supreme godfather

Chapter 37: Hidden

Chapter 37: Hidden

In September in Beijing, the autumn is high and the air is crisp. This modern and rapidly developing international metropolis is still running like a machine.

At the international airport, as the broadcaster's sweet voice fell, a young boy wearing a brand-name suit, with long hair past his waist and a smile on his mouth walked out empty-handed!

After taking a deep breath of the cool autumn air, the big boy stopped and sighed, "It's better to be the motherland!"

Well, from the tone of his voice, it is none other than Feng Liuzi, a social hooligan with no education, no level, and no social status. It is not right to call him a social hooligan, anyway, he used to be a top However, no matter how bad his kung fu is, no matter how high his level of cultivation is, he will never be able to change his naughty, hooligan aura that he cultivated in childhood!

Tsinghua University is the highest institution of higher learning in the country. In the hearts of ordinary people, they think that if they can be admitted to Tsinghua University, they will be a promising person and honor their ancestors. However, Feng Liuzi chose to study in Tsinghua University because of his personal thoughts. He subconsciously I believe that as long as I study in Tsinghua for a few years, my cultural knowledge will definitely be improved, and in Beijing dialect, it means "Beer has face!"

What do Chinese people pay attention to?Isn't it just for saving face?Even if Feng Liuzi has cultivated himself, he will never be able to get rid of the traditional habits of the Chinese.

However, it would be impossible for him, a person without a diploma, to enter Tsinghua University without a solid background?

rely on money?

Okay, Tsinghua University has self-financed EMBA classes, and the students in that class are all CEOs or general managers of well-known companies across the country. The youngest in that class is 35 or [-] years old, and the most important It's just that this study class only starts for a few days a month.

When Feng Liuzi finished understanding the situation, he immediately rejected that study class. He came here not to fight for wealth, but to learn skills, at least to learn a few more words, you must know the most shameful Yes, he can't even read all the newspapers now, and he knows a few words, so he wants to learn a lesson systematically.But every year, the freshmen who enter Tsinghua University are all the top students selected from various provinces and cities, and there is no such thing as self-funded students, so Feng Liuzi has nothing to lose for a while, so he can only stay in the Beijing Hotel to think about it and think of a way!

But what can he do?Is it necessary to use money to smash the headmaster?So he can only call Hong Ye in Taiwan again to see if Hong Ye has some tricks!

However, when Master Hong, who was drinking tea, heard that Feng Liuzi wanted to go to college, he almost choked to death on the tea!

"Sixth brother, the money I gave you is enough for you to develop several armies. Why do you go to the mainland to study?"

Feng Liuzi asked solemnly on the phone: "Old Hong, just tell me if you can do it!"

"Yes, the president of Tsinghua University in Taiwan is my old friend, let me ask him!" Master Hong hung up the phone immediately after speaking, it seemed that he was a little angry.

After listening to the sound of "beep" coming from the phone for no reason, Feng Liuzi smiled and cursed in a low voice: "Fuck, this old man has quite a temper!"

Maybe money is not everything, but in today's society, interpersonal relationships are also an indispensable part. With relationships, it is easy to do things, no matter where you are. Feng Liuzi was notified by Hongye the next day to go to the Academic Affairs Office of Tsinghua University Report and tell Feng Liuzi that he is the first batch of exchange students from Tsinghua University on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. In a few days, Taiwan will exchange a few students one after another, and Tsinghua University will also exchange a few students in the past.Listening to Hongye's tone, Feng Liuzi faintly felt that there was a political flavor in it. You must know that the two sides of the strait have been in a delicate state for so many years. Although academics have no borders, why did it take so many years for the two sides to implement the first What about a group of exchange students?

Political matters are the government's business, Feng Liuzi doesn't care about it, and he doesn't want to care about it, so he just thinks over what Master Hong said, and doesn't think too deeply.However, at this time, Feng Liuzi didn't know that for many years, the mainland of the motherland has always wanted to communicate with the two sides of the strait. It has proposed several times to exchange students, but the Taiwan side has not agreed, but this time the Taiwan side has proposed it on its own initiative, so The meaning behind it is different. The Party Committee of Tsinghua University immediately reported Taiwan's proposal to the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council gave a reply within half an hour.

"Promise, as long as it is to promote cross-strait exchanges, I will agree to any conditions!"

In this way, Feng Liuzi was lucky to become the first batch and also the first exchange student!

When Feng Liuzi arrived at the Academic Affairs Office of Tsinghua University the next day, he became a student of Tsinghua University without any effort at all, and the school leaders came to meet him in person.

"Student Feng Liu, I welcome you on behalf of all the teachers and students of Tsinghua University." An old man in his 60s held Feng Liuzi's hand kindly, and looked at Feng Liuzi's waist-length hair from time to time.

"Hey, there's no need to welcome that one. We are all one family. Taiwan will return sooner or later. Even if he doesn't return, I...he will be Chinese!" Feng Liuzi almost couldn't hold back his swearing.

"Uh..." After hearing Feng Liuzi's words, several leaders of the university looked at the exchanged student.What did he mean by that?Did you change direction and want to express something?However, Feng Liuzi dared to say some radical things, but the school leaders couldn't say them, and they didn't dare to say them. After all, it involved political issues, so no one would speak nonsense.

"Tian Xingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement", "Geo-kun, a gentleman carries virtue with virtue", "Self-improvement, virtue and virtue" are the school motto of Tsinghua University. Feng Liuzi was arranged in the student apartment on the day of enrollment. Considering Feng Liuzi's special status, the school specially arranged for Feng Liuzi and a few Taiwanese students who were about to come to a high-end apartment.

In this way, Feng Liuzi, a low-level gangster who lived for the first half of his life to have a bite to eat, just walked into Tsinghua University, the highest university in the country!

The high-end student apartment may be built for wealthy students. Every bedroom here is equipped with air-conditioning, wired Internet, TV, etc. Feng Liuzi secretly sighed that this place is almost comparable to a star hotel.

Feng Liuzi lived in a four-person room, and his bed was next to the door. After all, he came later, so he could only live in the worst position.

The other three students are all eighteen or nineteen-year-old kids. It can be seen from their immature faces that they are all dolls who have not experienced social experience.

Looking at the four beds next to each other, Feng Liuzi suddenly smiled, and that evil smirk appeared on his face again. Once upon a time, when he was a child, in the small room of the orphanage in Futian District Li, isn't it also such a decoration?Isn't there a companion who lives in the same room with him?

"Hi, everyone, my name is Feng Liu, and my nickname is Xiao Liuzi." Feng Liuzi sat on the bed alone and introduced himself.

The three roommates were completely attracted by Feng Liuzi when Feng Liuzi first came in. This boy has a pair of bottomless eyes, bright and clear, and his hair is even past his waist. This is the first time they saw him A boy's hair is longer than his waist, how many years does it take to keep it so long?The most special thing is that this new roommate didn't bring any luggage, books or notebooks at all. It seemed that he didn't even bring a pen. This is too strange for a freshman who just entered the school. ?

After the three roommates listened to Feng Liuzi's introduction, a very fat man said first, "I'm from Beijing, Wang He!"

"I'm from Shanghai, Tong Linxin."

"I'm from Shenzhen, Mao Wei."

"Ah, from Shenzhen? Our hometown!" Feng Liuzi used Shenzhen dialect a little bit carried away.

"Are you from Shenzhen too? Which district?" Mao Wei also asked happily.

"Uh... that,,,, that, I'm from Taiwan, forgot, fuck!" Feng Liuzi cursed softly after finishing speaking.

"Taiwan?" The three roommates looked at Feng Liuzi in disbelief.

"Hehe, yes, exchange students from Taiwan!"

"Oh!" After the three roommates nodded, they went about their business.

It may be due to the new environment. Feng Liuzi didn't sleep all night, and lay on the bed without moving. There was excitement and confusion in his mind. He can only learn from here.At the same time, he also recalled Master Hong's words, let him establish his own power, money is not a problem, maybe his gold card has more than tens of billions, but build power?How to build it?Organize a mafia gang?crime?Smashing and looting?

When Feng Liuzi thought of this, he immediately rejected this article. Impossible, there are no gangsters in China. Even if there are a few, they are all grasshoppers after autumn. Fart' off.Unless there is someone behind Feng Liuzi, or he is the child of a certain high-ranking official, or he is the boss of a large enterprise group, however, he is neither of these. If he wants to build a group of evil forces with his own strength, he believes , within a few years, he will be severely cracked down, so he immediately rejected the establishment of a gangster.

Since the underworld cannot be established, the only option is to establish a formal industry company. The strength of a company can be regarded as a kind of power. There is no distinction between black and white. However, do you want to build a financial empire within a few years?How is it possible, Feng Liuzi thinks that he has not yet reached the level of omnipotence.

Thinking of the end, Feng Liuzi only thought of a stupid way, that is to be an investor himself, invest in a certain company as a shareholder, and then learn bit by bit by himself, and he has to seize the opportunity.

In fact, Feng Liuzi may not know that whether it is in the Mainland, Hong Kong or Taiwan, the underground world also exists, and it is those unreachable consortium families that support the underground world!However, while building his own power, he will definitely offend those consortium families that control the economy, so it is impossible for Feng Liuzi to become black even if he doesn't want to!

As the highest education institution in the country, all academic categories are of course top-notch. Feng Liuzi did not study economic management, nor did he study language and literature, but chose the most difficult course of 'psychology'!

It is not difficult to study airplanes and rockets, and it is not difficult to study genetic chemistry, but it is the most difficult to study a person's psychology, because a person's psychology is changing at any time.Of course, Feng Liuzi has his reasons for choosing to study psychology, because the "Artistic Conception" in the "Nihilism" exercise given to him by Master Yichen is about the study of spiritual consciousness, and the enlightenment of the past ten years has made Feng Liuzi He has made a breakthrough in his spiritual consciousness, even if Feng Liuzi closes his eyes, he can see everything around him clearly, and he also found that with the increase of his skill, the distance of his spiritual consciousness is also getting farther, even hundreds of years. He can see everything inside and out.

Powerful self-cultivation techniques combined with various techniques of psychology, Feng Liuzi wanted to improve his spiritual awareness, so he chose psychology, and it is also very interesting to use the spirit to probe other people's psychology, he can Clearly feel the ups and downs in other people's hearts, and accurately analyze what others are thinking.

In this way, Feng Liuzi, a wanted criminal listed by the Ministry of Public Security, 'hidden' in Tsinghua University, and at the same time let him enter the life of a normal person, until a small incident half a month later made him stand out again Get up!

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