supreme godfather

Chapter 8: The Thief

Chapter 8: Thief

At night, on the top floor of a shopping mall in a town in Myanmar, a young man in animal skins and flowing hair crouched in the corner like a cheetah.His gaze was deep and sly, staring at the crowd gradually dispersed in the dark night.

That's right, he is Feng Liuzi. After several days of running around, he finally found this town, but he didn't enter the town rashly, but was waiting for the dark, and he wanted to carry out the theft after dark Of course, for him, he has done a lot of theft before and has rich experience, so he is waiting for the night, as soon as the night arrives, he will enter the mall to steal things.Clothes, food, fresh water, and the currency commonly used in Myanmar. He knew that if he wanted to walk in the market, it would be impossible without money, so he started his old business again.

The town at midnight was very quiet, except for the occasional dog barking, there was no movement at all. He knew that the time had come, so he directly used his proud body and flexibility to jump directly from the top floor of the shopping mall. Down.

It just fell to the ground so silently, like a feather, without making a sound, and after mastering all kinds of body skills proficiently, he can already be called a master of martial arts.

There was a faint glimmer of light through the rolling doors of the shopping mall, and occasionally snoring could be heard from inside the rolling doors.

Feng Liuzi knew that in a small shopping mall like this, there would be several watchmen at night, and there would not be a lot of cash stored in the mall, so he could only choose to enter the mall without disturbing the watchmen and steal some cash. The necessary supplies come out. As for money, it can only depend on luck. If you are lucky, you may have a little change. If you are unlucky, you may not have a dime.

The second floor of the shopping mall has iron windows welded with thick iron railings. If you don’t disturb the watchman, you can only enter from the second floor, so he jumped lightly, his body rose again, and he jumped directly to the window. Hold tight to the iron railing.

"Hey, this kind of iron railing shouldn't trouble me, right?" Feng Liuzi chuckled and exerted force with his hands, only to see that the iron railing held by his hands broke at the sound, and he directly broke it off.

There are four floors in the shopping mall. The first floor is for some daily necessities, the second floor is for shoes and bags, the third floor is for clothes, and the fourth floor is actually a jade exclusive area.

After Feng Liuzi entered the second floor, he first put on a pair of durable sports shoes, then found two travel bags, put all the crystals on his body into it, and then ran to the first floor.

After entering the first floor, he didn't look for food or daily necessities. Instead, he frantically ran to a cigarette stand, collected some high-end cigarettes, and quickly lit one.

After taking a nice sip, Feng Liuzi showed a satisfied smile. At this moment, his heart felt more comfortable, "He smoked in his teens, and cigarettes have become an indispensable pastime in his life. You have to smoke when you are happy, you have to smoke when you are happy, you have to smoke after eating, and you still have to smoke after sleeping with women, so without cigarettes means that you have no spiritual sustenance.”

After randomly picking out some vacuum-packed cooked food and bottled water on the first floor, he ran directly to the third floor. As long as it was wearable and looked good, he picked out a dozen pieces, and then thoroughly cleaned them. The animal skin around him was thrown away directly, who cares about the old one if there is a new one, Feng Liuzi is the kind of person who likes the new and dislikes the old, let alone a piece of animal skin?

When he reached the fourth floor, he was stunned by the sight in front of him. All kinds of jade ornaments filled the exhibition halls, including unprocessed raw jade, processed jade carvings, and jade ornaments. There are countless Buddha jade pendants.

"It seems that my luck is getting better and better now! Could it be that the little silly girl brought me good luck?" Feng Liuzi glanced at his mouth and started his big search operation, as long as there is room in the bag , He will always put what he thinks is good jade in his bag.

When Feng Liuzi walked out of the shopping mall again, he had completely changed. He was carrying an extra-large travel bag on his back and an extra-large travel bag in his hand, and he was wearing a suit of Adidas. Sportswear and Adi's sneakers under his feet. If he hadn't seen him stealing things with his own eyes, no one would think that he, who looks like a traveler, is a thief!

He continued on his way without any stop in the small town. Although he was carrying a full two hundred catties, Feng Liuzi still shuttled through the jungle like a cheetah, perhaps because his physique was completely The reason for the change is that two hundred catties of goods can't put any pressure on him at all. At the same time, Feng Liuzi is also wondering how many catties he can carry, three hundred catties?Five hundred catties or one thousand catties?

In fact, Feng Liuzi doesn't know that he has already become a cultivator now. You must know that it is not so easy for a cultivator in the Jindan stage to practice. It takes hundreds of years at most, and decades at least. Guidance and some necessary exercises.Of course, it was a coincidence that Feng Liuzi cultivated into the golden core stage, and he also wandered a lot on the death line.After all, Feng Ling'er's elixir can turn an ordinary practitioner into a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage, otherwise it would be easy to die suddenly. Perhaps Feng Liuzi really deserved his life, although he only achieved the golden elixir, But his life was saved, so he didn't think about "cultivating the truth and repairing the fake" at this time, being able to live, living in a chic way, was more important than anything else.

Perhaps it is because Chinese people have a special feeling for "jade". Most of the jade exported from Myanmar every year will be purchased by Chinese businessmen. After Chinese businessmen buy unprocessed jade and return it to domestic processing, the value will often increase by hundreds and thousands of times. The profit of this jade industry is like gambling.If you are lucky, getting a piece of top-quality jade can often make a poor man earn a Mercedes-Benz fleet in an instant, and if you are unlucky, you can also turn a rich man who owns a Mercedes-Benz fleet into a poor man in an instant, so the jade industry is In gambling, perhaps driven by the huge profits in the jade industry, a large number of businessmen joined the industry to buy raw ore, and Feng Liuzi encountered a convoy carrying raw ore after a few days of marching, and the owner of that convoy was a Hong Kong, China People, and a middle-aged woman in her forties.

After Feng Liuzi suddenly appeared on the road and stopped the convoy, the female boss and the people around him were very nervous. After all, there are many non-government armed forces in Myanmar and they are very chaotic, so what these businessmen are most afraid of is the non-government robbery armed.

The female boss brought a total of four people. In addition to the two bodyguards with guns, there were also two ore appraisers.

When Feng Liuzi appeared, the two bodyguards loaded the bullets in their pistols and waited for further instructions from the boss.

After all, the female boss has worked hard in Shanghai for many years, and she has a unique eye for people. When she first saw Feng Liuzi appearing in the middle of the road with two big bags on his back, she denied that it was a non-government armed robbery. , and not like the aborigines of Myanmar, he looks like a tourist in his clothes, and he may be a Chinese tourist.

"Hey, is there anyone who can understand me? I, amchina!" Feng Liuzi still knows the words "I am Chinese". The woman he had dated before was a high-achieving student in the foreign language school. Feng Liuzi once learned After a few sentences, especially the sentence 'I am Chinese' he firmly remembered in his heart.

"Boss, he is also Chinese!" The bodyguard looked at the middle-aged boss in his 40s, still handsome, rich and beautiful, in surprise, waiting for the boss's instructions.

"Go down and ask him what's the matter?" The female boss pointed to a bodyguard and went down to ask.

The bodyguard said to Feng Liuzi very politely: "Young man, we are also Chinese, what's the matter with you stopping us? Please get out of the way, we have to continue on our way to the pier."

"Haha, you are also Chinese? That's great, buddy, it's not easy to meet a Chinese in this place where nothing shits, I'm almost fucking suffocated!" Feng Liuzi's natural scorn It came out, and walked towards the bodyguard like a 'two-five boy'.

"Stop, don't come over!" The bodyguard touched his waist nervously!

"Fuck, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I'm Chinese, I'm lost, I want to go back to my country, I don't have any money!" Feng Liuzi is no fool, the thing bulging around the bodyguard's waist must be a pistol, so he symbolically asked Backed away.

"Sorry, we are not from the mainland, we are from Hong Kong, we are going to the pier soon, and we are going back to Hong Kong!"

"Hong Kong?" When Feng Liuzi heard about Hong Kong, his heart throbbed inexplicably. Although Hong Kong belongs to China, it implements one country, two systems. It is hidden in that international metropolis. It should not be found by the mainland police. ?Besides, I have completely changed now, not only my height has increased by nearly ten centimeters, but even my appearance has changed. I used to be black and thin, but now I am strong and white, so those policemen probably wouldn't recognize him. From yourself?After making up his mind, Feng Liuzi began to think about it, and walked a few steps forward with a smile on his face, and said, "Dude, should you just say it? I think that eldest sister is very temperamental. If I You guessed it right, she is your boss, right? Can I have a few words with him?"

The female boss listened to Feng Liuzi's words. She found this young man very interesting. Facing the threat of a gun, he was not afraid. On the contrary, he smiled and acted indifferent. His eyesight is very unique, and she immediately recognized that she is the head of this place. What she believes in most in her life is eyesight. Whether it's business or the standard of judging people, without a good eye, she can't survive in the mall.And she also faintly realized that this young man must not be as simple as a gangster. Just because he is not afraid of the threat of guns, it shows that he has a lot of confidence in himself, so when she heard Feng Liuzi pointing out herself, she was so generous. Get out of the car, and at the same time another bodyguard followed.

"Young man, do you mean you want to go with us? To Hong Kong?" The female boss smiled and looked at Feng Liuzi.

"Well, if big sister is willing to give me a favor, my little six will owe big sister a favor!" Feng Liuzi more or less used the code words on the 'Tao', because he felt that this little rich woman is not simple, at least she can see through it at a glance own mind.

"Okay, get in the car behind!" After the female boss nodded in satisfaction, she walked back to the car, and Feng Liuzi also jumped into the car with a big bag excitedly.

When the convoy moved forward again, one of the bodyguards asked, "Boss, why did you bring an unknown person back to Hong Kong?"

The female boss smiled slightly, and replied lightly: "You don't understand, for a person like him, the 'favor' he owes is more important than anything else!"

"This kind of person? Who is he?" The two bodyguards were puzzled.

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