supreme godfather

Chapter 38: Beating up foreign teachers violently

Chapter 38: Beating Up Foreign Teachers

Maybe Feng Liuzi was born a hooligan, no matter how he 'hides', no matter how he 'hides', he will never get rid of the nature in his bones!

Half a month later, all the teachers and students in the Department of Psychology had known for a long time that there was a Taiwanese student who came over for an exchange. Although this student never communicated with others and did not perform too well, he was a special person after all. With his waist-length hair, he was talked about on Tsingda University's bbs, and even a few girls from the department took the initiative to chat with him.However, Feng Liuzi seems to have changed now, he no longer has the mentality of hunting for women when he sees women, and it may be because of his practice, the physical desire for men and women has gradually faded.So Feng Liuzi has been studying and practicing in a low-key manner.

However, he, who doesn't want to show his sharpness, has been depressed for half a month because of the English class he must attend every day!And that nasty foreign English teacher!

English is too far away for him. He has learned a few words like "three pieces of meat" and "fuck you" before, but he has long forgotten, but since his first day in school, this English teacher The content of the class is basically in English, and the usual communication and class speeches are all in English.

Feng Liuzi also knew that the teacher did this for the benefit of the students, and the purpose was to help the students better integrate into English communication.

In the first few days, Feng Liuzi could still endure the string of birdsong, but after half a month, Feng Liuzi didn't learn anything at all, and he also found that many freshmen didn't understand it.

It's the same today, half a month later, knowing that there will be an English class in the morning, so Feng Liuzi didn't plan to go to it. Anyway, it doesn't matter to him whether he learns English or not, but a little girl at his desk does. He insisted on asking him to go, and for some reason, Feng Liuzi had a good impression of this little girl, and she was also the one Feng Liuzi had gotten along with the most in half a month.

"Feng Liu, although you don't understand a little bit, you still have to go. There are many people in the class who don't understand. Don't they go too? As time goes by, you learn more, and you gradually learn Understood, do you understand?" The little girl patiently persuaded Feng Liuzi to go to class like a child in a kindergarten.

"Uh... let's go then!" Feng Liuzi shook his head with a wry smile, and followed the little girl into the class carelessly.

Not long after the class bell rang, a tall and majestic foreign English teacher walked into the classroom with a book.

"The drum cat..." the English teacher came into the room and said something in English.

"Fuck, I'm messing with dogs!" Feng Liuzi cursed in a low voice.

"Pfft..." The little girl sitting next to Feng Liuzi almost laughed.

The next time was the teacher's series of English lectures. Feng Liuzi found that everyone except him was listening carefully, no matter whether they would or not, they all pretended to be like that.

"Hey, Zhou Ling, I heard that you use your spare time to work outside. Is it true?" Feng Liuzi sat at the bottom and asked the little girl, looking for something to say.

"Of course it's true, you think I look like you, a rich man in Taiwan! Hmph!" Zhou Ling snorted softly.

Feng Liuzi glanced at his mouth and said, "Okay, what Taiwanese, to tell you the truth, I'm from the mainland, I killed people and ran to Taiwan!"

"Hee hee bragging!" Zhou Ling turned her head and made a face at Feng Liuzi.

At this moment, the English teacher happened to see Zhou Ling making a grimace. It stands to reason that in this kind of university class, it is normal for two students to talk below. What was so exciting that he yelled loudly at Zhou Ling: "out..."

The whole class looked at Zhou Ling who was blushing for no reason, and when the English teacher saw that Zhou Ling was still sitting there, he was so angry that he directly walked down from the podium and pointed at Zhou Ling and said something like ' out'.

Even if Feng Liuzi couldn't understand what the word "out" meant, judging from the ferocious expression of the foreign teacher, it wouldn't be a good word, so at this moment Feng Liuzi stood up, with a hint of anger and arrogant pointers. Looking at the Niaoyu teacher, he said, "You're your father's basket, can you fucking speak Chinese?"

"Wow, the whole class was taken aback by Feng Liuzi's shocking language. As a student of an institution of higher learning, he would utter such vulgar words? My God, is he crazy today? "

At the same time, the English teacher was also taken aback. Although he didn't understand the swear words in certain regional languages ​​in China, he still heard 'lanzi' and 'fucking', so the English teacher finally said out of embarrassment A sentence in Chinese: "Are you swearing?"

"I didn't scold people, I scolded dogs!" After Feng Liuzi finished speaking, he turned his head to Zhou Ling who was already crying: "What does "out" mean?

Zhou Ling was terrified at this time. He didn't expect that his deskmate would scold the teacher in class, and the scolding was a foreign teacher, so she looked at Feng Liuzi, then at the foreign teacher, and replied in a low voice: : "It means 'go out'!"

At this time, the whole class had already become silent. All the students were watching what Feng Liuzi wanted to do next, and at the same time prayed that Feng Liuzi would not be beaten up by this rude foreign teacher!

"Out means going out?" Feng Liuzi suddenly realized that this foreign teacher asked Zhou Ling to go out.

"You dare to scold me? I want to suggest that the school expel you, you are not worthy of being my student, you pig, shit!" The foreign teacher was obviously very angry at Feng Liuzi, and even cursed at the end.

Feng Liuzi watched the foreign teacher tear his face apart with him. After half a month of torture, he finally exploded at this moment, and the outbreak was quite serious!

"Shut up, you fucking gringo, Liu Ye, I've had enough of you, you haven't spoken a few words of Chinese since the fucking class, I've been listening to a dog barking for the past ten days , Master Liu, I won’t beat you, I’m sorry for my fist!" After finishing speaking, Feng Liuzi jumped in place, and hit the foreign teacher’s face with his knee with a whoosh!

"Bang!", the foreign teacher didn't even respond, and was knocked down by Feng Liuzi's knee, and nosebleeds spewed out immediately.Beating this foreign teacher to death didn't even think that this student would beat him. You know, he was hired with a high salary. He lives well, eats well, and often has an affair with a beautiful student. The salary in the school is very high, but Today he was beaten by a student?This student is simply crazy, right?

However, all the students thought that Feng Liuzi would stop after this blow, but Feng Liuzi ignored the teacher's wailing and the students' surprise in the class, and continued to kick the teacher with his leather shoes head, and even more vulgar obscenities came out of his mouth.

a bit……


three times...

five times...

After five kicks, Zhou Ling, who came to his senses, dragged Feng Liuzi away, while the other students just watched Feng Liuzi's performance blankly, no one stepped forward to stop him, and no one complained for the teacher's injustice. At this moment, they looked at Feng Liuzi as if they were a monster.

This violent kick put Feng Liuzi, who had been suppressed for half a month, in a good mood. He was still depressed an hour ago, but now his mouth was full of joy. When he stopped the violent attack and saw all the When all the students were looking at him, he smiled smartly and said: "Hey, I've had enough of him, I'm sorry everyone, for interrupting everyone's study! Go on, go on, I'll turn myself in!"

After Feng Liuzi finished speaking, it was as if by magic, a thick cigar suddenly appeared in his hand, and the other hand flickered lightly, and with a "pop", the cigar was lit, deeply After taking a deep breath, Feng Liuzi strode out of the classroom in a bachelor's way.

"Awesome, this buddy is really awesome!" All the students didn't know how to describe Feng Liuzi's style, and only one buddy from Beijing spoke a few awesome Beijing dialects!

Just as Feng Liuzi walked out of the classroom, Zhou Ling also hurriedly ran out, and the foreign teacher who was wailing on the ground took out the phone and loudly reprimanded himself for wronging Feng Liuzi, a student.

After a while, the school leaders sent a school doctor to pick up the foreign teacher, and the school made a promise immediately, saying that the student would be severely punished or expelled or sent to the public security organ for processing!

After Feng Liuzi finished beating the teacher, he didn't run away or hide in the corner to wipe his tears in fear like a doll, but walked straight to the principal's office swaggeringly.

"Feng Liu, you are miserable this time. The school will definitely expel you. I heard that there was a student who beat the teacher before and was detained later. What should I do?" Zhou Ling followed behind Feng Liuzi, bewildered What to do.

"What should I do? You can go back to your class. Don't worry, I'm fine. Don't read it at all. It's not interesting here anyway!" It is true that the exciting lifestyle is not as interesting as before, so even if he is expelled from the school now, he doesn't care. Anyway, he has money.

"How can you think so, if your parents know, they won't be sad!" Zhou Ling looked at Feng Liuzi complainingly.

When Feng Liuzi heard Zhou Ling mentioning his parents, his capricious character suddenly came up again, he turned his head and looked at Zhou Ling evilly, and said, "Okay, why are you talking so much nonsense? Go back to class Go to class!"

Zhou Ling was stunned. She stood there completely dumbfounded. What happened to Feng Liuzi?Could it be that he can't understand even good words?What kind of person is he?This person is too impersonal, right?

At this moment, Feng Liuzi had already gone far away, he didn't feel wronged or disturbed by his ruthless words, just as it should be, he swaggered and disappeared from Zhou Ling's sight!

Maybe, only at this moment, is he the most authentic Feng Liuzi?The character and habits he had developed since he was a child are doomed that he will never be a good person, at least a person who is out of vulgarity!

That's right, maybe only a vulgar person, a person who has taken off his disguise, is truly worthy of the bloody godfather in the future! ! ! !

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