city ​​super soldier

Chapter 107 I Was Counted

When night fell, sisters Lin Haotian, Cai Yu, Wang Ruoxi, and Wang Ruoying came to Ma Lingling's home.Ma Lingling wore an apron to open the door. At this moment, she no longer had the majesty of the past, but was like a little girl, with a smile that easily made people feel close.He warmly greeted several people into the living room.

"Sit down for a while, and there is a soup, it will be ready soon."

"Do you need help?" Wang Ruoying asked excitedly.

"No, no. You are a guest, how can I ask you to help?" Ma Lingling said with a smile.

"It's okay, I often cook by myself at home."


"Just another soup. Next time!" Ma Lingling hurried back to the kitchen.

The simple conversation between the two made Lin Haotian feel like he was sitting on pins and needles! , he clearly remembered that Ma Lingling never went to the kitchen before, and now Wang Ruoying wanted to join in the fun, wondering if the food she made would eat the dead

The thing that broke him the most was that Wang Ruoying actually said that she often cooks. Don't take this as a joke. Why has she ever been in the kitchen?Why don't you know?

Not getting a chance to show off her cooking skills, Wang Ruoxi seemed a little disappointed, which made her feel a little frustrated in front of Ma Lingling.At this moment, Lin Haotian didn't know that Ma Lingling's sudden appearance made Wang Ruoying cautious.

Cai Yu, who was sitting next to Lin Haotian, secretly pulled Lin Haotian's arm, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Hao, you don't really know Miss Lingling, do you?"

Lin Haotian suddenly felt that the sky was dark, how could this little girl guess that he and Ma Lingling knew each other?At this moment, he was already thinking in his heart whether to run away or not.If something unexpected happens later, I guess I can't die anymore.

"Why do I feel that you are the mysterious boyfriend Ma Lingling is talking about?" Wang Ruoying suddenly remembered something, turned her head to look at Lin Haotian, and asked with a serious face.

Wang Ruoxi also felt that something was wrong, the two got up and walked in front of Lin Haotian, they couldn't help looking at Lin Haotian with weird eyes.

Of course Lin Haotian knew that the boyfriend Ma Lingling was talking about was himself, but he didn't expect this girl to suddenly come up with such a trick.

"I also think that the mysterious boyfriend Miss Lingling is talking about is you?" Wang Ruoxi put her hands on her hips and looked at Lin Haotian suspiciously. She couldn't be more clear about who this cheap brother-in-law is.

Lin Haotian looked into the eyes of the two women, and said calmly: "How could it be me? That man dares not see anyone. He must be very wretched. How could it be me? Although I have never seen it, I still can't see it." To cover up his obscenity."


"Indecent? Wretched? Why do I feel that you are talking about yourself?" Wang Ruoying gave Lin Haotian a contemptuous look.

"Don't make things difficult for Bodyguard Lin, let me explain to you. The food is ready and ready to serve!" Just when Lin Haotian was at a loss for words, Ma Lingling came out with the food and a bottle of red wine. Lin Haotian touched There was cold sweat all over his face, damn it, he finally escaped the catastrophe, and hurriedly dragged Cai Yu to the dining table.It seems that this girl has already designed it

A few people gathered in front of the dining table, and there were ten dishes on the dining table, which were very delicious just by looking at them, which surprised Lin Haotian, when did this girl become so good at cooking?If you guessed right, these dishes must have been ordered in the hotel, otherwise she would never have rejected the cheap wife's request for help so resolutely.

Ma Lingling greeted warmly: "Try it quickly, I don't usually cook, I don't know how it tastes?"

In fact, Wang Ruoying and Wang Ruoxi lost most of their interest in eating after seeing the photos hanging in the hall just now.Now their minds are entirely on the pictures on the wall.

Ma Lingling put down the red wine in her hand, looked at Lin Haotian, and said with a wry smile: "Actually, my mysterious boyfriend is not Lin's bodyguard, but my childhood sweetheart Fa Xiao. sacrificed."

With Ma Lingling's explanation, all the doubts were solved with one sentence.Wang Ruoxi suddenly realized at this moment, it turned out to be like this.It seems that the reason Ma Lingling treats Lin Haotian differently is entirely because Lin Haotian looks like her brother.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Lingling performed her extraordinary acting skills, telling a touching story, which led to the tears of two very sympathetic women.

The story made up by Ma Lingling made Lin Haotian believe it was true. Why didn't he realize that this girl has such great acting skills before?

It's just that he is sitting on pins and needles at this moment, the two girls throw him a hygienic eye from time to time, Lin Haotian has the urge to scold the street at this moment, and he is very depressed, what does this have to do with me!

Wang Ruoying was upset, why is this guy so unsympathetic!People were feeling the sad atmosphere, but he was fine, eating and drinking as if nothing happened.

A touching false story made the relationship between the girls a lot easier in an instant.In the process of telling the story, a bottle of red wine was also completely drunk by the girls.

Even though he was stared at, Lin Haotian felt that it was better for him not to participate in this kind of topic, otherwise it would be easy to get into trouble, so he still lowered his head and ate it fiercely.

But at this moment, he felt something strange coming from his thigh.It starts slowly from the calf and has moved to the root of the thigh.Provocative, this is definitely a naked provocation.

Lin Haotian raised his head and glanced at the girls. The one who dared to do this must be Ma Lingling.This girl was chatting with Wang Ruoying vividly while teasing Lin Haotian, with a sly look in her eyes inadvertently.

It has to be said that this kind of teasing is definitely a fatal injury to a man.You must know that the wife and sister-in-law are still at the same dinner table, what will happen if they are found by the two of them inadvertently.

Lin Haotian endured it again and again, but under the constant teasing by Ma Lingling's tender feet, Lin Haotian still reacted unapologetically.

How can a man tolerate this happening?Lin Haotian decided to fight back, and quietly stretched out one hand under the table, ready to grab the person who caused the accident.It's a pity that it came to nothing.

Ma Lingling had been prepared for a long time, and quickly stretched her jade feet back, and at the same time cast a smug look at Lin Haotian.It is a very fulfilling thing for Ma Lingling to let Lin Haotian take the initiative to fight back.

Lin Haotian was immediately depressed, the other party understood him too much, and there was really nothing he could do about her for a while.You can't use your feet to harass the other party, can you?Besides, the cheap wife is sitting next to her, so it's easy to reveal her secrets.

At this moment, Lin Haotian felt another feeling between his legs, this girl, if the tiger doesn't show its power, does she really think of herself as a sick cat?This time Lin Haotian was well prepared, and quickly grabbed the opponent's jade feet with his hands

Delicate skin and smooth feet, although just grasping the jade feet is enough to judge the beauty of the entire feet.In view of the other party's performance just now, Lin Haotian smirked. If he doesn't teach this girl a lesson, then she won't be turned upside down in the future?

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