Against the World Evil Venerable

Chapter 0284 Sanskrit sound moves to the glass pure world

"Lord Saintess, calm down!" There was a flurry of flapping wings, and the group of figures receded immediately, "If you find something wrong, Saintess, please call us immediately!"

"You guys go." The woman stood under the moonlight, her pair of snow-like slender feet dotted the ground, and watched the group of figures recede without a trace, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

She walked towards the door panel, her fingers lightly brushed the carvings on the door panel, she narrowed her eyes as if concentrating on feeling something, suddenly a dark light flashed in her eyes and she murmured, "He just broke in like this... What the hell is he?" people?"

She turned her head, only to see that the boy was kneeling on one knee and propped up, his panting had gradually calmed down, but there was an aura like a flash of light.

But when a white shadow came into sight, Mie Canglan raised his head and nodded to the woman, "Thank you, miss..."

"Hmm..." Glancing at the etiquette that Mie Canglan reluctantly picked up, the woman tilted her head and said, "This is a Taoist etiquette... Who are you?"

"This is not the human world, right..." Mie Canglan smiled wryly. Although he was in great pain, his mind was still clear, and he coughed hoarsely and managed to stand up.

The young man's body was like a slender green bamboo blocking the moonlight facing the woman, and the half face that was still intact was surprisingly handsome, which made the other broken face even more strange.

The woman took a fixed look at Mie Canglan, then stretched out her hand and pushed him into the gap of the carved incense cabinet by the wall, leaned against the wall, and stood in front of him and said, "Hush your voice, there are still elves at this moment." Out for a tour."

"Elf..." Mie Canglan nodded slightly, "It really is an elf..."

"This is the fairy world." The woman glanced at the swaying shadows outside the door, which were flying shadows cut by the dense branches in the distance, but she knew that the figure could emerge from human form at any time and turn into an elf, so she raised her fingertips and pointed out a shadow. Circles of rippling broken light hit the entire door panel layer by layer.

The woman turned her head and continued, "I really don't know how you broke in here... The Pure World of the Three Saints has always been a sacred place in the fairy world, and no outsider has ever trespassed, let alone you..."

Mie Canglan opened her red pupils, snorted and pressed her hot forehead and said, "Sure enough... those monks said that the waterfall is the boundary between the fairy world and the human world, they really lied to me! But if this is the case, the little monk's head I can't keep it anymore...cough cough!"

The woman took a step back and carefully looked at this young man full of evil spirits and pain. Although he was pale and weak, there was a chilling evil power inside, which was emanating from the corners of his eyes and brows.

She seems to have seen a scarred lion, but it is licking the wound forbearance, and when the wound is healed, everything will be healed.

"This breath..." She closed her eyes, and when she opened them suddenly, she saw that the eyes were full of holy white light, wrapping around her eyeballs like whistling snow, "The combination of cold and heat, strong evil...and the cinnabar mark on his forehead... shape……"

She slowly raised her finger, and the broken light like a firefly flowed on the fingertips, stretching downwards and gradually forming a sharp edge, "You are... Mie Canglan?"

"...Has my name been passed down to the fairy world?" Mie Canglan covered her chest, smiling at the snow-white blade pointing at her, "I can see that the girl has extraordinary cultivation, but if you take advantage of the I am injured, I am afraid it is not a gentleman's way, right?"

"Could it be a gentleman's way to break into someone else's bedroom at night?" The woman also smiled, her smile was not as gentle as the lotus flower of destiny, nor as chic as a thousand dreams, nor as innocent as a green radish, but It is a sense of holiness that is too dignified, like a goddess descending from the nine heavens, which makes people look up to.

"The situation is critical..." Mie Canglan shook off a bunch of red hair, only to feel that the right cheek gradually began to be filled with that kind of corrosive pain, all the exposed muscles were twitching inward as if retracting, and he couldn't help raising his hand to press Hold the profile.

"In any case, anyone who trespasses in the pure world is a sinner in the fairy world." The woman pointed a finger, and all five fingers stretched out a snow-white blade. He is a sinner in the human world, and has nothing to do with my fairy world, but he happened to bump into him..."

"I don't want to trespass on any part of the fairy world." Mie Canglan paused, and walked towards the woman's sharp five fingers, directly pressing her chest against the sharpest part of the edge, making the woman slightly He raised his head and parted his vermilion lips, although his face showed surprise but he didn't say a word, "I originally made a deal with someone and asked him to show me the way out of the fairy world, but they tricked me into breaking into the girl's place. the boundaries of..."

Mie Canglan leaned forward slightly, and the woman obviously felt that her fingertips had touched a piece of skin, but the smile on the young man's lips flashed like a hallucinatory camouflage, "If you want to ask a crime, don't you? Where should I go to the person who tricked me into coming here?"

"Who knows what you said..." The woman gritted her teeth lightly, then turned around and charged with electric shock, "Is it true or not!"

The woman's figure was unbelievably light, and such a fierce attack was made with a weak voice, flying silently like a butterfly.Mie Canglan dodged to dodge the arm she was hitting, and the five cold and sharp blades brushed against his face, and a section of jade arm was immediately controlled by his right hand.

The woman flew into the air, and Mie Canglan grabbed her wrist and held her there, but her eyes were suddenly overwhelmed by a trembling like fear, she stared at Mie Canglan's right hand and murmured, "Your hand..."

Mie Canglan glanced vigilantly outside the door, turned around and whispered in the woman's ear, "Girl, I really don't want to fight with you... What's wrong with you?"

The woman's face was pale, and she stared blankly at Mie Canglan's right hand without moving. Mie Canglan frowned and let go of her arm, and opened her palm thoughtfully to look at the magic eye spot on the palm.

"Ah..." The woman also saw it at a glance, and took a step back in surprise and lightly bumped into the corner of the tea table, "This ancient magic eye...the form of the ancient evil magic body!"

"Unexpectedly, the girl knows a lot about my kung fu." Mie Canglan looked away, but seeing the woman's eyes turbulent for a while, and her cold eyes sparkled with water, she felt even more strange, "Girl, you... ..."

"The prophecy of the catastrophe finally came true..." The woman closed her eyes, and two lines of tears rolled down her face like broken jade beads.

Mie Canglan couldn't see a woman weeping the most, even if the woman wanted to fight him just now, she comforted her with a slightly flustered boyish temper, "Girl, why did you suddenly..."

Seeing Mie Canglan's appearance, the woman squinted slightly, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled, "Are you a demon with a heart, or a youthful nature...that's all..."

As soon as she retracted her fingers, all five sharp blades were retracted, revealing a jade hand like ice and snow, "You can directly pierce through the barrier I placed on the door, you are considered a strange person... But you can't go out right now." , The Sanshengnv’s pure world is heavily guarded, and there are incarnation elves everywhere, I don’t want you to be discovered, but you will be accused of harboring me instead.”

"But the girl won't let me go out, isn't she just trying to hide me here?" Mie Canglan also narrowed her red pupils, but the pain on her right face was unbearable, she stumbled and took a step back, "Girl...can you Do me a favor first?"

"Didn't I help one just now?" The woman snorted coldly, but there was a strange softness in her words, "What is your right cheek..."

"Injured by the underworld, there is still a remnant of corrosive energy inside..." Mie Canglan swept around, and saw the appearance of a fragrant boudoir under the moonlight, all of which were quaint furnishings, and sighed, "Do you have any medicinal materials, Miss, that can heal my right cheek?"

"Hmm..." The woman rolled her eyes, looked sideways at the wall behind her and said, "Such a beautiful face, it would be unbearable to ruin half of it... You retreat to the wall, and don't let the elves outside find you."

Mie Canglan glanced at the shadow behind him, nodded and retreated into it.And the woman walked up to that wall, raised her hand to stroke it gently, and saw a shadow collapsed in, gradually revealing a circular hollow.

"Why would I help him..." The woman raised her moist eyes, and probed for something in the hollow, her tone sounded like the desolate sadness of an only daughter waiting for her lover.

"I don't know girl..." Mie Canglan lowered her voice, but the cold voice still hit the woman's heart deeply like a morning bell, "Is it He Fangming?"

The woman stopped moving, and the distance between Mie Canglan and Mie Canglan was more than ten steps away, but it was like a gap between the ends of the earth. It took a long time before she said slowly, "I am the 'Heaven' saint of the three saints of the pure world. Glazed Profound Butterfly."

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