alone mountain and river

Chapter 469 Starfire

Far away in the northwest corner of the Flying Fish Islands, there is an unnamed swamp, which is one of the few remaining seals of the stigmata.

In the silent four fields, only a few dying cicadas dotted the space.

Feng Qinglang also saw the long-lost Dongfang Pei here. He looked much older and dusty, but the smile on his face was still there, and his eyes were still piercing. He gave Feng Qinglang a big hug and said with a smile: "You If I don’t come, I won’t be able to hold on.”

"Everything is about to be ready! Anyway, I'm glad to see that you're still alive..." Feng Qinglang patted Dongfang Pei's back vigorously before leaving.

There were several tents built on dead branches. Feng Qinglang observed that one of the tents was obviously much newer, so she asked, "You invited friends to help? Hey, I didn't expect that there would be newcomers joining now!"

Dongfang Peichong blinked at Feng Qinglang, and said with a smile: "It's your old acquaintance, you will see in a while, she went out to collect materials...Come, sit down and chat!"

Sitting around the bonfire, from Feng Qinglang's perspective, you can see a transparent mirage flowing slowly in the distance. The whole world here seems to be in a lonely mourning. There are a few red-crowned cranes who don't know that the outside world has changed greatly Strolling lazily on the swamp, Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "It's quite poetic, more comfortable than I imagined."

Dongfang Pei unscrewed the small steel jug, took a sip of wine, and scolded: "Get out! In the past year, I have spent time in various similar ghost places. I am already tired of aesthetics, and now I can't wait to get angry every day." , big fish and big meat!"

Feng Qinglang laughed loudly, and after talking nonsense with Dongfang Pei, she said, "Have you read my proposal?"

"I've read it, and I've read it several times!" When it came to business, Dongfang changed his sitting position and said solemnly, "The idea is really grand, but how many people can come to the list?"

"Illusionists and magweave masters have already been found. It shouldn't be a big problem. As for the top force, His Majesty Bluefield from the heathen side has confirmed to come, and the strong dragons are also in place. Yes, the Xia Dynasty was moved by Ku Feixi, and several strong men were dispatched..."

Feng Qinglang carefully counted the staffing, and added at the end: "The unexpected surprise is that in the just opened forest world, there is also a peerless expert who is willing to join this plan!"

"Oh, how strong is he?" Dongfang Pei suddenly became interested.

"I can't see clearly, but let me guess, the combat power is comparable to Dongditian!"

Dongfang Pei's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "In this way, we have really mobilized all the strongest in the world."

"Yes!" Feng Qinglang nodded slowly, thinking to herself, if the first undead in history really had the power to open up the world, then I am afraid that a large number of names in this peerless list will turn gray and be transferred to the death list. List.

Dongfang Pei immediately caught the gloomy look in Feng Qinglang's eyes, and immediately said: "Although I have always had ominous premonitions, I will never appear on the death list, so I might as well tell you in advance."

Feng Qinglang smiled and said, "Old guy, you don't have to be so sensitive..."

However, Dongfang Pei lost his momentum quickly, and said dejectedly: "However, if I am really on the list by accident, you must remember to take care of Lao Tzu's family!"

"Understood," Feng Qinglang responded with a serious face, but couldn't help but add, "But you don't have to tell me every time you meet or write."

"Oh, my old man is afraid of death!" Dongfang Pei obviously didn't want to mention this matter, and changed the subject, "The Bi family was destroyed during the migration, have you heard about it?"

"Oh?" Feng Qinglang frowned suddenly, "Beatrice, she..."

"She's fine because she did it."


Feng Qinglang sighed silently, and didn't know whether to be happy for Beatrice or sad for this matter. She succeeded, which only showed that she had finally completely forgotten her feelings.

The shrewd Mrs. Bi once left a deep impression on him.However, I didn't expect that the farewell to Guyuan City back then would be a farewell. The huge Bi family also overthrew the entire family because of a mistake they thought was insignificant.

Dongfang Pei also sighed, and said: "In this stigmata catastrophe, many wealthy families will be annihilated in history. If it were a peaceful era, the entire Bi family would perish, and it would not shock the world. But now, it can only spread to the east. The several peaks of the..."

"It happened nearby?"

"Well," Dongfang Pei nodded, "In order to avoid the catastrophe, the entire Bi family relocated. About fifty miles to the east, they encountered a beast tide. Whether it was man-made or God's will, the old man will not pursue it. Anyway, Beatrice All of the remaining 300 members of the Bi family died, including the Bi family couple who have been coquettish for an era."

"At that time, Beatrice was seriously injured, and she passed out not far from the beast horde area. It was the old man who rescued her..."

Feng Qinglang followed the other party's gaze and looked at the new tent.

"How is she in a good mood now?" Feng Qinglang asked softly with a bitter smile.

Dongfang Pei twitched at the corner of his mouth and said, "Here, she just came back, you can ask her yourself."

Feng Qinglang turned her head, and she could see a few men and women walking out of the thin mirage with material boxes on their backs. The still beautiful Beatrice was among them, and there was a man beside him, who might be Dongfang Pei's disciple , was flatteringly saying something to Beatrice.

The beautiful woman is still beautiful, but the sensitive Feng Qinglang always feels that she has changed a lot, but it is difficult to express it in words, especially when she saw herself, there was obviously no surprise flashed in her eyes, there was no wave in her eyes, just a smile Nodding: "Hey, sunny, you're here too!"

But even if it was just that, the man beside her was also surprised, obviously thinking that this was the Beatrice he knew, with a rare enthusiasm.

Feng Qinglang stood up and said with a smile, "Shall we go?"

"it is good!"


In the depths of the swamp, the traces of the magic lines on the sealed ground are getting weaker and weaker, and materials are still being added to outline the magic lines every day. It is just drinking poison to quench thirst, and the sealed item below is about to be born.

Feng Qinglang and Beatrice walked slowly along the traces of the magic pattern on the sealed ground, but they didn't say a word for a long time.

Feng Qinglang suddenly remembered an old proverb, which is more cruel than "We can no longer be together", "We can no longer go back!".

Beatrice said softly: "Sunny, I will participate in your plan. My material science can help your magic pattern system."


Beatrice stopped suddenly, her eyes still didn't fluctuate, but she said forcefully, "I'm trying to forget that martial skill and be myself again!"

"I... hope that I... continue to like you!" A faint ripple flashed from the depths of her eyes.

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