supreme godfather

Chapter 9: Security

Chapter 9: Security

In fact, a person's success has a lot to do with luck. Often, besides relying on their own efforts, most successful politicians and entrepreneurs have an element of luck!

Maybe the moment Feng Liuzi jumped off Duanya, his bad luck disappeared, and instead gave him unlimited opportunities and luck, so Feng Liuzi's future success cannot be said to have nothing to do with luck!

This female boss in the jade business is also one of Feng Liuzi's nobles. Feng Liuzi did not expect that this female boss, who is about 50 years old, has good hands and eyes. At that time, there were only a few customs officers conducting simple routine security checks, and Feng Liuzi, a stranger, was not noticed at all!

After watching batches of raw ore jade being pulled away by the female boss's workers, Feng Liuzi walked to a Bentley with a smile. This Bentley should be the female boss's car, and the female boss has been in the car constantly on the phone.

"Dude, I want to have a few words with your boss!" Feng Liuzi was stopped by the bodyguards in front of the Bentley.

"Please wait a moment!" The two bodyguards stood there without moving, and at the same time, their eyes signaled Feng Liuzi not to move.

Feng Liuzi sat on the travel bag indifferently and smoked a cigarette silently. At the same time, he was also thinking about the way ahead.Do you want to sneak away?What was the debt of favor promised to her?It's fine if you talk crookedly, I'm not a gentleman anyway, and besides, no one can do anything to me now!

Half an hour later, the female boss finally hung up the phone, and Feng Liuzi was getting impatient with the wait. This woman is really troublesome, and it takes so long to talk on the phone.

"Mr. Feng, boss, please get in the car and talk!" The bodyguard opened the door and signaled Feng Liuzi to get in the car.

The female boss watched Feng Liuzi sitting beside her with a smile all the time, and asked jokingly, "Mr. Feng is going to leave?"

Feng Liuzi has put away his playful smile since he got in the car, and after hearing the question from the female boss, he calmly replied: "I am at home everywhere, it doesn't matter where I am, as long as I live well, Hong Kong Although it is very strange to me, it is also a new beginning for me!"

"Oh? You're very interesting. You've only come out once on the boat, right?" The female boss sent people to pay attention to Feng Liuzi all the way. She found that Feng Liuzi had only come out once since he got on the boat. All the time is in the cabin, no one knows what he is doing, and he is not bored.

"I'm a little seasick and have been sleeping!" Feng Liuzi lied. In fact, he has been practicing in the cabin. He found that he can regulate the operation of his meridians, and after each operation, he will feel full of strength. The ping-pong ball-sized golden core in his body became more and more rounded and firm after these days of practice, and he found that the golden core seemed to be a circle bigger.

Seeing Feng Liuzi lost his mind, the female boss coughed lightly and said, "If Mr. Feng has no good place to go, why don't you come to work in my company!"

"Your company?" Feng Liuzi didn't know what the female boss was up to.

"Yes, you may have heard of Huang's Jewelry in mainland China, right? I am the chairman of Huang's Jewelry. If Mr. Feng doesn't mind, you can come to work in the company."

When Feng Liuzi heard about Huang's Jewelry, he was really shocked. The leader of Hong Kong's jewelry industry, "Wong's Jewelry Company", not only has many branches in Hong Kong, but also has many branches in mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Southeast Asia. There are branches all over the country, and its business involves not only jewelry, but also various group industries such as marine transportation and chain supermarkets. Its net assets have reached nearly [-] billion Hong Kong dollars, and it is also a well-known family-owned enterprise in Hong Kong.

Feng Liuzi quickly analyzed the general situation of Huang's jewelry and the female boss's thoughts, and replied awkwardly: "But I can't do anything. I have no diploma, no status, and nothing but lip service!"

"Oh? Mr. Feng is really honest! I think this is the case. You enter the company's security department first. As for the identity issue, I can solve it for you!"

Feng Liuzi knew that the female boss must have something to say, but he couldn't guess what it was, and he couldn't think of the real purpose of the female boss, but everyone talked about it, and Feng Liuzi would refuse to talk about it again. I really don't know what to do, so he nodded lightly and replied: "Then thank you boss for your love, I will try to do it." At the same time, Feng Liuzi also wants to know what kind of behavior the female boss intends to make him. Favor debt'!

After the female boss saw Feng Liuzi's calm performance, she was even more sure that Feng Liuzi was not an ordinary person, so she happily asked the bodyguards outside the car to put Feng Liuzi's bag in the trunk, and then planned to directly Take Feng Liuzi home.

The two bodyguards seemed to be well-trained professional bodyguards. They went to lift two heavy packages without saying a word. They thought the two bags would be very light, but when they wanted to lift them, But it took a lot of effort to lift it up.

When the two bodyguards picked up the bag, they were surprised that Feng Liuzi was not simple. No wonder the boss took special care of him. Judging from the two big bags he carried alone, this Feng Liuzi was not as strong as they were. Got it.

The female boss saw all this in her eyes, and at the same time she secretly guessed what was in Feng Liuzi's bag.

Of course Feng Liuzi was not stupid, he knew that the female boss wanted to know what was in his bag, so he yelled at the two bodyguards: "Wait a minute, I have something in my bag, I don't know if the boss will take it or not!" Feng Liuzi said After finishing, he jumped out of the car, took over the two heavy packages with his extremely fast movement, and lifted them to the boss's back seat as if carrying a handbag.

"Could it be that Mr. Feng's bag contains jade?" The female boss resolutely guessed.

"Smart!" After Feng Liuzi opened a package, he revealed all kinds of jade, raw ore and processed craft jade.

"Oh, I never thought that Mr. Feng is also a jade merchant!" The female boss was not overly surprised when she saw the jades in the bag, because she could tell at a glance that those jades and jades were not real jades except for their exquisite workmanship. goods.

In fact, how could Feng Liuzi know good or bad? When he was stealing jade, he only picked the beautifully carved ones, and didn't know what was A and B.

"These jades are not bad, most of them are b-quality goods, but these b-goods are also carved from the original Burmese jade, so the value is about 200 million Hong Kong dollars. I will give you 200 million. I want these things!" Female The boss has a keen eye for gold, and knows that there are a few top-quality jade pieces in these b goods, especially a few raw ores. She can't see the clues because of the raw ores, but she is sure that the value of these raw ores is far more than 200 million.

It is said that there is no business and no adultery. Although the female boss values ​​Feng Liuzi very much, she has never given up an inch for the interests of the business. At the same time, she did not think that after Feng Liuzi listened to her quotation, he would go straight to him without saying anything. After agreeing, she thought that Feng Liuzi would think about it, or raise the price, but she didn't think that Feng Liuzi didn't take it seriously at all, just threw the package away, and thanked happily.

"Oh, Boss Huang is really my noble person. I never thought that my little six would meet someone as good as you in my lifetime. No wonder your company will grow so big. I believe that as long as you, Boss Huang, are here, your The company will grow bigger and bigger." Feng Liuzi flattered him, and he was so happy, and with the 200 million that he was about to get, let alone a few flattery, even if he let him If he goes to kill someone, he will do it without hesitation.

Neither the female boss nor the two bodyguards thought that Feng Liuzi would be so glib, and he had a prudent and wise look just now, but now he has completely turned into a treacherous villain with a hippie smile and mercenary?

To be a human being to the level of Feng Liuzi is to be regarded as a different kind of a different kind.

After the female boss rolled her eyes, she turned her head to the outside of the car, and the two bodyguards in front pretended not to hear.

Lived in the villa of the female boss generously. Anyway, the female boss treats her differently. If she doesn't take advantage of it, she will be a bastard.After eating well, sleeping well, and being served by Filipino maids, Feng Liuzi felt as if he had entered heaven.

In addition to her master, there are three Filipino maids and four bodyguards in the villa of the female boss. I heard that she and her husband are divorced, and there is also a daughter who is studying in the United States and will soon graduate and return home.

In the evening, a Filipino maid sent a 200 million check and an ID card, of course a Hong Kong ID card, and his name was Feng Liu, but now he has transformed into a native Hong Konger.He marveled at the female boss's methods, she managed to get rid of her identity in just a few hours, it seems that there is really nothing impossible to do with money!

The female boss hasn't come down since she went upstairs. Maybe it's because she's too tired, or maybe it's because she has a phone business upstairs. Feng Liuzi didn't even see her when he was having dinner at night.

Of course, Feng Liuzi ate with four bodyguards, and after the meal, the bodyguards warned Feng Liuzi not to walk around at night in an orderly tone.

Feng Liuzi dismissed the bodyguard's order, and at the same time cursed secretly in his heart: "Damn it, play hard, I can kill you four with my toes now." A bodyguard feels sorry.

It was very late at night, and Feng Liuzi was sitting cross-legged in the guest room, running the meridians in his body. This has become a must-do homework for him every night, and he also found that his "consciousness" was getting less and less. When the work is completed, it will be almost dawn. Maybe he still doesn't know that a cultivator has no sense of time.

Feng Liuzi was taken to the security department by a bodyguard the next day, and had the initial basic training, driving and the use of firearms, as well as some elementary English. In addition to training within three months, he also officially became a The security guards of a famous jewelry company take turns escorting the jewelry store to carry out the jewelry transportation work every day. Of course, each of them is equipped with a five-shot shotgun.And within three months, he also moved out of the female boss's house and lived in the apartment of the security department.

After three months of working life, Feng Liuzi almost forgot that the female boss had ulterior motives for him, but he knew that sooner or later, the female boss would find him.Sure enough, three months later, early in the morning after he went to work, the security supervisor received an order from the chairman, saying that Feng Liuzi should go to the head office to meet the female boss.

After Feng Liuzi received the order, he took the company's car and drove to the head office without any hesitation. He knew that the one who should come still came!

The female boss seems to be a little thinner than three months ago, but the temperament still has not changed. The special temperament of the nobleman cannot learn.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Feng Liuzi stood in the chairman's office, neither nervous nor surprised.

"Well, I have something, I hope you can help!" The female boss stared into Feng Liuzi's eyes.

"Boss, I remember when I first met you, I said that I owe you a favor. If there is anything, you can just say it."

"It's like this. This matter is likely to be life-threatening." The female boss still stared at Feng Liuzi, as if she wanted to see something from Feng Liuzi's performance, but she was finally disappointed. Feng Liuzi was very calm, just Even when she said that her life would be in danger, he didn't show any surprise.

"Man, I killed it!" The corner of Feng Liuzi's mouth slightly ### twitched.

The female boss seemed to have expected it a long time ago. When Feng Liuzi said that she had killed someone, she smiled slightly, then leaned back in the chair relaxedly, pushed the file bag on the table forward, and said: "Here 10 minutes, give it to me after reading!"

There is a stack of photos of a man in his 50s in the file bag, and there are several printed information introductions.

Feng Liuzi sat there calmly and flipped through it for 5 minutes, then pushed the portfolio back. "No problem, but I have a request!"


"After this 'favor' is over, I want to leave!" Feng Liuzi calmly looked at the rich woman in front of him.

The female boss seemed to know Feng Liuzi's intentions, she nodded regretfully and said, "I knew you would say that, so why can't I stay?"

Feng Liuzi shook his head silently, and said, "I don't have any reason to stay anymore!"

"Well, here is 300 million, it's your reward!" The female boss pushed over a 300 million check.

"Hey, I got money again." Feng Liuzi collected the money without politeness. He never pretended to be a gentleman. If others give you money, if you don't take it, it's ###.

After coming out of the jewelry head office, Feng Liuzi heaved a long sigh of relief, and felt relieved. He could finally get rid of that boring security guard, and he was free to wander alone again. He quickly recalled the stack of documents Finally, Feng Liuzi thought to himself: "It seems that this woman is not so simple!"

What is that stack of data?Who is the middle-aged man in that stack of photos?I'm afraid only Feng Liuzi and the female boss know about it, right?

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