once a Thief

Chapter 76: The Battle of Foreign Countries

Chapter 76: The Battle of Foreign Countries

Everyone, remember to collect this book after reading it! ! !Wonderful and many more...

The two hooligans clearly felt the murderous aura emanating from Long Sihai's body at this time. Facing Long Sihai's eyes with a knife hidden in his smile and his vague aura, the two hooligans were stunned, and they were still bragging about the knife No matter how he hacked a Chinese gangster to death, he didn't have the proud look just now.Because they were facing Long Sihai, who had experienced countless street fights, and who had chopped off the enemy's head and kicked it as a ball.

Long Sihai, who has been fighting everywhere for many years, is now almost 40 years old, but his heart is completely a fanatic with more blood than a hot-blooded youth. I don't know when Long Sihai likes to kill. The scene of blood splattering, only in that way can Long Sihai feel that he is not old, and that he still has the strength to conquer the world and everything.

All his life, Long Sihai has been silently doing all the things that Shang Wu asked him to do for Shang Wu, and he has been working hard for the cause of the Brotherhood all his life. He, Long Sihai, is a person who will give up his heart as long as you can really give your heart. The kind of person who can give his life for you.

Perhaps fate deliberately arranged for Long Sihai to follow Shang Wu to establish various achievements, and he was also destined to become a legendary figure left to the Chinese underworld-the hero Long Sihai.

Looking at the two punks with dumbfounded faces, Long Sihai pulled out the steel knife out of nowhere, raised the knife and dropped it. The two punks looked at the blood splattering from their necks. They wanted to shout, but their throats The blood bubbles in the chest kept surging up, and with a look of despair, he slowly fell backwards unwillingly.

Long Sihai licked the blood splattered on his face, turned his head and said coldly: "Seal all the exits and kill all the gang members inside.

Zhang Qiang took a hundred mercenary elites gathered in the suburbs, and quietly touched the West Bank energy base like a midnight ghost.

Zhang Qiang smiled, and said to all the members through the intercom: "Brave fighters, do you want to taste the pleasure that blood brings us? You want us to exchange the enemy's head for our generous sum of money." Money? Ahead is our mission this time, as long as you eliminate the enemies there, each of you will get a bonus of [-] U.S. dollars in your account. Zhang Qiang will mobilize before the battle every time he leads his members on missions."

"Wuzhou Mercenary Company, under the leadership of Zhang Qiang, a retired Chinese soldier, has firmly sat on the throne of the world's top mercenary company after more than ten years of hard work. From the original one hundred Chinese, now it has The company is composed of retired professional soldiers from more than 40 countries in the world, with a total of 5000 employees. Zhang Qiang ranks first in the world's mercenary industry with his extraordinary mind and real strength.

Once the United States sent a special operations team to the virgin forests of Africa to completely attack the people from the Wuzhou mercenary company who were performing the mission of the employer there at that time.

Without knowing it, Zhang Qiang suffered a lot of losses, and he was also seriously injured.

Just when the U.S. army, which was still silent, beat up the small mercenary company without any effort, Zhang Qiang led all the members of the mercenary company to find the special operations team that was resting in Africa.

What the United States did not expect was that two weeks later, Zhang Qiang's acting spokesperson sent a videotape to countries all over the world. The content of the videotape was the bloody scene of the Wuzhou mercenary company led by Zhang Qiang wiped out the US special forces.

It can be said that Zhang Qiang brutally killed the American soldiers who rounded them up with a violent method that ordinary people can't imagine. "Have you ever seen a chain with human eyeballs? Have you ever seen more than 30 corpses stripped naked and dropped into a tree with a rope, and then wrote the words "You Come Again" on their bodies? Is it?".

These cruel methods come from Zhang Qiang, who has always been honest and anxious.It is precisely because of this incident that the "Wuzhou" mercenary company became famous.Rich people from all over the world spend a lot of money to let Wuzhou Mercenary Company solve the problem.And some countries headed by the United States claimed that this was an act of terrorists, and sent many troops to encircle and suppress Zhang Qiang and the others. But in the end, because Zhang Qiang and the others joined the pirates in the Strait of Malacca, even the US communication satellites could not find out where they were hiding. .In the end, the United States only sent a small number of agents to continue to track down Zhang Qiang and his gang.

At this time, Zhang Qiang and his group surrounded the West Bund Energy Base. After hearing that there would be a reward of one hundred thousand dollars after completing the mission, all the mercenary members waited for Zhang Qiang's cry like a macho who had eaten Viagra. Order, so that he can rush in and kill him, and his blood will flow like a river.

Today, the current members of the Wuzhou Mercenary Corps are recruited by Zhang Qiang with high salaries after elites from all over the world have retired. Members of the US Navy Seals, Russian Alpha Special Forces, and British Royal Guards, these world's top special forces, they I was used to the feeling of fighting on the battlefield, so I picked up the gun again after stepping back. As long as they can go to the battlefield, they will be satisfied.They have formed the core of the framework of the five continents mercenary company.Here they are not divided into races, they are not divided into countries, and all members of the Wuzhou Mercenary Company have numbers but no names.

Following the direction of Zhang Qiangjun's watch pointer, Zhang Qiang gave an order, and saw a hundred black shadows, like a group of cheetahs, climbing over the big wall of the West Bund Energy Company.

Gunshots... gunshots everywhere... lasted about 5 minutes, the gunfire gradually died down, but there were still sporadic gunshots.

All the team members reported the battle situation to me... Zhang Qiang repeated it over the walkie-talkie.

No. [-] report, killed three enemies, and he was not injured...

On the [-]nd report, one enemy was killed, and he was not injured...

Number three...

number four...

number five.

After the 100 team members reported one by one, Zhang Qiang ordered the uninjured team members to take the injured team members and evacuate quickly.

Just 5 minutes after Zhang Qiang and the others evacuated, the Vancouver police arrived. Seeing the dead bodies all over the yard, the police chief gasped.What is this, is this Shura hell?Who can create such a big terrorist attack here?

Early the next morning, a special task force composed of the chief of the Canadian Security Service began to investigate the multiple terrorist attacks that occurred last night.

But what they didn't expect was that no matter how they searched, they couldn't find the Japanese who came to Vancouver yesterday.They seem to have disappeared overnight without a trace.

The security chief immediately reported to the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and after verifying the situation, the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also lodged a serious protest to Japan, asking Japan to give an explanation.

Because of a good show directed by Shang Wu, the two countries began to use coal to fight a war of words.

The Canadian side said that the Japanese came to Vancouver and caused a lot of terrorist acts, but the Japanese denied it in every possible way, and even killed them.

In this way, you come and go between the two countries until half a year later.

Two days after the terrorist attack, the expert group organized by Lao Liang continued to suppress the stock of West Bund Energy. Finally, three days later, West Bund Energy announced that it was acquired by Wuzhou Group. the rout.

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