Nan Xinghun was actually beaten?This is a serious matter for Feng Qinglang. Nan Ling gave him a task, but the first thing to do is to ensure the safety of his precious daughter...

On the way, although Nan Yong's logic was a bit confused, he still basically stated the whole thing.

It would have been great if the young master hadn't read those diaries, but unfortunately there is no if, so Nan Xinghun not only read it, but was also moved...

It would be fine if the young master was just touched, and it would be fine if he didn't go down the mountain, but unfortunately there is no if, so Nan Xinghun went down the mountain to find the poor victimized woman...

It would be fine if the young master only sympathized with her, and it would be fine if he didn't stand up for her. If it was again, Nan Xinghun helped her out, but unfortunately the idea was too hard, so she was beaten.

About the story of the victimized woman, there are more ifs, if she is not too naive, if she is not so greedy for vanity, if she is not just pregnant, if she does not blindly believe, if the man is not Just graduated, if that man has some conscience and responsibility...

In Nan Yong's mouth, it was these "ifs" that made Nan Xinghun suffer, but in Feng Qinglang's ears, it was just a short story that could not be seen in the bright light. A low-grade girl fell in love with a high-grade boy. The girl was beautiful but poor. , the man is rich and generous, so they live together in the current apartment...

There were many episodes during the period, but Feng Qinglang was not interested. It was a story that Nan Xinghun was moved by. The ending was that the man was about to graduate and leave, but the woman happened to be pregnant at this time. The man suggested that the woman go home and take the child away. He will settle the matter of the exam, so there is no need to worry about it.

Then, the woman took care of her stomach, but when she came back, she lost all face. The man had already disappeared, and the academy's affairs had not been settled. Since she disappeared for no reason, the academy directly gave her the punishment of repeating a grade.

The poor woman has no support, and the rent of the apartment has been in arrears for many months. As the renter, she bears this huge debt, writes the last diary, and moves out with tears.

Next, Nan Xinghun found the woman today, and after learning more about it, he was filled with anger. When he heard that the man was the young master of a certain manor under the academy mountain, he immediately dragged the woman down the mountain to make a theory, and then, he was taught a lesson by the man's family , Nan Yong fled back and moved himself as a rescuer.

The main entrance of Mingguang Academy was really magnificent, but both of them didn't care to look carefully, so they rented two horses and hurried down the mountain.

Wang's Villa can be regarded as a small local famous family, but it is too close to Mingguang Academy, and all the edges are covered by Mingguang.

Many people who don't understand the inside story think that the Wang family at the foot of Luoyun Mountain is just a vassal family of Mingguang.

For this, many people in the Wang family are not ashamed, but proud, and faintly regard themselves as Mingguang's vassal.

Now, Feng Qinglang and Nan Yong came to Wang's headquarters. The person they were looking for was easily found, and they were tied behind their hands and hung on a tree. Situ Weiyang could be heard from a distance. They were cursing, and under the tree there were a few guards and other characters guarding them.

Seeing that Nan Xinghun and the others had only some not-so-serious injuries, Feng Qinglang felt relieved.He reined in his horse and stopped in the distance, and said with a smile, "Master Situ is also here." In the story Nan Yong told, he really couldn't feel the existence of Situ.

Seeing that the young master was fine, Nan Yong felt relieved, and replied, "Master Xinghun needs help. Master Situ immediately expressed his obligation, but he was the first to take down the fight just before."

Feng Qinglang couldn't help laughing, sometimes, Situ Weiyang can be considered a wonderful person.

You can hear him still scolding from a distance: "... bastard, do you know who I am? The young master of the Situ family, the most wealthy and powerful one. Do you know the Situ family? You ignorant idiots, that is The No. [-] wealthy family under the Nan Clan of the former Guangming Dynasty..."

Nan Xinghun finally couldn't help but persuaded: "Situ, save some effort, I, the future Patriarch of the Nan Clan, is also being hanged by others."

Situ Weiyang thought the same, and couldn't help but start thinking about the next round of scolding.

Hanging next to Nan Xinghun was a woman, pitiful and pretty, with wet tears all over her face, she should be the victim, she tremblingly said: "Master Xinghun, this time I have troubled you, really sorry……"

I really felt sorry for him, Nan Xinghun hurriedly said: "Miss Lianzheng, don't do this, the most hateful thing is that I haven't seen that bastard Wang Zixuan, and I can't argue with him face to face."

And even at this time, Situ Enquan's small eyes still wandered around Nan Xinghun's body from time to time, hoping to use this opportunity to find any flaws, but unfortunately, so far, nothing has been found.

All these kinds of people fell into Feng Qinglang's eyes one by one.

Nan Yong followed Feng Qinglang to those nursing homes, his heart skipped a few beats, and he said in a low voice: "Qingqing, do you want to smash the stone sculpture over there with your fist to announce that we are coming?"

Feng Qinglang glanced at the stone sculpture, it should be a character like the founder of the Wang family, several meters high, and immediately glanced at Nan Yong with a look of insanity, asking me to waste precious mental power doing such a boring job things

Nan Yong felt that this idea was a bit silly, so he shouted from a distance: "Master Xinghun, don't worry, we are here."

Nan Xinghun and the others turned their heads, all showing surprises, even Situ Weiyang was no exception, but the woman named Lianzheng was very puzzled, and didn't see that these two unattractive guys had any potential to save soldiers.

Nan Xinghun smiled comfortingly at Lianzheng: "It's sunny, you don't have to worry about everything."

Nan Yong, Lianzheng has seen it before, and that sunny, naturally it is the four-eyed little fat man, with a dull and innocent look, it is difficult for people to quickly generate a sense of trust.

Feng Qinglang couldn't help but glared at Nan Yong again. He wanted to get closer, but when the nursing home yelled at them, he unexpectedly settled the opponent, which would save a little energy, but who knew that Nan Yong would yell out so carelessly.

But looking at Nan Xinghun's eyes full of hope, Feng Qinglang understood that it would be difficult to be kind to this matter today.

Everyone just felt a blur in front of them, not surprisingly, those nursing homes all fell down, and Feng Qinglang's actions were measured, these people were only in a temporary coma.

The rope was cut and everyone was rescued.

Nan Xinghun rubbed his tied numb hands, and said slightly annoyed: "Qingqing, did Nan Yong tell you the whole thing? We want to uphold justice for weak girls!"

Feng Qinglang knew that Nan Xinghun's mind was always full of chivalrous spirit, so she didn't bother to talk to her. Instead, she paid attention to that weak woman. She was much calmer than expected. Perhaps she felt that Feng Qinglang's eyes were a little sharp and timid. Hiding behind Nan Xinghun, he saluted slightly to thank Feng Qinglang.

Master Situ stopped yelling, because he saw that the number of guards guarding outside the manor had decreased significantly, which meant that many people would rush out in a while, and he said in a deep voice: "Xinghun, gentlemen don't suffer immediate losses. Wait for me to call Good people, let's settle accounts with them again. Miss Lianzheng, don't worry, we will always uphold justice for you."

There are quite a few manors like Wang's in the Luoyun Mountains. Master Situ thought that with his strength at the peak of his body training period, he would sweep away a family that had never heard of it. It would be no surprise to show his power in this small manor. No problem, who knows that there are so many people in the family, and the young master Situ who lacks actual combat experience is the first to be smashed to the ground by others. The promise made by Master Situ at this time is not empty words, but whether he is fair or not is another matter. back.

But Nan Xinghun said: "Qing Liang, I won't see that heartbroken man named Wang Zixuan today, if I don't scold him personally to seek justice, I will lose my mind!"

"It's not that serious..." Feng Qinglang smiled bitterly, his attention was still on the Lianzheng, "What do you think, girl?"

When she asked this question, Feng Qinglang had already expressed her opinion that she didn't want to go into this muddy water anymore.

Unexpectedly, the girl replied: "Let Master Xinghun decide."

Nan Xinghun consciously puffed out his chest, but felt that what he said was not worth it, and looked at Feng Qinglang pleadingly.

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