Against the World Evil Venerable

Chapter 0283 Sanskrit sound moves to the glass pure world

A huge roar lingered in Mie Canglan's ears, like thousands of Buddha statues chanting around the mouth at the same time, and the deep human voices mixed and flowed like a tide.

The moment the space conversion technique was activated, Mie Canglan only felt that the repulsive force reached the highest point, but it directly smashed him into the core of the formation.A large piece of phantom light washed away the vision and collapsed, only the sound of the wind whistling rapidly distorted in space floated in the young man's altar.

Right now, the huge Sanskrit sound is vibrating layer by layer, pulling the repulsive force that has been squeezing Mie Canglan's body into a gossamer and sucking it away.Mie Canglan only felt that his whole mind was like a dark cocoon, which was gradually peeling off to reveal the light.

The severe pain on the right face became clear immediately, almost causing Mie Canglan to breathe backwards due to the pain.He withdrew his strength from the void, clasped his head in a daze, and just slightly suppressed the severe pain of swelling and jumping.

"Uh..." With a swipe of Mie Canglan's figure, his whole body was touched by a piece of ice, which was as smooth as a sloping cliff, allowing his body to slide down.The Sanskrit sound receded gradually, and suddenly stopped when it pulled away the last trace of repulsion, and disappeared mistyly at the edge of the void.

Mie Canglan's body consciousness gradually recovered, and a black premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.Initiating the technique of space conversion to cross the boundary between the human world and the underworld has never been like this before. It seems that the whole body is exhausted and then filled again. Where does that inexplicable repulsion come from?

"Hmm..." There was smooth coolness all around his hands, and the cold wind blew unobstructed in front of Mie Canglan's violent right eye, gradually bringing a ray of pale moonlight into his sight.The eyelid of the left eye seemed to be extremely heavy, and it barely opened after opening it a few times.

Mie Canglan finally saw a pale bright moon above his head, but that radiance exuded a holy chill, and the slightest night cloud wrapped around the moonlight like a dancer's fluttering skirt.

There was only the rustling sound of the night wind blowing through the grass and trees, and even the sound of night insects was indistinct.Mie Canglan propped herself up, but unexpectedly lost her arm and slammed hard on a broken step, her whole body rolled down uncontrollably.

The violent beating made Mie Canglan suddenly come back to his senses, and immediately raised his body to launch a blood mist, and the cold and hot air instantly merged into a support force, and the boy's body was thrown upwards heavily.

That's why Mie Canglan didn't fall directly to the ground, he turned around and forced himself to stand on the ground, threw himself forward and knelt down on one knee.

"This is..." The tentacles still had the same brilliance and coldness. Mie Canglan instinctively covered his right cheek, which had been stiffened by the cold wind, and saw a stretch of white jade steps in front of him. He was on the top platform just now. With a wrong shape, he jumped down the edge of the steps.

Mie Canglan stabilized his mind, the dizziness from the forceful launch of the space array just now was still circling in his mind.Fortunately, there seemed to be no one around, so Mie Canglan bent down and pressed the steps to prop up her body, pulling up a trace of true energy to break away the congealed energy in the veins.

The chaotic and condensed energy was gradually sorted out, and Mie Canglan's rapid breathing gradually calmed down. He hit his chest back and spat out a mouthful of thick blood before raising his head to slowly wipe the corners of his lips.

The black-purple blood stains almost merged with the pattern of spells on Mie Canglan's arm, shining a strange dark light under the moonlight.Mie Canglan stood up, and saw that the white jade steps he was on were almost suspended in the night, surrounded by lush vegetation, but the shadows of trees were swaying in the distance.

Mie Canglan's heart moved, and he turned sideways to look down, only to see that the entire bottom of the white jade steps was filled with howling cold wind, with no foundation to stand on.Sure enough, it was the place floating in the wind out of thin air, Mie Canglan withdrew his body and thought to himself, "I's a trick."

He tried to move his muscles and bones, and walked up to the top of the steps with his right face covered. His eyes were wide open, and there was a palace in front of him.The reddish lights flickered on and off, closing and opening like tired sleepy eyes.

Aside from being a little weak, Mie Canglan is fine right now. Mie Canglan keeps a breath of true energy and walks towards the palace step by step.

He could feel that the entire glorious white jade ground under his feet was slightly floating, like a boat floating on the water, but under the calm water patterns, there was a dark tide surging, and a strong storm was hidden.

Mie Canglan suddenly felt his heart tighten, the inspiration of innate sensitivity flashed through his mind, and a menacing energy was surrounding him from all directions.

Mie Canglan panicked, a feeling that he rarely felt before, but at this moment he was really flustered: this place brought him an inexplicable pressure, as if the excessively holy cleanliness made his evil spirit look filthy , There is nowhere to shelter, and it actually forced him to feel a sense of defeat that he thought was filthy.

This feeling has been pulling in his heart, Mie Canglan knows it's not good, firstly, this place is definitely not the human world, I don't know what kind of gully is hidden, and secondly, if it can bring him such pressure, won't it push him into loneliness again Disadvantage?

"Wait..." Mie Canglan forced himself back to his senses, gritted his teeth and threw off his clothes to start his figure, but he didn't dare to launch the dazzling blood-purple magic light, and just ran away on the blood mist, " Someone is coming around!"

The rustling of vegetation suddenly became hasty, as if countless people were panting violently at the same time.Mie Canglan sprinted away under the flustered sound, as if being chased by a tiger and wolf, without stopping for a moment, she quickly flew towards the dark palace.

"Huh..." Mie Canglan pressed her trembling heart tightly, her panting became weaker, "What's going on, my heart has been feeling weak... No, I have to hide somewhere!"

As if sensing the panic in the young man's heart, the rustling sounds from far and near came more pressingly.Mie Canglan's heart slackened, and he raised his body skills to the highest level, ignoring the severe pain in his body, he rushed into the nearest row of exquisite palaces, and a corridor suddenly opened up in front of him.

Not caring about identifying the direction, Mie Canglan ruthlessly pushed the lacquered red pillar at hand to support his body, turned around and leaned against a beautifully carved door panel.

The whole door panel was shaken suddenly, Mie Canglan leaned against it and panted heavily, his body that had not yet fully calmed down violently mobilized his movements even weaker, but he heard the rustling sound and the wind blowing up and forced him to come over without retreating an inch.

The sound of the wind in my ears was like a sharp animal roar, and Mie Canglan spat out a mouthful of blood, but he heard footsteps on the door panel behind him, and a beautiful voice with a faint echo came faintly, and the moment the sound sounded, the whole body shook Mie Canglan had the illusion that he heard the voice of a saint praying for the dawn in the eternal night.

"Who is it?" The female voice was leaning against the door a few steps away, not far from Mie Canglan's handsome figure outside the door, and Mie Canglan's side was the corridor where the cold wind was blowing.

Seeing that the roaring pressure that had been enveloping him was about to rush in, Mie Canglan gritted his teeth, turned around and slammed open the door panel, regardless of the shadows in front of him and couldn't see anything clearly, he slammed into it and pushed the door hard.

The carvings on the door panel were almost slightly peeled off by the shock, but they firmly blocked the cold and windy night outside the door.Mie Canglan breathed a sigh of relief, and saw a figure standing against the pale moon shadow in front of her eyes, even if it was just a human-shaped bubble outlined by the shadow, she could still see its beauty, which made people's hearts rippling for no reason.

Mie Canglan didn't care about it at the moment, she pushed up and pushed the figure, both of them lost their balance and staggered back, and threw themselves directly on the bed.

The figure straightened up, and the clear pupils suddenly lit up in the darkness, those pupils were very close to Mie Canglan's face, the flash of anger made one feel sacred and unapproachable.

Mie Canglan was really stung by the anger in those beautiful eyes, but the anger was immediately replaced by surprise.He just remembered that his half-faced face was stuck in front of that person like this, and anyone who saw it would be surprised.

Sure enough, the man immediately realized what kind of terrifying face he saw, instinctively took a breath and wanted to make a sound, Mie Canglan immediately leaned over to press down on that soft body, covered his mouth and said in a low voice, "Don't make a sound..."

The young Han Ci's voice was still charming, and the man's eyes flickered and he pursed his lips.Mie Canglan could see the willow-leaf eyebrows that were gradually furrowed by the man, and he could imagine what kind of peach blossom face it was without lighting it up.Then he had to hold down the person's body, a soft and fragrant body could not move, and a strange lingering feeling suddenly swayed in the dark room.

Hearing the whistling sound of the wind, he rushed to the door in an instant, but all of them stopped outside the door panel, and a group of figures suddenly appeared.

The chaotic girl's voice rang out again and again, "My lord, what happened?" "My lord, we just discovered a suspicious person, how are you doing?"

Glancing at the flapping cicada-like thin shadow on the figure, Mie Canglan thought to himself that it seemed to be an elf, whose voice was as clear and clear as a child's voice.With a sudden change in his mind, the voices of those girls outside became more and more anxious one after another, Mie Canglan turned his head and said close to the pair of beautiful eyes below him, "You..."

A soft and boneless jade hand was lifted up, gently pulling the hand covering Mie Canglan's mouth downwards, and the holy female voice pierced directly into the boy's heart this time, "If you don't let me What I said is the real bad thing, right?"

Mie Canglan's eyes moved, Shen Mou glanced at the figure surrounded outside the door, turned over and pulled the woman up, stepped back a few steps to support the wall and bent over panting, "Girl, I'm sorry...can you help me?" Get rid of these people?"

"Why?" The woman stood up, and the moonlight showed her beautiful figure even more. She was wearing a spotless white robe, and her long black hair hung down to her ankles like a brocade.

Mie Canglan held on to his physical strength for an extreme time, and his chest was about to burst from panting, but he still straightened up and looked directly at the pair of powerful beautiful eyes and said, "I don't want to harm the girl, please Girl, help me once...cough cough..."

Before she finished speaking, Mie Canglan covered her lips and teeth and coughed in a low voice, which was even more heartbreaking to the woman's ears.The woman frowned, stepped forward to lightly touch Mie Canglan's wrist, and retracted her hand as if touched by fire, stepped back and said, "This kind of true can you have two kinds of extreme cold and extreme heat in your body?" Fusion of vigor?"

Mie Canglan was already speechless, but tremblingly pointed at the crowd of people outside the door, and then fell to the ground as if losing strength.

The woman's heart was shocked, and she held her soft chest with her hands back and pressed her breath slightly, "Seeing your appearance makes me feel pity... that's all!"

She put on her white robe, walked towards the door and asked, "What's the noise?"

"My lord saint! Just now..." The group of figures immediately stopped shouting chaotically, and stood respectfully in a row, only to hear the voice of a girl speaking solemnly, but she was interrupted by the woman just after speaking half a sentence.

The woman's voice had an ice-cold sacredness, making people afraid to approach and want to find out, "There is nothing here, why are you disturbing me to rest late at night?"

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