city ​​super soldier

Chapter 108 Three Women and One Drama

Lin Haotian stretched out a hand to caress the other's jade feet back and forth, the latter trembled involuntarily, Lin Haotian had a playful smile on his face, he didn't expect this girl's feet to be so sensitive.She just touched it, and her reaction was so big.If there is a little more, I don't know if this girl can bear it?

Although Lin Haotian doesn't have a foot fetish, the feeling of the opponent's little feet in his hands is so satisfying that he can't help but let go. He originally wanted to teach the opponent a lesson, but now he enjoys it.

The other party struggled a few times, but Lin Haotian's strength was too great, so he had to give up the struggle in the end.The corners of Lin Haotian's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a charming evil smile. He glanced at Ma Lingling, and was able to chat with Wang Ruoying calmly. This girl's endurance is pretty good!

Lin Haotian looked at Wang Ruoying suspiciously, and couldn't help being surprised, Yingying's wife doesn't seem to drink much, why is she blushing like a monkey's butt?What puzzled him was why this girl gave him such a hard look?Looks like you didn't do anything, right?

What the ancients said is indeed true, a woman's heart is pierced, Lin Haotian still hasn't understood what he did wrong?This girl looked as if she wanted to cut herself into pieces.

"Sister Lingling, do you have any wine left? Can I have another bottle?" Wang Ruoying asked with a smile. For some reason, her voice trembled when she spoke.It seems to be deliberately enduring something.

"Yes! Seeing your blushing face, I thought you were drunk, so I didn't dare to take it. You wait, I'll get it right away. Today we won't go home if we're not drunk." Ma Lingling got up to get the wine up.

Lin Haotian looked at Ma Lingling who got up and left, and was immediately dumbfounded?Could it be.......

"Hmph, do you want to touch it for a while?" Seeing Ma Lingling's disappearing back, Wang Ruoying quickly turned her head and gave Lin Haotian a hard look, and said coquettishly.

"Ahem, misunderstood, you also know that my nickname is honest and reliable Xiao Langjun, how could I do such an obscene thing, well, let's touch it for a while." Lin Haotian looked like a gentleman at the moment, he didn't even dream Thinking that the jade feet he had been stroking just now belonged to a girl like Wang Ruoying.I thought to myself, "Did she find something?"

"Bah, let go quickly, or you will be favored." Wang Ruoying wrinkled Qiong Yao's nose and threatened.This guy is too rascal, I obviously want to kick him to make him pay attention to the atmosphere.Everyone was sad there, but he was eating and drinking heartlessly there.Unexpectedly, if the reminder failed, the other party would actually grab his feet, not to mention being taken advantage of in vain, and even make himself very dissolute, if this spreads out, will he have the face to face others in the future?

"Ahem, let it go." Lin Haotian let go of Wang Ruoying's jade feet with a look of reluctance. He reckoned that if he dared not let go, with this girl's character, she might be able to treat him without going back to the villa. Go crazy.

Wang Ruoxi, who was sitting by the side, gave Lin Haotian a hard look. This big pervert actually took advantage of everyone's inattention to touch his sister. Hmph, we must find a chance to deal with him severely.

Ma Lingling opened a bottle of red wine again, and Wang Ruoying, who had already drunk almost, could only bite the bullet and continue drinking.Who asked just to get rid of the big hooligans and said that he still drank.

As the saying goes, there are three women in one drama, and Lin Haotian hugged Cai Yu, who was already drunk and unconscious, and walked to the sofa in the living room, turned on the TV, and watched the soap opera boringly.

I don't know if it was because of drinking too much, but the voices of the three women chatting became louder and louder, and the topics they talked about became more diverse and covered a wide range.

After a while, Ma Lingling suddenly asked Wang Ruoying: "Yingying, actually I have a request that I'm too embarrassed to ask, can I tell you?"

Because Ma Lingling's tragic story is so touching, the Wang sisters also became close to Ma Lingling a lot.Is it a bad woman to still miss a dead boyfriend?

"Sister Lingling, tell me!"

"Can you introduce Bodyguard Lin to me? I want to have a try with him, okay?" Ma Lingling put on a very pitiful look.


Wang Ruoying was immediately dumbfounded. He never dreamed that this former Chinese female agent and current bar owner, Jinhua from Jiangbei City, would fall in love with a little-known little bodyguard. If this spread, how many rich boys and girls would be attracted to her? crazy?

But, hearing the other party's words, Wang Ruoying's heart was pulled hard, why did she feel heartache?Could it be because this ruffian-like man in front of him took away his first time?

Wang Ruoying thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't figure it out. Why did she ask herself who Ma Lingling would like to be her boyfriend?Logically speaking, she and Lin Haotian are just superiors and subordinates, who the other party associates with seems to be none of my business, right?

But think about it differently, this bastard is his legitimate husband after all, how can he let other women hook up casually?

Lin Haotian, who was sitting on the sofa, pricked up his ears. He didn't expect Ma Lingling to start attacking through drunkenness. Wouldn't the cheap wife let herself out?

Wang Ruoying was only a little surprised, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid it won't work."

"Why? Could it be that he is sister Ruoxi's boyfriend?" Ma Lingling looked at Wang Ruoxi suspiciously, and the latter hurriedly shook her head, joking, how could she like this big pervert.

"Then can you give me a reason?" Ma Lingling asked eagerly.

Seeing that the momentum was not right, Lin Haotian quickly stood up and said, "Hey, what do you think of me? It seems that I am not your personal property, right?"

"Actually, my husband." Wang Ruoying gritted her teeth lightly, as if she had made up her mind.

"Ah! Lin's bodyguard is actually your husband?" Ma Lingling's surprised eyes flashed a sly look, she subconsciously covered Cherry's mouth with her hand, and said with a smile: "Hehe, did you trick me out? He also said that you are okay, if you are okay, he would still be so nervous. Don't be nervous, I was just joking with you. "

"It doesn't matter. You also know my identity, some things cannot be exposed." Wang Ruoying glanced at the surprised Lin Haotian while speaking.My heart is full of pride, hum, I want to hook up with other women, but there is no way.

Although Ma Lingling said it was a joke, Wang Ruoying cared about it very much. After all, the man in front of her was the one who took away her most precious thing. No matter what, she couldn't let him fall into the arms of other women.

Lin Haotian who was ignored could only continue to watch the soap opera depressed.

At the end of the meal, the four women were all drunk.After finishing the second bottle, I drank another bottle.Among them, Wang Ruoying was the most ridiculously drunk, and she stuttered when she spoke.

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