Against the World Evil Venerable

Chapter 0277 love is the most misleading

Back then, standing a few steps away from Mie Canglan, with his back facing the fiery bloody night purgatory, the slim jade shadow seemed to cut off the boundary between illusion and reality, turning what Mie Canglan saw in front of him into a gentle illusion that stirred people's hearts .

Mie Canglan could only feel waves of waves constantly washing over his heart, the sharpness honed through pain was gradually fading away in this long-lost tenderness, and phantom lights like fluff fluttered in his blood pupils.

"Master..." Mie Canglan's lips and teeth seemed to be stuck with hot honey, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt a sweet smell rushing up his throat, and a sweet bloody smell spread between his lips and teeth.

Back then, Yueyue's smile was half-shadowed by the bloody smoke, and the figure that was piled up like ice and snow was just like Qinglianzong's day, even though bloodstained and dusty smoke hit her face, she still felt charming.

The ghostly wind twisted lingeringly, and was gradually torn into a figure that swept across Mie Canglan's body with thousands of fragments of light.A sharp energy of extreme cold pierced Mie Canglan's whole body immediately, but he didn't seem to even feel the pain, and the hands covering half of his disabled face trembled and gradually loosened.

It was as if heavy snow had fallen on the ground, and the broken light scattered by the ghost wind kept hitting Mie Canglan's body.The bloody smoke surrounded him and the figure that was facing each other head-on, and the bloody shadow rose and fell soaring to the sky and the ground, but the sound of howling like a devil's cry became a lingering accompaniment in Mie Canglan's ears.

Just because the gentle voice of Yue Yue kept calling him, "Cang Lan, come... Cang Lan, come to Master..."

That voice seemed to be full of sorrow, but also full of joy. Mie Canglan knew that the year was just a phantom in the formation, but this thought could not bring back his reason.

He knew that there was another murderous net in front of him, but he couldn't stop falling into it.

The shattered light searched Mie Canglan's vigor layer by layer, suppressing all the cold and hot aura in his body, but Mie Canglan was fatally motionless at this moment, even though the hot and cold aura neither went up nor down The ground froze in the body, blocking the blood vessels everywhere like a large piece of rapidly freezing ice.

"Hmm..." The heavy suffocation made Mie Canglan's body tremble, and the broken blood dripping from half of his face fell more and more quickly, and was immediately caught in the wind and scattered into a dark bloody light.

The fragmented light surrounding Mie Canglan's body suddenly gave off an extremely soft texture, supporting the boy's body like a large piece of torn velvet.As the shattered light turned into continuous white shadows, an uncontrollable sense of drowsiness rushed to Mie Canglan's Tianling, and the faint blood pupils became more dizzy.

"I..." This lingering feeling that makes people want to fall asleep and ignore everything else penetrates Mie Canglan's heart, his eyelids are like heavy curtains that cannot be opened, and the scene in front of him flashes brightly and darkly get moving.

"Canglan, are you tired?" Nianyue smiled slightly, her slender snow-white fingers curled up to Mie Canglan's eyes, the extremely cold touch encouraged and indulged the drowsiness in Mie Canglan's body even more.

She gently caressed Mie Canglan's face, gently hooked her pale lips, and breathed out a piece of cold and strange fragrance in Mie Canglan's ear, slowly wrapping around the boy's earlobe like a small snake, "Go to sleep, Cang Lan, don't think about anything..."

"Master..." Mie Canglan couldn't stand anymore, and fell backwards into the big mass of soft broken light.The shattered light bounced slightly like soft coral fleece, wrapping the young man's body in it like a huge hug.

And Nianyue also took advantage of the opportunity to hug Mie Canglan's neck, and her delicate body like a thousand years of ice without a trace of warmth gently pressed on his body, but the sad tone was entwined with a bewitching echo, " Cang Lan, don't wake up, just sleep in Master's arms..."

That voice was clearly in my ears, but now it became more and more distant, as if it came from the lonely full moon, leading people into an eternal dream.As soon as Mie Canglan's hand slumped down, his already tightly suppressed martial arts body couldn't mobilize any energy.

This obvious bewitchment has turned into a cage with no way out, and Mie Canglan lies in it like a prey that no longer resists.

The life-and-death warning of "this is an illusion" that kept flashing in Mie Canglan's mind finally dissipated.The black hand who set up this game is attacking the tenderness deep in the heart, there is a restricted area that cannot be armed with wind and frost, even if Mie Canglan's city is deep, but he lost to the infinite tenderness given to him by the phantom of the year.

That trace of pure youthful affection never disappeared in Mie Canglan's heart.At this moment, it became the hook leading into the underworld, hooking Mie Canglan and dragging him into the darkness.

Mie Canglan's blood pupils were still flickering with sporadic gleams, but his breathing was regular and steady like a deep sleep, and a long and big dream poured into his heavenly spirit overwhelmingly.

The half of the face that was no longer covered was exposed, the handsome edges and corners had been corroded, the dark muscles were ripped apart, and a row of broken teeth were exposed around the lips.Although the other half of the face is complete, there are many blue veins protruding from it, and the blue veins are attracting the corrosive air to cross the bridge of the nose, turning this peerless face into fine pieces of rotten flesh.

In a trance, Mie Canglan could feel the sharp pain on his face, but he could even feel the soft jade-like embrace on his body.The motherly and sisterly warmth devoured his reason layer by layer, just like how decisive he was when he faced the Qinglian Sect members who framed him, but he was unable to say a single fierce word to that year.

"Canglan, go to sleep..." The gentle and hypnotic voice floated farther and farther away, and Mie Canglan's eyelids finally closed the last slit.At this moment, he seemed to feel that all the severe pain was cut off in an instant, and it seemed that time and space were rapidly shrinking into a date stone, but he no longer had the strength to deal with it.

"I'm so sleepy..." Mie Canglan coughed ambiguously, his voice seemed to be trembling sadly, while Nianyue tightly held his blood-stained palm, showing a gentle smile like leading a lost child home .

On the top of this soft white light, a deep smile came from behind the bloody smoke all over the sky, and the blood moon hanging far above the nine-layered night sky slowly wavered, rolling out mocking whites like a human eye.

The laughter gradually reverberated and reverberated, sweeping away layers of wolf smoke, smashing waves of blood, and howling surrounded Mie Canglan's limp body in the white light.But he was lying quietly as if he was in a deep sleep, and the beautiful figure on his body was scattered into fragments like fireflies and fluttered in the wind.

The fragments flew all over the sky like the petals of a funeral, and the white light was gradually withdrawn under the impact of the laughter, making a clicking sound, devouring Mie Canglan's flesh and blood.Before the blood could flow out, the whole piece of flesh and blood was corroded by the white light, and the whole group of white light gradually tightened like a wrapped cocoon, wrapping Mie Canglan into an eternal sleep.

Just when the laughter couldn't be restrained and expanded wildly inside, the wind whistle that filled the entire formation suddenly weakened, and then the laughter stopped slightly, and a low murmur pierced the sky, "What……"

At this moment, Mie Canglan was still lying unconscious in the white light, his arms were exposed to the bones, and the bloody skin on the side of his neck was also torn apart.But the devouring white light did stop in the distance, and it was sending out a buzzing tremor as if it was forcibly blocked.

Even thicker than the bloody night dome in the formation is Mie Canglan's altar. The inside of his altar is as black as splashed ink. There are no sutras, shattered light, no physical energy, cinnabar seals and magic eyes. They were all closed quietly, sleeping together with their master in the corroded white light.

"Canglan..." The darkness suddenly flickered, emitting a gray light like chaotic snowflakes, and distorted cracks flashed like lightning in an instant and then disappeared suddenly, chaotic loops kept crashing into the solemn darkness .

A call broke into the Mie Canglan Heavenly Spirit at this moment, as if knocking heavily on the door of the altar, the entire altar trembled heavily.Mie Canglan straightened her body slightly, her body was like an empty shell with suction openings in all directions, pulling a little bit of energy back from the void.

This feeling was weak at first, but gradually a gap was opened in Mie Canglan's sleeping dream, and countless small passages were opened to the anxious but never-give-up call, "Canglan... Mie Canglan... ..."

There seemed to be a strange method in the body that was knocked, and even Mie Canglan himself had never been aware of the location of the method, but he was knocked by this sound repeatedly to vibrate like waves beating.

Mie Canglan only felt that he was thrown into a drifting tide, floating in the boundless darkness, but gradually touched the edge of the other shore.

That voice was different from the old voice that once opened up the deepest memory of my body. It clearly came from above Mie Canglan, and it no longer drifted vaguely between the distant past and the ethereal future, but was genuine and non-stop. Close to the boy's body.

A strange hot current gradually poured into Mie Canglan's meridians, and that warm current had a sense of familiarity like reunion after a long absence, as if returning to Mie Canglan's body from the distant prehistoric past after countless kalpas.

The moment Mie Canglan sensed the heat flow, Mie Canglan's heavenly spirit suppressed by heavy sleepiness flashed, like the fire of creation shining on the earth, it aroused a large amount of spiritual light, but what roared into his heart was a kind of desire Tears welled up in my eyes, as if I saw something that I cherished after a long time and finally returned to my hands.

Mie Canglan's chest was hit hard by the hot emotion, her limp body was raised vigorously and vigorously, and the two hot streams rushed away from her heavy eyelids.

The moment he opened his blood pupils, two hot blood tears rolled out of the corners of his eyes, and were immediately swept into the wind finely.

"Qingyang..." Mie Canglan moved his lips and teeth a few times before uttering a hoarse voice.A condensed feeling of vomiting surged up as his lips and teeth opened, and exploded when it hit the throat, quickly penetrated into the blood vessels everywhere and rushed out.

Thick blood mist popped out of Mie Canglan's body, and immediately broke through the lingering white light, and a hissing sound of cracking brocade spun away.In the blink of an eye, the bewitching, soft and corrosive white light was blown away, and traces of white air entangled with the blood mist unwillingly, but were swallowed into the pure blood in one gulp.

The moment the blood mist rushed out, Mie Canglan straightened up suddenly, like a fish that was dry and about to die suddenly plunged into the big water, slammed up high, and all his light roared and gathered towards the blood pupil, which made the still The call that collided in his head resounded even louder.

"'s Qingyang!" Mie Canglan violently coughed out a mouthful of thick blood, and stood up with his half-broken face raised high.In front of his eyes was a piece of chaotic fragments, like tiny petals that divided a piece of purgatory into pieces. Lie Qingyang's voice seemed to come from behind this chaotic light and shadow, trying to break through layers of psychedelic barriers and pass into extinction. In Cang Lan's heart.

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