The blue sky, white clouds, singing birds and fragrant flowers, fresh air and lush scenery make everyone's eyes bright.

Where is this continent, it is simply a dream in a fairy tale!

Wu Qingya held a blood-red fox in her arms, stroking the fur on its back with her right hand from time to time, and it also seemed to enjoy it very much.

Ge Wushuang glanced at it lightly, this fart fox really competed with him, since he was thrown a few meters away by his back that day, Bloody seemed to have made up his mind not to return to the soul space If you act like a baby, you should hug Wu Qingya.

Although he didn't dare to mess around anymore, but he was very happy when he saw Ge Wushuang's depressed eyes.

No, this guy sneaked a peek at Ge Wushuang with his eyes slightly blurred, and when he saw Ge Wushuang looking at him, he closed his eyes suddenly, and deliberately showed a comfortable and dead appearance. Ge Wushuang squeezed his fist, counting Well, what's the deal with an animal.

In fact, it was precisely because after the incident between the giant python and Man Ning, after seeing Bloody's completely relieved expression, Ge Wushuang would allow it to cling to Wu Qingya and nest in her arms, if not, as long as he had that thought Yes, I don't care if you are an animal or a human being.

"Wushuang, are you sure there is nothing wrong with letting Bai Xue go back with Yin Yi and Si Qing?"

"No problem, besides, if there is no Bai Xue, I am worried that the two of them will not be able to suppress the poisonous scorpion."

Wu Qingya nodded slightly, she was right.

She gave Yin Yi the jade seal, a symbol of power in Shacheng, and asked him and Siqing to hand it over to Nalan Tianyou. Serve as a means of transportation across the desert and become Nalan Tianyou's real desert ship.

Therefore, in order to make the scorpion "convinced" by Yin Yi's contract, it is obviously 100% successful if there is a super beast like Bai Xue on the side to help out.

Nalan Tianyou, after receiving such a great gift from me, you can hide away secretly!

Yin Yi and Siqing, I hope you will make great progress after I come back, don't let me down.

Ge Wushuang held Rurui's hand, but Wu Qingya struggled to break free, "Walk well."

"Yaya!" Ge Wushuang stood there dissatisfied, looking at the people who had already walked forward.

"What are you doing!" Wu Qingya stopped angrily and turned around.

Wait, what did she see?

Ge Wushuang pouted and looked at her sadly with a 'dissatisfied with desire' expression.

puff. . .

She just felt like vomiting blood. She had seen Ge Wushuang's indifference, ruthlessness, indifference, ruthlessness, and gentleness, but she had never seen this side of him.

The whole body is excited, is this guy acting like a baby?

Bloody opened Monzon's eyes, as if he was laughing at Ge Wushuang, you will also cheat, right?

Ge Wushuang completely ignored Bloody, and reached out to Wu Qingya.

"Anyway, if you don't let me hold hands, I won't leave!" Damn, does she know how much he wants to hold her hand? Damn, does she know how much he misses her soft lips? Damn, is she a woman? .

Standing in such a stalemate, Wu Qingya only felt that her scalp was numb, hell, how did no one around her become such a dead character, she should have left Siqing behind.

Turning back a few steps, I handed him my hand, "Can I go this time?"

Ge Wushuang immediately showed a huge smile, his bloodshot eyes swept across, as if to tell him that you were the only one who was thought to be good-looking, hum!

Bloody lay in Wu Qingya's arms and gesticulated with her small paws on her face. You are not ashamed, Song Wushuang, and you are competing for favor with me as a pet. Interesting!

Suddenly, Ge Wushuang's face darkened.In return, Bloody stretched proudly and closed his eyes comfortably again.

"Who gave you the courage to break into the Southern Continent!"

Suddenly, a voice came from nowhere, startling Wu Qingya and Ge Wushuang.

Is the kingdom of elves really so unfathomable?There are people nearby, but they don't notice?

"Who? Don't play tricks in front of this girl, come out if you have the ability."

"Hahaha~ The little girl is so courageous, but I don't know whether she is ignorant or really capable?"

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding trees shook unexpectedly, and the tree vines hit Wu Qingya and Ge Wushuang.

To avoid burdening Wu Qingya, Bloody turned into a human form with a 'shua' sound, and Jin Meng and Xiao Hei also ran out of the space.

Seeing that Dongdong was missing, Wu Qingya knew that he was still adjusting his breath, and reminded her that she must never do such unnatural things as forcibly rescinding other people's contracts in the future.

The whip slammed down on several people, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the main force was still moving towards Wu Qingya, who was forced to dodge frequently by the tree vines.

When had she been so embarrassed?

"Yaya, don't do it!" Ge Wushuang stopped him before uttering a word, and with a "bang" grudge, he shot out and hit the biggest tree.

Wu Qingya knew what Ge Wushuang meant, so don't act lightly before finding out the details of others, not to mention that this is still an unknown continent, and everything here is different from the Eastern Continent.

But it is clear in my heart, but Wu Qingya is such a person, whoever asks you to tease me, I will blow you up first.

When a man appeared in front of everyone, all the vines were retracted, and everything returned to calm.

Wu Qingya blinked her eyes a few times, the tree was obviously blown into a black hole by herself just now, why did he return to its previous state with a wave of his hand.

"You little girl, why are you shooting at random?"

Wu Qingya took a look at the person in front of her. He was about the same age as Ge Wushuang, but he couldn't stop talking about a little girl. How old did he think he was?

"Did you do those tree vines just now?" It meant who did it first.

The man touched his nose, "That's because you trespassed."

"Hmph!" Wu Qingya snorted coldly, didn't say anything, but said in her heart, Xiao Mian, dare to play me around with tree vines, see if I catch the opportunity and not deal with you.

The young man seemed to be able to see through Wu Qingya's thoughts, his eyes changed, this little girl had a lot of grudges at such a young age, it seemed that she should be taught a lesson.

With a wave of his hand, the vines on Wu Qingya's head spun down at a very fast speed, enveloping Wu Qingya, and she was hoisted up with a 'chuss'.

"Ah! Damn it, what the hell is this!"


Different voices exclaimed, except for the smug look on the boy's face.

"Who is your Excellency? Why are you blocking our way?"

Ge Wushuang half-closed his eyes, this man is very powerful, no, it should be said that he is very powerful, at least Ge Wushuang can't sense his ability yet.

But no matter how powerful you are, as long as he dares to hurt Yaya, he will fight him to the end even if he tries his best.

"It's strange, you broke into my territory, I didn't ask you why you came, but instead you asked me to blame me?"

Its territory?Ge Wushuang keenly grasped these arrogant words.

"Is your Excellency the young master of the elves?"

Depressed, didn't she teach that erotic woman Wu Ling a lesson in such a posture?Now how to toss on my own head.

Wu Qingya, who was hung on the tree, looked at the man below with hatred, you better not be some troublesome young master, if you are, your mother will beat you to death.

-Preview for the next episode: Jiang Yu the Elf-

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