Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 112 Reconciliation

When Nalan Haoyu came to the hot spring pool, there was no trace of Wu Qingya.

Two bodies lying on the ground indicated that she had fled.

Nalan Haoyu vented fiercely, and kicked the lifeless corpse, "Trash, I can't even look down on a person, I will kick you to death, kick you to death!"

The people behind couldn't help but frowned, how annoyed she was for being kicked so hard even when they were already dead.

He couldn't help sweating for the two corpses on the ground. Compared to him, he might have suffered less since he was already dead.

Nalan Haoyu finally stopped until the anger in her heart subsided a little.

"Search for me, she has no fighting spirit and spiritual power and is injured, she must not be able to run far." The stern face and cold eyes seemed to kill Wu Qingya once he caught her.

"Search carefully for me, not a single fly is allowed to fly out."

On the other side, Nalan Tianyou is fleeing back to the palace with Wu Qingya. At this moment, Nalan Haoyu's guards will definitely search around the Tangchi. On the contrary, returning to the palace is the best policy at the moment.

Didn't the ancients say well that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Wu Qingya undoubtedly agrees with his decision, the coincidence of their ideas is one of them, the most important thing is that Yin Yi is still detained in Nalan Haoyu's wing.

"Aren't you afraid that I will regret it when you go back to the palace with me, and then hand you over to Nalan Haoyu?" Nalan Tianyou's eyes flickered a few times, and when he looked at Wu Qingya again, it was clear.

"Employers are not suspicious and people are not necessary, haven't you heard of it?"

Nalan Tianyou was stunned for a moment, although he didn't say anything, he was thinking about what she said just now, "Employees are not suspicious and others are not? '

Wu Qingya shook her head, deep in the palace, he must have lacked understanding of this sentence, how could he be so free and easy after growing up in various treacherous and treacherous environments since childhood.

"Since you are willing to save me, you will definitely not hand me over again." Yes, she concluded that he is not such a boring person, and she can see the expression in his eyes every time Nalan Haoyu is mentioned Disdain and disgust.

Although Nalan Tianyou is good at disguising, it is not his fault. Perhaps this has something to do with the environment and background he grew up in, but he will definitely not be a nosy person.Before he decided to do something, he had already weighed all the pros and cons in his mind.

He once said a word, Nalan Yuechi was the best person in the whole palace and the only one who treated him well.Thinking of this, Wu Qingya's eyes flickered slightly. It seemed that his childhood was not as beautiful as he imagined. Maybe this just happened to make him used to living with a mask. It's not that he likes it, but that he has to. .

"Oh? That's how you decide? We have always been against each other before this." Nalan Tianyou looked directly at Wu Qingya, watching her eyes without blinking, as if waiting for her to say something.

Wu Qingya frowned, what did he mean by that?Do you want to settle old scores with yourself?

"In short, thank you for everything today. If you need anything in the future, just ask. As long as I can do it, I will do my best to repay your favor."

Nalan Tianyou knew that she would be mistaken. Since the moment he was willing to save her, he hadn't planned to ask for anything in return. After knowing that she was the daughter of Nalan Yuechi, he didn't need her to return any favors.

But how could he not be angry if she treated her like this?Anger frowned, "Wu Qingya, I didn't need you to say thank you for saving you, and I didn't need you to repay the favor, let alone a deal!"

Wu Qingya was taken aback, this guy~

Did I say something wrong?It's worth making him so angry, but what she said was sincere. She accepted the love today, and she would really help him if he was in trouble in the future. What's wrong with her saying this?

However, Wu Qingya raised the corners of her lips slightly, it was rare to see Nalan Tianyou, who was always gentle and elegant, showing such a side.

Seeing Wu Qingya's elegant smile, Nalan Tianyou was even more angry. Did she not care about what she said?She doesn't believe it? "Wu Qingya, don't say you are my cousin now, even if you are not, I will definitely save you, right?"

Nalan Tianyou's icy face and serious expression made Wu Qingya tremble with the slightest pain.

Yes~ Her relationship with him is now cousins.

Besides, as he said, before he saw the jade pendant, didn't he turn around and come back to save himself?

In this way, Wu Qingya knew exactly why he was angry.

It's me who judges the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

Unexpectedly, she had misjudged him all the time. She thought he would be jealous and petty. She thought he was just hiding his resentment, but she didn't know that things had developed to such an extent.

"God bless Nalan!"

Facing Wu Qingya's gentle smile that he had never seen before, this call actually made him a little unaccustomed to it. He was used to Wu Qingya's harshness, disapproval, sarcasm, and indifference. The sight of her in front of him really made him a little bit at a loss.

"Nalan Tianyou, let's make up!"

With a bang sound, something cracked in my heart. It wasn't pain, but disbelief, and even a bit of surprise.

I can't believe that one day they will be able to resolve the inexplicable hatred.

In this way, Nalan Haoyu did him a big favor.

The man in Yushu Linfeng just stared at Wu Qingya in a daze, and the shrewd man couldn't recover for a while.

Wu Qingya pursed her lips, "Nalan Tianyou, are you still angry about me killing Jueyi? But she was the one who wanted to kill me first."

Nalan Tianyou remained silent, and his blank expression remained unchanged.

"Nalan Tianyou, so do you disdain to make up with me?" Wu Qingya narrowed her eyes dangerously, if it wasn't for the sake of mother, if it wasn't for the sake of him saving herself, if it wasn't for For the sake of treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, if he hadn't developed a little admiration for him, he really thought that she was willing to resolve the grudge with him!

Seeing that Wu Qingya was really angry, Nalan Tianyou suddenly came to his senses, "Of course I do, let's make up!"

Grinning with a mouthful of white and shiny teeth, she smiled softly, "Cousin Wuxin!"

A smile is like a spring breeze;

Smile again, as if the soul has been washed, it is comfortable and clear.

"Nalan Tianyou, I find your expression very awkward."


"Because it's kind of silly!"

Nalan Tianyou looked at her dotingly, and smiled softly again.

"Nalan Tianyou, why do I always feel that today you are not the same as in the past?"

"What's the difference?"

"It's just different everywhere!"

Nalan Tianyou still smiled like a spring breeze, but his lowered eyelids were full of incomprehensible thoughts.

Fool, I'm different because our relationship is different too.

Regarding Wu Qingya's childhood, although he didn't deliberately inquire about it, he had already heard a little bit about it. Since she was the daughter of Aunt Yuechi and his cousin, he would treat her well and take good care of her.

He has an older sister, a younger sister and a younger brother, but he has never regarded them as his brothers and sisters. The gentle and lovely Nalan Xiali and the young Nalan Gule are fine, but that Nalan Hao Yu is the most disgusting existence in his heart.

All along he had no real blood relationship with them, but Wu Qingya was different, suddenly he felt a sense of responsibility as an older brother.

Rest assured, Aunt Yuechi, I will take good care of her, please rest assured that you are the spirit in heaven, and please protect us.

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