When Wu Qingya looked past the fifth princess and saw the expression of the sixth princess, she was stunned again for an instant.

Follow the gaze of the sixth princess... Although her gaze is not as fanatical and direct as that of the fifth princess, but the shy expression tells her that this orc princess is in love with the cold and evil blood color, the one that gives her a mysterious feeling man…

Looking at the bloody man again, since he entered this palace, he has been completely isolated from the world, and his heart is here, but he doesn't know where he has already flown, so he must have no idea that there is a woman at this moment. Slowly fall for him.

The third prince, who had mischievous intentions, had been silently sizing up the crowd, only to see that he raised the corner of his mouth slightly and then disappeared, "Father, Fifth Sister once told Er Chen in private that she wanted to present a dance for a few distinguished guests in lieu of it." I expressed my previous disrespect, I was indeed reckless a few days ago, I sincerely hope that I can resolve the misunderstanding with all the honored guests here, and hope to get forgiveness from everyone with the help of Fifth Sister's dance."

At the same time, he raised the wine glass on the table with his front foot and drank it down, "I will punish myself for the previous disrespect."

Emperor Mulla had already seen the expressions of his two daughters in the arena. In fact, he had already calculated at that time. His two daughters looked like gods, especially Xiao Wu. In his eyes, he felt that he was not much worse than Wu Qingya, and that man Ge Wushuang was definitely not an ordinary person at first glance. If he could really marry him, it might be able to elevate the status of the orc.

Even if he has already seen that the relationship between him and Wu Qingya is extraordinary, so what?Which man does not have three wives and four concubines, not to mention that this handsome man is definitely not an ordinary person. With his sophistication, it is absolutely impossible to misjudge this point.

"Of course, of course, Zhi'er should have apologized for your previous recklessness. Xiao Wu's dancing posture is one of the best in my Northern Continent. Of course, my sixth daughter is also very good. How about it, Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu You two, come and dedicate a piece of your best sister dance to all distinguished guests!" It seems to be a temporary idea, but in fact it has been premeditated.

Wu Qingya glanced at the third prince and the emperor with a half-smile, the emperor's mother-in-law's ability to sell melons was really shameless.As for the third prince, she knows what this small-bellied man is planning, and she knows why Emperor Mulla asked his two daughters to perform dances at the same time. She is not ordinary greed~

Before Ge Wushuang could respond, the fifth and sixth princesses had already stood up joyfully, "I obey, please allow us to go down first and change our clothes."

The speed at which the two princesses changed their clothes was amazing. It can be seen that all of this was prepared in advance. The intention of Zhao Ran is obvious, and anyone can see it.

Wu Qingya raised her eyebrows lightly, that's fine, she doesn't know much about the men opposite, so it's good to take this opportunity to have a look.Just looking at the few people on the opposite side, it seems that none of them are interested, what should I do?It seems that some people are going to be deflated in a while, no, no, absolutely no, if she doesn't sing the show with them, how will she get the Fire Spirit Orb in a legitimate way.

After thinking about it, she put her hands on her cheeks with great interest, and stared intently at the two princesses approaching gracefully, but she really had the urge to laugh, just looking at her two faces was fine, but once she saw that With four dangling legs, Wu Qingya couldn't help playing a scene of orcs and humans xxoo in her mind, not to mention how 'exciting' that scene was.

'噗嗤' laughed just before the music sounded, it was extraordinarily loud.

Oh mygod, Wu Qingya patted her forehead, please forgive her unintentional laughter, it's only because the goal they wanted to achieve made her unable to bear the little evil in her heart!

Seeing several pairs of resentful gazes shooting towards her, Wu Qingya shrugged her shoulders, and stretched out her right palm in a gesture of 'letting go', "Don't mind, I just thought of a funny joke all of a sudden. ,please continue!"

When she saw that Wu Qingya was not angry at all but rather interested, Ge Wushuang was extremely depressed. Why did she still look interested in such a situation? Could it be that she didn't understand what they were planning? ?But when I saw her evil smile with mischief, I suddenly felt much better. This girl's thinking can't be measured by normal people, can it?

The music sounded, it was a style different from the Eastern Continent, not to mention wonderful but full of its own characteristics.

How should I put it, if it is purely for the appreciation of dance, it is naturally good, but once I think about the connection between orcs and humans, I can't help but feel that it has changed, especially the show off of the fifth princess. It's disgusting, are they really confused about the situation?

After the dance was over, the applause sounded, and Wu Qingya pouted her lips, with a half smile but not a smile on her face, "The dance of the two princesses is really amazing, they can be called peerless pride!"

Hearing Wu Qingya's praise, the fifth princess proudly raised her head, the sixth princess smiled at her shyly, Dongdong and the others secretly lowered their heads and pursed their lips and smiled, these orcs couldn't understand the meaning behind her words ?It's absolutely disgusting!

"It's rare that the dancing girl likes it. I don't know how Mr. Ge and Mr. Scarlet think it? But you can still catch the eyes of the two?" Although the words are very modest, it is not difficult to hear the pride in it.

"The emperor's words are serious. As Yaya and Xiaoya'er said, the dance of the two princesses is absolutely amazing. They are peerless and proud."

Facing the perfunctory answers from the two in unison, they automatically blocked the negative information revealed by that perfunctory tone. I don't know if they are too optimistic or too stupid, but the smiles on their faces are so happy.

"Since the two young masters like it, I am determined to marry my two beloved princesses to the two young masters. I wonder what the two young masters want?"

"Royal Father!" The fifth and sixth princesses' joyful and tender voices sounded at the same time, but everyone present knew that the emperor's idea undoubtedly satisfied their hearts, and the so-called right fit is to describe the current situation!

Ge Wushuang narrowed his eyes to show that he was extremely upset at the moment, and even the people around him couldn't help but look angry, only Bloody was still calm, and he remained expressionless as if what happened right now had nothing to do with it. He is irrelevant.

Their faces were almost stiff with laughter, but they still couldn't get any response from the two for a long time. Suddenly, the faces of the emperor, queen and all the members of the royal family felt uncomfortable.

-Preview of the next section: plan to plan-

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