alone mountain and river

Chapter 45 The Hope of the Spiritual Sea

After completely calming down his state of mind, he began to practice according to the "Meditation Chapter". Even though it seemed that he was at the end of his rope, he still longed for a bright future.

If there is a guardian of Mingguang here, he must be surprised. "Meditation" Chapter 1, ordinary people need at least one month of practice to complete it, but for Feng Qinglang, it took only one hour to complete this chapter.

Once hailed as the first genius of the Di Dynasty, Feng Qinglang felt that this was nothing, and there was even deep disappointment on his face. Chapter 1 was completed, and nothing happened. The rhythmic shrinkage accelerated evenly, and after careful inspection of the whole body, there was no special situation.

As the night darkened, the flow of people outside the window decreased slightly, but this world was still this world, and he was still him.

Feng Qinglang pursed her lips vigorously, not allowing herself to let out any disappointed sighs, looking up at the night sky, the bright moon was bright and clear, and the stars blinked at him sympathetically, a touch of sourness swam across his body, and the lips finally curved out. There was a bitter arc.

He fell on the bed in frustration, didn't bother to take off his clothes, and just fell asleep like this. Before falling asleep, the spirit of habitually fighting against fate made him pick up the mantra of the meditation chapter and try to run it again.

The early morning sunshine in autumn is exceptionally warm.

The knock on the door pulled Feng Qinglang out of his deep sleep. His first reaction was that he hadn't tried to sleep so dead for a long time, because it sounded like this The knock on the door had been ringing for a while.

Nan Yong's voice came from outside: "... Qinglang, get up and have breakfast." In fact, Nan Yong was also quite puzzled, usually Feng Qinglang would wake up as soon as he called out, even without calling, he would automatically wake up when you approached him Come.

Feng Qinglang was about to respond, and checked her spiritual sea habitually, and was stunned. For a person who sprints towards the end of death every day, he is already very familiar with the rhythm of the shrinking spiritual sea, but obviously, The rhythm is not right today.

The shrinking was fast and slow, like following the rhythm of a piece of music, but Feng Qinglang couldn't hear that piece of music at all, so she couldn't grasp the rhythm at all.

His eyes immediately shot to the "Meditation Chapter" on the desktop. Could it be that it really worked? In the past few years, this rhythm of death began to change for the first time. Although it was very small, it could not be hidden from Feng Qinglang.

It is not yet known whether this change is good or bad, but if it can change, that is the biggest turning point...

"Boom—boom—" Nan Yong outside the door is still working hard, it seems that he is very satisfied with the breakfast he made today: "... Sunny, we have had breakfast and walked around?"

Feng Qinglang replied impatiently: "I'm staying in bed today!"

Nan Yong had no choice but to stop knocking on the door, but he wondered in his heart, the voice of people lying in bed is generally vague, how can there be someone who can speak clearly like you.

Walking back, seeing his young master holding the unknown diary, reading it while eating, he knew that his young master had committed an old problem again.

Feng Qinglang walked to the window, the morning in the central garden was much quieter, but there were still a large number of students and instructors doing morning exercises, multiple laws were dancing in this large space, and the chirping of birds was in the melody of the morning breeze When it sounded, Feng Qinglang took a deep breath, slowly calming down her excited heart.

When he thought that disappointment had come, hope had already arrived quietly. The changes in the morning glow and the sky seemed to be pictures of the past, silently encouraging him.

He sat cross-legged on the chair again, closed his eyes facing the morning glow, and started the meditation chapter again. When running, he paid special attention to every bit of change in the spiritual sea, and he wanted to determine whether the meditation chapter was just to stimulate the spiritual sea. Rhythm changes that piece of music.

Once, twice, three times...

Feng Qinglang repeated Chapter 1 of the Meditation chapter tirelessly, and he did not know how many times he repeated the practice until he heard a faint roar, and he hurriedly quit. It was the sound of his head swelling, and haste makes waste. I understand that if I persist any longer, it will often only have the opposite effect.

But he is in a happy mood, and he has basically determined that the meditation piece is a piece of music that disrupts the rhythm of the spiritual sea.

However, he couldn't be completely happy because he still didn't know what the piece of music was.

But Feng Qinglang already feels that his whole body is much more refreshed. This is the first change in his spiritual world in the past few years. hope.

He recalled the whole process after the practice, and he still did not forget to continue the practice before falling asleep last night. It should be an opportunity to start the meditation chapter, which is equivalent to the key to open the door. This is a special opportunity for him personally.

The Meditation chapter has been practiced many times today, but the effect is not as good as the practice in the sleep state, which means that it is more suitable for practicing in the unconscious state of the spiritual sea...

After all, Feng Qinglang has an extraordinary talent in martial arts, and quickly analyzed the opportunities, gains and losses, and all kinds of possibilities in the process of practicing in the Jingxin chapter.

As long as you collect the remaining contents of the Meditation Chapter, you might be able to know the melody of that piece of music. Even if you still can't hear clearly, as long as it can restore your spiritual world, that's enough.

For a moment, Feng Qinglang only felt that life was still full of hope, and the gray thoughts of last night were swept away. He looked at the sky again, and it was still full of colorful clouds, but it was already sunset. It turned out that he had been sitting quietly for a whole day before he knew it.

At this time, the whole world seemed so vibrant and full of beautiful light, but in front of a flower bush downstairs, a girl bent down and lowered her head sadly, as if bent by the heavy life.

The passionate breath was colliding in Feng Qinglang's heart. Seeing this depressed girl, the breath rushed up his throat, and he shouted downstairs: "Hey, that girl, yes, it's you. Courage, persevere, life is still full of hope! Yes, straighten your back, raise your head, and look forward, as long as you persevere, you will definitely see hope!"

The girl raised her head and saw a fat man with four eyes pumping his fists by the window sill. She couldn't help muttering, "Is it bothering you when I bend over to tie my shoes? Stand up and tell me how to tie my shoes..."

Feng Qinglang also found out the problem, and shut his mouth in embarrassment, and then he found that his yelling attracted a lot of strange eyes, he quickly retracted his head, but it didn't affect his happy mood at the moment.

Pushing open the door, there was a box of exquisite snacks on the dining table, and a note next to it, written in Nan Xinghun's handwriting: Sunny, I finished reading those diaries!Very angry, I think there is no justice in this world, if not, let me do it for the sky!

No matter how it looks, Nan Xinghun is ready to do some unconventional things again.

As soon as Feng Qinglang stuffed the first piece of snack into her mouth, she saw Nan Yong hastily opened the door and rushed in, breathless and said: "Qing... Qingqing, come quickly, young master...Young master was beaten!"


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