Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 131 Heading to the Southern Continent

"Bastard, did you provoke those things in the snake cave?"

I have to admit that if there is no contract between Man Luo and it, the Lord of Shacheng would definitely want to kill it with one palm.

The giant python knelt on the ground with a plop, "Master, I..."

Only one expression and one movement, the old man already knew it, and sure enough, it dared to deceive itself into doing such a thing.

"Don't tell me you ruined my two daughters, are you still planning to ruin the people of my Shacheng? What crimes did I do in my previous life!" The old man fell on the chair, how miserable he was.

The giant python lowered its head, since they had guessed it, there was no need to hide it anymore.

"Anyway, Man Ning won't be able to live for many days. I'll ask everyone in Shacheng to accompany her and keep her company, so she won't be lonely anymore."

"You... beast!" I have to say that a beast is a beast, especially a cold animal like a snake. Even if it can transform into a human form, it is still cold and emotionless. Big hair.

"Is what you're talking about human? Do you know that Manning's current situation is all your fault. Why do you want the people in the whole process to bear the consequences of your mistakes?" Wu Qingya heard When it said the words, it was also very angry. If it wasn't for some scruples, she really wanted to beat it up. Is this what people say?

The giant python looked up at her, as if he didn't understand what she said, my fault?What is wrong with me falling in love with her?

"You don't even know where you went wrong?"

Seeing the dazedness of the giant python, Wu Qingya conveyed the information that Dongdong provided her, "Humans and beasts cannot fall in love, do you know that?"

Giant Python nodded, but they really love each other, so what's wrong with it, can't they break this rule?

Seeing its reluctance, Wu Qingya shook her head, "Some things are not something that you should open the way for you if you think that you are truly in love. You were sanctioned by the heavens. It’s just that the sanction didn’t happen to you this time, but poor Man Ning took your sins.”

What Wu Qingya said, everyone here understands this truth, and so does Bloody, otherwise when it finds that it has a special feeling for Xiao Yaer, it will not cut off that thought abruptly, so First of all, the previous approach and ideas were correct.

"You mean... Man Ning took the punishment from the heavens?" The giant python's eyes widened, as if he had heard a message that shouldn't be said.

"Because you had an affair with her, every time you have sex with her, you will suck her vitality and essence away once, so you will become stronger and stronger. Let me make a bold guess. You used to be just a divine beast, not a super divine beast!"

Seeing the shocked expression of the giant python, Wu Qingya knew that she guessed right, "So, do you still dare to say that you didn't harm her? This is what you call love?"

The giant python sat on the ground with a 'snap', its eyes dull and anxious.

The old man was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe, "Evil, you bastard! My daughter!"

"Master... I'm sorry! Man Ning, I'm sorry for you!" Seeing the old man crying miserably, the giant python's face was full of remorse, and he raised his hand to pat himself on the head.

Wu Qingya quickly pulled out his hand, not because she wanted to meddle in other people's business, but what would happen to the group of snakes if it died, and besides, the old man's daughter. . .

"Since you know you're sorry, you should find a way to make up for it. Just die? Is that what you're capable of? By the way, bring your master's little daughter to the underworld to accompany you?"

Wu Qingya's words woke it up, yes, if it died, Man Luo would die too, in that case Man Ning would definitely hate him to death.

No, he can't die, let alone let Manning hurt him, what should he do!

The giant python turned around and grabbed Wu Qingya's skirt firmly, "Girl, since you know so much, you must have a way to save Manning, right? Please, please save Manning. I will do whatever you want me to do." That's fine, I won't complain even if I'm a cow, as long as I can save Manning."

[Mother, as you said, there are laws of mutual generation and mutual restraint in everything. Since they are tired of Tianlun, they will naturally be punished. As for people, they cannot be saved. I can only let her live longer. . 】

Wu Qingya lowered her eyelids when she heard Dongdong's words, this world is like this, some things should not be offended, no matter who you are, if you do something wrong, you have to pay for your mistakes.

"I can't save her life, but what I can do is to let her live for a few more days. Enjoy the family happiness!"

After a long time, the old man finally thanked, "Thank you, girl, you and I met by chance but are willing to lend a helping hand. This old man is already very grateful."

"Ah...but am I doomed to have no successor?"

Wu Qingya looked at the old man and seemed to be considering whether to say it or not, "City Master, I actually have a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Speak, girl!"

"I know that Shacheng belongs to the 'three no-regards' area, but logically speaking, it also belongs to Xueying Kingdom, right?"

The old man nodded, but did not interrupt her, quietly waiting for her next words.

"The current crown prince of Xueying Kingdom is my cousin. I wonder if the city lord is willing to hand over Shacheng City to him for management? If you are willing, I will let Ling Ai and the giant python terminate the contract as a thank you gift."

The Lord of Shacheng originally had a slight displeasure expression on his face when he heard Wu Qingya asked him to hand over the city, but his eyes widened when he heard the condition in the second half of the sentence, "Young lady, are you serious?"

It's unheard of for someone to be able to cancel the contract for others. Could it be that this little girl blackmailed herself with wild words?

Wu Qingya saw his doubts in her eyes, and smiled slightly, "As long as you promise to me, I will never break my word."

The old man was silent for a long time as if he was weighing something, "But even if I hand over the city to your cousin, what cousin?" The old man's voice suddenly increased. Isn't Xueying Country a country of women?How could a man inherit the throne?

"That's right, it's my cousin! It's a long story, but that's what it is all about. Can you measure it, City Lord?"

"Girl, it's not that I don't want to, but even if I hand over the city to Xue Ying Country, they can't manage it. There is a huge desert in the middle, and there is one in the desert."

"Is there another desert overlord poisonous scorpion?"

The old man didn't speak anymore, but just looked at her silently, what is the origin of this group of people, so amazing, it feels like they know everything.

"As for the scorpion, you don't have to worry about it. You just need to tell me whether to agree or not."

"Okay! Deal!" The old man stretched out his hand, and a jade seal appeared in his hand out of thin air.

"Okay! Dongdong come out!"

Dongdong mixed the blood of the old man, Man Luo and the giant python, and then put some unknown things into it. After activating the spell, Dongdong opened his eyes and said to the three of them, "Take this bowl Drink the yin and yang blood, and at the same time think of voluntarily rescinding the contract, and from today onwards, the contract between the three of you will be completely terminated."

After saying this, Dongdong staggered and couldn't stand still, calling Wu Qingya to exclaim, "What's wrong with you, Dongdong?"

"Mother is fine, it's just this spell... it's fine, I'll go back to the space and rest for a few days." After speaking, Dongdong disappeared.

Everyone understands that this spell is definitely not as easy as Dongdong said.

Regret flashed in Wu Qingya's eyes, this stuff is real, and she didn't say it earlier, if she had known that such a spell would hurt him, she would definitely not have made this request.

Sensing Wu Qingya's thoughts in the soul space, Dongdong smiled slightly before closing his eyes, 【How can Dongdong not help what mother wants to do! 】

It was a dark night, and the city lord warmly entertained everyone and asked them to stay overnight.

Early the next morning, under the leadership of the city lord, everyone walked towards the passage to the mainland.

The Southern Continent, the kingdom of elves, we are finally here!

-Preview of the next episode: Song Wushuang is cute, humans and beasts compete for favor-

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