"Quack quack ~ ha ha ha ~" When the hoarse and ugly laughter resounded throughout the private prison again, the ghosts in the room kept shaking their 'bodies' in places invisible to human eyes, and they all hid together and crowded together into a ball.

It was this black shadow. I remember that it was the dark tornado mist that it released just now. Everyone's souls were forcibly imprisoned here. Every time they saw it, they would have an unforgettable trembling and cowardice.

Fortunately, the dark evil spirit didn't intend to torture them this time, his eyes swept across the ghosts lightly, and left without saying a word, carrying Wu Qingya.

The moment he walked out of the private prison, he saw Nalan Haoyu's whole body trembling with excitement, and his eyes gradually regained clarity.

When she found that she had lifted an unknown 'object' in her hand, Nalan Haoyu was furious, and threw the 'object' on the ground with a bang. How could she carry such a heavy object in her hand? Sour and numb.

Why do I feel pain all over my body when I move my arms?

The moment she lowered her head, she suddenly found that the 'object' she had just dropped on the ground turned out to be a woman, Nalan Haoyu jumped back in shock.

When her mind gradually cleared up, she heard a voice next to her ear telling her, "This is a gift from me, remember to peel off her human skin intact. Quack ~"

Nalan Haoyu's eyes lit up, with a crazy smile, isn't this the woman named Wuxin?

Skinned her?

Nalan Haoyu squatted down and carefully looked at Wu Qingya's face, "Tsk tsk, you really have a good skin, this is a good idea."

Seeing Wu Qingya's messed up body, she couldn't help laughing, patted Wu Qingya's face, with mockery and disdain in her eyes, "So what if you're beautiful, don't you have to let me do whatever I want with you, watch me treat your skin It's stripped, how will you come out to provoke men in the future. Hmph!"

A feather arrow flew towards the top of the roof, and soon two men in black appeared, apparently two of the dozens of guards that Nalan Haoyu kept privately.

I saw the two men in black lifted Wu Qingya up, and sneaked away quickly towards a hidden place.

Nalan Haoyu looked at her clothes, took out the mirror and saw that her hair was messy, cursed to herself what happened, and then quickly walked towards her bedroom.

Just as the guards in black carried Wu Qingya away, a white figure happened to pass by.

The figure froze, and those two people used their toes to guess who he knew who they were. They were too lazy to talk to them. There were not many women who were carried away by them in private. He didn't know how many times he saw such a thing in secret. .

But just when he was about to leave without paying any attention, a familiar face suddenly came into his eyelids through the gap between the two black-clothed guards, but it was too fast to see clearly.

Elegant dance?Is that person Wu Qingya?

Nalan Haoyu condensed her anger and sword eyebrows, is it really her?How could she be in the palace?And how could he get involved with Nalan Haoyu?

Are you dazzled?Nalan Tianyou shook his head, laughed at himself, then turned and walked towards his bedroom.

This time, Wu Qingya was not taken to any dark and cold place, on the contrary, she was taken to a beautiful hot spring pool, some distance away from the imperial palace.

When Wu Qingya woke up, she was soaking in the warm water, and there was a faint smell of medicine.

Wu Qingya immediately stood up from the pool, and when she realized that she was naked, she plunged again.

"Nalan Haoyu, get out!" Wu Qingya gritted her teeth and said, her unfriendly tone showed that her inner mood at the moment was not ordinary bad.

"Oh, Miss Wuxin has such a temper. You can't do it! I've worked so hard to get you here."

Nalan Haoyu walked in, dressed in gold, holding a sharp knife in her hand to play with.

"I advise you to enjoy the beautiful scenery of this good time! In order to let the bruises on your body recover as soon as possible, I am willing to give you this medicine pond. Don't let me down. It is!"

Nalan Haoyu's frightened smile was really disgusting, Wu Qingya was furious, and wanted to launch an attack when she raised her breath.

It was at this moment that she finally realized something was wrong, she had no spiritual power and fighting spirit, just like the rumored trash.

"what did you do to me!"

"Haha~ Girl Wuxin, don't worry, you won't be pretty if you get angry, and it will be a pity for the human skin I took off if you're not pretty."

Nalan Haoyu walked to the side of the soup pool, pinched Wu Qingya's chin, and rubbed the knife back and forth on Wu Qingya's face, but it didn't hurt her at all. Although the beast is useless, Miss Wuxin's fiery temper is not enough. If someone accidentally hurts the flowers and plants here, it's okay, I don't feel bad anyway. But... if you are not careful If you hurt yourself, then I will feel bad, my magic mirror is still waiting for your human skin. Hehehe~"

Nalan Haoyu spoke slowly word by word, the expression, the tone, and the words he said were quite frightening.

If it were an ordinary person, he might have passed out from fright.

Wu Qingya's underwater hands clenched into fists, when has she ever been humiliated like this, Nalan Haoyu, you'd better burn high incense and not fall into my hands, otherwise I will make you die badly.

Nalan Haoyu seemed to have vented enough of the anger in her heart, and today she suddenly "showed kindness" and didn't intend to entangle Wu Qingya any longer, she got up and planned to leave.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to stimulate Wu Qingya, it's just that she has more urgent things to do. There is a handsome young man waiting for her in a certain wing. Can not stop surging.

"Keep an eye on her! Pick her up after soaking for enough time, and add more medicine if the medicine is not effective enough. I will see the effect in three days."

"Yes!" As soon as Nalan Haoyu finished speaking, two maids walked in from the door, respectfully kneeling and sending her away.

Wu Qingya's eyes flashed, three days?In other words, does she only have three days?

But it is impossible for Dongdong to come back in three days, and Jin Meng, Bloody and other beasts need at least seven days to recover, let alone Xiao Hei.

She raised her breath again, but there was still no response. For the first time, Wu Qingya felt powerless and downcast.

Wu Qingya raised her head and closed her eyes.

"I didn't expect that Wu Qingya, who has always been proud and confident that she will repay her, oh no, Miss Wuxin would have such a helpless side! How can this be, why did I just bump into it?"

A figure appeared, and Wu Qingya turned her head with a 'shua' and put her sharp eyes on him.

"Miss Wuxin, we meet again." Sa Sa, dressed in white, was elegant, gentle and elegant, with a spring breeze on her face.

Wu Qingya's eyes darkened, rely on it!How could it be him, he bit his lower lip, it's really a narrow road to enemies.

"Nalan Tianyou, how could it be you!"

He looked at Wu Qingya with too complicated eyes, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking, but this person, isn't it the second prince Nalan Tianyou of Xueying Kingdom, who else could he be?

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