alone mountain and river

Chapter 470 Prelude

A month later, Flying Fish Islands.

This place has changed its appearance. With the entry of a large number of coalition troops, the dead fish on the lake have been fished out, and multiple bases and outposts have been established along the lake, making the entire Flying Fish Islands like a large military base.

A large number of magic pattern masters and illusionists have also gradually settled in. According to the plan set by Feng Qinglang, they began to arrange magic patterns and magic arrays along the lake. Eye!

As more and more peerless powerhouses landed on the stigmata, the catastrophe of the stigmata finally entered the turning point. With the perishing of some powerful seal monsters, many seal monsters have also changed from being arrogant and invincible at the beginning to now being used by human powerhouses. Hunt around.

But there was no smile on Feng Qinglang's face, because the day when the biggest ultimate seal was opened was getting closer and closer.

"Haoran, how's the progress?" Feng Qinglang came to the area where Dongfang Haoran was in charge. He and Dongfang Pei were responsible for drawing the big frame of the magic pattern, and the magic pattern masters below would naturally complete it in different areas.

Dongfang Haoran said: "The progress is smooth, but such a large magic pattern..."

He looked up and couldn't see the other end of the Flying Fish Islands at a glance, but he knew that there were also a group of outstanding magic pattern masters doing the same job as him. Dongfang Haoran said with a shy smile: "This is the first time that such a large magic pattern has been produced. By then, all areas will be seamlessly connected, and it will be quite difficult!"

"At that time, Dongfang Pei and I will work together, so it shouldn't be a big problem."


Feng Qinglang chatted with Dongfang Haoran for a few more words, and found that there was a red light flashing in the No.13 area not far away, which was a signal to summon him, so he hurried over there, the leading magic pattern master over there was an elder of the Dragon Clan , said in a low voice: "Rebel, your idea of ​​combining magic pattern and illusion is very genius, but I have an even more genius idea..."

Those staying in the area of ​​the Flying Fish Islands are all talented magic pattern masters and illusionists from all over the world. Every day, genius ideas emerge in endlessly. This has given Feng Qinglang a lot of useful supplements to this fantastic joint large-scale magic circle. .

After finally perfecting the transformation of the No.13 area by the elder of the Dragon Clan, another area flashed a red light, and Feng Qinglang rushed there. In recent days, he has been used to running around the lake.

Even when it was time to eat, he still had to walk among groups of illusionists and magweave masters with a lunch box in his hand, listening carefully to everyone's opinions.

"Your Excellency Wen Ruyu, in the blink of an eye, the spiritual power we need is quite astonishing. Is it really no problem to replenish the energy at that time?" As soon as he was rescued from the fortress around the mountain to the west of the stigmata, he came here non-stop and became the chief world architect of the entire illusionist team.

Feng Qinglang understands the other party's concerns. Almost every illusionist will ask similar questions when they arrive. The enhanced version of Blinking Millennium consumes mental power five times faster than ordinary illusions, even if they are famous Those who are strong in illusion will feel a deep sense of anxiety when they see this plan.

"Your Excellency Shuqi Xiao, please rest assured! Not only will there be magic pattern masters and magic patterns to support our spiritual power, but more importantly, the enhanced version of the instant millennium will no longer be limited to an instant, but will follow our The normal time dimension of the real world to balance out a reasonable ratio, and..."

Feng Qinglang pointed to a suppressed monster on a distant island, and continued: "These sealed objects will be connected to the entire magic pattern array by then, and will also continuously provide us with spiritual power."

The Flying Fish Islands, the dotted islands, suppressed many peerless monsters captured during this period, the most famous of which is the Doomsday Dragon.

"Okay..." Although the tree-dwelling owl has already received an explanation from the relevant personnel, but hearing Feng Qinglang's statement with his own ears, he is always at ease.

He continued to question: "As the extractor of the memory drawer, do you really want to choose that..."

"Unger." Feng Qinglang reminded.

"Yes, Unger, is he here to take on such an important role?" Arboreal Owl made no secret of his distrust, "Actually, I can also play this role."

Feng Qinglang glanced at the camp of illusionists not far away. A few of them were meditating, but most of them were already in the illusion world together, and began to sharpen each other's spiritual power to practice building a big world. As a key role, Unger almost He had to participate in every run-in. Although expensive spirit potions were continuously delivered here, after these days, his face was pale and his forehead was always sweating.

"Your Excellency Shuqi Xiao, please trust my vision, he is the most suitable candidate," Feng Qinglang said patiently, "I believe that in the next few days, you will see Unger with your own eyes during the running-in process. to bring into someone else's memory zone, not a ghostly body to visit."

Shuqi Xiao still frowned, but after being silent for a while, he nodded and said: "Okay, Your Excellency Wen Ruyu, I am willing to believe in your choice!"

Feng Qinglang smiled and said: "Anyway, thank you for coming, Your Excellency Shuqixiao!"

"Illusionists also need to be at the critical point of life to achieve a breakthrough, not to mention, the stigmata is also my hometown," the tree-dwelling owl smiled gently, "What I look forward to most now is the sealed monster, just like what you described fear!"

Feng Qinglang smiled wryly, "To be honest, I really hope it's not that scary."


The red light reappeared in the distance, Feng Qinglang could only hold the lunch box, bid farewell to the arboreal owl, and rushed to the summoning place, this time the person who summoned him was Bivis, a guy who gave Feng Qinglang a headache.

"Uh, Your Excellency Bivis, the recent food should be pretty good."

"Hey, I'm not talking about that this time, Mr. Feng Qinglang!" Bivis said with a smile, "Don't tell me I'm such an idiot who only cares about food in your mind?"

Feng Qinglang was puzzled, don't you?

After Bivis stepped aside, he introduced: "This is a partner I specially found from the forest world. We grew up together. His name is Scaru."

"Your Excellency Scaru, I greet you."

"Hey, Mr. Feng Qinglang, hello, remember to honor the commission you proposed afterwards!"


Scaru is an unremarkable old man, he doesn't look like Beavis's peers at all, especially when he walks with a cane and wobbles, it gives people the impression that if you meet him on the street, you must be careful to keep it Otherwise, he will deliberately fall and blackmail him if he is not careful.

"That's right, I've seen that Lieno face before," Bivis said, "She's really good, but she's not suitable to be the number one human shield and carry it at the front."

"Your Excellency Bivis, what do you mean?"

"Well, Scaru is the most suitable!"

"Uh..." Feng Qinglang looked at the old man again, as if a gust of cold wind might blow him away, but the point is, he looked proud, but he was absolutely dissatisfied with Bivis's proposal. willing look.

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