once a Thief

Chapter 75: The Battle of Foreign Countries

Chapter 75: The Battle of Foreign Countries

In the early hours of the morning, the National Security Agency of Canada.

"What? There are a large number of dangerous Japanese elements coming?" said the next agent who was surprised by the chief of the Canadian Security Bureau.

"Yes, Director, three chartered planes flew directly here." The agent replied.

"How did they get the visas? So many people flooded into Canada at once, are the officials who handle the visas all idiots?" the head of the Security Bureau scolded.

"Director, according to our investigation, these three chartered planes flew over from three cities in Japan, and they were all tourists." The agent continued to report.

"Hmph, I don't care what they do here. Keep a close watch on this group of people. If it doesn't work, you can make representations with the Japanese ambassador. They must not have any adverse effects in Canada." The chief of security said angrily.

You go down first, inform all the police to stand by 24 hours a day, and arrest these Japanese devils immediately in case of violence.

The agent agreed and withdrew.

"Hmph, Japanese, it's best not to cause trouble for me, otherwise I won't let any of you return to Japan." The security chief said with a sneer.

The chief of security didn't know that there would be Japanese, but all Chinese with fake Japanese identities.

Early the next morning, Zhang Qiang secretly sneaked into Vancouver with a mercenary group through illegal channels.

It is indeed a mercenary organization that has been in the mercenary world for more than ten years. After arriving in Vancouver, they quickly contacted the intelligence team members they were supposed to organize a division of labor, and then all the team members were divided into groups of ten and spread to every corner of Vancouver.

On the other hand, Zhang Qiang led ten team members to contact Long Sihai, and quietly drove into He Yuan's villa area in a large truck that could not be broken any more.

"Fifth Brother, Zhang Qiang is reporting to you." Zhang Qiang said to Shang Wu, standing at attention, which is typical of soldiers, after seeing Shang Wu.

"Okay, Qiangzi, how many people did you bring this time? How about the weapons and equipment?" Shang Wu asked Zhang Qiang with a smile.

"Fifth brother, this time I brought two hundred combat elites, all of whom are veterans retired from various countries. As for the weapons and equipment, they are all the latest Israeli-developed mr-16 individual combat rifles. And I also brought Brother Sihai and the others. The weapon is in the car outside." Zhang Qiang replied.

"Okay, let me assign a task."

As he said that, Shang Wu took a map from He Yuan.

Shang Wu pointed to the map and said: "The places marked with red dots are nightclubs, casinos, bars and other entertainment venues that were violently robbed by the West Bank Company. Sihai, you lead the members of the Brotherhood into various groups, starting at one o'clock in the morning tonight. Recycle, and kill all those who resist. At that time, Grandpa He will send one person to each of your groups as a guide. Remember to pay attention to safety."

After a pause, Shangwu pointed to an empty base in the suburbs and said, "Qiangzi, you lead 100 people, and you will also take down this base tomorrow night. No one in it will be left, and all of them will be killed." Wu raised his head and asked Zhang Qiang, "Can it be done?"

"I promise to complete the task." Zhang Qiang stood at attention seriously.

Seeing Zhang Qiang's unchanging military style for more than ten years, Shang Wu secretly admired him, and at the same time said with a smile: "Don't underestimate this base, there are more than 200 guards there, and all of them are armed."

"Fifth brother, don't worry, our Wuzhou mercenary group's status in the mercenary world is not forged. It is not a piece of cake to deal with a hundred or so miscellaneous militants," Zhang Qiang said braggingly.

Shang Wu shook his head and did not speak, and then continued: "Don't brag, I will only believe you if you show me your true strength. As for your one hundred people, let them stay as a mobile team and let them find a place to live. After the battle, it will take some time to recover."

After ordering all the tasks, Shang Wu turned his head to He Yuan who had been sitting by the side.

"Grandpa He, you will be in charge of my people at the end of the reception area. My people need to evacuate from Vancouver as soon as possible. The Canadian government will definitely not sit idly by when we make such a big move, so we will end the battle tomorrow night." At that time, I can only leave you a hundred mercenaries." After finishing speaking, Shang Wu asked He Yuan with his eyes.

"He Yuan looked at Shang Wu with wise eyes, nodded and said: "I didn't expect Xiao Wu to be so thoughtful. Although you are bold in doing things, you are not ostentatious. Seeing that you have achieved such achievements, Grandpa He, I will take care of you." I am happy. After a pause, He Yuan asked: "If you leave tomorrow night, how will the more than 1000 people leave?" "

Shang Wu did not answer He Yuan's words, but turned his head to Zhang Qiang.

"Zhang Qiang smiled, fifth brother, don't worry, I have already arranged a boat on the high seas. As soon as the mission is over at night, we will go to the reef pile on the west side of the coastline. There are two small freighters there. It will take less than an hour for us to can secretly reach the high seas and then return to the Pacific base."

"Okay" so it was decided, and told everyone to rest and get ready for work during the day.

I will watch Lao Liang during the day tomorrow.After finishing speaking, Shang Wu smiled triumphantly.

Early the next morning, as soon as the Vancouver stock market opened, many stockholders noticed that there were people buying West Coast Energy stocks in large quantities.For a while, West Bund Energy stocks soared, and many stockholders followed suit, and West Bund Energy stocks rose all the way to the highest level in history.

"Chairman, as soon as the stock market opened in the morning, someone deliberately bought our stock. The stock market looks good now, but I feel that there must be a conspiracy behind it." A manager suggested to Paul.

"Hmph, if I'm not wrong, it must be the gang of Chinese who are playing tricks. Let them eat if they like it. I'll see how much money they have."

Until the stock market opened in the afternoon, the mysterious stock speculator would accept as many loose stocks as he had.

"Damn it, are the Chinese gathering funds again? Why are they still eating?" Paul asked nervously.

"Chairman, don't worry, our stock experts are fighting wits with those Chinese who don't know how to live or die." The manager said to Paul with a smile.

The drama war between the two sides did not end until the stock market closed in the evening. Is it really over? Of course not. Three days later, West Bund Energy will disappear completely, and then the press conference of Wuzhou Group will surface.

At night, most of the entertainment venues in underground Vancouver are put into normal business status.

Two lazy-looking Canadians were smoking a cigarette in front of a nightclub.

"Brother, we have been occupying this place for a few months, and these Chinese people were able to come and harass us just now, but now everyone is scared of being beaten by us, and they dare not come out. Damn, you don't know, last time When the group of Chinese came, I followed that member of the Chinese organization in a suit with a knife, and I was killed on the spot, and I always boasted about Chinese Kung Fu, damn it, if I didn’t cut it, I would die.”One of the thin red-haired men said to the other gangster.

"Who says it's not? Now the Chinese organization is almost finished. I heard that Prince Paul spent a lot of money and manpower to attack the Chinese." Another gangster also said.

"Shock a fart, I can't even see a Chinese figure, the little bastard said depressingly."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly felt a breath of death in front of him, and suddenly raised his head to see, my mother, a Chinese man squatted in front of the two of them with a smile, and there were 100 people walking behind. There are many Chinese people, all wearing suits and ties, and everyone holds a machete in their hands.Surrounded the nightclub with a murderous look.

Squatting in front of the two gangsters was none other than Long Sihai, the vice-leader of the Brotherhood who was given the nickname "Cold-Blooded Demon King".

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