Fengwu Tianjiao: Juefei Concubine

Chapter 222 The Whereabouts of the Fire Spirit Orb

"Hahaha~ Miss Wu, you are really good at joking. Although I have heard rumors about the Fire Spirit Orb, how can I be lucky enough to see such a god? The news about spectrum." Although Mu La still smiled, but no matter how you look at it, it's fake.

Wu Qingya didn't expose him, she just glanced at Dongdong under the auditorium, although she really didn't understand what the Fire Lingzhu was, and they didn't explain it well to herself, but Dongdong's child 'It seems to be very close to her, so she believed what he said inexplicably, so since Dongdong said that he found that the light had appeared in the palace, it must be in the palace. The old emperor dared to play Tai Chi with himself Woolen cloth!

Do Tai Chi?Ha~ Sister, as a person in the 21st century, can you still do this?If you want to play with my sister, I will play with you!

"Your Majesty is worrying too much. In fact, I am just talking casually. I have only heard of the legend about the five spirit beads. Of course, I also believe that as your majesty said, how can ordinary people be lucky enough to have such sacred objects?" I saw it, let alone owning it, right? So I hope His Majesty will forgive us for making this little joke, and this matter is just casual talk."

Emperor Mu La couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard Wu Qingya's words for the first time, but why did the more he listened, the more he felt wrong?The corners of her mouth twitched a few times, even though she understood the derogatory words in her words, she could only swallow her anger and put on a smile.

"In this way, I can rest assured, otherwise, if the girl is serious, it will really kill me. Where will I find this fire spirit pearl for the girl!" Emperor Mulla's pretended worry was dispelled. Many people's doubts made Wu Qingya and the others more certain that he was the only one in the palace who knew the whereabouts of the Fire Lingzhu.

Wu Qingya raised her brows, "But I haven't figured out what I should let the third prince lose to me, but the promise of willing to gamble and admit defeat should be fulfilled, right?" She was actively entering the 'trap' designed by the other party, but in the end Who is the oriole and who is the praying mantis is still unknown.

Emperor Mulla glared at Mulla Lingzhi, and still greeted Wu Qingya with a smile, "Of course, of course! Come and drive back to the palace. I want to treat a few honored guests who came from afar. As for my son The bet with the girl, the gold and silver treasures in the palace are up to the girl to choose."

"Then thank you, His Majesty the Emperor."

Looking at Emperor Mu La who was already sitting on the chair, Wu Qingya quietly raised the corners of her lips, gold, silver and treasures are up to me?This is what you said, Emperor Mulla, you must not regret it, you promised this girl in front of all your people and subjects, heh ~ he is sure that I can't find the fire spirit pearl he hid ?Then let's wait and see, Emperor Mulla who loves Tai Chi!

Emperor Mulla only felt a sudden chill down his back, but when he turned his head to look at the people behind him, there was nothing unusual. Their faces were as usual. Could it be that he was thinking too much?Emperor Mulla turned his head back again with a smile, and the sound of "return to the palace" sounded, accompanied by the greetings of the people and subjects, the group left in a mighty way.

Glancing at Mulla Lingzhi who was full of anger, Wu Qingya deliberately magnified her smug smile in front of his face and shook it, "Why does the Third Prince seem very unhappy that we're' entering the palace again?" General Wu Qingya Zai' was spoken deliberately and clearly.

Mu La Lingyi glared at Mu La Ling Zhi and then said to Wu Qingya with a smile on his face, "How come, how come, it is my honor to come to the Northern Continent with Miss Wu and all distinguished guests, how could you be unhappy? , everyone please!"

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the eldest prince, who had always seemed incompetent, would have such an elegant side. For a while, it made people feel like a king, but in fact, everyone knew in their hearts that he was just happy and had an excellent job. The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity allowed him to get close to Wu Qingya again. From the look in his eyes, one can fully see his enthusiasm for Wu Qingya and his desire to occupy her.

Ge Wushuang's face darkened, how the hell can we cut off the thoughts and entanglement of these flies.He suddenly hoped that this woman would not be so good or so dazzling, so that he could have it all by himself.

But, ask yourself... If she wasn't so different and dazzling back then, would he, who was so indifferent to everything, pay attention to her?Everything is nothing more than fate and God's will, but obviously he, Ge Wushuang, is luckier than all other men, such as Bloody, Helian Liancheng, Nalan Tianyou... These three men have deep affection for her and are sincere, but Ya Ya I like him alone.Thinking of this, Ge Wushuang's mood obviously improved a lot, but it dimmed again in an instant, because Wu Qingya who had confirmed her heart for him had not yet returned to his side.

"Dancing girl, please follow me!"

When they came to the palace, Wu Qingya and the others looked over in confusion when faced with the words and guidance from the palace people, Ge Wushuang even raised his brows with a cold face, "What do you mean?"

"Please forgive me, it's a rule in our country that men and women sit on both sides separately." The neither humble nor overbearing attitude of the palace people made people feel uncomfortable.


"That's all invisible, since we have come to the Northern Continent, let's respect the rules here. Girl, please lead the way." Wu Qingya's words were not only addressed to the invisible who expressed dissatisfaction just now, but also to her own group. It's even for the other party to listen to.

The palace servant was slightly taken aback, this was the first time that she was called a girl by others, and the palace servants in the palace had always been treated as the most humble servants, who did not expect this lady who looked like a fairy to be so polite, I couldn't help being a little excited and grateful, and I couldn't help but look at her a few more times, with a more respectful attitude, "Dancing girl, please come with me!"

Before the palace banquet started, Wu Qingya sat on the left side according to the guidance of the palace people, and Ge Wushuang Bloody and others sat on the right side.

The Fengyun Continent respects the right, so except for the Snow Cherry Kingdom, which is the female honor, all other countries on the continent are men on the right and women on the left. Of course, this rule will change when Nalan Tianyou succeeds to the throne in the near future. If it doesn't change, that's another story.

"The emperor and the queen are here, the empress, His Royal Highness, and the princess are here!" As the eunuch's voice fell, the crowd led by the emperor and the queen walked out from behind the screen, and everyone sat in their own vacant seats.

"Keep all distinguished guests waiting for a long time." The emperor politely swept his gaze from below.

"Where, the emperor is too polite!" Of all the people, Ge Wushuang should be the most important, and it is most appropriate for him to come forward on such an occasion.

With the beginning of the singing and dancing and the banquet, all kinds of strange expressions also surged in the banquet.

I don't know if it was a deliberate arrangement or a coincidence, but the fifth princess happened to be seated next to Wu Qingya. When Wu Qingya saw that Ge Wushuang frowned at the direction next to her, she belatedly shifted her gaze to her side For some reason, Wu Qingya only felt very uncomfortable when she saw her burning hot eyes radiating towards Ge Wushuang at a glance.

Although in her thinking at this time, according to Ge Wushuang's previous statement, she's "Wu Qingya" is Ge Wushuang's fiancée, but her soul should not have much relationship with Ge Wushuang himself, is it true that in just a few days? Did it produce an inexplicable affection?Wu Qingya frowned, this is not like her!But she clearly understood that uncomfortable feeling as jealousy...

*Qianmo said: It takes a process for Wu Qingya to regain her complete memories, and even more so, an appropriate node is needed, but it is getting closer and closer, please wait patiently for the future plot. muma~*

-Preview for the next episode: The Heart of Manifestation-

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