he said with a smile: "I said Beatrice, I've always been rich, but I used to know the approximate amount, but now I can't figure it out."

Beatrice laughed and said: "If I were an ignorant girl, seeing you showing off your wealth like this would definitely make my heart move, and I will find a chance to climb into your bed tonight no matter what."

Feng Qinglang blinked at the other party and said, "I really hope you are an ignorant girl!"

But Beatrice said: "By the way, are you living with Nan Xinghun now?"

"...Look, the sunset over there is so beautiful!"

"Your Excellency Qingqing, the way you change the subject is really natural..."


The closer you get to Xingqing, the more the fragrance of mint is added to the air. I don’t know which merchant’s mint products are out of fashion. The pier is a short rest time. Feeling it from a long distance is full of a The calm after the bustle.

The conning tower at the wharf is made of antique bluestone, which looks very simple and elegant. The pointed top is matched with ancient metal textured instruments. It should be extremely incongruous, but they are perfectly integrated together, which has a kind of avant-garde beauty.

Under the eaves of the top floor of the command tower, the flag bearer of Xingqing Seventh Harbor was flying a flag, Feng Qinglang turned her head and said: "No need to salute, don't make publicity, just enter the port according to the normal procedure!"

"Yes, my lord!"


As the ship gradually entered the port area, the bustling and noisy atmosphere suddenly rushed to the face. The noisy voices and noises, mixed with the unique smell of sweat, tobacco and alcohol at the pier, made the previous smell a little The mint-scented calm rushes to pieces, and there are various merchant ships lined up neatly and orderly on both sides, many of which are emitting light smoke. In order to save costs, many ocean-going ships choose to have dinner on their own ships.

On the side of a merchant ship, a barefoot girl in plain clothes looked at the gorgeous giant ship passing in front of her with curious big eyes. Beatrice looked at her intently and smiled slightly, feeling that the girl was full of vigor. Temperament, very much like Xingqing's spirit and spirit in front of her eyes.

Looking at the areas on the pier that were divided into stacked goods, like towering hills, Beatrice smiled and said: "The letter from the family implies that you have suppressed them a bit because of my disappearance, I hope Xingqing You can remember the past and create the future together!"

Feng Qinglang frowned and said, "However, I heard from Tang Xuan that you..." Tang Xuan once mentioned to Feng Qinglang that Beatrice practiced some kind of unrequited martial arts in order to destroy the entire Bi family in the future. It seems reasonable.

Beatrice sealed Feng Qinglang's lips with her fingers, and said softly: "It's just a joke, don't take it to heart!"

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly and nodded, and replied: "Okay, then I know what to do."

Sometimes he couldn't distinguish the relationship between himself and Beatrice. Sometimes he felt very close, close to heart-to-heart contact, and sometimes felt far away. He felt that he couldn't see her heart clearly at all. He once felt that he had gradually understood her, But at a certain moment, I feel that the so-called understanding is just the tip of the iceberg.But... maybe in her heart, why isn't she like this?

The VIPs on the ship came to the bow one after another, looking at this bustling scroll, but there were always people with different perspectives. Tang Xuan pointed to the heads hanging on the high place of the port and said, "Hey, Qingqing, are you still looking at the scroll?" You guessed it right, but there are more heads than you expected."

Feng Qinglang looked up at the familiar faces and said calmly: "It should be Dong Ditian who intervened."

"What do you think?"

"Not a bad thing!"


On the pier, Jeffrey and his two beautiful and enchanting assistants were already waiting. When he saw Feng Qingliang, he just bowed, full of trepidation. To a certain extent, he is now a body to be punished. The direct supervisor is not Feng Qinglang, but another name, and he has been expelled from Xingqing now.

The people near the pier originally looked at Jeffrey in secret surprise, this powerful figure of Xingqing, why did he stand like a child who made a mistake today when he came to the Seventh Port for so long, when Feng Qinglang appeared in front of them At that time, people suddenly realized that Master Qingming had returned!But has he ever left?The news is really tightly sealed...

In any case, Feng Qinglang's face received countless cheers. That loud voice seemed to be able to soar into the sky and disturb the sunset. This made Ku Feixi frown. She was in a bit of a mixed mood.

Luo Chi, who just joined Xingqing not long ago, has the greatest impact. The boiling popularity that has never been seen in the Death Canyon, and the extreme prosperity that has never been seen on the way to escape, have been seen here. The new loyal master is even more so. With an astonishing approval rating from the public, he couldn't help puffing out his chest. The only thing that wasn't perfect was that his immediate superiors were two abnormal people...

It happened that Feng Qinglang turned her head and said, "Luli, Di Norrance, you go and mind your own business, I've made arrangements!"

The sap duo made a promise, so Luo Chi was dragged out of the central circle by the two, and led by another Xingqing administrative staff, to his new future.

Feng Qinglang waved to the people around her, looked at Jeffrey, and said peacefully: "Jeffel, don't pretend to be pitiful, the things under your command have nothing to do with you!"

Jeffrey couldn't help being ecstatic, and excitedly said: "Your Excellency is a lesson!"

But Feng Qinglang added blankly: "But I have yet to identify whether you personally participated!"

Jeffrey was overwhelmed with joy, and said distressedly: "My lord... Mingjian!"

Feng Qinglang said: "Let's go back to the Amber Garden first!"

He led the way into the teleportation point of the seventh port, and greeted Tang Xuan and others to come in. In the blink of an eye, he had arrived at the peak of Xingqing, where the dreamlike garden was located. Even the picky noble girl Umanela, His eyes were also brightened, what he saw was really like a fairy tale world that only appeared in childhood dreams.

In the world of colorful flowers and plants, when the sea breeze blows by, colorful waves are set off layer by layer, capturing all the charm of the fading sunset. The little animals that are not afraid of life just walk past them without any scruples, and a small elk even looks back. He glanced at them, as if dissatisfied that they interrupted his eating...

Tang Xuan sighed with emotion: "Such a style full of innocence must not be your handwriting, right?"

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly and said: "Yes, it was arranged by Xinghun! She said that the house should be like this..."

While talking, he consciously shut up, because the women walking with him obviously had bad eyes, even including Ku Feixi. Of course, the object of her dissatisfaction must be different.

On the edge of the cliff at the opposite corner of the Amber Garden, there was a new building with a similar style to the Amber Garden. Jeffrey quickly took advantage of this and said: "Master Qinglang, you requested to build it before you left, and it has been completed ahead of schedule! A lot of lemons have been used to remove the flavor."

Feng Qinglang finally showed him a smile, nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Tang Xuan also laughed and said: "I am very happy if I don't live in the same building as that gentleman. I am very satisfied with your planned arrangement! Oh, but it is not easy to live with three beauties. Ladies come back..."

Umanela immediately said: "Qing Qing, I want to sleep in the building where you live!"

Ku Feixi didn't say anything, but she also looked in the direction of the Amber Garden, Nan Xinghun...does she live here?

Feng Qinglang said softly, "She's not here!"

Ku Feixi couldn't help but frowned, only feeling that the subtext of the other party was that if she was here, she must have come to greet him happily.

Feng Qinglang personally led Tang Xuan into his new home. With that low-key luxury and introverted style, as well as the extremely comfortable layout, even the most picky person would find it difficult to pick out any faults.

Jeffrey stood aside a little proudly. The expressions of Tang Xuan and the others were the best way to express his contribution to himself. He had spent a lot of thought here. If Feng Qinglang went upstairs again, he would find that every floor The details of the building are so perfect, but it is a pity that Feng Qinglang said: "I will go to deal with business first, so I won't accompany you to visit the floor by floor. Well, you can rest for a while, there will be a dinner later, it is very grand, for Those who welcome the pagan messengers, heck, welcome everyone by the way."

"It's really a hassle-free choice!"

"Did the pagans send female slaves here? I heard that slavery still exists in their side..."

"Tang Xuan, when there are three beauties in front of you, please respect women!"


A while later, in Feng Qinglang's office, he wiped his face with a wet towel, and said to Jeffrey, "Okay, tell me, what's not in the letter!"

Jeffrey hurriedly said: "My lord, I really didn't participate in the rebellion..."

Feng Qinglang interrupted: "This is in the letter! I will make my own judgment and say something else!"

Jeffrey said bitterly: "Yes, my lord! According to preliminary analysis based on intelligence, which hostile force is targeting us! The first possibility is that the Di dynasty colluded with the undead world..."

When he was discussing the various reasons, Feng Qinglang turned the chair, looked at the whirlpool harbor, and seemed to have entered a state of distraction, and suddenly said: "The analysis part is a bit long-winded, just tell me the second possibility!"

Jeffrey couldn't help lowering his voice: "The second possibility is heretics, the Herodia family colluded with the undead and wanted to swallow Xingqing!"

"..." In the evening, the sky covered with sunset glow interweaves a series of psychedelic patterns, just like the imaginative buildings along the Xingqing Coast.

Feng Qinglang's ship was sailing into Xingqing's Seventh Harbor near the northwest. Beatrice looked at the magnificent buildings along the coast, and the endless stream of people on the coastline, and she couldn't help sighing softly: "Qingqing, You are no longer the poor boy you were when we first met."

Feng Qinglang also thought of the moment at the foot of Mingguang Academy, when the two met for the first time, whether it was an encounter between a man and a woman down in the world, or an encounter that was written into fate, he said with a smile: "I said Beatrice, I've always been rich, but I used to know the approximate amount, but now I can't figure it out."

Beatrice laughed and said: "If I were an ignorant girl, seeing you showing off your wealth like this would definitely make my heart move, and I will find a chance to climb into your bed tonight no matter what."

Feng Qinglang blinked at the other party and said, "I really hope you are an ignorant girl!"

But Beatrice said: "By the way, are you living with Nan Xinghun now?"

"...Look, the sunset over there is so beautiful!"

"Your Excellency Qingqing, the way you change the subject is really natural..."


The closer you get to Xingqing, the more the fragrance of mint is added to the air. I don’t know which merchant’s mint products are out of fashion. The pier is a short rest time. Feeling it from a long distance is full of a The calm after the bustle.

The conning tower at the wharf is made of antique bluestone, which looks very simple and elegant. The pointed top is matched with ancient metal textured instruments. It should be extremely incongruous, but they are perfectly integrated together, which has a kind of avant-garde beauty.

Under the eaves of the top floor of the command tower, the flag bearer of Xingqing Seventh Harbor was flying a flag, Feng Qinglang turned her head and said: "No need to salute, don't make publicity, just enter the port according to the normal procedure!"

"Yes, my lord!"


As the ship gradually entered the port area, the bustling and noisy atmosphere suddenly rushed to the face. The noisy voices and noises, mixed with the unique smell of sweat, tobacco and alcohol at the pier, made the previous smell a little The mint-scented calm rushes to pieces, and there are various merchant ships lined up neatly and orderly on both sides, many of which are emitting light smoke. In order to save costs, many ocean-going ships choose to have dinner on their own ships.

On the side of a merchant ship, a barefoot girl in plain clothes looked at the gorgeous giant ship passing in front of her with curious big eyes. Beatrice looked at her intently and smiled slightly, feeling that the girl was full of vigor. Temperament, very much like Xingqing's spirit and spirit in front of her eyes.

Looking at the areas on the pier that were divided into stacked goods, like towering hills, Beatrice smiled and said: "The letter from the family implies that you have suppressed them a bit because of my disappearance, I hope Xingqing You can remember the past and create the future together!"

Feng Qinglang frowned and said, "However, I heard from Tang Xuan that you..." Tang Xuan once mentioned to Feng Qinglang that Beatrice practiced some kind of unrequited martial arts in order to destroy the entire Bi family in the future. It seems reasonable.

Beatrice sealed Feng Qinglang's lips with her fingers, and said softly: "It's just a joke, don't take it to heart!"

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly and nodded, and replied: "Okay, then I know what to do."

Sometimes he couldn't distinguish the relationship between himself and Beatrice. Sometimes he felt very close, close to heart-to-heart contact, and sometimes felt far away. He felt that he couldn't see her heart clearly at all. He once felt that he had gradually understood her, But at a certain moment, I feel that the so-called understanding is just the tip of the iceberg.But... maybe in her heart, why isn't she like this?

The VIPs on the ship came to the bow one after another, looking at this bustling scroll, but there were always people with different perspectives. Tang Xuan pointed to the heads hanging on the high place of the port and said, "Hey, Qingqing, are you still looking at the scroll?" You guessed it right, but there are more heads than you expected."

Feng Qinglang looked up at the familiar faces and said calmly: "It should be Dong Ditian who intervened."

"What do you think?"

"Not a bad thing!"


On the pier, Jeffrey and his two beautiful and enchanting assistants were already waiting. When he saw Feng Qingliang, he just bowed, full of trepidation. To a certain extent, he is now a body to be punished. The direct supervisor is not Feng Qinglang, but another name, and he has been expelled from Xingqing now.

The people near the pier originally looked at Jeffrey in secret surprise, this powerful figure of Xingqing, why did he stand like a child who made a mistake today when he came to the Seventh Port for so long, when Feng Qinglang appeared in front of them At that time, people suddenly realized that Master Qingming had returned!But has he ever left?The news is really tightly sealed...

In any case, Feng Qinglang's face received countless cheers. That loud voice seemed to be able to soar into the sky and disturb the sunset. This made Ku Feixi frown. She was in a bit of a mixed mood.

Luo Chi, who just joined Xingqing not long ago, has the greatest impact. The boiling popularity that has never been seen in the Death Canyon, and the extreme prosperity that has never been seen on the way to escape, have been seen here. The new loyal master is even more so. With an astonishing approval rating from the public, he couldn't help puffing out his chest. The only thing that wasn't perfect was that his immediate superiors were two abnormal people...

It happened that Feng Qinglang turned her head and said, "Luli, Di Norrance, you go and mind your own business, I've made arrangements!"

The sap duo made a promise, so Luo Chi was dragged out of the central circle by the two, and led by another Xingqing administrative staff, to his new future.

Feng Qinglang waved to the people around her, looked at Jeffrey, and said peacefully: "Jeffel, don't pretend to be pitiful, the things under your command have nothing to do with you!"

Jeffrey couldn't help being ecstatic, and excitedly said: "Your Excellency is a lesson!"

But Feng Qinglang added blankly: "But I have yet to identify whether you personally participated!"

Jeffrey was overwhelmed with joy, and said distressedly: "My lord... Mingjian!"

Feng Qinglang said: "Let's go back to the Amber Garden first!"

He led the way into the teleportation point of the seventh port, and greeted Tang Xuan and others to come in. In the blink of an eye, he had arrived at the peak of Xingqing, where the dreamlike garden was located. Even the picky noble girl Umanela, His eyes were also brightened, what he saw was really like a fairy tale world that only appeared in childhood dreams.

In the world of colorful flowers and plants, when the sea breeze blows by, colorful waves are set off layer by layer, capturing all the charm of the fading sunset. The little animals that are not afraid of life just walk past them without any scruples, and a small elk even looks back. He glanced at them, as if dissatisfied that they interrupted his eating...

Tang Xuan sighed with emotion: "Such a style full of innocence must not be your handwriting, right?"

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly and said: "Yes, it was arranged by Xinghun! She said that the house should be like this..."

While talking, he consciously shut up, because the women walking with him obviously had bad eyes, even including Ku Feixi. Of course, the object of her dissatisfaction must be different.

On the edge of the cliff at the opposite corner of the Amber Garden, there was a new building with a similar style to the Amber Garden. Jeffrey quickly took advantage of this and said: "Master Qinglang, you requested to build it before you left, and it has been completed ahead of schedule! A lot of lemons have been used to remove the flavor."

Feng Qinglang finally showed him a smile, nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Tang Xuan also laughed and said: "I am very happy if I don't live in the same building as that gentleman. I am very satisfied with your planned arrangement! Oh, but it is not easy to live with three beauties. Ladies come back..."

Umanela immediately said: "Qing Qing, I want to sleep in the building where you live!"

Ku Feixi didn't say anything, but she also looked in the direction of the Amber Garden, Nan Xinghun...does she live here?

Feng Qinglang said softly, "She's not here!"

Ku Feixi couldn't help but frowned, only feeling that the subtext of the other party was that if she was here, she must have come to greet him happily.

Feng Qinglang personally led Tang Xuan into his new home. With that low-key luxury and introverted style, as well as the extremely comfortable layout, even the most picky person would find it difficult to pick out any faults.

Jeffrey stood aside a little proudly. The expressions of Tang Xuan and the others were the best way to express his contribution to himself. He had spent a lot of thought here. If Feng Qinglang went upstairs again, he would find that every floor The details of the building are so perfect, but it is a pity that Feng Qinglang said: "I will go to deal with business first, so I won't accompany you to visit the floor by floor. Well, you can rest for a while, there will be a dinner later, it is very grand, for Those who welcome the pagan messengers, heck, welcome everyone by the way."

"It's really a hassle-free choice!"

"Did the pagans send female slaves here? I heard that slavery still exists in their side..."

"Tang Xuan, when there are three beauties in front of you, please respect women!"


A while later, in Feng Qinglang's office, he wiped his face with a wet towel, and said to Jeffrey, "Okay, tell me, what's not in the letter!"

Jeffrey hurriedly said: "My lord, I really didn't participate in the rebellion..."

Feng Qinglang interrupted: "This is in the letter! I will make my own judgment and say something else!"

Jeffrey said bitterly: "Yes, my lord! According to preliminary analysis based on intelligence, which hostile force is targeting us! The first possibility is that the Di dynasty colluded with the undead world..."

When he was discussing the various reasons, Feng Qinglang turned the chair, looked at the whirlpool harbor, and seemed to have entered a state of distraction, and suddenly said: "The analysis part is a bit long-winded, just tell me the second possibility!"

Jeffrey couldn't help lowering his voice: "The second possibility is heretics, the Herodia family colluded with the undead and wanted to swallow Xingqing!"


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