Against the World Evil Venerable

Chapter 0278 love is the most misleading

Mie Canglan's whole body was swollen and stiff and painful like it was about to burst, but he still endured the pain and opened his Fayan, and the somewhat chaotic Lingtai was still roaring, but Mie Canglan pressed his temple forcefully to mobilize it.

"Cang..." But at this time, Lie Qingyang's last call was cut off suddenly, covering everything like a curtain drawn, and interrupted the broken light that had just swirled in the Mie Canglan Lingtai with a click .

"Ah..." Mie Canglan felt a string in his brain suddenly snap, and immediately staggered and stepped into a wave of blood, and the hem of his black robe was soaked through the hem of his black robe in an instant with a splash of snow and blood.

He hastily raised his head to stabilize his mind, his blood pupils shimmered at the night sky filled with blood and smoke, and his eyes turned sharply to lock on the eye-like Cang Yue.Under the guidance of the heat flow, the empty body was filled up quickly, just now Lie Qingyang's call from nowhere pulled Mie Canglan out of the black dream, but it disappeared without a trace.

"Such a powerful psychedelic formation..." Mie Canglan forced herself to wake up, and calmly circulated the cold and hot air in her body, while secretly thinking in her heart, "Where did Qingyang's voice come in... how could it be so loud?" Reawaken my body!"

Before I can think about it right now, Mie Canglan still has the icy and snowy figure that was waving like Yue Yue just now in his mind, slowly backing away and dragging out the splashing blood, staring at the weird Cang Yue and gritted his teeth and said secretly, "I can't suffer any more losses Already... this formation is really powerful!"

That Cang Yue looked coldly at Mie Canglan's cinnabar print on his forehead like the whites of his eyes rolled up, like a third eye that radiated light upwards, separated by the bloody wind that swept everything Looking at Cang Yue.

Mie Canglan slowly stepped over the shattered building debris, the billowing dust and smoke smeared his half-shattered face even more, and his terrifying muscles agitated slightly around the flickering blood pupils.But Cang Yue didn't move at all, allowing the blood mist to fill in, gradually drawing a more rounded arc like a full insect egg.

"Hmm..." Mie Canglan could only feel a turbulent vortex of light swirling from the center of the Cang Yue. Although he couldn't see a whirlwind of wind and clouds, he could feel circles of vortex coming from the Cang Yue. The center of the moon surged out.

A whirling strange feeling poured into Mie Canglan Tianling, he immediately turned his eyes away from looking at Cang Yue, stabilized his mind and quickly mobilized all the Qi in his body, the cold and hot Qi rushed to the meridians everywhere, Under the traction of the cold and hot air, the long-stagnant Neiyuan began to vibrate slightly again.

Mie Canglan felt more and more that his body was swollen like an air bag that was about to burst. He resisted the swollen pain that made his feet unable to touch the ground and straightened up. He grabbed the black robe on his chest and said, "Anyway... I can't die here!"

That Cang Yue seemed to tremble slightly, blinking slowly like pale ghost eyes, and the deep, even infinitely elegant male voice smiled again, spinning in all directions from the night sky.

That laughter pulled Mie Canglan's heart violently. At this moment, he stepped back suddenly and stepped on the edge of a ruin, and the falling bricks and tiles crackled and hit him.

Mie Canglan's body suddenly stirred up a cloud of flying ash, but it all turned into nothingness when it scattered into the night sky.However, the soreness of choking the throat is very real, Mie Canglan covered his lips and teeth, coughing and panting, flicked his palm and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency has been watching the battle for a long time, right?"

The male voice didn't answer, but just let out a reverberating laugh, and one could even imagine that there was a cup of fragrant tea in his hand, watching everything in the formation as if watching a play.

Mie Canglan really felt that she was the prey being locked in a cage, running around in this impenetrable barrier, all this and this scene was seen by the black hands behind the scenes.

That Cang Yue blinked slowly again, and the laughter that echoed in the wind stopped abruptly, a word that was like a ghost instantly bypassed the back of Mie Canglan's head, and quickly brushed past his ears, echoing endlessly, "Even if you can get up in the nightmare formation, you can't get out."

"Hmm..." Mie Canglan tried to trace the whereabouts of the voice, but felt that the male voice was scattered in every inch of the bloody night wind, it was everywhere and looped endlessly, it could directly drill into his altar.

The laughter dragged on for a long time, and suddenly turned to the direction of the Cang Yue, the whole moon shivered ripplingly, and then all the sounds around Mie Canglan were cut off.

This sudden and complete silence grabbed Mie Canglan's heart severely. The screams of killing, screams, wind and explosions all disappeared, and even the gravel that kept rolling down and hitting Mie Canglan's feet was only scratched. After the sharp pain, there was no sound of friction.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have been driven mad by the crazy transition between frenzy and death, but Mie Canglan was tense with the rationality that he had finally regained in his head, biting his half-broken lips even more. The shattering, piercing pain helped him hold on to his freezing sobriety.

As if it was the gongs and drums at the beginning of the last scene, I saw a low cough coming from the dark moon, the male voice was silent, and the silent gale swept through Mie Canglan's robe, and then fell silent It exploded the ending drama.

"This is..." Mie Canglan couldn't even hear his own voice again, and his blood pupils widened slightly to see everything disintegrating in front of him.Like the peeling of the wall, or like the water shadow breaking, everything in Qinglianzong Xueye is melting.

The night sky silently peeled off into sharp fragments, the blood smoke scattered into countless fragments, the buildings swept in all directions like blown dust, and everything was disintegrating.

Mie Canglan stood in this silent but violent disintegration of the phantom, he felt the swollen pain in his body rushing to a high point, he yelled painfully and clutched his chest tightly, he felt that the space was not at all Compress and tighten without panting.

A memory suddenly broke through Mie Canglan's mind. He remembered that in the secret room of the Qinglian Sect, Tian Zhi and others hurriedly retreated due to the attack from the underworld. He is buried in the void!"

"Sure enough..." Mie Canglan let out a roar in his heart, straightened up fiercely and ignored a wound on his arm that exploded in an instant, dragged his bloody arm and turned around quickly, using his Dharma Eye to desperately search for the formation's eye.

Back then, the secret room of the Qinglian Sect's illusion could still find the magic layout, but since entering this nightmare formation, there is no way out. The eyes pierced out.

But the speed of the disintegration of the illusion did not wait for anyone, it had already twisted Mie Canglan's figure, and the blunt sound of bones and muscles tearing continuously came from all parts of his body.

Mie Canglan ruthlessly clutched the bones protruding from the elbow of his right arm, his fingers were cut open and his flesh was ripped open, his horribly broken face twisted in extreme pain, "No... never..."

His thoughts were already broken and unable to connect. In front of him was the last indifferent and towering broken wall. The incomplete bricks were falling into the void one after another, and it was almost the end.

"Mie Canglan, the future will be indefinite..." The male voice that had disappeared for a long time suddenly pierced into Mie Canglan's heart, and a burst of strange and triumphant laughter broke the bloody scars on his chest, making Mie Canglan stagger Fell towards the broken wall that quickly melted into nothingness.

"Hmm..." Mie Canglan turned around, feeling that the endless void was about to be buried with a bang, but at this moment, the male voice suddenly stopped, and the unbelievable tone of his voice quickly drifted away, "This is impossible... "

"Ah..." Mie Canglan hugged his body tightly, his ten fingers were scratched and blood was spattered by the broken white bones, but the heat in his body rushed up sharply, breaking the heavy cold and hot air violently The heavenly spirit rushing up to him is the vigor that followed Lie Qingyang's strange call just now!

I don't know what kind of strength that energy condensed, even Mie Canglan's evil cold and hot air seemed weak in front of him, and he was rushed away to make way for the passage.Mie Canglan suddenly felt a blaze of light piercing through the spirit of the sky, his blood pupils widened violently, and the whites of his eyes could not be seen, and a violent and violent evil spirit gushed out from his completely reddened eyes.

Mie Canglan seemed to see the energy of the two twin auxiliary twins slowly blending together in one place in the vast mist that seemed to be unopened, faintly forming the shape of the Eight Diagrams, but in an instant sublimated into a higher level than the Eight Diagrams The ultimate vigor above the pattern.

"That's..." Mie Canglan couldn't feel the pressure of the rapid disintegration of the illusion, nor could he feel the sharp pain everywhere in his body. His fingers were scalded by the heat, and he quickly retracted his hand.

Right in front of his eyes, the vague shape of gossip burst into pieces, and Mie Canglan could only feel the suffocating wind rushing towards him, in which there was a poisonous evil spirit and a bright and strong righteous spirit, two kinds of energy that completely repelled each other. The energy is tightly entwined into a storm.

"Uh..." Mie Canglan clutched his chest tightly, his heart was beating hotly as if it was about to burst out of his chest, he seemed to hear another voice in his rapid breathing, as if the two had just experienced a Standing in one place, panting heavily, like a battle of life and death.

Mie Canglan suddenly felt bright light flashing in front of her eyes, and her pupils burst into sharp pain, she clutched her chest tightly and fell on her back.He didn't know whether he fell into the devoured void or the ground with sharp fragments, all his senses were cut off the moment he fell down.

And behind him, a blurry figure entwined with thin light also disappeared suddenly, and slowly dispersed into the stillness like a primordial darkness.

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