Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 111 Jade Pendant Relationship

"Miss Wuxin said this, where else would I be if I wasn't here? But why are you here?" Nalan Tianyou pointed his index finger at the soup pool and circled around a few times, looking at Wu Qingya in the water with a playful look, sparkling in the waves , and the reflection of the tree shade on the water just blocks the key line of sight.

But even though it is not clear, you can still see the faintly visible curve buried in the water.

I remember what she said in public in the arena of Wuhai City that day, "If one day I get tired of the name Wu Qingya, and call me Miss Wuxin, I think I will be very happy."

If he guessed correctly, she prefers the name Wuxin, so he called out Wuxin unconsciously.

Wu Qingya was immediately speechless by the rhetorical question, and secretly scolded herself, isn't this nonsense, how could she forget that he is the prince of Xueying Kingdom!

However, she would not be naive enough to ask or hope that Nalan Tianyou would save her. Thinking back to the festivals in the past, she even killed one of his subordinates. This hatred has long been forged.

In her opinion, Nalan Tianyou would never be so generous as to be willing to help her, and she would be grateful if he didn't make trouble.

"I want you to take care of it!" Wu Qingya turned her head angrily, as if she didn't want to say a word to him.

Nonsense, who is willing to be seen by their enemies in such an embarrassing and helpless situation?

Isn't that a joke?

Nalan Tianyou smiled slightly, "But if I don't care about it, you will become a living dead with no hair, no face, and no skin all over your body. That bloody appearance, uh... seems a bit unsightly. "

The voice turned again, as if deliberately making a threatening expression of gloating, "And based on what I know about Nalan Haoyu, maybe she will goug out your beautiful eyes. Imagine a bloody body that has no Human skin, plus the bloody holes in both eyes, hiss~"

Every time Nalan Tianyou uttered a word, Wu Qingya felt the hairs all over her body stand on end.

"That's enough! Shut up!" She wasn't afraid, but with her rich imagination, she couldn't help feeling sick and getting goosebumps.

Nalan Tianyou saw Wu Qingya's pale face, that kind of little girl's appearance inadvertently revealed, suddenly it was very strange, he felt that a lot of resentment towards her in his heart had disappeared without a trace.

When Nalan Tianyou returned to his bedroom, the familiar face just now kept flashing in his mind, he just felt disturbed, fidgeting, he finally wanted to find out, at least to be at ease, but unfortunately Just in time, I ran into Nalan Haoyu who had changed his clothes and was about to go out.

He kept following her at a safe distance, and even the word she said to Wu Qingya just now fell into his ears.

Wu Qingya, what kind of woman are you that makes me want to understand you without knowing it, and even want to save you from danger.

Do you know that if I save you, I will have to confront Nalan Haoyu head-on in advance, and how much I will pay in that case.

The sound of Nalan Tianyou's footsteps gradually left, Wu Qingya slowly turned her head and looked out, hum!Cheapskate, if you really don't put your hopes in him, how could he save himself.

Before, although she already knew in her heart that it was impossible for him to save her from leaving, deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but have a trace of sustenance. This was the only hope she could see in such a helpless situation in front of her.

But she didn't know that this stubborn and stingy man really left just like that. Forget it, it's fine if he left, but she didn't want to owe him this favor in vain.

Suddenly, there was another rustling sound at the door, and two maids were escorted in by Nalan Tianyou, who were still holding her dress in their hands.

Wu Qingya half opened her mouth and looked at the other side, what's the situation?

"Give the girl a change of clothes. It's best not to play tricks on me, otherwise you will suffer!" Nalan Tianyou ordered with a condensed face.

Wu Qingya looked at him in shock, with an expression of disbelief, Nalan Tianyou, he was willing to save herself?

The two maids walked over reluctantly but helplessly, and suddenly a jade pendant fell to the ground with a 'pop' sound, attracting everyone's attention.

Nalan Tianyou stepped forward to pick up the jade pendant on the ground, he was stunned for a moment, raised his head and stared blankly at Wu Qingya, and asked after a while, "Where did you get this?"

Wu Qingya didn't seem to expect Nalan Tianyou to have such a surprised expression, "My mother gave it to me, Nalan Tianyou, do you know this jade pendant?"

Just as Nalan Tianyou was about to say something, he suddenly remembered that there were two people behind him. His eyes dimmed, and he exuded a cold aura, his murderous aura suddenly appeared, and he made two 'bang bang' sounds at an extremely fast speed. The two lives were like this Disappeared.

Wu Qingya didn't turn the corner all of a sudden, what does this mean, why was she doing well just now, two lives were lost in an instant.

But that's fine, anyway, these two are Nalan Haoyu's people, once she escapes, they will always tell the truth, and if Nalan Haoyu is furious, it is uncertain how miserable they will die.

"You mean, your mother gave it to you? Then~ where is your mother?" Nalan Haoyu strode up to Wu Qingya's side. If it wasn't for Wu Qingya's naked body soaking in the water right now, he wouldn't In order not to be too excited to grab her slender shoulders.

Wu Qingya didn't understand why he was so excited and happy, "My mother is already dead."

"Dead?" Nalan Tianyou took a step back, as if he didn't want to believe Wu Qingya's words, he picked up the jade pendant in his hand again to check it out, that's right, it was Aunt Chi's jade pendant, he wouldn't remember it wrong .

"Then, your mother kisses her, what's her name?" Nalan Tianyou clamored in his heart, no, it must not be her!

"Everyone in the dance family calls her Mrs. Yuechi, and everyone thinks her surname is Yuechi, but only I know her name is Nalan Yuechi. My mother once told me not to tell anyone this name," Wu Qingya said. The truth is, she did explain Nalan Yuechi's name in this way, and of course she also got it from Wu Qingya's seldom-retained memory.

The reason why she was willing to tell Nalan Tianyou the truth at this moment was because his expression told her that he must have an inextricable relationship with his mother.

However, Nalan Tianyou is only a few years older than himself, and his mother's age. . .

How is this possible, Wu Qingya stared with big eyes in disbelief.

The corner of Nalan Tianyou's mouth twitched, as if he could see the clue from Wu Qingya's expression, "You want to be evil, he is my Aunt Chi, Ehuang's own sister, Nalan Yuechi."

Speaking of this moment, he couldn't help showing a regretful expression, "He is also the only person who cares about me the most in the entire palace." After speaking, he lowered his head.

This sentence, this expression, this action deeply touched Wu Qingya's heart.

In this way, she and Nalan Tianyou are actually cousins!

Oh my god, what's the situation, why is she suddenly having a headache because of this life experience.

Before she had time to organize her thoughts, footsteps sounded from afar, seeming to be coming in her direction.

"Nalan Tianyou, turn around." There was a splash of water, unable to care about the water droplets all over his body, he quickly put on his clothes.

After being drugged by Nalan Haoyu, she lost her battle qi for a while, and her injured body has not fully recovered. Even if she can still fight with bare hands, she won't get any benefit from people with strong fighting qi and spiritual power.

At this time, it is the best policy to leave here first.

Wearing clothes, Wu Qingya, who was full of thoughts, did not notice that the ears of Nalan Tianyou, who was carrying her behind her back, were blushing.

With the rustling sound of clothes rubbing behind him, Nalan Tianyou couldn't help but think of the scene in front of the restaurant that day.

Aww, it turns out that Nalan Tianyou is very innocent in his heart!

*It’s time for leave, Qianmo’s updates can only be done twice a day as much as possible. *

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