alone mountain and river

Chapter 418 The Secret

Data analysis is an extremely large, arduous, and complex task. Because numbers do not lie, this analysis is particularly meaningful.

Now Jeffrey is presenting **** to Feng Qinglang about the content of the data analysis part, from the recent investment figures of the Herodia family, various trade figures, and the operating funds of the resident Xingqing administrative staff Wait, I did a very systematic analysis, and all kinds of digital trends are showing that Herodia wants to swallow Xingqing, or in other words, there is a tendency to replace it.

Feng Qinglang put her feet up on the large desk, looking out the window casually, the stars are slowly emerging from the night sky, some seem to be rising from the sea, Feng Qinglang is so interested Looked as if he wasn't the party to be swallowed.

When Jeffrey finished reading the data analysis, situation analysis, economic and trade analysis and other analysis content, he finally got a chance to pause, quickly took the water from the assistant, and poured a whole cup, Feng Qinglang did not interrupt To himself, prove that the content of the **** part is well done, or he has such suspicions in his heart, because it matches, so he pays attention to it!

Jeffrey's assistant lit the magic lamp in the office, and Feng Qing's face gradually came out of the shadows, and she commented peacefully: "Feedback******, the data analysis related to Herodia, this time I will Very good! But... If you think about it in another direction, Herodia's additional investment is likely to further deepen the cooperation with us. After all, their envoys are visiting our Xingqing and need strong financial support. Then, these numbers are also reasonable! Jeffrey, you go on to talk about the remaining possibilities, so you don’t need to tell me about the analysis for the time being.”

"Yes, my lord! The next suspects are the Xia Dynasty and the Dragon Clan. In terms of the local forces of the stigmata, there is the alliance of the four great hermit families..."

Listening to the long list, Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing and said: "So we have so many potential enemies, and many of them are still our loyal friends! Sigh, it's really like weeds..."

Because **** and Jeffel are directly in touch with each other, Jeffel cautiously put in a good word for the other party: "It is the main responsibility of **** in peacetime, my lord."

"That's right." The corners of Feng Qinglang's mouth widened a lot, she picked up the stem of the goblet, and took a sip of the fruit wine.

Jeffrey felt that the other party's mood was not too bad, so he boldly said: "Actually, my lord will directly ask the Flame Mercenary Association. I believe Zhao Qin will tell you the answer."

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly and said, "Zhao Tan doesn't know about the problem. He is also regarded as a pawn by the other party. It is precisely because he doesn't want to be a pawn and the risk of killing me is too high, so he finally chooses to cooperate with us! And those who were bribed Officer, you have also seen the results of the interrogation. The answers are so varied, basically including all our enemies and all our friends! The most frightening thing is that these officials all believe it is true, thinking that this is indeed the force that has been cooperating with them Then are they all imbecile, obviously not. It can only show that the energy of the enemy's tip of the iceberg has already made ordinary people tremble!"

He paused, shook the wine glass in his hand, looked at the ups and downs of hops, and said softly: "At the beginning, Zhao Qin mistakenly thought that the partner was the Di Dynasty, but after all, the flame mercenaries are not ordinary superpowers. Some loopholes in the other party, I began to try to investigate the other party in depth, I believe their strategy department is doing similar things, if you have time, you might as well communicate with them more!"

"Yes, my lord! So according to this, the suspicion of the Di Dynasty has been greatly reduced?"

"No, maybe the Di Dynasty did this on purpose!" Feng Qinglang squeezed her brows, apparently unwilling to discuss this matter further, and said, "Are there any other important matters? Let's leave it for tomorrow to discuss ordinary matters. .”

Jeffrey quickly glanced at the memo in his hand, and said, "Master Qinglang, the Dragon Clan has sent three more letters in the past month, and the tone is much more sincere and calm."

"Oh, roughly what?"

"They said that it takes time to verify whether civilizations are separated or integrated! Since you have opened that door, my lord, there is no point in arguing too much now. They still very much hope that you can go to Dragon Island and see it with your own eyes. Look at the ancient scrolls! In addition, there is a small detail, they explained it very abruptly, there are three keys in total, which can open the ancient scrolls."

Feng Qinglang's expression remained unchanged, she nodded calmly and said, "Understood, you write back to them..."

He straightened his back slightly, and took a deep breath. This move shocked Jeffrey and the two assistants. It was rare for Mr. Qingliang to act so solemnly.

Feng Qinglang said slowly: "If the Dragon Clan can send a group of envoys led by Anu, I will deeply feel the friendship of the Dragon Clan and consider their suggestions!"

When he said this, he took a pen and paper, wrote the name Anu in the characters of the stigmata, the characters of the Alans, and the characters of the Dragon Race, and handed them to Jeffrey.

Jeffrey took it solemnly, curious in his heart, a rebel who had never been careless, also had a moment when he was so solemn about a name.

"Okay, let's stop here today, you should go back and prepare, see you at the banquet tonight!"


After Jeffrey and the others left, Feng Qinglang stood up, stood quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, and slowly took off a copper necklace from her neck. The necklace was simple and unremarkable, and the pendant looked like an ancient totem , and like... a key.

Feng Qinglang clenched it tightly in her hand, and said softly in her heart, Anu, it took me many years to understand the meaning of this necklace you gave me on the eve of the storm. It is to capture the rebels alive, and even come forward to resist in the face of some fatal crises...

In Building No. [-] of Amber Garden, Ku Feixi looked at the prosperous scene at the foot of the mountain, and couldn't help being a little dazed, because there are still a large number of tourists in the endless commercial street. What kind of power makes the barren overseas island become a A trading paradise can also be turned into a tourist attraction.In the distance of sight, some buildings built by Xingqing in the early days seem a little out of date now, and they are being torn down and rebuilt. A short and fat businessman is pulling a whole cart of gold bricks into the rebuilt street, shouting loudly What is he talking about? Although Ku Feixi couldn't hear what he was shouting, with her eyesight, even at such a long distance, she could see clearly that the other party was preparing to build a floor with gold bricks, in order to create a new Prosperous zone, really spare no expense...

She couldn't help sighing softly: "Xingqing is really rich now..."

Umanela, who was not far behind her, answered casually: "Take the chair you are sitting on now, the price of high-grade mahogany is three gold coins per cubic meter in Alans, and eight gold coins per cubic meter in Stigmata." 43 gold coin per cubic meter, the cushion is made of premium white cowhide, the stigmata is [-] gold coins per square meter, and Alans is [-] gold coins per square meter... What Xingqing has mastered in trade alone is what makes the whole world go crazy. Huge profits!"

Ku Feixi said: "That's no wonder it attracts so many enemies."

Umanela consciously answered a question from Ku Feixi, so it should be reasonable to ask Ku Feixi to answer a question of her own, so she said: "By the way, Ku Feixi, why did the Xia Dynasty want to arrest Feng Qinglang?" What about it? The official information simply charges the royal family with blasphemy, which made me curious..."

Ku Feixi frowned. On weekdays, she would never waste her saliva discussing such issues, but for some reason, she had the desire to speak today, maybe it was because she was going to see Nan Xinghun's nervousness, or maybe Feng Qinglang was gorgeous. The achievements after transformation stimulated myself...

She continued to look at the bustling world under her feet, and said indifferently: "The purpose of the rebels sneaking into the Xia Clan's palace is to steal medicine..."

Umanela couldn't help but said, "Sounds cool, but it's just stealing medicine, so it shouldn't be such a serious crime. Could it be that he did something outrageous?"

The corners of Ku Feixi's mouth curved even more, and he turned his head bitterly and said: "Do you still want to listen?"

Umanela hurriedly raised her hand and said, "I was wrong, you old man, please continue to talk!"

"There is a forbidden place in the imperial palace, which is inside the Ten Thousand Medicine Garden. The rebels don't care about the seal marks, they just break in..."

Wumanela couldn't help but said again: "The sealed monster of your Xia Dynasty was born from this, and his life was ruined, so he really deserves death."

"No, it's only the late emperor, or the late emperor's father!"

"The last emperor? Wow, your Xia family is so dark and complicated. I have already thought of countless possibilities..."

"...I don't know what agreement the traitor reached with the late emperor, but he rescued the late emperor and took him with him to abduct a large number of precious medicinal materials in the Garden of Ten Thousand Medicines."

"Although he was convicted of theft, he is at least the benefactor of the Xia Dynasty, at least the old emperor's benefactor."

Ku Feixi couldn't help snorting angrily, and said: "The rebels got enough benefits in the imperial medicine garden and the holy medicine room of the temple, so they ran away naturally. But the former emperor stayed, and naturally set off a bloody storm ..."

Umanela couldn't help but said: "Wait, did the emperor's father imprison and seal the old emperor at that time, so the emperor didn't know about it at that time, or didn't participate in this matter?"

Ku Feixi frowned and shook his head, "No, it was the emperor at that time who sealed the former emperor and then sat on the throne."

This time it was Umanela's turn to frown: "Didn't you say earlier that the old emperor is the father of the late emperor?"

Ku Feixi said: "That's right, they spent a year messing up the entire ancient continent, and then died one after another. Finally, the current emperor ascended the throne. He worked hard to rule and changed the extravagant style of the previous emperors. Now the entire summer The dynasty gradually regained its prosperity. Heh, it was impossible for His Majesty to become the current emperor, because he is the younger brother of the former emperor, that is, the other son of the former emperor who was imprisoned and sealed."

Umanelazan said: "It's so complicated, it's such a deep royal secret. No wonder you people in the ancient continent have such complicated feelings for Qingming. My Qingqing is so good. Passing by and stealing medicine can also change my life." A world!"

"..." Ku Feixi pursed her lips, feeling that it was a stupid decision to choose Umanela as a conversation partner.Data analysis is an extremely large, arduous, and complex task. Because numbers do not lie, this analysis is particularly meaningful.

Now Jeffrey is presenting **** to Feng Qinglang about the content of the data analysis part, from the recent investment figures of the Herodia family, various trade figures, and the operating funds of the resident Xingqing administrative staff Wait, I did a very systematic analysis, and all kinds of digital trends are showing that Herodia wants to swallow Xingqing, or in other words, there is a tendency to replace it.

Feng Qinglang put her feet up on the large desk, looking out the window casually, the stars are slowly emerging from the night sky, some seem to be rising from the sea, Feng Qinglang is so interested Looked as if he wasn't the party to be swallowed.

When Jeffrey finished reading the data analysis, situation analysis, economic and trade analysis and other analysis content, he finally got a chance to pause, quickly took the water from the assistant, and poured a whole cup, Feng Qinglang did not interrupt To himself, prove that the content of the **** part is well done, or he has such suspicions in his heart, because it matches, so he pays attention to it!

Jeffrey's assistant lit the magic lamp in the office, and Feng Qing's face gradually came out of the shadows, and she commented peacefully: "Feedback******, the data analysis related to Herodia, this time I will Very good! But... If you think about it in another direction, Herodia's additional investment is likely to further deepen the cooperation with us. After all, their envoys are visiting our Xingqing and need strong financial support. Then, these numbers are also reasonable! Jeffrey, you go on to talk about the remaining possibilities, so you don’t need to tell me about the analysis for the time being.”

"Yes, my lord! The next suspects are the Xia Dynasty and the Dragon Clan. In terms of the local forces of the stigmata, there is the alliance of the four great hermit families..."

Listening to the long list, Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing and said: "So we have so many potential enemies, and many of them are still our loyal friends! Sigh, it's really like weeds..."

Because **** and Jeffel are directly in touch with each other, Jeffel cautiously put in a good word for the other party: "It is the main responsibility of **** in peacetime, my lord."

"That's right." The corners of Feng Qinglang's mouth widened a lot, she picked up the stem of the goblet, and took a sip of the fruit wine.

Jeffrey felt that the other party's mood was not too bad, so he boldly said: "Actually, my lord will directly ask the Flame Mercenary Association. I believe Zhao Qin will tell you the answer."

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly and said, "Zhao Tan doesn't know about the problem. He is also regarded as a pawn by the other party. It is precisely because he doesn't want to be a pawn and the risk of killing me is too high, so he finally chooses to cooperate with us! And those who were bribed Officer, you have also seen the results of the interrogation. The answers are so varied, basically including all our enemies and all our friends! The most frightening thing is that these officials all believe it is true, thinking that this is indeed the force that has been cooperating with them Then are they all imbecile, obviously not. It can only show that the energy of the enemy's tip of the iceberg has already made ordinary people tremble!"

He paused, shook the wine glass in his hand, looked at the ups and downs of hops, and said softly: "At the beginning, Zhao Qin mistakenly thought that the partner was the Di Dynasty, but after all, the flame mercenaries are not ordinary superpowers. Some loopholes in the other party, I began to try to investigate the other party in depth, I believe their strategy department is doing similar things, if you have time, you might as well communicate with them more!"

"Yes, my lord! So according to this, the suspicion of the Di Dynasty has been greatly reduced?"

"No, maybe the Di Dynasty did this on purpose!" Feng Qinglang squeezed her brows, apparently unwilling to discuss this matter further, and said, "Are there any other important matters? Let's leave it for tomorrow to discuss ordinary matters. .”

Jeffrey quickly glanced at the memo in his hand, and said, "Master Qinglang, the Dragon Clan has sent three more letters in the past month, and the tone is much more sincere and calm."

"Oh, roughly what?"

"They said that it takes time to verify whether civilizations are separated or integrated! Since you have opened that door, my lord, there is no point in arguing too much now. They still very much hope that you can go to Dragon Island and see it with your own eyes. Look at the ancient scrolls! In addition, there is a small detail, they explained it very abruptly, there are three keys in total, which can open the ancient scrolls."

Feng Qinglang's expression remained unchanged, she nodded calmly and said, "Understood, you write back to them..."

He straightened his back slightly, and took a deep breath. This move shocked Jeffrey and the two assistants. It was rare for Mr. Qingliang to act so solemnly.

Feng Qinglang said slowly: "If the Dragon Clan can send a group of envoys led by Anu, I will deeply feel the friendship of the Dragon Clan and consider their suggestions!"

When he said this, he took a pen and paper, wrote the name Anu in the characters of the stigmata, the characters of the Alans, and the characters of the Dragon Race, and handed them to Jeffrey.

Jeffrey took it solemnly, curious in his heart, a rebel who had never been careless, also had a moment when he was so solemn about a name.

"Okay, let's stop here today, you should go back and prepare, see you at the banquet tonight!"


After Jeffrey and the others left, Feng Qinglang stood up, stood quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, and slowly took off a copper necklace from her neck. The necklace was simple and unremarkable, and the pendant looked like an ancient totem , and like... a key.

Feng Qinglang clenched it tightly in her hand, and said softly in her heart, Anu, it took me many years to understand the meaning of this necklace you gave me on the eve of the storm. It is to capture the rebels alive, and even come forward to resist in the face of some fatal crises...

In Building No. [-] of Amber Garden, Ku Feixi looked at the prosperous scene at the foot of the mountain, and couldn't help being a little dazed, because there are still a large number of tourists in the endless commercial street. What kind of power makes the barren overseas island become a A trading paradise can also be turned into a tourist attraction.In the distance of sight, some buildings built by Xingqing in the early days seem a little out of date now, and they are being torn down and rebuilt. A short and fat businessman is pulling a whole cart of gold bricks into the rebuilt street, shouting loudly What is he talking about? Although Ku Feixi couldn't hear what he was shouting, with her eyesight, even at such a long distance, she could see clearly that the other party was preparing to build a floor with gold bricks, in order to create a new Prosperous zone, really spare no expense...

She couldn't help sighing softly: "Xingqing is really rich now..."

Umanela, who was not far behind her, answered casually: "Take the chair you are sitting on now, the price of high-grade mahogany is three gold coins per cubic meter in Alans, and eight gold coins per cubic meter in Stigmata." 43 gold coin per cubic meter, the cushion is made of premium white cowhide, the stigmata is [-] gold coins per square meter, and Alans is [-] gold coins per square meter... What Xingqing has mastered in trade alone is what makes the whole world go crazy. Huge profits!"

Ku Feixi said: "That's no wonder it attracts so many enemies."

Umanela consciously answered a question from Ku Feixi, so it should be reasonable to ask Ku Feixi to answer a question of her own, so she said: "By the way, Ku Feixi, why did the Xia Dynasty want to arrest Feng Qinglang?" What about it? The official information simply charges the royal family with blasphemy, which made me curious..."

Ku Feixi frowned. On weekdays, she would never waste her saliva discussing such issues, but for some reason, she had the desire to speak today, maybe it was because she was going to see Nan Xinghun's nervousness, or maybe Feng Qinglang was gorgeous. The achievements after transformation stimulated myself...

She continued to look at the bustling world under her feet, and said indifferently: "The purpose of the rebels sneaking into the Xia Clan's palace is to steal medicine..."

Umanela couldn't help but said, "Sounds cool, but it's just stealing medicine, so it shouldn't be such a serious crime. Could it be that he did something outrageous?"

The corners of Ku Feixi's mouth curved even more, and he turned his head bitterly and said: "Do you still want to listen?"

Umanela hurriedly raised her hand and said, "I was wrong, you old man, please continue to talk!"

"There is a forbidden place in the imperial palace, which is inside the Ten Thousand Medicine Garden. The rebels don't care about the seal marks, they just break in..."

Wumanela couldn't help but said again: "The sealed monster of your Xia Dynasty was born from this, and his life was ruined, so he really deserves death."

"No, it's only the late emperor, or the late emperor's father!"

"The last emperor? Wow, your Xia family is so dark and complicated. I have already thought of countless possibilities..."

"...I don't know what agreement the traitor reached with the late emperor, but he rescued the late emperor and took him with him to abduct a large number of precious medicinal materials in the Garden of Ten Thousand Medicines."

"Although he was convicted of theft, he is at least the benefactor of the Xia Dynasty, at least the old emperor's benefactor."

Ku Feixi couldn't help snorting angrily, and said: "The rebels got enough benefits in the imperial medicine garden and the holy medicine room of the temple, so they ran away naturally. But the former emperor stayed, and naturally set off a bloody storm ..."

Umanela couldn't help but said: "Wait, did the emperor's father imprison and seal the old emperor at that time, so the emperor didn't know about it at that time, or didn't participate in this matter?"

Ku Feixi frowned and shook his head, "No, it was the emperor at that time who sealed the former emperor and then sat on the throne."

This time it was Umanela's turn to frown: "Didn't you say earlier that the old emperor is the father of the late emperor?"

Ku Feixi said: "That's right, they spent a year messing up the entire ancient continent, and then died one after another. Finally, the current emperor ascended the throne. He worked hard to rule and changed the extravagant style of the previous emperors. Now the entire summer The dynasty gradually regained its prosperity. Heh, it was impossible for His Majesty to become the current emperor, because he is the younger brother of the former emperor, that is, the other son of the former emperor who was imprisoned and sealed."

Umanelazan said: "It's so complicated, it's such a deep royal secret. No wonder you people in the ancient continent have such complicated feelings for Qingming. My Qingqing is so good. Passing by and stealing medicine can also change my life." A world!"

"..." Ku Feixi pursed her lips, feeling that it was a stupid decision to choose Umanela as a conversation partner.

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